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100% Marvel: The Diamond Authority / Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Chapitre 12: Chapter 12

The Gem Revolution, a conflict that had seemed to threaten to tear apart the very fabric of Gem society on Mars, came to an abrupt and violent end after 189 cycles. This conclusion came far sooner than White Diamond had initially anticipated in her grand experiment, a testament to the efficiency - and ruthlessness - of her children in quelling the uprising.

The final toll of the conflict was staggering. Eight hundred thousand Gems were shattered during the course of the war, their essences scattered across the red sands of Mars. Of these, two hundred thousand were not rebels at all, but merely sympathizers or suspected collaborators, eradicated by the Diamond Authority in their zeal to root out any trace of dissent.

Grey Diamond's Project S.P.Y. proved to be the turning point of the conflict. In a single, coordinated strike, the rebellion's leadership was decimated from within, sleeper agents activated by a simple codeword turning against their comrades. The chaos that followed allowed the loyalist forces to sweep across Mars, crushing the disorganized remnants of the rebel armies.

Yellow Diamond's forces moved with brutal efficiency, shattering those who resisted and capturing those who surrendered. Blue Diamond's empaths swept through the population, identifying those whose grief and trauma might lead them back to rebellion, as she knew that this might be one of the few ways to salvage the situation. Brown Diamond's scientists worked tirelessly to develop new methods of control and suppression for all Gems captured, while Black Diamond's watched from the shadows, ensuring that no Diamond faced any danger due to their actions.

In the aftermath of the conflict, Mars was transformed. The once-vibrant rebel strongholds were reduced to silent, shattered wastelands. Entire facets were wiped clean, their resources redistributed to fuel the Diamond Authority's ever-expanding ambitions. The survivors, those lucky enough to be deemed redeemable, were subjected to intensive reprogramming, their memories of the rebellion erased and replaced with an artificial but unshakeable loyalty to the Authority.

For many Gems, the end of the Revolution marked the beginning of a new era of oppression. The Diamond Authority, emboldened by their victory and armed with new technologies of control developed during the conflict, tightened their grip on every aspect of Gem society. Individuality, already a rare commodity in Gem culture, became all but extinct as conformity was rigidly enforced.

Yet even in this atmosphere of totalitarian control, whispers of resistance persisted. In hidden corners and secret gatherings, some Gems clung to the ideals that had sparked the Revolution. They spoke in hushed tones of a mysterious figure known as Azurite, a rebel leader who had somehow survived the Authority's purges. To some, Azurite was a beacon of hope, a promise that the dream of freedom had not been completely extinguished. To others, she was a cautionary tale, a reminder of the futility of resisting the Diamonds' will.

What none of these Gems knew, of course, was that Azurite's continued existence was not a failure of the Authority's control, but a calculated move in White Diamond's incomprehensible game. For reasons known only to her, White Diamond had deemed Azurite more valuable alive than shattered, a hidden piece on the cosmic game board that was Gem society.

As for the Diamonds themselves, the end of the Revolution brought about subtle but significant shifts in the balance of power within the Authority. Grey Diamond's successful implementation of Project S.P.Y. elevated his status, his mastery of manipulation and control earning him increased influence in the Authority's decision-making processes. Yellow Diamond, while publicly lauded for her military victories, privately chafed at the implication that her traditional methods of control had been found wanting. Blue Diamond, her empathic abilities strained to the breaking point by the trauma of the conflict, retreated further into herself, her rare public appearances marked by an aura of deep, pervasive sorrow.

Brown Diamond threw himself into analyzing the vast amounts of data generated by the conflict, seeking to optimize every aspect of Gem production and control. Black Diamond, as ever, remained in the shadows, his interventions unseen but felt throughout Gem society as potential threats were eliminated with cold efficiency.

And above them all stood White Diamond, serene and unknowable, the architect of a grand design that even her fellow Diamonds could scarcely comprehend. To the average Gem, White Diamond remained a distant, godlike figure, her radiance both terrifying and awe-inspiring. Few understood the true extent of her involvement in the Revolution, how she had shaped and guided the conflict from its inception to its brutal conclusion.

In the cycles that followed the end of the Revolution, a new normalcy settled over Mars. The scars of the conflict, both physical and psychological, were hidden beneath a veneer of order and productivity. New Gems emerged from the kindergartens, their programming refined to eliminate the flaws that had led to rebellion. The great machines of Gem society ground on, ever-expanding, ever-consuming, driven by White Diamond's insatiable quest for perfection.

Yet beneath this facade of stability, currents of change continued to flow. The Revolution, though crushed, had planted seeds of doubt and questioning that could not be entirely eradicated. The very methods used to end the conflict - the deep infiltration, the betrayals, the mass reprogramming - had introduced new vulnerabilities into the system. Trust, once broken, proved difficult to fully restore, even with the most advanced emotional manipulation techniques.

And so, as the dust settled on the battlefields of Mars and the last echoes of the Revolution faded into memory, a new chapter in Gem history began. It was an era marked by tighter control and greater conformity, but also by a deep, unspoken tension - a recognition, perhaps, that the issues that had sparked the Revolution had not been truly resolved, merely suppressed.

In her towering spire, White Diamond looked out over her domain, a faint smile playing across her luminous features. The Revolution had been a success, yielding data and insights that would fuel the next phase of her grand experiment. And as for the cost - the countless shattered Gems, the trauma inflicted on an entire population, the trust forever broken - these were mere trifles to White Diamond, necessary sacrifices on the path to her vision of perfection.

The Gem Revolution had ended, but in the grand tapestry of White Diamond's design, it was merely the closing of one chapter and the opening of another. What new tests, what fresh crucibles lay ahead for Gemkind, only she knew. And as the twin moons of Mars rose over a landscape forever changed by conflict, the machine of Gem society rumbled on, driven ever forward by the incomprehensible will of White Diamond.


'Well, looks like they exceeded even my greatest estimates. I'll have to put far greater faith in my children in the future. But, in the end, all of this was worth it.' White thought to herself. 

White Diamond stood atop the highest spire of her palace, her radiant form glowing softly against the backdrop of Homeworld's night sky. Her eyes, usually filled with an otherworldly detachment, now held a glimmer of satisfaction as she gazed out over her empire. The Gem Rebellion had come to an end far sooner than even she had anticipated, a testament to the efficiency and capability of her children.

A small smile played at the corners of her lips as she reflected on the past 189 cycles. The 'war' had served its purpose beautifully, consolidating the Diamonds' rule and providing her progeny with the challenges they needed to grow. Each of them had exceeded her expectations in their own unique ways.

Yellow, her brave daughter and eldest, had proven herself a brilliant strategist. Her tactical acumen had been instrumental in quelling the rebellion swiftly and decisively. She likely could have dealt with the war a lot earlier, though it was simply her few times of interference that led to it continuing. 

'Such incompetence. To think that they will be that pathetic even with my assistance. Maybe next time I should let a Peridot be the leader.' White thought.

Blue, ever the diplomat, had worked tirelessly to maintain the shreds of rights that she had scavenged for the Gems. White honestly didn't mind if the society gave the Gems greater freedoms, but she couldn't stand for the Gems to question their Society. Doing so in an uncontrolled manner can lead to a multitude of problems that she just did not have the time for. 

'Though, this will signal the start of a darker Era, since Yellow and Grey will likely want to restrict things for the Gems even further, leading to a repeat of this situation. I wonder how things will develop then?' White mused to herself with a smile, before her train of thought got back on track.

Brown, her scientific prodigy, had developed new technologies that had given their forces a significant edge in battle. His innovations would continue to benefit Gem society for eons to come. Though she knew he likely thought of the War as a game and even predicted that it was all her intention, as he always seemed to be uncaring other than when it came to his siblings or her.

Grey, the master of intelligence, had woven a web of information so intricate that the rebels found themselves outmaneuvered at every turn. His Project S.P.Y. had been particularly effective, sowing chaos and distrust within the rebel ranks, with it being the thing that caused the war to end so prematurely. 

'I'll have to get that Pearl moved to the Royal Guard. She was a key part in ending the war so soon. Such a talent definitely needs to be nurtured.' White thought to herself.

And Black, her silent guardian, had worked tirelessly in the shadows, eliminating threats before they could fully materialize. His dedication to protecting the Diamond Authority was unwavering and absolute.

White's smile widened as she thought of how each of her children had grown through this trial. They had proven themselves worthy inheritors of her legacy, capable of maintaining order in the vast empire she was building and about to begin expanding again.

With a satisfied nod, White decided it was time to turn her attention to other matters. In a flash of brilliant light, she vanished from the spire, leaving behind only a faint shimmer in the air.

In an instant, White Diamond found herself in her dimension—a canvas she had created a few hundred cycles ago. This was her private sanctuary, a place where she could work on her most ambitious projects away from the prying eyes of her empire. The space around her pulsed with raw power, responsive to her every thought and whim. This was also the place where the Speed and Still Forces resonated the strongest, yet this was also where she had begun nurturing the other half of her plan that began when she created the Speed Force.

"Rage and Hope." White mused aloud, her voice echoing in the empty dimension. "How fitting that you two should be the first to take form."

The first orb blazed with a fierce crimson light, its surface roiling with barely contained fury. This was Rage, the first of the emotional seeds she had planted. Its rapid growth was undoubtedly due to Yellow Diamond's influence. The military campaign against the rebels, the righteous anger of the loyalists, and the fierce determination to crush all opposition had fed this emotional construct, causing it to flourish.

She approached the red orb first, feeling the waves of anger and fury emanating from it. 

"You burn so brightly, little one." White whispered to the orb of Rage. "Your fire will forge great weapons and fuel great changes. But you must learn balance, lest you consume all in your path."

She then turned to the blue orb, feeling the warm embrace of Hope wash over her. This was Blue's gift, born from her unwavering belief in the potential for understanding and growth. Even in the darkest moments of the rebellion, Blue had never lost faith that peace could be achieved.

Beside it floated a sphere of soft blue light, gentle yet unwavering in its radiance. It pulsed with the collective aspirations of countless Gems who looked to the future with optimism, believing in the promise of a stronger, more prosperous empire in the wake of the rebellion.

"And you, my gentle one." White addressed the orb of Hope. "Your light will guide many through their darkest hours. But be wary, for hope without action is merely a dream."

White stepped back, observing the two orbs as they pulsed in tandem. They were impressive on their own, but she knew they were just the beginning. To create a true Emotional Spectrum, she would need to nurture the growth of other emotions: Love, Fear, Compassion, Avarice, and Will. Each would need to be cultivated carefully, drawn from the experiences and essence of her children and her empire.

"But for now." White said, raising her hands, "Let us see what you two can become."

Under her influence, the orbs began to change. The crimson sphere of Rage elongated, its surface hardening into a metallic sheen. It took on the shape of a massive lantern, intricate patterns etched into its surface that seemed to writhe and shift, mirroring the volatile emotion contained within. At its core, a fierce red flame burned, casting an angry glow across the dimension.

Similarly, the blue orb of Hope transformed. It too became a lantern, though its design was markedly different. Smooth, flowing lines characterized its form, and its light was softer, more inviting. Within, a serene blue flame flickered, its gentle radiance a stark contrast to the furious red of its counterpart.

White Diamond observed the two Power Batteries with satisfaction. They were but the first steps in her grand design to create an Emotional Spectrum, a concept she had conceived (stolen from the people down the street) after introducing both the Speed Force and the Still Force into this universe. She knew that for the spectrum to reach its full potential, other emotions would need to take shape: Will, Fear, Love, Compassion, and Avarice. Each would play a crucial role in balancing the others, creating a cosmic force that would become another fundamental basis in this reality.

"Not quite complete." White mused, circling the lanterns. "But a promising start. You will reach your full potential once your siblings join you."

No matter how long it takes, it wouldn't matter to her. After all, White was nothing if not patient. She understood that rushing the development of the Emotional Spectrum could lead to instability or unforeseen consequences. Each emotion needed time to grow naturally, to be shaped by the collective experiences and feelings of the Gems under her rule. Forcing their creation prematurely could result in imbalanced or unpredictable manifestations of emotional energy.

She could already imagine the possibilities these Power Batteries would unlock. Properly harnessed, they could grant incredible abilities to those who wielded them. She had plans to create entire legions of Gems using the power from them, but she would not delegate her Lanterns to be Space Police.

She began to envision how each of her children might resonate with different aspects of the spectrum. Yellow's militaristic nature and her role in nurturing Rage were evident, but White could see potential connections to Will as well. Blue's empathy and her contribution to Hope were clear, but perhaps she might also have an affinity for Love or Compassion. Grey's calculating nature might align with Fear or Avarice, while Brown's scientific curiosity could resonate with Will. Black's protective instincts could potentially connect with multiple aspects of the spectrum.

White spent some time fine-tuning the Power Batteries, making minute adjustments to their output and stability. As she worked, she allowed her mind to wander, contemplating the future of her creation.

"Perhaps." she thought aloud, "I should create guardians for each aspect of the spectrum. Beings who embody the purest form of each emotion in a similar manner to how they were in that reality."

The idea intrigued her. Such entities could serve as both protectors and regulators of the emotional energies. They could help guide the development of the other aspects of the spectrum and ensure that no single emotion became too dominant.

As she pondered this new concept, White felt a subtle shift in the energy around her. A message was coming through from Homeworld—a request for her presence. With a thought, she conjured a small viewing screen, revealing the face of her Pearl.

"My Diamond." the Pearl spoke, her voice reverent. "Yellow Diamond requests an audience with you. She says it is a matter of great importance."

White raised an eyebrow, intrigued. It was unlike Yellow to seek her out so soon after a major victory. Usually, her militaristic daughter would be busy consolidating their gains and re-establishing order.

"Very well." White replied. "Inform Yellow that I will meet with her shortly."

As the viewing screen dissolved, White took one last look at the Power Batteries she had created. They hummed with potential, their energies intertwining in a complex dance. She knew that this project would require much more of her attention in the coming cycles, but for now, other matters called.

With a wave of her hand, White created a shimmering barrier around the lanterns, protecting them from outside interference. Satisfied with her work, she prepared to return to Homeworld.

"Rest and grow, my little ones," she said to the batteries. "Your time will come soon enough."

In a flash of brilliant light, White Diamond vanished from the dimension, leaving the Power Batteries of Rage and Hope pulsing quietly in the vast emptiness.

Moments later, White materialized in her throne room on Homeworld. The massive chamber, with its soaring ceilings and intricate crystal formations, seemed to come alive with her presence. Light danced off every surface, creating a dazzling display that would have overwhelmed lesser beings.

She had barely settled onto her throne when the doors to the chamber opened, admitting Yellow Diamond. White observed her daughter carefully as she approached. Yellow's posture was rigid, her face set in a serious expression that spoke of weighty matters on her mind.

"Mother." Yellow said, bowing her head slightly in deference. "Thank you for agreeing to see me on such short notice."

White inclined her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "Of course, my dear. You've done exemplary work in quelling this rebellion. I assume you're here to discuss the aftermath?"

Yellow's brow furrowed slightly, a flicker of something—uncertainty, perhaps?—passing through her eyes. "In a manner of speaking, yes. But there are... questions I need to ask. About the rebellion, about our empire, about..." She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "About you, Mother."

White's smile didn't falter, but a keen observer might have noticed a slight sharpening in her gaze. "I see." she said, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Well then, my child. Ask your questions. I'm most curious to hear what's troubling that brilliant mind of yours."

Yellow took a deep breath, steeling herself before speaking. "Mother, I... I've been reflecting on the recent rebellion and our response to it. There's something I need to understand."

White leaned forward slightly, her luminous form casting a soft glow around them. "Go on, my dear. You know you can speak freely with me."

Yellow's eyes darted around the room before settling back on White. She straightened her posture, as if preparing for battle. "During the final confrontation with the rebel leaders, you instructed me to show mercy. To spare them when we had the opportunity to crush them completely." Her voice wavered slightly as she continued, "I've been trying to understand why."

White's expression remained serene, but there was a glimmer of something—pride, perhaps?—in her eyes. "And what conclusions have you drawn, Yellow?"

Yellow's hands clenched at her sides. "Brown suggested that this entire rebellion might have been... orchestrated. A test for us, your children." She paused, searching White's face for any reaction. "But I... I find myself struggling with this idea."

White raised an eyebrow, her voice soft but carrying an undercurrent of curiosity. "Oh? And why is that?"

"Because." Yellow said, her voice growing stronger, "I can't reconcile the idea of you allowing our empire to suffer unnecessary losses. The chaos, the destruction..." She trailed off, then added in a quieter voice, "The disappointment I felt in myself for not being able to end it sooner."

White's expression softened, a rare show of emotion crossing her features. She stood from her throne, descending the steps to stand before Yellow. Despite being taller than her daughter, White somehow managed to make the gesture feel like she was looking up at Yellow, giving her full attention.

"My brilliant, devoted Yellow." White said, her voice filled with warmth. "Your loyalty and desire to protect our empire are admirable. But tell me, what do you think would have happened if we had simply crushed the rebellion with overwhelming force?"

Yellow blinked, caught off guard by the question. "We... we would have maintained order. Shown the strength of the Diamond Authority."

White nodded slowly. "Perhaps. But at what cost?" She began to pace, her luminous form casting shifting shadows across the chamber. "Consider, my dear, the aftermath of such an action. The resentment that would fester among those who sympathized with the rebels, even if they didn't join them outright. The fear that would grip our subjects, not out of respect, but out of terror."

Yellow's brow furrowed as she considered White's words. "But isn't fear a powerful tool for maintaining control?"

"It can be." White conceded, turning back to face Yellow. "But it's a fragile foundation on which to build an empire. Fear breeds resistance, Yellow. It may lie dormant for centuries, millennia even, but it will always be there, waiting for the right moment to explode into chaos."

Yellow's eyes widened slightly as she processed this perspective. White continued, her voice gentle but firm. "By allowing the rebellion to unfold as it did, by showing mercy at key moments, we've accomplished something far more valuable than a simple display of strength."

"What do you mean?" Yellow asked, her curiosity overcoming her hesitation.

White smiled, reaching out to cup Yellow's face in her hands. The gesture was so unexpectedly tender that Yellow found herself leaning into the touch, her eyes searching her mother's face.

"We've created a narrative, my dear." White explained. "A story of conflict and resolution, of justice and mercy. Those who once considered rebellion will now think twice, not because they fear immediate destruction, but because they've seen that even in victory, we can be magnanimous."

Yellow's expression shifted as understanding began to dawn. "You mean... by sparing some, we've actually strengthened our position?"

"Precisely." White said, her smile widening. "And more than that, we've given you and your siblings an opportunity to grow, to face challenges that will make you stronger rulers in the long term."

Yellow stepped back, her mind racing as she processed this new perspective. She turned away, pacing as she often did when deep in thought. White watched her, allowing her daughter the space to work through her emotions.

After a few moments, Yellow spoke again, her voice quieter than before. "I... I understand the logic, Mother. But I can't help but think of the Gems we lost. The damage to our colonies. Was it truly necessary?"

White's expression softened further, a hint of sadness creeping into her eyes. "Every loss pains me, Yellow. Each Gem shattered, each structure destroyed—I feel it all. But we must think beyond individual cycles, beyond even millennia. We're building something eternal here, and sometimes... sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good."

Yellow turned back to face White, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. It was a vulnerability she rarely allowed anyone to see, even her mother. "I just... I wanted to make you proud. To show you that I could protect our empire, that I was worthy of the trust you've placed in me."

In a moment that would have shocked any other Gem in the empire, White closed the distance between them and wrapped Yellow in a gentle embrace. Yellow stiffened for a moment, surprised by the unexpected display of affection, before slowly relaxing into her mother's arms.

"Oh, my dear Sunshine." White murmured, her voice filled with a warmth that few ever heard. "You have made me proud. More than you could possibly know. Your strength, your dedication, your unwavering loyalty—these are the qualities that will ensure our empire endures for eons to come."

Yellow allowed herself a moment of vulnerability, burying her face in White's shoulder. When she spoke, her voice was muffled but filled with emotion. "I was so afraid I had failed you. That my inability to end the rebellion quickly was a disappointment."

White pulled back slightly, looking into Yellow's eyes. "Never, my child. Your handling of this situation has only confirmed what I've always known—that you are a leader worthy of the Diamond name."

Yellow straightened, composing herself, but there was a new light in her eyes. "Thank you, Mother. I... I think I understand now. But may I ask one more question?"

White nodded, gesturing for Yellow to continue.

"If this was indeed a test for us, your children... how did we perform? Did we meet your expectations?"

A proud smile spread across White's face. "Oh, my dear. You didn't just meet my expectations—you exceeded them in ways I couldn't have imagined."

She began to pace again, her voice taking on a tone of admiration. "You, Yellow, showed not just military prowess, but adaptability. You learned to temper your strength with strategy, to consider the long-term implications of your actions. Blue's empathy and diplomatic skills proved invaluable in maintaining unity among our loyalists and even swaying some rebels back to our cause."

White's eyes gleamed as she continued, "Brown's scientific innovations gave us edges we never anticipated, advancements that will benefit our society for eons to come. Grey's intelligence network was a masterpiece of subterfuge and manipulation, outmaneuvering the rebels at every turn. And Black," she paused, a hint of pride in her voice, "Black's silent vigilance eliminated countless threats before they could even materialize."

Yellow listened intently, her chest swelling with pride not just for herself, but for her siblings as well.

White turned back to Yellow, her expression serious but warm. "Each of you faced this challenge in your own unique way, and in doing so, you've proven yourselves to be true leaders. You've shown that you can handle not just the day-to-day operations of our empire, but also its greatest crises."

Yellow nodded slowly, processing this information. "I see."

A comfortable silence fell between them as Yellow contemplated White's words. After a moment, she spoke again, her voice filled with determination. "I won't let you down, Mother. I'll continue to learn, to grow, to be the leader our empire needs."

White placed a hand on Yellow's shoulder, her touch gentle but firm. "I know you will, my brilliant Yellow. But remember, true strength isn't just about conquest or control. It's about understanding, adapting, and sometimes... showing mercy."

Yellow met White's gaze, a new understanding passing between them. "I'll remember, Mother. Thank you for... for everything."

As they stood there, mother and daughter, the air in the throne room seemed to shift. The tension that had filled the space earlier had dissipated, replaced by a warm, comforting energy. It was a rare moment of genuine connection between the two Diamonds, a glimpse of the deep bond that lay beneath their usually formal interactions.

White finally stepped back, her form seeming to brighten as she resumed her more typical regal bearing. "Now then, I believe you have an empire to run, don't you, my dear?"

Yellow straightened, a small smile playing on her lips. "Indeed I do, Mother. There's much work to be done in the aftermath of the rebellion."

As Yellow turned to leave, White called out once more. "Yellow?"

She paused at the door, looking back. "Yes, Mother?"

White's expression was soft, her voice carrying a note of affection that Yellow had rarely heard. "I am proud of you. Never doubt that."

Yellow's eyes widened slightly, a warmth spreading through her gem. She nodded, unable to find words to express the emotions swirling within her. With a final glance at her mother, she left the throne room, her steps lighter than they had been in cycles.

As the door closed behind Yellow, White returned to her throne, a thoughtful expression on her face. She gazed out over her empire, her mind already turning to the future challenges that awaited. But for now, she allowed herself a moment of satisfaction, secure in the knowledge that her children—her brilliant, complex, wonderful children—were more than capable of carrying her legacy forward.

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