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6.89% Marvel : Superman / Chapter 1: Chapter 01

Chapitre 1: Chapter 01


This story is from Norrin The Bookworm. The whole story is his work. I am just a fan.


The Final Days of the Planet Krypton.

Location: Legislation Chamber/Courtroom – The Floating City of Kandor - 1988

The Council of Five was meeting to decide the fate of three of its citizens. The Council sat on their thrones watching as the accused were brought in. A solitary man stood in the corner of the square room watching the events. A faint tremor caused the courtroom to tremble momentarily as the prisoners were ushered in. Each member of the Council wore ceremonial gold and silver Kryptonian clothing, crystal rings that glowed cosmic red and had crowns adjourning their heads. The Council all pressed a button on the sides of their crowns that created a psychic link between them all. Soon after they all held the same condemning expression. It was clear even before the trial had begun that whoever they were trying would be severely punished.

The three accused Kryptonians were brought to the center of the courtroom, to a stage that hovered just slightly above the ground and stood below the Council. The energy handcuffs that were restraining them went out as two liquid geo rings came from the stage and spun around them encircling them. The trio of Kryptonians were wearing simple black skin suits that had their family crests proudly displayed on their respective chests and crystal rings which unlike those of the council were not glowing. All three were encased in a faint force field as the rings continued to spin around them. The three prisoners were; a giant of a man who had a strong physique to match with a shaved bald head and dark eyes, a somewhat short but pretty woman with an athletic build, brunette hair in a pixie haircut and piercing green eyes and their leader a tall, muscular man with dark cropped hair a neat beard and blue eyes filled with rage.

The council of Krypton looked down on the three Kryptonians and spoke in unison, "Dru-Zod, Faora-Ul and Nam-Ek. You stand here accused of one of the worst crimes a Kryptonian can commit, treason". "The three of you lead the militia you dubbed 'The Storm of Rao' in a two year long civil war against the council of Krypton that lead to the death of many innocent Kryptonians and did untold damage to the landscape of this planet".

The Council's tone was commanding and sure. They listed off Zod and his lieutenant's crimes as facts, making it clear no true argument or discussion was to be had here. Zod looked up at the council his face filled with disgust.

"For these crimes and countless others the remaining members of your militia have been sentenced to 100 cycles of Somatic reconditioning in the Phantom Zone. However, you and your close accomplices are sentenced to far worse, for your countless crimes against Krypton the three of you are sentenced to spending the rest of your days in the 'Land of No Return' within the Phantom Zone never to set foot on Krypton again" the Council continued their tones still as firm as before.

Zod nodded a cruel smirk on his face as he did so, "the Council of Five, the wise Council meant to be the best the Mediator Guild has to offer. The wise Council meant to lead Krypton to a better tomorrow, yet this is the tomorrow you led us to!" Zod spoke his voice growing louder with each sentence as he gestured to the world around him. "You sit above all, unaffected by the laws you enforce and dare accuse me of crimes against Krypton. I was born to fight for Krypton. Was it not I who lead Krypton to victory when the Thanagarians attacked? Was it not I who halted the Daxamite uprising? What have you all done for Krypton other than feed on its riches like the gluttons that you are? You sit there passing judgement but who will judge you for your crimes against Krypton? You lawmakers and your endless debates and foolish decisions have lead Krypton to ruin!" Zod screamed his voice filled with disdain as he stared right at the council and spat in their direction.

"The only person who has lead Krypton to ruin is you Dru-Zod" the Council retorted. "Your pointless war to takeover Krypton and gain control of the Codex caused immense damage to the cities of Argo and Kryptonopolis" the Council's tone was angrier than before, Zod's words had clearly had an effect on them.

"Any damage me and my followers have done is nothing compared to the damage done by Council's inaction and idiotic decisions. You can send me and my lieutenants to the Phantom Zone but know this, in the end, when Rao collects the Kryptonian souls to forge new stars your souls will be left behind, they'll be no apotheosis or rebirth for any of you. Your souls will be left to the void." Zod smiled as he said the last part, it was clear the thought of the Council being left to the void was something that brought him pleasure. A tremor rocked the courtroom after Zod finished speaking, the whole room shook as yet another miniature earthquake passed across the city of Kandor.

"Dru-Zod, Faora-Ul, Nam-Ek. May Rao have mercy on you as you face your punishment" the Council spoke with finality. The 'trial' was over. Zod turned to the man in the corner. He had long dark hair and a full beard. He was tall, with a lean but athletic frame and deep blue eyes that looked like a bottomless pool with unimaginable intelligence beneath. His expression was neutral but not apathetic and he was wearing a neon white skin suit with a white cloak over it as well as a glowing crystal ring. Like all Kryptonians he had his family crest proudly displayed on his chest, the symbol on his crest looked like an S.

"Jor-El, you will stand there silent as I am thrown into the Phantom Zone. I thought we were brothers", Zod said as he looked at the man in the -El walked forward until he reached the center of the room and stood in front of Zod, staring at him, his eyes searching for something, anything, he could recognize in Zod's face.

"Maybe once Dru, but I cannot ignore the pain you have caused. I will honor the man you once were, not this monster before me", Jor-El spoke his voice firm but hurt. Zod stared back at Jor-El and nodded anger and betrayal flashing in his eyes and his expression.

"You think me a monster Jor-El? You told the council that harnessing the power from Krypton's core would be disastrous. Did they listen? Of course not, in their hubris they believed they could control the damage but they could not. If you and I had not gone against the Council's wishes and stopped them Krypton would be beyond saving. I simply took what you and I did and expanded on it. The council needed to be disbanded in order for Krypton to return to glory." Zod spoke far calmer than before, he wasn't trying to lash out like he did with the council but rather trying to reach his former friend.

He moved closer to Jor-El and looked in his intelligent blue eyes "Jor they are going to destroy Krypton and then sit on their thrones as the world we love burns around them. I didn't fight because I am an evil man but because the good of Krypton hang in the balance. The future of our world can't be left to them, men like us are what Krypton needs more of, their degenerative bloodlines need to be cut out so Krypton can start anew. Imagine it; you and I leading Krypton together to another glorious galactic expansion. Imagine it Jor, we could build a Kryptonian empire like the one we dreamed of when we were in the academies". Zod's voice was no longer calm but almost desperate, he was pleading with the man he spent decades being the closest of friends with and working side by side with for the glory of Krypton.

Jor-El stared at his once friend and remembered the days when they were almost inseparable, he remembered the noble soldier who fought for all of his people. A man who carried a torch for his people so bright you could see his patriotic joy in his eyes. Jor-El looked into Zod's eyes and was saddened to see the torch was gone, snuffed out by decades of experiences. In its place was a different glow, one of megalomania.

Jor-El spoke softly to Zod, his voice filled with disapproval "You're lost Dru, you have no right to choose whose lives have meaning and whose don't. Everyone on Krypton should be free to choose their fates not have that choice stripped of them by you and your militia. You speak of returning Krypton to glory but almost tore it apart fighting battles that shouldn't have ever happened. Innocent men, women and children died in your two-year onslaught. Sons and daughters of Krypton were cut down before they could become who they were destined to be. War was not the solution Dru, it rarely is."

The Council of Krypton looked down on Krypton's greatest scientist and greatest warrior as they had their final discussion. Two sons of Krypton responsible for some of Krypton's greatest triumphs in the last century were in opposition to one another, unable to recognize the person they used to consider close enough to call brother. The two men stepped away from each other, Jor-El looking saddened by the conversation and Zod looking very angered by his friends' rejection.

"This isn't the end Jor, I will remember this day. The day you stood back and watched as I was damned to a black hole for all eternity" Zod spoke to Jor-El his voice filled with hatred. "I offered you a chance for greatness Jor-El, to be by my side as I create a new Krypton and instead you spat in my face" Zod's tone of voice was louder now and his face was twisting into a cruel and domineering sneer.

He was no longer trying to reach his friend, no longer pleading instead he was filled with a feeling of deep betrayal.

Zod shouted out as his feelings overtook him his voice filled with malice and confidence "I promise you all this; even if it takes an eternity I will claim the Codex! I will remake Krypton and return it to its rightful position as the greatest empire in the known universe! And when I am done you will all kneel before me."

Zod's rage was completely untethered at this point and the courtroom seemed to shake as he screamed out "and you Jor will not be by my side but at my feet. You will bow down before me Jor-El, I swear it!"

Jor-El turned his back on Zod and walked back to the corner he was originally standing in, his friend was truly gone and he could not bear to look at Zod in this state anymore.

"You will bow down before me Jor-El, no matter how long it takes. You willbow down before me! Both you and then one day your heirs!" Zod declared maniacally, shouting as loud as he possibly could.

Zod's declaration sent a chill throughout the legislation chamber. The Council of Five stood in stunned silence. If any other man had said those words it would not have phased them all but Zod's drive and rage knew no bounds, if any man could make good on such a promise it was Zod. They all pushed the thought away not allowing themselves to let fear creep into their minds.

"The Phantom Drive is ready; Dru-Zod, Faora-Ul and Nam-Ek I hope you have said your goodbyes to Krypton" the Council spoke as the roof of the courtroom opened up to reveal Krypton's sky.

Flying beasts soared freely through the sky alongside various Kryptonians who were projecting constructs from their rings of flying chariots, jet packs or hover boards made from solar energy. The red sun illuminated the cold planet and a small portal was forming directly above the legislation chamber.

The three prisoners looked up at the portal and Zod gave the Council of Five a cold and vengeful look, he had murderous rage in his eyes

"We said goodbye to the Krypton we knew years ago" Zod said on behalf of his comrades.

The Council nodded as the stage was engulfed by a tractor beam from the Phantom Zone portal just as the liquid geo rings stopped spinning and the force field dissipated.

Zod looked to his comrades reassuringly and then said with authority "Salute!" All three immediately clenched their right hand in a fist and pounded the left side of their chest.

"For the glory of Krypton" they all shouted in unison as they were lifted into the Phantom Zone.

The roof closed over the courtroom and Jor-El looked towards the Kryptonian council.

"Was there another matter to discuss Jor-El?" the Council asked.

"Yes", Jor-El responded firmly.

The council assuming, they knew where the conversation was going preemptively spoke "I hope you don't intend to speak on Krypton's imminent destruction once again. This council has had more than enough of your end is nigh speeches. Krypton is a shining beacon to the universe blest by Rao, we are a civilization that the rest of the galaxy looks up to in wonder and awe, these tremors will pass our sensors are constantly monitoring them and the subterraneous-bots are working to repair the damage done to the core. The Brain Interactive Construct you designed which possesses a 12th Level intellect has informed us that there is nothing to fear. Its new and advanced data satellite is monitoring the planet and even it can't detect the apocalypse you are so quick to speak on. We can assure you this will pass. Trust us Jor-El we will not meet our end any time soon". The Council tried to put on a kind and calming tone but they couldn't fully hide their condescension and holier than thou attitude.

Jor-El humbly nodded as they spoke to him, he had tried and tried to convince the council of his findings but they dismissed him in favor of his creations Braniac's findings. He did not understand why he and Braniac had different findings but regardless Jor-El knew as it stood he could not convince the Council of Five and had he did not need to be ridiculed once again.

"No council I am not here to bring up past grievances, I only have a humble request. I need permission to take custody of the Codex". Jor-El's tone was filled with resolve even though he was making a request it was clear that there was no answer to it other than to give him the Codex.

"For what purpose?" the Council asked.

"The survival of Krypton", Jor-El replied simply.

The Council looked down at Jor-El inquisitively, they then looked at one another mentally deliberating what he could possibly want the Codex for and whether or not to allow him to take it.

Jor-El sensing their hesitancy spoke up "I am the greatest mind on Krypton right now, I was bred to discover, innovate and solve, all for the glory of Krypton. Every action I take is for the good of the future of Krypton. I assure you all I am simply looking to the future to ensure it isn't damaged by these tremors".

The Council nodded, Jor-El's words had the intended effect.

"Jor-El we are entrusting Krypton's genetic codex to you. Know that possession of the codex is a huge responsibility. Take care to not impair it in any way, all of the future sons and daughters of Krypton are held within it" the Council of Five spoke, their tone of voice made it clear that should Jor-El fail to keep the Codex safe they would be huge consequences.

Jor-El nodded and said to them "believe me Council, my only intention is to ensure those sons and daughters have a future".

Jor-El then bowed his head to the Council before exiting the legislation courtroom.

Jor-El headed out of the courtroom and made his way to a balcony that overlooked the great city of Kandor. He looked at the magnificent floating city with its incredible platinum, gold and crystal buildings and structures and high tech architecture. The city of Kandor was equipped with an anti-gravity core powered by sunstone allowing it float in the sky. The sunstone crystal also connected the floating city with the rest of the planet, making it so it would change as the planets terrain did. While this was usually good as Krypton's terrain was often adapted by Kryptonians in order to improve standard of living it was a detriment now as the same tremors that shook the ground below affected the floating city. The planet's terrain was lush filled with multiple bioluminescent plants, large water bodies that just like the plants glowed with a bioluminescent light and mountains and fortresses made of pure crystal.

Jor-El turned to his left and looked down and into the distance. He could see Argo from here, the large city was built next to the giant wall of lava constantly coming from the sprawling and incredibly large mountain range made from rock and crystal that many on Krypton aptly named fire falls. The cities protective dome was illuminated by the orange red glow of the lava and its silver liquid geo buildings and crystals caught the orange light making the city look majestic.

He then looked down into the distance and to his right so he was able to see his home Kryptonopolis, the largest city in Krypton. It was a huge city of crystal with some golden and liquid geo buildings. The city had multiple bioluminescent water bodies snaking through it and mountains made of pure sunstone littered the edges of the massive city. Jor-El enjoyed looking at the incredible view of Krypton from the floating city. It was beautiful, even when dying his home still took his breath away.

Jor-El pulled himself away from admiring the cities of Krypton and took a deep breath knowing what he was about to do was an act that he could not return from. He looked at the crystal ring on his index finger. The ring was entirely crystal with a diamond shape at the front of the ring and it glowed with a very dull white light. The ring was called a Sun ring, a unique ring capable of creating anything its user could imagine by harnessing solar and cosmic energy. The ring was made entirely of sunstone, a luminescent crystal that was everywhere on Krypton. Many Kryptonians believed the crystal was a gift from Rao, it stored, redirected and produced cosmic and solar energy and was unique in its capacity to create or control matter as well as project energy. Over the centuries Krypton's greatest scientist were able to program the crystals to create or control matter as Krypton needed. In fact, one of the earliest members of his house, the House of El, designed the Sun rings that Krypton used to become the greatest galactic empire ever. Those days were long past though, like all empires Krypton crumbled from within and now the once great empire was just a lone planet whose destruction was imminent.

"Keelex" Jor-El called out to the A.I of his service robot that he and his wife had also stored in their respective sun rings.

The crystal ring on his finger started glowing a cosmic red, powering itself up by harnessing the cosmic and solar energy around it.

"Call Lara" Jor-El instructed.

"Certainly sir", it replied in a robotic but female voice.

Soon a holographic projection of his wife stood before him; Lara was a tall beautiful woman with a slim build, dark curly hair, clear skin and piercing bright blue eyes that almost seemed to glow. She wore typical blue Kryptonian formal attire and wore her sun ring on her right index finger like Jor-El did although she also had an additional sun ring hanging on a simple silver necklace she wore. Jor-El softly smiled at the sight of his wife Lara Lor-Van.

"How did it go with council today?" Lara asked in a soft but curious voice.

"Zod and his followers were thrown into the Phantom Zone and the Council agreed to give me possession of the Codex" Jor-El replied simply.

Lara looked at her husband and could see the sadness and anguish in him.

She quickly began to speak to him softly hoping her words would help him, "I am sorry about Zod; I know how close you two were. Seeing him thrown into the Phantom Zone must've been difficult, especially considering our plan. Do you have the strength for it Jor? It's not easy to go against your own home, if you need me to do this just say the word".

Jor-El took in his wife's words, smiling at how easily she could read him.

"No Lara" Jor-El responded softly "the strength is there, we made our decision long ago. I just needed to see you and speak to you before everything…."

Jor-El thought of what was to come and let himself drift off momentarily, however a tremor quickly shook him back to his senses and he steeled himself.

"I am glad your resolve is as strong as it is Lara because there's no coming back from this. Stay with Kal keep him hidden so the Council doesn't discover his existence and prepare the incorporation machine. I'll be home shortly with the Codex." Jor-El's tone was different when he spoke this time, more assured. Both he and Lara knew it was time.

"I'll see you soon Jor" Lara stated as Jor-El dropped the call.

Jor-El then willed his ring to create a hovercraft and the ring glowed once again projecting energy that shaped itself into the hovercraft Jor-El imagined. Jor-El said a silent prayer to Rao as he stepped onto the craft before making a beeline towards the Bio-Matrix Labs.


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