"Attention! You're about to jump out of the stargate! You're about to jump out of the stargate!"
The notification of the spaceship's mainframe A.I. sounded in the control room. Everyone, including Chu Nan and Angie Prairie, heaved a sigh of relief.
However, the reason why the crew heaved a sigh of relief was different. Chu Nan and Angie Prairie relaxed at the same time.
When Supremacy Quediro stopped that Star-Grade Martial Artist, Chu Nan and Angie Prairie had already determined through the characteristics of the energy fluctuation that the Star-Grade Martial Artist was not Supremacy Mal who had almost killed them, but another person.
Therefore, the two of them were very worried. Since the Tag Life Science Chamber of Commerce could invite another Star-Grade Martial Artist to ambush here, Supremacy Mal might attack at the same time.
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