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27.5% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 20: World Of Heroes And Villains: Part 7

Chapitre 20: World Of Heroes And Villains: Part 7

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~


"If you want to acomplish something, you must be prepared to dirty your hands"


"Remember when your mother taught you not to judge people by their appearance?" The second user speaks and I nod. "Forget about it. Although is not a failproof rule, you can guess someone's abilities with just one look... Especially if you have several quirks that allow you to get information." He says.

This is true, especially here in BNHA, where appearence changes drastically to adapt to the quirks. It's not so much in Marvel, but if I can look beyond the normal sight of a human, like infra-red vision and others, I might have an advantage... Theoretically if someone notices Magneto affecting the electromagnetic fields around him, they can guess that his power has something to do with magnetism. Even if this someone never met Magneto before.

The first thing I should do when I meet someone is use my powers of observation to get information. Even if I know the person... Could be some shapeshifter, illusion or whatever...

"You also need to improve your fighting style" En-san talks

"Whats wrong? I know all man-made martial arts…" I ask intrigued, while jabbing 15 times at different opponents. Precisely on their chins.

And it's Shimura-san who answers me.

"Sometimes fighting styles can restrict you… if you get too attached to them. For example, you can fly. There is no martial art that includes flying in its movements. You and I can fight a three-dimensional aerial battle... It's an incredible advantage against someone who can't fly. No need to have a stance into the ground, leverage in any direction... If you stick to normal martial arts, you're limiting your potential..." she says.

"And you can change your body too much to be grounded by conventional martial arts..." En-san adds.

"THAT'S WHY YOU NEED IS TO CREATE YOUR OWN STYLE!!!" Banjo-san speaks animatedly intruding on the conversation.

"Creating my own style... Sounds difficult..." I say as I dodge a guy who releases some kind of liquid through his mouth. It seems to be just glue.. But I will not leave anything secreted by an enemy and touch.

"Not really" the second holder says "You already started creating unconsciously." This surprises me.

"I did?" I ask.

"Yeah. We noticed that your fighting style tends more towards 'counter one-hit kill'. You watch the opponent, and when he attacks you, you fight back with the aim of being over in an instant, with no second chances." Shinomori-san speaks.

It seems to be true. I notice when a person throws several spheres towards me that have been ejected from the fingertips. They look like bombs, so I swing my arm to send the orbs back at the attacker, they explode almost on top of him, and I take advantage and land a good punch through the smoke.

Um... I have a huge choice of powers. So I really must have a power for every situation. Like Batman utility belt. And inflicting the most amount of damage at the start of the fight is a huge advantage...

My fighting style, huh... I start trying to visualize something. And I resolve to train Observation haki while I contemplate.

The situation stays like this for about ten minutes, until one of the holders asks me.

"Why did you stop fighting back? I imagine you want to train, but wouldn't it be better to lower the numbers even further, before you start training? There are at least 10 thousands surrounding you, the rest seem to be focused and preventing Gigantomachia from advancing towards the Tower." Shinomori-san asks me.

"I feel like I'm getting close to an advanced form of one of my powers..." I replied absently as I dodged projectiles coming in various directions. Now I can use all forms of Haki, but I still can't use advanced forms like seeing the future.

I feel like the new experience of a One man vs. Army fight is giving me a good progression on my cards percentages. As I fight I try to spread my awareness throughout the battlefield with Haki and the Force.

I can feel each of these guys, in the streets, in the houses, in the air and hiding in the sewers. I can feel a little of their emotions, intentions and with that read the flow of battle. And see if I can learn something from them. Have some reference to my future fighting style.

But I know there things I can't force... Sometimes you have to go at your own pace... huh...

Oh, I understand.

Stopping thinking... Clearing my mind... My fighting style... my body... My rhythm... My...


3rd Person P.O.V.

When Hector had his little epiphany something strange happened.

Hector is a smart person, so he thinks about things a lot, he considers it a good thing. But sometimes it can become a detriment to him in certain ways.

That is when Hector closes his mind to just what he has at hand.

With his assimililation of cards Hector has the potential to use all of the character's abilities. And he will eventually complete it, even if he is lazy and does nothing.

But when Hector wants to speed up the process, he tries to train the cards' abilities, powers, and other attributes. So he tries to do similar training to the characters, or what he's seen in the fictional works of the respective world of the characters. He even tried eating more doughnuts to see if it would speed up the Katakuri assimilation.

While this thought helped him to have a satisfying steady growth, it also restricted him. After all, Hector is Hector. Perhaps he has a much better method of progressing, and his vision focused only on what he knows now prevents him from finding out other means, maybe even better means.

At the moment, Hector is getting carried away by all the feedback of his powers of spiritual origins. The Force and Haki. He is feeling everything around him and bathing himself in the sensations.

Sometimes you can't force something. You have to wait for the right moment, When all pieces fall in place and things just... Click. Now he is in a state where he is growing by leaps and bounds. If he were fully conscious he would call this state "Wuxia/xianxia good fortune bullshit".

The percentage of Katakuri's and Starkiller's cards since he started doing this has already increased by 15% each.

He even unlocked a special ability from Observation haki, to "see" other people's emotions. Katakuri does not have this ability. In the world of One Piece, Admiral Fujitora is the only one who uses this power a lot. But Hector was able to unlock it because he was given the potential to use Haki from Katakuri, nothing stops him from going beyond what Katakuri could do. But that will be uncharted territory. He would have to rely on his own good luck and effort.

This unexpected growth is due to the combination of Force. The Force helps the user be much more sensitive to living beings and the world around them, so the Force is kind of piggybacking Hector's Haki, making it grow.


Hector Inner World

"Is he in the Zone or something like that?" Banjo-san asks upon seeing the state Hector is in.

Unblinking eyes, he's dodging every attack by a strand of hair, getting into unnatural stances and fighting back from even more impossible and strange positions. There's no Martial Art in what Hector is doing.

"I guess so. He seems to be letting his body move by itself, using [Danger Sense] to predict attacks..." Shinomori-san says.

"[Danger Sense]? It seems more like predicting the future..." En-san says as he watches Hector create a pillar of ice towards a house, apparently a wasted action. Only for a guy to go out the window of the house, and with his own momentum to be impaled by the ice.

Or seeing him throw a fireball in an empty direction, but the next moment one of the goons of Meta Liberation Army create a large amount of ice. The fire he released exploded on the ice generating a lot of fog, making it impossible for enemies to see. Giving Hector the advantage of taking out a lot of opponents.

But it seems that everything has to come to an end.

When Hector is being surrounded, he just stops.

Seeing a few seconds in the future, he knows he has no escape route, although the next attack by the Meta Liberation Army won't hurt him, but his body chooses to stay still....


The people surrounding him exploded as he threatened to take a step. A feint that he uses.

It didn't hurt Hector, but it took away his concentration. Taking him out of the state of spiritual growth he was in...

"My, My~ You really are strong and so mysterious… What are your motivations for becoming so strong? I got nothing on you. Did you have a bad childhood? Feel powerless and Helpless in the past? Please, give me a interview! I will immortalize your story so it will be told until the end of times!" A woman with blue skin talks excitedly.

This Woman is Kizuki Chitose, codename: Curious. She is one of the leading members of Meta Liberation Army. She likes to do face-to-face interview with people, because of that she is exposing herself so much to the point of being a few meters away from the Villain Dis. Even knowing that she have no chance in a direct confrontation.

She plans to let her quirk her [Landmine], to protect her by keeping Dis away from her. Things won't go in the way she expects...

"Can you answer me? We have a tight schedule.." She starts to speak, but realizes she's falling.

Not all of her. Just her head. She and her entire squad have already been killed by Dis, but before her head hits the ground or she dies. Dis holds her head and brings it to eye level, while quickly removing her quirk.

"Fucking Thot, you messed up my grinding." Dis say gritting his teeth before smashing her skull in the concrete.


Hector P.O.V.

Fuck. Such good opportunity. Trying to get back to the state I am previously seems to be futile... Just like trying to get back to the dream you were having before you were forcibly awakened. Tch. The Force and Haki tuning themselves, helping each other grow. When will that happen again??

Well... at least that opened a new door of opportunity. I have to test in the future.

But now I'm going to take care of these guys, my mood is bad right now.

Taking a quick look at the battlefield, I assess the situation.

Machia is buried in ice, or trying to be buried. He just keeps moving forward. And the people of the Meta Liberation Army are throwing themselves at him like moth to a flame. Kamikaze-like strategy...

Hmm... That guy who can boost crowd morale seems to be there, urging people to do whatever it takes to stop the avance of Machia. Geten is also there apparently, in someplace close to that ice. I just killed Curious, so Skeptic and Re-destro must be in the tower.

Time to end this.

"DOOFENSMISHMIRTZ-AFTER-A-BREAK-UP!!! Don't let your men do all the dirty work!! Come play too!" I scream towards the tower and use force.

My Cheap-Ultra-Instinct state brought me more or less close to the tower. About 3KM, so I throw my hand towards the tower and pull. Force Pull.

My assimilation with Starkiler is satisfactory enough. If he can pull down a Star Destroyer from the sky, I can pull a tower from some miles away.

Nobody expected what I did. The Tower is uprooted and starts flying in my overall direction.

"Machia! To me!" I give the order and Machia changes direction towards me, easily getting rid of the ice and all the ants that try to slow him down.


The tower falls to the ground about 20 meters away from me. I think I could pull more, but here's enough.

"You didn't die, right? You're the low budget version of Hulk in this world, you couldn't have died that easily…" I say to the debris of the building and the silence of the battlefield.

Then I hear something moving below ground and Re-Destro emerges, much larger than usual and protecting Sketch in his arms. A large part of his face is already darkened, proving he's already pretty pissed off. So I do the sensible thing and ask to be sure, like a little brother...

"You're mad? Do not get angry. Sorry? Duct Tape, glue and spit can solve this." I say gesturing around me. To all the desctruction and dead bodies. The dark spot on his face grows even bigger.

I let a few minutes go by. Machia approaches to stand beside me, while his army gathers on the opposite side.

"I'll give you one last chance... Let me remove the quirks from your strongest and I'll be gone." I say making one last offer. Looking at the previous battle I see that many quirks have similar effects or are downgrades version of some that I already have.

I just plan on picking up some elemental powers, some weird ones, and that's it. Aside from the executives, I've only seen a guy who uses electricity and one who makes plants grow interestingly.

I never planned on collecting al of their 100,000 quirks. I don't even know if my body can take it... for now. In the future yes, I know I won't have a problem even if I have trillions of powers, my secondary mutation and my growth assimilating characters will make sure of this.

But I would need some time. Something I don't have. I need to dedicate myself to my main project, less than two weeks until my time here ends, and I'm still halfway through.

"Take our quirks is the same of taking our lives, or reason of being, or opportunity of growth... I will never subject anyone of the Meta Liberation Army to this." Re-destro says. Self-righteous bullshit I say... He just doesn't want to have his quirk stolen.

"Very well, just know that everything that happens from now on is in your hands as much as they are in mine." I say getting ready.

They on the other side get ready too. His mini mecha-like suit comes flying in Re-destro Direction. And Trumpet, the guy with a quirk to hype people starts speaking.


"NOO!" Everyone screams




That's a good quirk, I notice they're getting slightly stronger. Even the guys I knocked out earlier with my Haoushoku no Haki are waking up.

"Very good, this quirk of yours will be very usefull." I say. "But without using the power of union or friendship, please?" I say disappearing.

And reappearing right above Trumpet I say "You guys are the bad guys, these things don't work that way, you know~" And I just grab him by the head to steal his quirk.

My powers alert me to the large amount of ice and the big fist coming towards me.


"Surprise? I was going easy before, so you guys couldn't react to my speed, right? People are so easily fooled..." I say already in my previous position next to Machia and holding Trumpet by the hair.

"Will the quirk remain in effect even if he becomes unconscious or dies? Are you all still in the hype? Or did morale drop after seeing the big difference in power?" I say taking a step forward, and many taking a step back.

"You all look scared… and shocked that you're losing. Have you never been in losing end? Did you never think that everything could be stolen from you?" I say as I start to float, after having tossed Trumpet's body aside.

"I see… You guys hide your weakness in numbers. You guys are really pathetic. Machia, destroy the ants, but let the slightly bigger ants to me." I say looking at Re-destro and Geten.


Machia says and clasps his hand loudly in the Direction of the army.

The shockwave hits the army make many strumble, after this Machia goes berserk with them.

"Now, it's our turn" I say before closing my distance with my dance partners.


A few kilometers away from Deika city

"... You won't believe the images the satellites are capturing." A policeman speaks alongside Tsukauchi on the convoy that transports the main heroes to Deika.

The situation in Deika City is shocking to say the least. At least a third of all of Japan's heroes were gathered, along with the Police Force and the support of America's Heroes.

Principal Nezu watches the images on the monitor and speaks. "It looks like the situation is at its peak there. That gives us two options... We can either step in the moment we arrives, or take a page out of Dis's book and wait for both sides to tire each other out."

After saying that, he looks around at the people around him. Star and Stripe, EraserHead, Captain Celebrity, Endeavor, Edgeshot, Crust and many others.

"The answer is obvious. Will not hesitate, let's move forward and stop this destruction as quickly as possible. "Star and Stripe talks from your seat.

Nezu smile with this. That's how heroes are, they don't always take the easy way out.

But after a few minutes, after they arrive in Deika, they are met with a catastrophe.

Floating in the air, over a mountain of debris and bodies, some people alive but unconscious. There is Dis and a Giant man on the floor next to him.

Dis had already won.

"Oh… You really came. I thought about doing a battle royale or something, but these guys were weaker than I thought." Dis speaks after seeing that they had already arrived. His voice traveling far, to the corner of the city where the heroes were.

"Well, let's begin this final battle... I have things to do."


Hector P.O.V.

I can feel the various presences of the heroes approaching, long before they can be seen. It came a lot of them, but not as much as in the manga... Looks like they didn't have time to do a bigger operation.

But watching that they actually came up with so many Top Heroes shows that they really are desperate for a clue of myself. I kind of disappeared for them since the night on Kamino.

I don't see Aizawa... He must be hiding somewhere to erase my powers. Leading the way are Endeavor, Crust, Present Mic, Gang Orca and the lion hero Shishido.

Bubbles begin to appear and take out the injured members of the Meta Liberation Army. That hero Wash is here too, huh? Not everyone will join the battlefront apparently. I turn to Endeavor...

"Number 1... You are ready for the battle that will decide the fate of Japan. This time I will take your quirk." I say.

"Dis!" he says gritting his teeth "I'll make you give back Shoto's quirk."

"Right. I'll give it back anyway..." I say nonchalantly.

"Wha-" he starts, but I cut him off.

"Forget what I said for now.. Let's fight! Machia, get out of town and just watch." I command while looking intently at the other group.

I feel something is off, there's no way they could be stupid enough to think they can defeat me with just these heroes. Even though they are hiding Eraserhead for now.. I have the Strongest Hero and the Strongest Villain powers.

Are they planting a bomb? But I called they here just for prevent that. With so many people they can't use weapons of mass destruction. Do they want to buy time to rescue civilians and then nuke me? Maybe they have backup?

I'll leave Machia out for now, in case of unforeseen circumstances.


3rd Person P.O.V.

As Gigantomachia moves to the edge of town, Dis and the group of heroes continue to look at each other. The two groups ignore the efforts of the support heroes and the police force to save and arrest the people of the Meta Liberation Army.


Out of nowhere Dis activated a barrier around himself. This barrier is the quirk of one of the Eight Precepts of Death, Overhaul's subordinates. Looking at his back he sees that a line collided with the barrier, but after being repelled the line unfolded in the form of a hero.

"A sneak attack, huh? Very ninja, Edgeshot. Dis speaks looking at the hero. He reaches out and prepares to launch an Air Cannon in Edgeshot's direction.

But as he raises his arm he changes direction and points over his shoulder. To a Endeavor rapidly approaching from behind.

"Flashfire Fist!"

But the Air Cannon clashes with Endeavor attack sending shockwave that moves Endeavor several meters back, but before he goes too far, the Hero Crust creates shields on its arms and stops Endeavor from be sent to out of the battlefield.

"I thought you had already suffered this attack, Endeavor. Are you getting old? Or did I hit you too hard on the head last time?" Dis provokes and to add salt from the wound he puts his right hand on the ground and creates an iceberg towards Endeavor and Crust.

Endeavor obviously melts the ice before it gets there. But Dis doesn't stop generating ice. And Endeavor can't stop now either.

After a while Dis replaces the ice with blue flames, the abrupt change of attack causes Endeavor to suffer a direct hit.

"Are you overheating Endeavor?" Hector asks as he continues to send flames. "Let me cool you down then" He says, and Endeavor prepares for another ice attack, but he doesn't see Hector launching any attacks. Until he feels a sharp pain in the left side of his back.

Looking back he sees an ice spear stuck two palms above his hip.

"How?!" he asks as he heats up his body to make the spear melt.

"Missinformation can be dangerous, Endeavor. You think I can only generate ice because I stole your son's quirk. But I just acquired a quirk that can 'control' ice. And for that you received such nasty attack." Dis says as he floats high in the air. Out of reach of most Heroes.

But Endeavor obviously didn't give up. He and other long range Heroes launch a joint attack against Hector who are still in the air.


Hector just reaches forward and uses an Air Cannon to fend off the attacks. The explosion of the clash makes his mantle flap in the wind.

"Eh?" Dis exclaims as he slowly begins to fall head first to the ground.

His [Float] quirk was forcibly disabled. Dis looks around calmly and sees the hero Eraserhead on top of a building along with several heroes that can support him.

"I see… The place I'm in has good visibility all the way to the ground. And that last attack was to blow off my hood and reveal my face." Dis mutters "I shouldn't have fought directly the attacks, just dodged." Dis continues muttering quietly, he doesn't feels he's in danger, even though he can't use his quirks.

A sound of sharp wind approaches Hector, and his Observation Haki shows that Captain Celebrity will arrive and try to pull more of his cloak while trying to punching him.

"Um…reinforcements. But you all really are uninformed." Dis says before taking a spin in the air. Covering his entire body with his mantle, causing Eraserhead's [Erasure] quirk to lose its effect.

Captain Celebrity rushes to attack Dis, but finds only an empty mantle.


Dis already appears behind Eraserhead, with his hand outstretched to touch his head;

"With your quirk, things will be a lot easier..." Dis speaks just a centimeter away... But at that moment a hand coming from a place right next to Hector grabs his arm.

"If the villain ★Dis★ moves, his brain will stop receiving oxygen". Star and Stripe says after revealing herself right on Dis side. With a big smile on her face she continues. "★Star and Strip★ is invisible to all senses, is a neat order, right?" She says to the wide-eyed Hector.


A.N.: I'm Back

I will not write a huge note because will have another chapter today.

Wait for it.

EvansKannon EvansKannon

Nothing to add here.

Thanks to reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to made the history better to everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

next chapter
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