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67.34% Master's Secret / Chapter 33: Interruption

Chapitre 33: Interruption

Having talked to Sebastion even a little was a great stress relief. Although we never did get to talk about the giant elephant in the room. The giant elephant being our heritage. Something about the way he tip toed around the subject, always avoiding my gaze or changing topics told me he wasn't comfortable about talking yet. So for now I would let him be.

It wasnt normal for Sebastion to be so distant with me, and it was honestly frightening. We spent most of our lives close together, sharing the same space, sharing our thoughts, and now it seemed like he was so far away. His eyes, even though suffered, where once filled with light. Despite the hardships he was put through, he was normally full of light. But he was dimming, and as much as I wanted to lift his spirits I couldn't. Just like me, some battles he hd to fight alone.

I gave a long pitiful sigh, once again staring longingly down at the sea of people below. It had grown dark now. The city was lit up with various torches and lanterns, giving it a bright and cheerful aura. It really was breath taking. The sights, the smells, even the peope who dressed to the highest standards.

More and more everyday I grew envious of the creatures of habit. Every morning I would stare over the balcony and watch them mill around below. Chattering away, kids playing, screams of joy, laughter. It was everything I wanted. Not the pain that cobtinued to embed its self further into my beating heart. A heart I had all once forgotten had existed.

"Moping again I see." Drake mused as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. He planted a quick kiss on the top of my head, and I couldn't hide the smile. His tenderness was still something I was getting use to. I remembered I always longed foe the day I would have someone to care for me, never did I actually believe it would happen.

"What else can I do? My Assassins haven't shown up yet and if I dare step outside of this room, I risk exposing everything. Believe me, I am going nuts!" I said irritably as I turned in his arms. With a soft chuckle he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. My heart stirred and pounded heavily in my chest with that sound and I willed my wild beating heart to settle.

"As much as I do appreciate you staying holed up in here, you really shouldn't it's not healthy for dragons to stay still for so long. Let alone a blood dragon. Take Sebastion and explore tomorrow morning if you must. Seeing you mope is not something I am use to. Your feisty behavior is all but drowned in thess four walls." I rolled my eyes playfully at him. To be honest I was moping a little, but really it was because I wasn't use to being a sitting duck. If we weren't on missions we where hunting.

"I've gone from renowned general, to a feeble paper weight. It's absolutely maddening. I don't remember having so much time to reflect." With each reflection I was reminded that I was really no good, and the void would grow. The weight on my shoulders would build, amd my own opinions would destroy me.

"So dramatic." He mused as he led me inside the bedroom. Half the lamps had been snuffed out, casting the bedroom into a dim warm light. There had been candles placed around the bathing pool, steam rising gently and curling in the light. I gave him a questioning look, but he just passed me an easy smile before cuping a finger under my chin.

"What is is?" I asked gesturing towards the pool surrounded by candles. A hint of roses filled the air. Drake grinned ear to ear before panting a soft kiss against my lips and dropping my face. He seemed genuinely pleased with himself.

"You have been depressed lately, so I had the maids throw together a little relaxing bath for you. Set your mind at ease." My heart warmed at the gesture. No one had ever done something like this for me. It felt weird to be pampered like this. I set my hands against his chest and smiled.

"Its not me who truly deserves this. You have been so hard at work I barely see you. Please say you will share it with me." I looked up at him through my lashes. He chuckled before pulling his shirt above his head and discarding it to the side. I felt my face flush as I ran my hands over his bare chest, memories of the other night flitting through my head. Was this his real plan? Not that I had any complaints.

Without a word, he fingered the hem of my shirt, obediently waiting until I gave him permission to undress me. I nodded once to him, my face still very red as he watched me. With a nervous inhale, he slowly pulled the fabric over my head and tossed it carelessly to the floor. His eyes wandered hungrily over my exposed chest as he fumbled with the buttons on my pants.

Getting the buttons free, he pulled them down my legs and helped me out of them. The fabric was kicked away as he shucked off his own pants. The only fabric that kept us from completely touching each other, where my panties. His final destination in mind, he looped his fingers around my thin fabric and ripped them off. The ripping echoed in the room amd I gasped as the fabric now lay in shred on the floor.

Pouting, I glared up at him. Why did he have to be so aggressive with what few clothes I had. It wasn't like I was swimming in outfits. But he ignored my angry stare and lifted me into the air, straddling him. His erecrion pressed against my stomach as he snatched my mouth with his. Our lips meeting hungrily as he lowered us into the pool. Water lapped at our skin the deeper we went in, sloshing against the sides.

Heat from the water seeped into my skin as he sat down on the stairs, never once breaking our passionate kiss. Our tongues clashed together desperately, both wanting to tease and please each other. I wound my arms around his neck and pulled him closer so our chests pressed together. I moaned into his mouth and he broke away, panting heavily as he regained his breath.

"Aria you really are so beautiful." He whispered as his hands stroked gently up and down my back. It caused me to shiver at his delicious touch, making me crave more than just his gentle caresses. I placed my forehead on his, studying the slight red flush color that appeared on his face, the blue in his eyes where dark with lust.

"You are pretty handsome yourself." I said with a wink. That earned a chuckle as he let his hands rest against my hips, my body hummed with awareness. Burning with anticipation and hoping he would continue. I let my head fall to his shoulder and started planting small and gentle kisses. He murmured his appreciation as I continued down to his chest, my fingers rubbing over his pebbled nipples and taught abs. He moaned my name as his head fell back against the pool.

I watched as he closed his eyes, enjoying my torturous onslaught on his body. He flexed under my touch as I casually dragged a nail slowly and gently down his chest, stomach, amd eventually to go pelvis. He bucked under me in response, his eyes slowly opening into slits. With a check grin, I wrapped my hand around his length. His grip tightened on my hips as I slowly worked him up and down. The need in his eyes only growing bigger.

His lips parted slightly as he planted, moans escaped him like small cries. I could feel his body tense underneath me as I brought to vloser and closer to his climax. Watching hi,come on done underneath me was empowering. I felt like I too was worthy of pleasing him, just like he ws of me the other night. The more I played with him, my own heat built. The warmth between my legs spiraling more nd more, wanting to be impaled by this magnificant beast underneath me.

He let out a low growl as one hand left my hip and he grabbed my hand, stopping me. Primal urge took over now as he wrapped his free hand around my waist, lifting me up off his lap long enough to slam his shft inside me. I gasped around his ubrupt length. I stretched so tightly around him he bit back a loud moan. Using his hips and his hand wrapped around my waist, he plunged into me once again. Fully sheathed I tossed my hed back and let out a blissful moan.

He left so good when he was fully sheathed. I couldn't think of anything else. My mind had become completely blank. My only need was to ride him into oblivion, freeing myself from this pent of sexual energy that I had. My hips started to move on their own. using my knees to brace the stairs as I started to build my climax. He let me take control, his eyes never leaving my face as I brought myself up and down. The more I stroaked him, the hotter and tighter I felt myself getting.

I squeezed him with my entrance and he moaned my name. Gritting his teeth, he let go oit my wrist and placed each hand firmly on my waist. Slamming down against him, he took control. I cried out as he picked up our slow pace, my mind further becoming a storm cloud of blissful fog. The heat and pressure was becoming unbearable as my orgasm continued to grow. I was panting heavily now, pleading for more. I became a wantonly beast under his control. No longer a woman of skill, but a woman of desire.

I dug my nails into his shoulders as I squeezed harder around him, just on the brink of erupting. I screamed his name as I felt my orgasm shatter me into a million pieces. I let my head fall back as I called out his name as he relesed inside me. His own moan saying my name. Shaking, I laid my head against his shoulder as the fog started to disappear. My logical side coming back to me as I sat trembling in his lap. The smell of roses wafting into my nose as I regained my bearings.

Drake was as equally a mess underneath me, heaving heavily. His hands ran up and down my back as we cuddled. Despite ejecting a massive load inside me, he was still fairly erect and twitching inside me. Every small bounce further stimulating my sensative skin. I squeezed him in response and he chuckled. His throaty laughter causing me to shiver as it lightly hit my ears.

"You are so responsive my little rose. You're the perfect mate for me." I hear the approval in his words. The blush crept back on to my face and I gave a nervous giggle.

"Such a tease." I mumbled under my breath. Drake chuckled again. We quietly sat, enjoying each other's presence. The water quietly hit the sides of the pool as it settled from our previous activity. Twice now we have had sex in this pool. It probably won't be the last. But despite how earth shattering it felt, the weight of the world crept back on to my shoulders. How could I be having this amazing coupling with Sebastion being distant. I should be trying to figure out what bothers him instead of doing this. I sighed heavily and Drake stopped the gentle caress and wrapped his arms around me, reassuringly.

"Something bothers you." He murmured into my ear. I pulled myself away from his chest and studied his face. It was once full of desire, but concern slowly replaced it. His eyebrows knit together as he watched me.

"Sebastion has been distant with me lately and I guess i'm just not use to it. Being twins we have been close from the very beginning. Its not like him to not tell me anything." Sebastion never pushed me away either. Never question my judgement, and he did both of those things. I don't know what caused him to change.

"He will come around when he has finished adjusting. Some people react to information differently than others, regardless of how close you are." I suppose he was right, but I still couldn't help but wonder if he was really going to be okay. There was such an empty void in his eyes I thought he was a zombie. I just hope he would open up to me soon. I wanted to face these things together.

There was a sudden knock at the door, nd I could felt him stiffen underneath me. We both turned our heads to the door in surprise. Naturally we are both alarmed since we shouldnt be getting any visitors, especially this late. Drake put a finger to his lips and slowly pulled me off his length and set me down beside him.

"Who is it?" He called out as he rose from the pool, wrapping a towel around his taught buttocks while waiting for a response.

"It's Silvus. Can I come in?" She could barely be heard through the door. Desperation spilling out like a waterfall. I casually glanced at Drake and he sighed with annoyance. Interesting response, I wonder what she did to make him so angry.

"Now is really not a good time Silvus, can we discuss this later?" Drake started pulling on clothes as he spoke. His face not hiding the irritation he felt towards her. Please do tell Silvus, what are you doing here so late at night?

"You have been putting this conversation off for three days. You told me we would discuss things and never showed. I demand an answer." Just as Drake was pulling his shirt over his head, the door creaked open. I froze to the pool stairs and watched in horror as Silvus's eyes scanned the room. She seemed calm, until her eyes landed on me. Her eyes narrowed into slits as she passed glances between us, finally settling on Drake.

"What is this? Who is she?" Her hands landed on her hips angrily as she stored into the room. She got right into his face, turning red as she eyed him. Drake's nostrils flared as he closed his eyes in irritation. Pinching the bridge of his nose to relieve the headache that must have formed. I watched in wide eyed horror knowing I couldn't do anything while naked.

"What does it look like Silvus? She is my mate. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't just storm into my room either." He said gruffly as he let his nose go. As he opened his eyes, the storm that raged in them, became evident that he was very pissed. Beyond pissed, more like livid. She paid him no mind and pointed a dainty and manicured finger at me.

"Her? She looks like a common street whore! How dare you pass on me for some commoner. I am a Princess, I can give you more than she ever could! You are suppose to be mine." She hissed at him. I couldn't help let a small laugh slip at her response because, well, I was called a lot of things in my life. Common street whore was a new one. The comment was almost as hilarious as her dirty glare she pitched me.

"Watch your tongue Silvus. Princess Aria is not a common street whore. She is MY mate, and more suitable than you will ever be. Now leave before I lose my temper." I could feel the dangerous edge drip from every word. It sent a terrifying yet exciting tingle down my spine. This is the most anger I have ever seen in him. So much for the sweet and soft charmer.

"This is not over Drake. You will be mine." She spat angrily as she turned on her heels. As she approached the door, she threw a nasty glare over her shoulder towards me, and then stomped out of the room. Drake glared after her and quietly shut the door. In this moment, I would have to be careful with what I said, because I didn't want to set him off. I could feel him on the brink of falling over amd getting more angry. Like a dandelion getting crushed by the weight of a kids hand.

"A-are you ready for bed love?" I asked, my voice barely audible as I whispered. His eyes landed on me, sadness replacing the anger. I pulled myself out of the pool and walked towrds him, not caring that I was naked and dripping wet. I just wanted him to smile. Grabbing one of my hands, he brought my palm to his lips and kissed it.

"I am sorry Aria, I should have taken care of this already." He barely said above a whisper. I gave a small smile and brushed a soft kiss against his lips, reassuring him that it was okay.

"No point in dwelling on the past. You can only focus on the future." I quoted him and he chuckled. Dropping my hand, he wrapped his arms around me and crushed me to him. I snuggled against him, hoping that I was providing the comfort he needed. I would ask him what that was all about, but for right now I wouldn't press it. I didn't want to be on the receiving end of that deep anger.

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