When the men in black saw that their strength had doubled fighting together, they realised that either side could get seriously injured. Hence one of the men in black raised his hand and signalled them to retreat. He glared at Duan Ye and Song Ming: "You're asking for trouble, let's go!"
Asking for trouble? A look of confusion flashed across Duan Ye's baby face. What did he mean? While he was still pondering, he heard Song Ming's voice .
"You can't defeat us so you run? I dare you not to run away!"
"Enough, let's go back!" Duan Ye said as he placed his sword back and started to walk away without even looking at the two women once.
"Ladies, we are staying up ahead, why don't you come back with us? We have a little tent where you can rest. It's still dark, it's not safe for you to stay out here."
"Song Ming!" Duan Ye glared at him: "Don't invite people we know nothing about back to our camp!"
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