Rena groggily got out of bed to a series of rapid knocking at her door. However, since the person knocking already had a key, she did not have to get up to open it and simply stretched while it opened itself, and the person in question let themselves in.
"Renaaaa!" Lyrah sang while giving a twirl in a beautiful, short gray dress. Natali followed, wearing her standard fare.
"Yes, yes… I know. You want to peruse the markets before the tournament starts?"
"Yes! Oh, there are so many people in town I hear! Elves and beastmen as well! Come on! Let's go!"
Rena quickly donned the standard gear that made her look like a rough-and-tumble adventurer rather than the daughter of a noble and joined her friends on their trip to the marketplace.
Today will be the last day of writing three chapters a day. I have been making mistakes to meet the goal (see the accidental Dual Chapter and chaps 144-156, which had horrendous grammar and spelling errors I needed to fix), and I want to improve quality over quantity. I am very sorry I could not do the whole month of three chapters a day! I just do not want to sacrifice the story to meet this goal.