"Is that meant to be a joke?"
In the very center of the tamlin group's camp, a small banquet was being held In front of a bonfire. Among the people present for this event were the most prestigious people in the camp.
There was the commander, Alaric, Kilian and several elders of the tamlin group, like protector Talsi, the chain wielding elder and the three main elders.
"I'm afraid not sire....but I can try to verify" Beside the commander, Alaric, a guard knelt and whispered into his ear with some caution. He didn't want to spoil the mood because of an unsubstantiated rumor from a normal guard. But this was too sensitive.
"Hmp!! There's no need. She's already here" the commander said with a visible look of annoyance.
From the corner of a tent not too far away, he could see a lady with white hair moving towards them abet being surrounded by numerous spears and guards.
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