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10.52% Marvel: The Flash Is...Flash Thompson!? / Chapter 1: 00 - Flashpoint Origin

Chapitre 1: 00 - Flashpoint Origin

Chapter Prologue - Flashpoint Thunder

Written By Dr Armstrong

->Flash POV<-


Flash gripped his bedsheets tightly as he awoke from his slumber, drips of sweat dribbled down from his forehead as another strike of thunder went off in the distance.

"What the...what the hell was that..." The teenage boy said as he clutched his chest, the heart palpating within his ribs.

He glanced around his room, which was unexpectedly pretty tidy for a boy his age, before getting up from the bed at a cautious pace.

Moonlight spilt in between the curtains as the occasional flashes of light hinted at the thunderstorm outside, Flash peeked through the covers as he inspected the outside.

There was something unusual going on here, the thunder had been too loud, which meant that they were consistently striking too close to his house for some reason.

But looking outside...it just looked like a regular storm. Maybe there was some kind of environmental anomaly dancing atop his house to EDMs, but Flash was no expert when it came to these things.

Seeing as there was nothing unusual, Flash waved off the uneasy feeling building up inside his gut as just the after-effects of a bad nightmare.

He unplugged his mePhone from its charger before turning it on to see the clock, he could just go outside his room to see the wall clock in the living room, but was just too lazy.

It was 2 in the goddamned morning...

"Should I just sleep again...?" He glanced back at the bed, reminiscing of its soft and supple pillows before a sudden rumble in his stomach broke him out of the stupor.

"Shit...I forgot to have dinner..." His parents had been on a vacation to Bali and had entrusted their home to their son's hands, they had also brought along his little sister. Flash was also invited, but he preferred to stay home instead.

As a young teenage lad, he took it upon himself to set up a party in the house, though it was more of a boy's night rather than a party since he only invited men.

It was just them watching a recent (American) Football game. After all, the sport was what their school's athletes excelled at...

Of course, there was some alcohol exchanged, but that was very minor and he didn't even get hungover!

Flash took some lethargic steps toward the door with his phone in hand as he checked his chat for any new messages.

There was some from the boy's group chat, though it was mainly just some nonsense about last night's party.

Flash walked down the stairs as he pocked the phone, he wanted some cereal or something that could get him by until breakfast.

There had been some snacks at the party, but they weren't particularly filling or nutritious, Flash was rumbling like a Titan!

He paused as he stood on the last stair, just a few feet away from the kitchen...

Flash heard something, he heard something move, something alive...

'Should I call the cops...?' He briefly considered before throwing that thought out of the balcony window.

If it were a robber, they'd probably use a flashlight or something, the lights were still off, after all. He had just been using his 15 years of experience living here to navigate through the treacherous halls of the Thompson house...

It was most likely an animal or something, if it was a Racoon or some kind of rodent, he'd just take care of it himself...

But going against an animal whilst the lights are off is one bad idea, he might get a stealth advantage if it was human, but it was better just to turn the lights on when confronting a bestial trespasser.

So Flash quickly flicked the lights on before glancing back at the kitchen, looking for the supposed Racoon...

"Uh..." There wasn't a Racoon...

There wasn't anything in the kitchen, just a fallen plastic can rolling on the ceramic floor.

"Must have been the wind..." Flash muttered as he rubbed his reddish blonde hair in confusion.

After confirming that there really was no intruder in his kitchen, Flash walked up to the can before holding it up and glancing around to see where it had fallen from.

"What even is this...Speed Pump? Sounds like an off-brand energy drink..." It didn't even have a cover art, just the words 'Speed Pump' lazily written on with a red marker.

There was a tiny series of words below the 'Speed Pump' logo, it had an asterisk and was as follows;

*This is NOT an energy drink, nor is it a performance-enhancing drug. Do NOT consume recreationally. For maximum on-the-job performance, it is recommended for all Agents to only consume in the harshest of emergencies.

"Uh...what?" He never bought this...and why would his parents get something like this?

Flash glanced up as he felt the soft rustling of wind brushing up against his skin, he stared wide-eyed as he realized that one of the kitchen windows had been shattered to pieces, the sharp fragments littering the floor...

"Shit, how am I gonna explain this...!?" Flash said in a panicked tone before he ran off to get a closer look, not so close to the glass pieces though.

'So there was a robber...fuck!' He decided to call the police for this one as Flash quickly took a quick photo before dialling up 911...

While his phone rang aloud, Flash inspected the surroundings as he tried to investigate what might have occurred whilst he slept.

The shattered hole in the window was large enough to fit a person jumping through without hurting themselves on the sharp glass, it didn't look finely cut either...

This must have been bashed open! Maybe with a thrown brick or a sledgehammer...

Such a method would have surely caused a stir, a very loud noise! Yet Flash hadn't heard anything of the sort...did it happen whilst he was still asleep? Most likely.

But the weird thing is...

"This looks like it was broken from the inside..." The glass remnants had fallen on the outside, meaning whoever had broken the window had done it from the inside.

That's...pretty unsettling.

So the intruder must have somehow been able to get in by another method, not being able to use that method again, and then broke the glass to get out.

They also didn't steal anything, anything worth stealing, anyway...although, looking inside the fridge, they sadly stole all of the food inside...

'Well, the police would have a field day. Good thing my dad's one...' He hoped they wouldn't consider his call as a 3 a.m. prank done by some bored teenager...

"They're really taking their damn time, huh?" It had been ringing for a whole 2 minutes now, this was getting annoying...

Flash glanced at the can he held in his left hand, the Speed Pump was definitely quite mysterious...

Wait, did it come from the Robber?

So someone broke in just to steal some snacks from the kitchen, and drop this bottle here...? Why...?

...Is this a bomb!?

Flash quickly opened the can with a panicked expression as the tab popped open, revealing the contents inside...

"Okay...that's not a bomb," Flash said as he released a relieved sigh, though there was a slight hint of disappointment in his tone for some reason.

Inside the can was a sparkling, bubbling, leaf-green liquid sizzling like it was being cooked. Again, it looked like an energy drink, a very weird one at that.

'Not gonna lie, it looks like a fire drink...could be some guy's piss mixed in with soap, though...' It wasn't the wisest decision to drink such a suspicious beverage, but it did look strangely inviting...

If this thing was forgotten by the Robber and had been dropped off on accident, it would most definitely be safe to consume as the Robber themselves would be the one originally meant to drink this...

But the asterisked note...could it be a situation like in those comics? A teenage boy is chosen to be a superhero by an unknown organization via a mysterious serum disguised as a normal drink.

There was Ironman, Spiderman, and Captain America. The Fantastic Four existed too, so who's gonna say Eugene 'The Flash' Thomson couldn't?

Although the name might be too obvious...

Regardless, he wasn't going to try his chances and drink the Speed Pump, he was an idiot, not a retard.

With a heavy heart, Flash placed the Speed Pump inside of the freezer. This was crime scene evidence, after all.

Glancing back at his phone, he was flabbergasted to see that the police still hadn't answered his call...

Oh, fuck it.

He closed the call before walking to the landline on the wall, something off must have happened with his phone connection.

Without wasting any more time, he quickly dialled 911...


He waited for someone to respond.

He waited.

He waited...

"Sorry, but your call has not gone through, please try again..." Was the landline's automated response.

"What the hell do you mean...I'm calling the fucking police!" Didn't they have special rights or something? Top priority phone calls, no?

With no success in calling the police, he tried calling his dad instead...

Didn't work too, maybe the Cops were off-limited for some reason...

Calling Brian...nope.

Calling Charlie...nada.

Jason and Seymour...same thing.

Elizabeth? Not even a ring...

Hmm...something is wrong here.

Flash tried to turn on the TV, and all that appeared on the screen was black-and-white nonsense...

What, did the neighbourhood get hit with an EMP bomb?

"Clearly not..." Flash muttered as he glanced at the still-on lights hanging from the ceiling.

EMPs should deactivate all kinds of tech, right? At least, that was the info he got from playing various video games.

So why are the lights, the fridge, and the whole house's electricity as a whole still on?

If it wasn't an EMP, then...


Flash glanced outside through the broken window, the flashes of thunder striking against the earth.

The storm...maybe it was blocking the radio signals? Sending too many vibrations that cause tech to malfunction? He was just making shit up, but it did sound pretty on point.

"Damn, I want to see that..." Such a storm couldn't be normal. Quickly putting on a jacket he had dropped on a couch last night in the living room before getting his phone to record this viral-worthy moment.

Opening the door with his left hand as he recorded with his phone in his right hand, Flash walked outside as he beheld the swirling mass of air and lightning pouring down upon his neighbourhood.

"Yeah, that's a storm, all right..." There was nothing particular to write home about, it was just a lightning-infested downpour.

As Flash recorded with his phone, he noticed that whatever was causing the strange radio signal phenomena didn't affect the wider internet, just certain apps and sites.

He could watch OurTube with no problem, but it would endlessly load if he tried commenting...

Opening Honker, he could look at new Honks, but again...it would just endlessly load when he tried making one himself.

So this anomaly...it seemed to only interfere with communication-related technologies!

That...it sounded like something out of an alien invasion B-movie, how would that even realistically work in real life?

It couldn't be natural...then again, most supposedly supernatural monsters were just Owls in weird lighting, so maybe it was a perfectly natural phenomenon that Flash knew nothing about.


Another strike from the all-daddy Zeus of the high heavens made Flash reel his head upward in instinctual surprise.

'This was probably a bad idea...' With all communications cut off, there would be no help coming if one of those bad boys smote him to death.

It would also be the perfect opportunity for any strange green man from Uranus to take advantage and probe his banana organs...

After some consideration, Flash decided to head back and simply record the storm from his bedroom window, escaping the rather brutal death by lightning.

Again, Flash felt that he could have had some kind of superhero origin story out there, but he was an idiot, not a retard.

Maybe the friggin God of Thunder was playing catch with his cosmic dog and would accidentally smite his ass, giving Flash crocodile tears and some free powers as compensation...that would be funny.

...Or maybe he would be struck with some hyper-space Star Wars-type lightning that would awaken some ancient power he got from his Yoda heritage, that would be more sensible...

"God, the sleep deprivation is really true and real, huh?" He was more autistic today, maybe it was because of the lack of sleep.

Flash decided to cure this problem with a hot cup of energizing coffee as he set his mePhone to record the outside whilst leaning on the side of the window frame.

"Shit, just my flashing luck..." There was a shortage of caffeine supplies, not nearly enough to make a single good cup of joe.

'There's got to be something round' here...like an energy drink or something, maybe some Gatoraid or Primal...' Thinking about what kind of beverage he could drink to really mess up his sleep schedule, Flash began rummaging through the kitchen.


He glanced back at the Speed Pump.

He shouldn't, right?


It was so tempting, maybe he was a retard, after all.

Suddenly, he had a flashing idea.

Grabbing the Speed Pump, he got a good sniff before sitting on the living room sofa and turning on the TV.

The Speed Pump represented an unknowable kind of danger in his subconscious, his body would be naturally wary of its existence.

So came the bright idea to gaslight his own body into entering a 'danger response' state, therefore eliminating his mind's eager willingness to sleep.

His genius...sometimes, he wonders how he does not have overwhelmingly better grades than Peter, even Harry's uber-rich dad would be impressed with this type of thinking!

With Speed Pump in one hand, and remote in the other, a flash of bright light signalled the TV's awakening.

"So what exactly is the anatomy of a fembo—" Oh, yeah...this is 2 in the morning, most kids are sleeping right about now...

With a neutral expression, he changed the channel without thought.

"Alright, gang...this place is called the—" A ghost-hunting show, not interested...

"Wager your bets, ladies and gentlemen! Who will win on this night of—" A game show/reality TV...yeah, no.

"The stock prices of Stark Industries have been experiencing an upward yet steady growth since the former CEO, Tony Stark, revealed himself to be the Ironman, yet experts say that this would not be the case for the long term...Tucker, what is your opinion on—" That would just negate his whole keikaku and make him sleepy again, no thanks.

"Honey Badger don't care, Honey Badger don't give a shit, it just takes what it wants—ew! it's eating and shitting at the same time..." Okay! Now this he could work with...

Flash continued watching the Honey Badger documentary, half-enraptured by the beast's capacity to ignore all sorts of damage and harm by simply not caring enough.

Damn, if Flash could do something like that, he'd be the meanest guy in school...well, he already was, but that was beside the point.

As he enjoyed the late night/early morning TV, he started feeling a weird rapid vibration in his hand...

Specifically, the hand holding the Speed Pump.

He looked down upon the Speed Pump in confusion, the one vibrating was the can, not his hand...

Flash gave the can to his other hand to see if it would do the same thing and it did, confirming the fact that it really was the can that was vibrating.

He got up and started walking away to see if anything changed...and boom, the can stopped vibrating.

'What the heck's going on here...' He said that, but he honestly wasn't too surprised. Too many strange things have happened today on such a short time scale, so maybe some organization really did choose him to become a Superhero...

Walking in all sorts of directions, Flash realized that the farther away he got from the TV, the less the the can would vibrate.

The opposite case was also true, the closer he held the can to the TV, the more it vibrated.

'This really ain't energy drink, huh? Next thing I know, it's some nuclear waste...' Hopefully, just holding it alone wouldn't give him leukaemia or something wilder...

In pure curiosity and boredom, Flash decided to get closer to the TV with Speed Pump in hand.

"!" Flash halted his steps after seeing the TV start shaking as well.

'Okay...this might not just be a chemical reaction...' Flash realized, but he continued walking again as a little shaking didn't necessarily mean anything dangerous.


Another strike of thunder could be heard as Flash widened his eyes, the Honey Badger from the TV screen vanishing in a flash of light as the TV was overrun with static monochrome.

'Shit...did a lightning bolt just hit my antenna!?' That was the first thought that came into his mind.

God, first the robber who got away, now this shit...fate must really love bullying his house!

Flash broke out of his musings as the lights flickered sporadically, and even more panic welled up inside him as a cracking noise resounded from the TV.

'Yeah, nah...' This looked like something straight from a second-rate horror movie, Flash could reasonably deduce that something was going to come out of the TV, he knew these cliches deeply.

Perhaps it wouldn't be a ghost or any other type of paranormal creature, but just the lightning travelling down from the busted-up antenna and electrocuting his ass...

But before the blonde teen could even hope to run away, a bright flash overtook his field of vision.

Okay, he made that theory about the lightning travelling down from the antenna as a joke, it shouldn't even be possible in real life...

So how the hell did what he just exactly described just happen?


The living room TV cracked and shattered in a flash of heat before a long streak of golden lightning erupted from the screen, heading in his direction...

No! It was not his direction—it was the Speed Pump that the lightning was attracted to. Immediately after making this realization, Flash quickly threw the can in the air before he could get electrocuted.


The lightning struck the seemingly mundane can before a not-so-mundane acid-like green liquid exploded in the air and rained down.

It rained down on him...

"HAAA!!!" Flash screamed out in agony as he subconsciously formed an 'X' with his hands to cover his face from the acid.

But that just burned his hands, his torso also got hit by the liquid.

A sharp, burning sensation erupted on the parts where he got hit, it felt like hydrochloric acid had been showered on him.

Flash gritted his teeth as he struggled to stand up, leaning against the wall while releasing the occasional painful grunts.

"Hn!?" Looking up, panic swelled inside him once more as he saw the now shattered TV screen rippling with electricity.

A flash erupted yet again, it would be attracted by the Speed Pump again but said liquid had been splattered all over him...

Flash ran, he ran away from his house with a loud sprint.

He could hear the damn lightning behind him, but he didn't look back.

Flash ran, he ran, he ran, and he ran some more...

Then the sound barrier broke.

--->Author's Note:

There's a fic called [The Fastest Man Alive - Marvel], the concept of Flash being in Marvel was not inspired by that fic. I was just watching the classic Sam Raimi's Spiderman movies when I realized the potential of having Flash Thompson become the Flash.

You do not need to worry about this FF following the path of [The Fastest Man Alive - Marvel], Flash Thompson would never allow himself to be cucked.

This Fic is actually more inspired by [Meta Essence Gacha In Marvel], which is an absolute must-read for all of you.

Go read it.

I'll also tell you about the things you might be turned off by contained in this fic:

1. There might be some lemon scenes, though they won't contain any (important) pieces of lore and I'll warn you when they appear.

2. Whether it is Harem or not will be up to you, I support democracy.


No Harem

3. The MC is not an evil edgy loner, some Webnovel readers are unsatisfied with their lives, so they read about protagonists who can do whatever they want without any consequences as a way of feeding their thirst for the power and approval they never got.

However, he is not Superman, he is the Flash though. His morality will be more clearly defined later, but won't be just a boring good guy, Flash Thompson is a really immature guy, after all.

4. Character Development is real, I know most of you don't believe in it since you're too used to dropped books that don't even have the time for any development, but that's not your fault.

Remember, Flash is currently 15 here, let me cook.

5. This might turn into a multiversal book in the future since the Flash can travel through time and space, will decide later.

6. The overpowered tag is there because the concept of the Flash itself is inherently overpowered but unlike the true Flash, Flash Thompson wouldn't be immediately as powerful due to a pretty obvious shortcoming that might just prove fatal.

Spoiler alert: Barry Allen singlehandedly made the cosmic treadmill without using alien technology...

next chapter
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