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71.09% Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again) / Chapter 91: Designate

Chapitre 91: Designate

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

Flashback: Grindelwald POV:


"You see, Sorcerer.. Kamar Taj rejected me. Your Sorcerer Supreme even refused to see me, and one of your Masters told me I wasn't worthy of being in her presence." Gellert begins, standing in front of his prisoner.

The Sorcerer was stripped naked, whatever Relics and Magical Artefacts he had in his possession kept away to be studied later. Just by looking at him, anyone could tell that he had been tortured, starved for at least a few months.

The broken man looks up, and says, "You think you can become a Sorcerer like this, Wizard? By stealing my Magic?"

Grindelwald smiles, and suddenly the Sorcerer finds himself unable to breathe, his throat constricted. He says, "You.. are a muggle.. who stole Magic to become a Sorcerer. Us Wizards were born with it, you had to steal it from the Universe and the other Realms. I doubt stealing from a thief even counts as stealing." He then lets the man breathe once again, and says, "But I digress. You came here, after your Masters deemed me unsuitable for learning Sorcery, and for what? To kill me? Because I was now deemed a threat to the Sorcerers? Let me be clear, Sorcerer, I am a threat to all muggles. I will win this War, and when I take over the World, when I conquer your precious Kamar Taj, I will make sure a Wizard takes over as the Sorcerer Supreme."

The prisoner chuckles, and says, "Just because you managed to defeat me, you believe yourself strong enough to fight the Ancient One? She will stop you, she will kill you. No Wizard has a chance of even harming the Sorceress Supreme, not even you."

Gellert smiles, and says, "I am just a Wizard, yes, for now. However, now that you're here, I will be a Sorcerer too. And soon enough.. I will be a lot more."


Gellert opens his eyes after the euphoric feeling has passed, while his compatriots look on. He had done it, he had completed his first Ritual, successfully.

The Bond of Blood. 

Such a useful Ritual, with little to no consequences to speak of. Not on the body, and not on the mind. A Ritual that lets you steal everything from a Sacrificial being. Memories, Soul, Magic, Life, Gifts. Everything.

'And if it was up to the Aves family, the Ritual would have remained hidden from the world.. forever.' Gellert thinks, remembering the day he had found out about the Ritual, and then killed the entire family for refusing his offers of buying the Ritual from them.

And if it had gone as the Aves family had hoped, the Ritual would have stayed hidden forever. Alas, they failed.

Suddenly, Gellert looks up, and sees 12 people surround him, wearing cloaks of soft blue. His allies, his acolytes, were down on the ground, some dead, some just unconscious. And he didn't even see it happen.

Grinning, Gellert says, "I guess I get to test my new powers immediately then, don't I?"

Using his Mystical knowledge that he just got from the Sorcerer, Gellert conjures a Tao Mandala shield to absorb three spells they sent at him, and reflects the others using another shield.


Looking at his now dead enemies, Gellert sighs, and thinks to himself, 'I will need to study a lot more Sorcery if I hope to defeat the Sorcerer Supreme. This man's memories prove that he was right, no Wizard can deal with her.'

"You defeated them." He suddenly hears, as he was in the middle of testing his Tao Mandala shield, changing a few things about them with simple will.

Turning around, Gellert raises an eyebrow at the woman nonchalantly staring at him. She wore some type of body armour that stuck to her skin, white in colour, and had a blue cloak flowing off her back. The woman herself was blonde, blue eyed, and all around beautiful.

Gellert, however, immediately realizes that this woman was one of them, one of the robed people. Or more accurately, she was someone like them, but beyond them at the same time.

He stays relaxed, at least outwardly, and asks, "Any particular reason you sent your servants to attack me?"

The woman tilts her head, and says, "You're a danger to Magic. You defiled its most sacred laws by stealing Magic from another being, and the punishment for that is Death. But.. if you agree to join me, agree to help me save Magic, I will spare you."

Gellert raises an eyebrow, and says, "And I suppose sparing me includes me being one of your servants?"

The woman smiles, and says, "Of course. Only by serving me will you be able to live."

Gellert sneers, and says, "No, thank you. I serve no one!"

And then, he attacks her with his spells.

Within seconds, Gellert finds himself disarmed, his face bruised from the single spell she had shot at him. He didn't even know what happened to the spells he had shot at her, they just.. disappeared.

The woman looks at him, uncaring for his hate, and says, "You.. you're already working for Magic. You want Magic to rule the world."

Gellert snarls, feeling her rummage through his mind, his efforts of kicking her out useless. He snarls, "Get. Out. Of. My. HEAD!"

In answer, the woman negligently slaps him, sending him sliding on the ground, only stopping ten meters away. She's there even before he stops, and she continues rummaging through his memories.

She says, "You want Wizards to rule the world, you want to kill all the non-magicals. Yes, this could work. This aligns with my own goals, you know."

Gellert spits out some blood, and a tooth, and asks, "And what.. are your goals?"

Smiling, the woman holds him by his face, and says, "Survival of Magic.. through any means necessary. And you.. Gellert Grindelwald.. will help me with that."

"Who are you?" Gellert finally asks, looking at the woman who.. humbled him with her sheer might.

Smiling, the woman says, "I.. am the Designate. I am the leader of an organization that works to ensure that Magic survives the ravages of Time. The Hemmelig Forsker."


Mason POV:

Appearing back in the DOM, I start walking towards the office of the Head Unspeakable, Daryl Brown, while thinking over the memories I just got from Gellert Grindelwald's mind. 

So, Gellert used the Bond of Blood Ritual first on a Sorcerer. Funny, I thought that he had learned Sorcery himself, which he might have done later, but he actually got the ability to actually learn Sorcery by stealing Magic from a Sorcerer.

And this.. Designate. She worries me. Not too much, but she does. She has Magical talents I know nothing of. Her origins are something I know nothing of. Her motives are the survival of Magic, but I have no idea if she was actually speaking the truth.

Gellert and this Designate had entered a partnership, back in 1905, which had remained unbroken until now. She did not induct him into her Hemmelig Forsker, which was the name for a worldwide organization, while the DOM was just the British Branch of it. Instead, she gave him almost complete autonomy.

According to Gellert's memories, she agreed with his own opinion that Wizards should rule the world. And since he wanted to take over the world, one country at a time, she left him to his conquest. 

The partnership was one of equivalent exchanges.

He would find Pioneers in Magic for her, to be inducted into her army of Unspeakables, and in return, the Designate would either give him Spells, Rituals, or information about beings/people he could use as Sacrifices in his Bond of Blood Ritual.

It was her information that brought him to an orphanage in America, where he had found the mutant child who could create Impenetrable Shields and barriers.

Gellert wanted to get out from under her thumb, since he knew that even if he won the War, she would still have a hold over him. But alas, even with the Elder Wand in his possession, even after the many Rituals he went through, even after the many people he absorbed within himself, he knew that he was no match for her.

And now, when she summoned him to Britain, ordering him to take care of whoever took over the DOM, he finally decided to get out. He knew that he wasn't going to be given help in his attack on the DOM, and that whoever took over it(me), might even be strong enough to kill him, which.. he wasn't wrong.

To be fair, he did get a vision through his Precognition Mutation that showed him a future me fighting this Designate.

He had only recently realized that the Designate had also gotten tired of this partnership, and was trying to kill him without actually doing it herself. Why, he didn't know, but he didn't care either.

Walking into the office of Daryl Brown, I go towards a blank part of the wall, and changing my Magic to imitate his own, tap it once. With a soft click, the seemingly normal wall shimmers, as a small part of it disappears. In there, is a hidden compartment, which contains a wooden chest.

Fishing for a key from Brown's cloak, I open the chest, and look at the item within. A medallion, with the mark of a lightning bolt on its surface, with a thread wound through it. The Portkey that will take me to the Designate's base. Unfortunately, it only works when she wants it to work.

Say what you will about the Unspeakables, they have some pretty amazing toys for themselves.

Unfortunately for them, however, they have never encountered me. Well, not when I'm their enemy at least.

Taking the portkey out of the chest, I walk towards the table and keep it on it. Pointing my right palm towards the medallion, I conjure Runes into the air that fly and settle down on the table, surrounding the medallion in the shape of a circle.

A few gestures from my hand cause the medallion to float up, with the runes still surrounding it, and make it start spinning in the air, around its center. The spinning makes sparks emit out of the Runes, and the sparks converge together to form a portal.

As long as one has a Portkey, defunct, disabled, dormant, or active, anyone can find the destination it was connected to, even decades later. That's why wizards are so careful about disposing of Portkeys.

On the other side of the portal, I could see a Hall, the same Hall I had seen in Brown's memories in fact. There were hundreds, maybe even a thousand, people in there, wearing somewhat similar uniforms. Some were white, some were blue, some were yellow, brown, and even purple. But all of the robes hid their faces, and did not show me even their eyes. 

Unspeakables. All of them.

The creation of the portal hadn't gone unnoticed, and I see them all turn towards me.

Waving my hand, I swat a spell that had come for me through the portal, and walk in, surrounding myself with a Telekinetic barrier that Protects me from the incoming barrage of spells. A single Killing Curse passes through the barrier as if it wasn't there at all, and I let it hit me.

Smirking, when nothing happens, I look at the thousand or so people standing in front of me.

"Take me to your leader, and I won't harm you.. much." I say, as they keep sending spells at my Telekinetic barrier, all of which are stopped.

In the 700 years that I've lived, I have taken great care to develop all of my gifts. My Telekinesis, which could barely stop a few spells at one time, now remains completely unaffected by the absolute barrage I was receiving. Of course, while it is pretty damn strong, it still can't stop a Killing Curse. As proved by a dozen more Killing Curses slamming into my body. Only one made me rub my eyes, because it hit me there.

Okay, that's it.

Closing my eyes, I focus on my mind, and within a single moment, send out a burst of an omnidirectional wave of Psionic Energy. The wave shatters through whatever mental defenses these Unspeakables had, and knocks them all unconscious. A thousand Unspeakables knocked unconscious within a single second.

Waving my hand, I send them all to the Department of Mysteries, some in prison cells, and some in the Department itself. The Department was already locked, no one would be able to enter until I said so.

And then.. I conjure a chair for myself, and wait. This is not the home for whoever this Designate is, I know that. I don't even expect anyone to bring an organization such as this Hemmelig Forsker to their own home, no matter if they rule over it.

This Hall.. this.. tiny artificial island in the North Sea, was just the meeting place where she can meet her subordinates.

And she was not currently here, I doubt there's anything even here that could lead me to where this woman actually stays. So, I'm content with waiting. The Unspeakables will stay unconscious for a day anyway, unless I wake them first.


"You managed to defeat them. All of them." I hear, after about an hour of waiting, the words reflecting her interaction with Gellert Grindelwald.

"I was wondering when you were going to show yourself." I muse, turning my chair around so I face the woman.

She was exactly as Grindelwald's memories had shown me. Blond, fair, blue eyed, tall, physically strong, and just generally beautiful. Let's hope Selene doesn't hear me say that.

She looks at me, and says, "What is it about you Wizards that makes you so special? Another one of your brethren killed an entire team of my Unspeakables, and you.. you just knocked them all unconscious through Mind Magic."

I shrug, and counter, "What is it about Asgardians that makes them such assholes?"

The woman, the Designate, raises her eyebrows as she chuckles, and says, "I am not an Asgardian, child. Not a born one at least."

"I don't frankly care who you are. What I do care about is your reasons for invading my world, and conspiring to take over it." I say, standing up.

I did try using my Telepathy on her, unfortunately for me, it failed. Her Mind is on a similar level to my own, with the backing of some form of Cosmic Energy. I can't tell if it's actually cosmic energy, a denser Universal Magic, or just her own Magic that's so dense.

"And what do I get by telling you my story?" Curiosity colouring her voice, the woman asks.

I shrug, and say, "If I agree with your methods after listening to your story, I will leave you alone. If not, I will kill you right here and now."

Chuckling, she asks, "You think you have what it takes to defeat me? Who even are you?"

Smiling, glad that she's underestimating me, I say, "I've been known by many names over the years. Athreos Aetos, Atharva Joshi, Eideard Éanúil."

The last name, Eideard Éanúil (Edward Avian- Gaelic) was something I went by when I taught at Hogwarts during the first decade of its formation. I was also the resident Healer, while Selene stayed as the Librarian. Ah, good times.

The woman widens her eyes, and unconsciously takes a step back, as she whispers, "Atharva Joshi? You're The God Slayer."

Ah, colour me pleasantly surprised. She knows me.

I wave my hand, and say, "Whatever books claim that I am a Godslayer are wrong. I never killed a God, not even Hela."

There are very few records of that day remaining, the day that I almost killed Hela. Around 400 AD, almost all records of Hela disappeared from the world. Almost. My Repository was safe, my personal Library was safe, and so were the Libraries of Kamar Taj. I assume that like me, some others had managed to protect their books from whatever Odin did to erase all knowledge of Hela.

And yes, I have no doubts that he's the reason not many people remember Hela, even in the Wizarding World.

And some records that remain spoke about a mortal defeating a Goddess. They call me by name, Atharva, but they call Hela just the Goddess.

And those texts claim that I killed her, when I didn't.

Funnily enough, and much to Selene's annoyance, there were some texts hypothesizing that I was the God Ptah, husband to Bast, who had taken mortal form and ascended to Godhood once again when fighting the Goddess. They took Bast coming there to defend me from Odin as her defending her husband. Bast and I find it amusing, Selene, not so much. And I don't think someone named Ptah even exists, since I've yet to get a straight answer about it from Bast.

"Why are you here, Godslayer?" The woman asks, bringing me back to the world.

I look at her, and say, "I am here to put an end to this organization, your Hemmelig Forsker. Your actions have led to the deaths of thousands of people, and Enslavement of thousands more."

The woman scowls, and says, "You don't know what you're talking about. Everything I did, I did to ensure the survival of Humanity, and the survival of Magic."

Snorting, I say, "You have a funny way of showing that, Designate. Giving yourself an obnoxious Title, enslaving Wizards and Witches who helped you heal after your fall here." She widens her eyes, surprised at me knowing this, and I continue, "You took control of an organization that was going to be a safe place for researchers, and turned it into their prison. You didn't do anything to save Magic, you did everything out of your own selfishness."

While I could sense that she wasn't completely evil, or anything close to it, she was amazingly entitled, and as I said before, obnoxious. I was given the Title of Guardian of Magic, but even still, the only thing I do as interference is make sure no one Magical race goes extinct. Since I became the Guardian, not one race of animals has gone extinct.

Indigo Dragons are numbered about 60, since their reproduction rate is pretty low. Re'em number around 750, Snow leopards 300, while Magical Mammoths are around 100. Even Direwolves number amongst hundreds, and all these animals are completely extinct everywhere except the Sanctuary.

All the Hemmelig Forsker has done is make people afraid of them, kill Pioneers who refused to join them, and create new harmless toys for the Rich Wizards to play with. What? You think everyone gets the chance to use a Time Turner? Hogwarts has just two Time Turners, one reserved for the Headmaster, and one for emergencies, which is also sometimes used to give a student the opportunity to study more subjects.

Sometimes. Not every year, once a decade or something.

So, yeah, I don't look at them in a favourable light, let alone her, the Head Unspeakable.

My words had evidently made the woman angry, as she slashes her hand towards me. Her hand glows blue for barely a moment, before a Lightning bolt shoots out of it, and zigzags towards me.

I raise my palm, and create a simple Tao Mandala shield, enforcing it with my own Magic. The shield shudders, but holds, and I look at the woman's enraged eyes.

"Truth hurts, doesn't it? You're so used to being the strongest, being the smartest in the room, that you've begun to consider that your word is Truth itself." I say, and I change the shield when she sends another spell at me, this one the Destructive Beam of Cyttorak's Crimson Magic.

I keep defending against the beam, and say, "I will give you one chance, Designate. Surrender, explain your reasons, and I won't kill you immediately. Your methods might have been evil, but your goals began as good. Surrender, and I will help you make sure that Magic survives, but through my methods."

"And what do your methods include? Thousand years of non-interference?" The Designate snarls out, as she points both her palms at me, and feeds more of Cyttorak's magic into her spell.

"Well, my methods of Non Interference actually led to Wizards developing Schools for Magic. Your interference only caused them to grow weaker." I say, as the shields starts shuddering harder, on the verge of breaking.

Keeping my right handed shield steady, I cast a few gestures with my left hand, conjure a disk of Ikthalon's ice blue Magic, and send it cutting through my now unstable Shield. The Ice cold spell cuts through Cyttorak's Crimson Magic, dissipating it before it can reach me, and slams into a shield the Designate conjures to protect herself.


The explosion sends a wave of cold Magic out, and sends the woman sliding backwards. When the fog clears, however, she's still alright, if a bit angry.

Feeling something, I snap my head to the right, and feel someone peeking at this fight. Grindelwald. Can't have witnesses for whatever secrets I might reveal, let alone someone like him. Within a single blink of an eye, I banish his Sight away from this Time, and an Anti-Sight Spell etches itself into the ground, preventing Time Watchers from witnessing this fight.

As Designate stands up, and starts running towards me, she snarls, "My Unspeakables are the strongest Wizards there are, and the smartest. If it was anyone else here but you, my people would have captured them and inducted them within the Hemmelig Forsker within a day."

I smirk, dodging away from her punch, and as I spin with a kick, sending her flying into the air, I say, "Unfortunately for them, and for you, I am not anyone else. I am me, the Man who defeated God, the Guardian of Magic. And you.. Designate, are no one."

Snarling, Designate comes at me once again, her hands glowing blue with Lightning. The lightning in her right hand takes the shape of a hammer, and she starts attacking me with it. I close my eyes, and raise my left hand, catching the Lightning hammer in it.

"Wha- how?" She asks, stupefied.

My entire arm was covered in a body armour, gold in colour, which was absorbing the Lightning spell within itself, and feeding it to me. My eyes glowing blue with the absorbed Lightning, I blitz punch her in the nose, while discharging all the Lightning that I had absorbed. The blow sends the Designate flying backwards through three walls, until she stops at the fourth wall.

I look at the armour covering my hand with a smile, and then manipulate the magic to cover my entire body. My skin bleeds gold all over, as a second golden skin covers my body, over my clothes. In the end, I wear complete body armour, with only my head remaining open for now.

The armour had one layer of Druig's armour, and a second layer underneath it made out of Drugir, the Berserk Indigo Dragon's hide. It was covered in tiny Symbols etched by liquidized Magical Silver and crushed Dragon bones, once again, which came from Drugir. And then, once the enchantments had settled down, I had it dipped in a mixture of Magical Gold, Asgardian Steel, Vibranium, my blood, and four vials of Phoenix tears, along with a single crushed Unicorn horn, for five entire centuries.

In the end, my Kavach (because this is no longer just the Prati Kavach, it's something a lot more than that), could absorb Magic and feed it to me, while also absorbing most of the Kinetic energy exerted on me. It could also sustain me for around 500 years, without any need for air, water, food, or anything really, while also granting me the capabilities of Space flight if I happen to need it someday.

It also had nail claws made of Vibranium B, that grow along with my own nails, which should allow me to cut through any metals that my own nails couldn't.

I had also managed to retain all the enchantments of the original Prati Kavach, which gave me a strength boost of 20% through a micro-connection to the Crimson Cosmos, a shield against Demonic Magics through a mixture of the connections to the Haven Realm, and the Light Dimension, and the connection to the Plane of Change gave it the ability to change shapes, colours, and state, within limits. 

All in all, I was one badass looking motherfucker in a Golden Armour that would make everyone think of Asgardians. 

Floating up in the air, I slowly fly towards the fallen Designate, who was leaking blood from her nose, and her mouth, and say, "You're a strong Mage, Designate. Your Asgardian Blessings make you a stronger fighter than most mortals could hope to be. Unfortunately, you never happened to cross me before."

"The fight's not over yet!" The Designate snarls, and slams her palms on the ground. 

The ground ripples, as a manner of creatures exit out of cracks forming into it. Inferi, Zombies (and yes, the two are different), Vampires, Werewolves, Cyclopes, Trolls, Sphinxes, and even Dementors.

Sighing at her increasing list of crimes, I back slap empty air, sending a blast of Light Magic all around me. The blast sends all the creatures flying, causing them all to disintegrate. I have no idea how long they'd been enslaved by her, but I doubt the time was short.

Taking a step back, startled, the Designate slaps her palms together, and blows out dark black flames from her mouth. I simply raise my left hand and let my Kavach absorb the Magic within the flames.

My right hand condenses those flames within a single ball, and I banish the ball at the Designate. She conjures a wall made up of Ice, which tanks the explosion of the condensed flames, but the explosion melts away all the Demonic Ice.

I feel the space warping in this Hall, as the distance between us starts rapidly increasing without any of us moving a single foot. Tapping my own leg on the ground, I take the Hall into the Mirror Dimension, where I reign supreme, and close the distance between us once again.

Telekinetically, I summon the woman towards me, and hold out my hand. She conjures a flaming sword, and tries to stab my chest. The sword slams into my Kavach, and screeches to a stop, while the Designate herself lands in my left hand.

"No matter what spell you use, Designate, no matter what weapon you use, I have counters ready." I say, taunting her.

Kicking both her legs out, Designate sends me sliding backwards, and I see her reach into her shirt. And then, she disappears.

Reaching my right hand out, I sense for the Temporal Signature that always stays behind when Time travelling, at least for a short while, and.. twist my hand.

With a pop, the Designate pops back into the hall, back into the present. As I move forward to catch my wide eyed opponent, she puts her hand in her pocket, and throws something at me.

The object lands on my face, and I feel it stick to my face, its tentacles spinning around my head to grab it. I feel thoughts not my own try and invade my mind, as some toxins invade my body.

A Brain from the Thought Room.

Chuckling, I send out another wave of Psionic Energy that fries the brain from the inside, and just as the Designate tries to stab my head with a long, obviously Magical sword, I summon Glamdring to my hand, and swipe it aside.

Designate takes a few steps back, and I see her face has now healed back up. While she wasn't tired in the least, I could tell that she knew that there was no hope for her to win. Just like I could tell during my first fight with Hela, that I have no hopes of winning.

I then look at the sword, and ask, "Oh so it was you who stole Excalibur from Nimue's lake."

That fucker Merlin came back to the living, and tried to hound me for the sword which I had apparently stolen! All the while it was this woman.

"Excalibur, the strongest Sword of Midgard, comparable to Mjolnir even." The Designate begins speaking as her body starts steaming, getting healed of all its ailments. All the while both of us stare at one another, ready to attack or defend at a moment's notice. "While it cannot control the weather like Mjolnir, or even my old hammer could, Excalibur has other gifts that make it Mjolnir's equal whenever compared."

Yup, true. Excalibur makes it so there's no physical advantage to your enemy. Whatever strength level they're at, your strength is boosted to be the same, and somewhat superior. It can also permanently kill anyone, Gods, Demons, Eternals, Externals, Immortals. Anyone. And lastly, it is almost unbreakable, since it was created in the Magical Realm of Avalon, by the Fae.

Designate steps forward with a swipe, and I lean forward leisurely, dodging the hit and swinging my sword upwards, I cut both her hands off at her wrist.

"AAAARGH!" The Designate cries out in pain, as tears leak out of her eyes, and the sword itself drops down on the ground, along with her hands still clutching it.

Unfortunately, one thing the Excalibur can't do, is make you immune to injuries from Magical weapons. Another thing it can't do, is grant you the skill necessary to fight a superior opponent.

I look at the woman with pity in my eyes, as she cries from the pain of losing her hands, while she bleeds out. 

Leaning down, I first store Excalibur in Nowhere, and then with a wave of my hand, send her cut off hands flying towards her bleeding wrists. The part where they connect sizzles with green mist, as the hands heal back up.

The woman,. unfortunately, is far too tired and hurt right now to do anything but continue crying.

I put my hand on her head, the Kavach retreating from just my hand, and say, "Your motives were good, Designate. But there's a saying within humanity. Power tends to corrupt, but absolute power corrupts absolutely. You found power within the Hemmelig Forsker, found Power in making your army of Unspeakables work for you without a chance of them betraying you, and that corrupted your morals."

"I only wanted to save the Universe, save Magic." Designate whispers, as I feel her give up.

"And that excuses you committing countless crimes against Magic? Wasn't 'Crime against Magic' why you tried to kill Grindelwald? And when you found out that he wants Wizards to rule the world, you just.. spared him. How many lives has he taken since that day, hm? Magical lives, Wizards, Witches, Sorcerers, ancestors to potential Wizards? Admit it, Designate, while trying to save Magic, your actions were leading to the destruction of Magic." I say, softly.

She just sniffles, but doesn't say anything. 

Sighing, I ask, "Why are you so determined that Magic needs saving, that the Universe needs saving? What happened to the place you came from?"

Finally, the woman looks up, and whispers just one word, "Dormammu."

That one word makes me freeze, and letting go of all decorum, I force my way into her mind, shattering her Cosmic Energy enabled Mental shields with Phoenix's help, to see into her memories.


Tarene. That was her name. When she lived on her own Earth, in her own Universe, in her own time.

Once, during the beginning of Time within her Universe, a Sorcerer existed on the first planet to create life. The Sorcerer gave a prophecy that one day, a woman will come, who will rise to the Cosmic position of the Designate, that will guide Mortal beings to the next stage of Evolution.

And then, Billions of years later, she was born to a race of Magic Wielding people. Their Magic allowed them to live for centuries at a time, and some even managed to live for thousands of years.

But then.. they were attacked. A being had heard about the Prophecy that predicted the existence of the Designate, and through some Magic, he had found the planet she belonged to. He destroyed the planet, and killed everyone on it.

Save one.


She was found by the Asgardians, taken in by the Thor of her Universe, and was mentored by him. She was given a Hammer of her own, with all the properties of Mjolnir, but none of the Divinity, and when she had proved her character, she was given a Blessing that turned her into a Pseudo Asgardian.

Centuries passed, without any issue. She lived, became a hero on Midgard called Thor-girl. She Ascended to become the Cosmic Being she was supposed to be, the Omniscient Designate, and she guided humanity to the next stage of Existence. She turned every human into an Eternal.

And then, she lost the Cosmic powers she had gained after a War against Surtur.

She continued helping Thor protect Midgard from threats, even when Midgard ventured out into space. But then.. something happened. Something even the Omniscient Designate had not seen coming.

Midgard.. Earth had forgotten Magic. In favour of their new Cosmic Powers, Humanity had discarded all other powers. One by one, all Magical races became extinct. Sorcerers, Witches, Warlocks, every one died out, or merged into regular humanity.

Magic.. was forgotten.

This caused an increase in attacks from the Demonic Realms, which led to Man developing more into the field of Science, to protect them. Unwittingly, since the barriers protecting the Universe were centered around Midgard, they started getting weak.

Even the Gods, Tarene included, started getting weaker, since humanity didn't worship them anymore.

And then.. one day, He came. 

The Dread Lord, Dormammu.

He brought with him his entire Dimension, a collection of multiple Universes all swallowed into his own Dark Dimension.

Whatever beings were able, fought Dormammu and his army of the Mindless Ones. They fought for days, or maybe centuries, Tarene didn't know. Dormmamu's presence made it so Time didn't work right anymore.

They kept fighting, Thor and Thor-girl, back against back, and soon, they were the only two living beings remaining in their entire Universe. Everyone else had either been turned into Mindless ones, or converted into pure energy that Dormammu ate.

When they finally lost all hope of winning, Thor did something that shocked her. He sent all of his Divine Magic to her, through Mjolnir, and sacrificed Mjolnir's entire existence to break Space.

He shattered the barriers between Universes, and right as Tarene was recovering from regaining her previous strength, thanks to Thor's Energy coursing through her, Thor threw her through the hole.

As she slammed through what felt like glass to her, she heard him say, "I am honoured to have died fighting beside you, Thor-girl. I don't regret helping you fight off Thanos the day we found you. Wherever you land, make sure something like this doesn't happen to that world, Tarene. Make sure that at least one world doesn't get lost to the Dread Lord!"

And then.. he died, swallowed by the Dread Lord himself.

As Tarene began falling from the skies, the breach between this universe and that closed up, with not even a single scar visible to her anymore. And then, she fell down.

She was found by Wizards, who took her to their home to allow her to heal. And she thought, though a lot. After mourning for her lost home, another lost home after Thanos destroyed the old one, and for the lost friend and mentor in Thor, Tarene realized something.

If humanity had never evolved, they would have never forgotten Magic. If Magic was never forgotten, Dormammu would never have managed to invade the Universe. So.. Thor's last words rang through her mind, again and again.

She needed to ensure Magic survived. She needed to make sure Humanity never became Eternals as an entirety. And she had convenient helpers in the form of the three Wizards that found her. The Hemmelig Forsker.

She used her Divinity and the minute amount of Mind Magic she knew to take over their minds. She wasn't a Sorcerer, but she had experience in being an Omniscient Cosmic Being. So she was able to force them into servitude. She reclaimed her old title of the Designate, only without her Cosmic Powers accompanying it.

Within a century, however, her goals changed from just ensuring the survival of Magic to becoming the Goddess of Magic herself. 

The Personification of Magic.

She believed that if she became Magic, by learning everything there is to know about Magic, and Mastering it all, that she would be able to reverse the damage done to her own Universe. She became delusional, self entitled.

And so, the Unspeakables went from researching Magic to collecting every Pioneer in every Schools of Magic that existed. All of them Enslaved by her, to ensure that only she remains the being with the highest knowledge about Magic.

Until.. she was finally defeated, by someone far, far stronger than her.


Coming out of her mind, I sigh, in disappointment and with pity, as I look at the drooling mess that is the woman known as Tarene.  She was unconscious, of course, after I shattered whatever mental barriers she had put up.

Her Magical knowledge was impressive. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't a Sorcerer at heart. She knew how to fight with her fists, but she couldn't fight with her Magic as well as that.

If it wasn't for my Time Slower speeding me by 50%, I would have had a far longer fight in my hands. I would have won, obviously, but still, it's better that I shortened the fight.

Touching her mind once again, along with her Soul, I manipulate her Magic to break any oaths that she has bound others to, including Unbreakable Vows and written Magical Contracts.

Getting up, I wave my hand, creating a portal that sends Tarene to Sanctuary, in the Dungeons. I am not going to kill her. She was good, a Hero even, she just.. she was traumatized by the Death of her Universe, and the sudden increase in Power just corrupted her mind.

No, I won't kill her. I'm not stupid enough to let her go, but I won't kill a delusional person. Her crimes, however, aren't something I can let go unpunished. She will remain imprisoned, for as long as I can manage.

Snapping my fingers, I cast a Reparo Charm on the hall, repairing all the damage done to it during our fight. And then, with another wave of my hand, a large portal opens up a bit above the floor, that deposit down the thousand or something Unspeakables, including the ones I had knocked out in Britain.

Conjuring a throne for myself, I snap my fingers, waking them all up. Time to deal with these guys now.


A/N: Whoosh, finally done!

Tarene will not go unpunished, she will be suitably dealt with in the next chapter. I have a plan, I just hope I manage to write something believable about it.

Now, for those who don't know, Tarene is a Canon character from Marvel comics. Her story is pretty good, but I found her to be a bit of a.. bitch. That's why I made her out to be the Head Unspeakable. I originally had Amora in mind, but realized that I've already used Amora and Lorelai in my Baldur story, and I also used Amora as a villain in my Celestial God story. (For those who don't know, both of these stories are available on my WebNovel profile. Do remember that I was younger then, so the stories might be a bit shitty.)

So, Tarene!

Grindelwald will not enter the story again; when he dies while fighting Mason Aves(the younger), he will remain dead.

As for the Unspeakables, I have a plan, which you might see within the next few chapters.

Sorry for the late chapter, I've been trying to fix my sleeping schedule. (It's 3:15 AM right now, and I am not even a little bit sleepy) this made my mind.. blurry?.. yup, that's how I describe it. Blurry.

Thank you for your support! And for your patience! Tata!

next chapter
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