"Where have you been?!" Madam Alice round on Islinda as soon as she came into the house. Not that Islinda did not see it coming, which was why she quickly pushed Eli behind her so he would not see the scene.
Madam Alice was so furious that she didn't notice the young boy until Remy said, "Who is this boy and where did you pick him from?"
The disgust in her tone and the way she looked down at Eli as if he was mere dirt made anger course through Islinda. Eli wore simple clothing of a shirt and trousers, but the addition of her thick and longer coat stunted his height and was off-color, hence making him look a bit haggard.
Even at that, one could never mistake the boy for a beggar because Eli looked healthy and fine with his chubby cheeks. The beggars Islinda knew from their village were malnourished and sickly thin; you could see the outline of their ribs. If there was a beggar here, it would be her family because they would have been out begging for food in this cold winter if it wasn't for her.
"No," Remy continued, "The question should be, what is he doing here?" Her eyes shone with malice. Now that they had food to eat, she had little respect nor regard for Islinda anymore.
Tightening her grip on Eli so no one rips him away from her, Islinda told them, "I'm sorry for not giving any prior notice but something came up and he has no choice but to stay here for the night."
"Really? Is that so?" Remy took over the interrogation from her mother and Madam Alice did not seem fazed by the move, if anything she looked proud of her daughter.
"So because you provide mere food for us…" She began to poke her hard on the chest continuously and Islinda had no choice but to back away slowly, pulling Eli with her, "You think that you are now the leader of this family and can make decisions without our consent."
"No, it's not that," She croaked, turning back to check on Eli and making sure he wasn't hurt having walked into a dead end.
"What is it then, Islinda? Talk to me or have the local mice bitten your tongue off? Is that it? You seemed so confident bringing a strange child here, why won't you defend your action?"
Her hands shook and Islinda didn't even realize that she was holding onto Eli for mental support, her knuckles white. She was very angry, but couldn't let it out. As strong as Islinda was, she couldn't fight off three crazy women who fought dirty. Moreover, she feared Madam Alice kicking her out and they knew that and took advantage of it.
Islinda had a secret saving for years, however, it was not yet enough to buy a small cottage she could live in, she needed more coins. If Madam Alice were to kick her out, she would have to spend them on inns and that would delay her great plan. But if she could endure the maltreatment for two more years, she would have enough to leave this village and go start a life somewhere.
Also, Madam Alice would not kick her out easily knowing she would come running to her when their food runs out. They were too lazy to work. Islinda had to take tonight's abuse and in return, the boy stays.
"It's the Village chief. The boy is missing and I have to accommodate him till his parents are contacted since I found him." She lied using the chief's name, hoping they would respect him at least and leave the boy alone.
But Islinda has lived with these people for years and should have known better. A slap landed on her cheek and her head cranked to the side from the impact so fast that she pinched a nerve in her neck and groaned in pain.
While the scene was startling, what was more shocking was the tendrils of darkness that emerged from Eli's hand and he took a step instinctively, ready to attack, only to catch himself at the last minute, as if breaking from a spell. No one saw it and he quickly composed himself, choosing to take up the role of his current identity.
Remy would have hit Islinda again if it wasn't for the fact that the child by her side began to cry.
"Seriously!" She hissed, irritated by the boy's tears, and took a hostile step towards Eli but Islinda moved and put herself between them with her arms stretched wide
"Just let him be. He would not bother any of you and would stay with me instead. I would take care of his feeding as well and you don't even need to do anything. He's a quiet kid, you would barely even notice his presence." She begged her.
However, Remy was not touched by her plea, if anything she viewed her words as a nuisance to her ears and to make it worse the boy was crying at the top of his lungs. There was too much noise and she wanted to shut him up. Hence, she tried to get to Eli but Islinda stood her ground and wouldn't let her pass through. It was pure chaos.
"That's enough!" hollered Lillian who had been silent all this while. A tense silence fell upon them aside from Eli's sniffing. She glared at all of them, especially at her elder sister.
Lilian questioned her furiously, "Are you stupid or what?"
"What?" Remy was offended and stared at her in disbelief. She thought her dear sister would take her side.
"Do you want the whole village to gather right outside our cottage at this time of the night because of your foolishness? Can't you see a child is here?"
"Hey!" Remy was taller and took a menacing step towards her, towering over her with her plumb figure. "Say that again," She dared her.
"Lillian is right. Calm down, Remy." Madam Alice finally spoke up.
"But mom!" She whined like a baby.
"That's enough for tonight." Madam Alice said decisively and not even the hot-tempered Remy could go against her.
"This is not over!" Remy glared daggers at Islinda before heading into her room.
"Get out of my sight." Madam Alice dismissed her and notwithstanding the rudeness, Islinda was grateful Eli was staying the night.
Finally, the five bonus chapters done and dusted! To improve this book's position on the 6th anniversary ranking, you can gift it! Thank you so much!
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