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56.52% Maelstrom Of DC / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: New Feelings - Evolved Power!

Chapitre 13: Chapter 13: New Feelings - Evolved Power!

Jon Stewart and Hal Jordan fly through space heading towards an unknown object. A large ship is approaching Earth and the two lanterns were sent to intercept the spaceship. Following from a safe distance is the Bat Jet. Jon Stewart speaks in a loud, commanding tone gained from serving several years with the marines. "You are entering Earth space," states Jon. "Deactivate all your weapons and surrender or we will be forced to take extreme action." No response comes from the ship. One of the red bubble shaped designs on the ship begins to glow before launching a red beam at the two Lanterns. Both put up shields to protect them from the beam, but it doesn't help as the two are disintegrated in a matter of seconds.

Batman reacts in an instant not bothering to mourn the death of the two Lanterns. "Deploy," he hits a button opening a hatch in the black jet. Superman, Captain Marvel, Captain Atom, and Martian Manhunter fly out of the hatch. The alien ship opens fire causing the four heroes to split into two groups. A third beam disintegrates Captain Marvel and Captain Atom. A couple seconds later Martian Manhunter and Superman are disintegrated as well. Batman quickly ejects as enemy fire strikes the Bat Jet destroying it in a single shot. His eyes widen as a small enemy ship is soon upon him and he has no way to escape. The small alien ship doesn't hesitate to destroy the last of the heroes that went to confront them.

Mount Justice

Zatara appears on the monitor. "Red Tornado…"

"We saw," says Tornado.

"This is a full League response, we need you out here immediately," orders Zatara. The image of the magician vanishes. Tornado turns to face the team.

"Should the Justice League fail, you all will be the planet's last line of defense."

Aqualad's eyes harden. "We stand ready." Red Tornado heads towards the Zeta Tubes vanishing in a flash of light.

Naruto watches the screen with a curious expression. This is an interesting training exercise. He has never experienced a psychic training simulation. It almost feels real. A bit on the cliché side though with the Earth being attacked by aliens and wiping out the strongest beings in the world in a single stroke. Oh well, he was curious to see how the simulation played out.

The team watched as heroes around the world desperately fought against the aliens. One by one the aliens used their disintegration to destroy cities, kill thousands of people, and wipe out the entire Justice League. Red Tornado was the last of the Justice League to fall to the aliens. "We are Earth's heroes now," says Aqualad.

"So what are we waiting for? A theme song?" says Superboy ready to fight.

"No, a plan of action." Aqualad gains a sudden plan. "Robin pull up a map showing where the alien invaders are attacking."

Robin pulls up a map of the world. The red area shows areas in the world that were under attack by the alien invaders. "Those are all the areas that the aliens are attacking."

Superboy notices a single dot far up in Antarctica. "Did that one get lost?"

"No, it is at Superman's Fortress of Solitude!"

"Superman has a Fortress of Solitude!?" Superboy's eyes widen in surprise.

Megan reaches out, but he turns away. "Connor…"

"No it is fine. I guess that is…was a lot I didn't know about him and never will now."

Robin interrupts their conversation. "The alien must have been attracted to the power source. If we can capture it…"

"We can dismantle it, adapt its weapons, and build our own to fight back against those ugly aliens," smirks Kid.

Artemis elbows Kid in the side. "Martian and Kyrptonian in the house."

Kid looks over at Miss Martian and Superboy. A sheepish smile appears on his face. "Not that all aliens are ugly." He laughs nervously.

"We have our mission, time to move out," orders Aqualad.


A lone alien ship is facing the entrance that leads to Superman's Fortress of Solitude. Miss Martian flies through air undetected due to being invisible. She uses her telekinetic powers to disable the sensors of the ship. 'Sensors disabled,' reports Miss Martian. Another psychic blast disables the main weapon. 'Main weapon destroyed.'

Artemis shoots several arrows that pop open spraying the front of the ship with a tight sealing foam. 'Extra Terrestrials are sealed inside,' reports Artemis.

Superboy leaps into the air landing on the ship. Robin drops down out of the invisible Bio-ship landing next to Superboy. Immediately, Boy Wonder begins to run an analysis on the main weapon. "It has three structural weak points. Here, here, and there," points Robin. Miss Martian uses her psychic powers to damage all three points. Superboy begins to rip the weapon out. A piece of the weapon starts to activate. Wolf hears the noise and quickly leaps knocking Superboy out of the way taking a hit from the beam.

"Wolf," whispers Miss Martian. Naruto tosses a kunai destroying the weapon.

Robin glances at Superboy. "The scanner didn't pick up anything. Sorry."

"Nothing can be done for him now," says Superboy. The clone goes back to work ripping out the weapon. He leaps onto the Bio-ship. Miss Martian starts to integrate the alien weapon into the Bio-ship.

"Merging, need to drop camouflage for a couple minutes," says Miss Martian.

A pair of alien ships fly through the air above them. "We may not have a couple minutes," says Robin.

"I got it! Head back to the ship!"

Artemis notches a pair of arrows. She lets the arrows fly predicting the flight pattern of the alien ships. The explosive arrows strike each ship. One of the ships fly into the ice glaciers exploding in a shower of debris. The other ship crashes into the ice. It hit the ice with such force that it cracked straight through it. The ship floated on the water as Artemis turns running back towards the Bio-ship. The second ship's weapon turns taking aim upon the archer. Kid's eyes widen recognizing the danger. "Artemis look out!" Artemis turns around. Her eyes widen as a red beam heads straight at her. The same beam that disintegrated the entire Justice League was about to wipe her out of existence.

'I don't want to die,' thinks Artemis.

Miss Martian's eyes widen as the beam engulfs Artemis. "Artemis!" The team watches in horror as Artemis is disintegrated.

Aqualad runs forward water bearers at the ready. "Get inside the ship!" Channeling his magic through his water bearer, he creates a large tidal wave that shreds through the ice and launches the alien ship into the air. The water turns into two dozen large spikes that Aqualad directs straight at the alien ship destroying it.

"Those alien bastards! I am going to kill every single one of them!" curses Kid.

Tears are brimming Miss Martian's eyes. 'You all need to calm down.' Everyone turns to see Naruto burst out of the ice with Artemis in his arms. He is holding her bridal style. Both are soaking wet. Artemis is shivering with her arms wrapped around his neck.

"T-thanks," shivers Artemis.

"Artemis!" shouts Miss Martian/Kid. Naruto leaps onto the Bio-ship.

"We need to get her inside or she will die from ammonia," says Naruto.

Aqualad nods. "Others might come, we need to leave now."

"Where do we go?" asks Robin. "The cave?"

"No, we head to the Hall of Justice. The world needs to know it still has heroes protecting it."


Naruto carries Artemis into the infirmary. He places her shivering body onto one of the beds. Artemis is shivering teeth chattering harshly. "Take off your clothes." Her eyes widen looking at Naruto in disbelief. The ninja begins to remove his gloves, weapon pouches, and vest. "If you don't get off those soaking clothes off then there was no point in me saving you," says Naruto. Next, he removes his shirt revealing a muscular torso.

Artemis turns her head with a light blush. "T-turn a-a-r-round." Naruto looks at her curiously. Shrugging, he turns around as he starts to remove his shoes. Soon his pants hit the ground followed by his boxers. Artemis peeks over her shoulder to see a nicely shaped butt. A blush heats her cheeks as she turns back around. She removes her bow and quiver. Her gloves and boots are next to follow. Hesitantly, she is removing her top revealing small b-cup breasts with light pink nipples. The room is starting to heat up. Miss Martian voice appears in their heads.

'I am heating the room to high temperatures to get you both dry,' explains Miss Martian.

'Thanks,' replies Naruto. He reaches into his pouch pulling out a storage scroll. Biting his thumb he swipes blood across the seal. In a cloud of smoke a new set of clothes is in front of him. He begins to put on the extra set of clothes.

"Um, I don't have any extra clothes…"

Artemis screams as Naruto walks over to her wearing a pair of black boxers. She is completely naked except for a pair of white bikini style panties. "Pervert!" A hand reaches out slapping him across the face. Naruto didn't even flinch. His ocean blue eyes stare at her with a hint of annoyance. He walks past her crouching down under the bed. He pulls out a suitcase and types in a code.

"I had Miss Martian place an extra set of weapons and clothes for each member of the team on the ship after the mission to Santa Prisca." The suitcase pops open. He pulls out a second uniform for Artemis tossing it on the bed. "Dress up, it won't take us long to reach the Hall of Justice," says Naruto.

'How is he so calm while we are both naked?' thinks Artemis.

'What!?' yells Kid. Artemis groans realizing that their minds are still connected.

Naruto glances at Artemis. "I grew up on the streets and got into constant fights sometimes having to travel around naked until finding new clothes. You get used to the nudity." He turns back around to finish getting dressed. Artemis steals one last glance at Naruto's body before removing her panties and quickly putting on a fresh pair.

Hall of Justice

Soldiers are fighting a losing battle against the alien invaders. Each passing second soldiers are dying. Red beams are raining down upon the army destroying tanks and jeeps. It looks like the troops are going to be wiped out when the same red beam killing the soldiers starts to take out the alien ships. A yell comes from Superboy as he leaps through the air landing on an alien ship. Superboy punches the ship several times making it crash into the ground.


"I told you he was alive!"

Superboy lands on the ground. Out of thin air, the soldiers tense as a ship appears landing behind Superboy. The ramps lower and a group of young heroes exit the ship. "Thanks for saving us Superman!" smiles a soldier.

Superboy frowns, "I am not Superman."

"You wear the S and you got the job done," says the general. Superboy lowers his eyes mumbling that he isn't Superman. "General Wade Eiling of United States Army!"

Aqualad steps forward. "I am Aqualad, Justice League. We will help you salvage the enemy's weapons and begin our counterattack."


The troops raise their weapons opening fire on the enemy ships. "Fall back!" orders the general.

"We can take cover in the Hall of Justice," shouts Aqualad.

Naruto flashes through hand seals. 'Katon: Hosenka no Jutsu!' He spits out a dozen small fireballs that strike the three alien ships. The alien ships spin out of control crashing into the ground. Surprise and awe fills the soldiers at the display of power.

"Move it!" orders the general.

The team and the soldiers run into the destroyed Hall of Justice. Megan stares at the crumbled statue of her Uncle J'onn. Tears stream down her face. Robin reaches out placing a hand on her shoulder. He gives a knowing smile. Aqualad interrupts the moment. "We need to send a message to the rest of the world telling them not to give up the fight. The more people we can get to rally together the better chance we have at defeating the aliens," says the protégé of Aquaman.

Robin starts to scan the Hall of Justice. "We can send a worldwide transmission from the library. This way!" Boy Wonder leads the way. Kid, Miss Martian, and Superboy follow the two. Artemis glances back at Naruto. He makes no move to follow the rest of the team.

Artemis walks over to him. "Aren't you going to help deliver the message?"


A smirk appears on her face. "Yeah, me either." Artemis shifts uncomfortably. "How were you able to save me? I mean, I thought you were with the others."

Naruto glances at Artemis. "I was watching you the entire time." Her eyes widen in surprise. A pink hue starts to dust her cheeks. "The others may not see it, but you are an essential part of the team. You are a long range specialist. Against these aliens, that makes you more valuable than the others."

Artemis gains a hint of disappointment at his explanation. It was not exactly what she wanted to hear, but was touched that he considered her such an important part of the team. She rubs her right arm in a nervous tick. "Either way, I appreciate you watching out for me. I never really had that," admits Artemis. "Like you, I grew up in a rough environment."

"Referring to your father and sister?" Artemis's eyes widen.


The ninja reaches up tapping his nose. "I have faced them both in combat a couple times. I recognize your movements and more importantly, I can smell their scent upon you." Naruto turns to face Artemis sensing her anxiety and fear. "There is no need to worry, I have known for some time now. Your secrets are yours to keep. I will not tell anyone. Not that it matters now," he gestures to the state of the Hall of Justice.

She looks around at all the destruction. Sighing, she relaxes. "Guess you are right." Artemis shifts nervously before giving him a sincere look. "Thanks for not telling anyone." Deciding to be a bit bold, she leans downward kissing him on the cheek. Naruto looks at her curiously. Smiling, she looks away with a blush.

The moment is interrupted as the walls are blown up. Artemis draws her bow and Naruto turns facing the attackers. Soldiers rush forward weapons at the ready. Alien ships rain down fire destroying the wall in several shots. "Fall back!" orders General Wade. Gunshots fill the air. Artemis launches arrow after arrow.

"This is pointless. Fall back, I will cover you." Artemis nods running back towards the library. Naruto follows behind her tossing a kunai with a paper tag on it. It flies through the air and explodes releasing a blinding flash of light that blinds the alien ships. The soldiers use the cover to fall back into the room. One of the red beam destroys the Bio-ship. A scream of pain comes over the mental link. Superboy catches Miss Martian.

"She's…gone," cries Miss Martian.

Aqualad turns to face the group. "We can only send one at a time through the Zeta Tube. The soldiers will go through first!"

"Belay that!" General Wade opens fire. "You seven are assets we can't afford to lose!"

Naruto agrees, "Artemis and Robin are first to go through." Artemis looks at Naruto with a smile. She runs over to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't die okay?" whispers Artemis. Naruto stares into her eyes. He gives a nod. Artemis runs over to the Zeta Tube as Robin goes through. Kid stares at the scene with jealousy burning in his eyes.

Red beams start to disintegrate the soldiers. General Wade is soon killed leaving behind three soldiers and the team. Debris falls down burying a soldier. "Miss Martian, you're next!" shouts Aqualad. Miss Martian glances at Superboy before disappearing in a flash of light. Superboy is next to enter the Zeta Tubes. Aqualad notices one of the soldiers about to be hit. He rushes forward pushing the soldier out of the way taking the hit.

"Aqualad!" screams Kid. Kid is so distracted with Aqualad's death that he never sees the red beam come down from above. The speedster is disintegrated.

Naruto wastes no time heading towards the Zeta Tubes. In a flash of light he disappears. He reappears in the cave. The team is waiting. No one else comes through. "Aqualad, Kid," whispers Miss Martian. Naruto shakes his head. Fresh tears fall from Miss Martian's eyes. She hugs Superboy who remains calm not showing any emotion.


'There is something not right.'

Naruto can't place his finger on it, but he knows there is something wrong. Almost like there is something he is not remembering. It started at the Hall of Justice after the Bio-Ship was destroyed by the alien invaders. There is something important that he has forgotten. His instincts are screaming at him that he needs to discover the source of this insecurity. One thing he learned as a missing-ninja was to never doubt his instincts.

Artemis takes a seat next to Naruto as the team tries to come up with their next move. "I can't believe Aqualad and Kid are gone." Naruto remains silent. She looks at him curiously. A frown forms on her face at his cold behavior. He was so nice to her at the Hall of Justice, but it is times like these that she doubts that he truly cares about anyone on the team. Sure she finds Wally to be an idiot but he was a teammate and friend. She was hurt to find out he was killed. Naruto doesn't seem to care at all. The reason that he saved her wasn't because he liked her or anything sentimental like that. It was because she was a useful member of the team that could be used to help them accomplish the mission. "Do you even care about any of us?"

The ninja turns his head to look at her. "Yes," answers Naruto without hesitation. Artemis has a doubtful expression. "This isn't my first time seeing death. I have seen many die. It has been part of my life for a long time." She stares at him in surprise. "Aqualad was a good leader…and a good friend. I never liked Wally, but I did not wish him to die. But there is no time to feel sorry or mourn. If we want to avoid meeting the same fate than we have to continue to fight. Once we have got rid of the aliens we will have time to pay our respects to the fallen."

A smile starts to form on the archer's face. She had misjudged him. His words comforted her because he was right. Kaldur and Wally gave their lives to protect the world. This is no time to mourn and lose faith. If she wants to honor them and continue living she has to pull it together. "By the way, why do you keep kissing me?" asks Naruto.

Blushing, Artemis splutters. "Well…I-I…um…"

"You don't have to answer, I thought I would ask in case I don't get another opportunity."

Artemis feels her heart ache at the possibility of Naruto dying. Gathering her courage, she looks him straight in the eyes. "I like you." Naruto's eyes widen a bit. Surprise is clearly evident on his faith. Little does she know that it is an admission that surprises her too.

"What about Superboy?"

"That…that is different," admits Artemis. "I guess I was attracted to him physically. With you it is different. You were the first person to accept me on the team, truly accept me. Even knowing my secret you accept me. I…I have never had someone like that. Someone who knows about my past and doesn't care. If any of my other friends or even the team knew about my family, I probably wouldn't be so welcome." She looks at the floor. "If you don't feel the same way it is fine…"

Naruto interrupts her. "You should come to Tokyo. I would like to spend time with you outside the team." He stands up. "After we save the world that is."

Artemis smirks as she stands up. "Tokyo huh? Always wanted to visit."

"Alright team, time to regroup and come up with a plan." Robin calls everyone over. The team gathers around Boy Wonder. "I believe I have found the mother ship. If we can infiltrate and destroy the ship we might be able to disrupt the coordination of the worldwide attack." He pulls up a global map. "The mother ship is centered in Smallville. Superboy, you will draw their attention allowing us to sneak in."

"No!" Miss Martian yells vehemently. She turns to look at her boyfriend. "He is offering you as a sacrifice! Aqualad would never do that!"

Robin doesn't deny the accusation. "You're right. Aqualad would offer himself which lost us our leader. If this is to work we need to be able to sneak in unnoticed. Superboy will be perceived as the biggest threat motivating the aliens to deploy."

Superboy looks at Miss Martian. 'It is ok Megan. It's what Superman would do.'


Robin stands at the hill. Naruto and Artemis come up on either side of him. "Can you get us in?" asks Robin.

"Kage Bunshin!"

A second Naruto pops into his existence. Artemis and Robin show no surprise despite it being the first time seeing the technique. The two have long accepted that Naruto is a bag full of tricks. "I can carry you both and get us inside the moment their attention is drawn away." Robin nods in satisfaction.

Superboy is waiting for the signal. Miss Martian comes up beside him. 'I will be fine,' he assures.

'I love you,' says Miss Martian. Superboy turns away leaping high into the air. He slams down on the mother ship not bothering to be silent. Yelling, he grabs one of the main guns and rips it out so that the cords remain.

'Keep it connected!' orders Robin.

Superboy points the weapon at the ship. "Ready to see how a real alien fights?!" He starts to open fire destroying the other weapons and causing massive damage to the ship. Hangar doors open. Alien ships start to fly out in waves.

Naruto and his clone are carrying Robin and Artemis on their backs. He moves at jounin level speeds leaping from the hill into the mother ship. Moving at high speeds, Robin and Artemis hold on tightly as the two Naruto maneuver through the shadows. Once reaching a safe spot, Naruto crouches down allowing the two to disembark. Miss Martian appears out of thin air. In a cloud of smoke the clone vanishes leaving the four inside enemy territory. "Time to move," orders Robin. "We need to reach the main reactor and set the charges."

The four race towards the main reactor. A sudden cry from Miss Martian causes the other three to turn around. She collapses to the ground with fresh tears. "No, he is gone." Miss Martian trembles.

"I'm sorry," Robin crouches down. "But we have to complete our mission or his death will be in vain." Miss Martian wipes her eyes. Nodding, she stands up. The team continues to move towards the main reactor.

An enemy alien machine on four legs blocks the path. Artemis notches an arrow. "Go on ahead, I got this!" The alien machine is struck by an impact arrow. It turns looking straight at Artemis. Several machines from above start to deploy. Kunai strike the smaller machines making them explode.

"Robin, Miss Martian, we shall handle this," says Naruto. Robin nods. Miss Martian sends a worried look at Naruto before turning invisible. Naruto tosses several smoke pellets filling the hallway with black smoke. The alien machine fires in random directions. "Artemis, fall back and cover me from a distance." Artemis falls back like ordered.

The black smoke disperses as the machine stomps towards Naruto. Naruto already finished a set of hand seals. "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu." He exhales a giant fireball. The fireball crashes into the machine setting off a large explosion.

"A bit excessive don't you think?" smirks Artemis.

Naruto glances back at Artemis. "It was supposed to be."

The sound of more machines fills the hallway. Artemis turns around to see two more machines. Understanding appears in her eyes. The two of them have become the new distraction. A smirk appears on her face. "I bet I can take down more than you!"

A small smile appears for a second on Naruto's face. "Is that so?"


Robin flips out of the way to dodge enemy fire. "1 minute until the charges go off." Miss Martian ducks behind a pillar. He looks over at her. "Get out of here, I will hold them off."

"No! I won't leave you!"

"That is an order!" Robin tosses several bird-a-rangs. The projectile fly true piercing the alien machine and exploding. "Go!" Miss Martian reluctantly turns invisible and flies off. Robin draws the last of his weapons and charges forward.


Artemis screams in pain. Naruto spins around to see her lying on the ground. Channeling chakra to his legs, he moves at incredible speeds picking up the archer and running past several alien machines. He takes them to safe spot. Gently, he lays her down. Ocean blue eyes travel down to her stomach to see a large piece of shrapnel impaling her. "How…" Artemis coughs up blood. "Bad is it?" He looks up at her not able to form words. She knows from the silence she is not going to make it. Just great, she finally finds a boy that she doesn't have to pretend around and she won't even be able to go on a date with him.

Naruto watches as the life starts to fade from her eyes. Her hand reaches out. He grabs her hand causing her to give a bloody smile. Lowering his head, he gives her hand a squeeze. For some reason he is unable to watch her die. Pain fills him. Unimaginable pain fills him. Even worse than the loneliness that he felt in Konoha. Her arm goes slack and her fingers loosen their grip. He looks up to see Artemis lying there with no life in her eyes.

He has seen death many times. He has killed many people. Aqualad, Kid, and Superboy died before her. Sure, he felt a sting at their losses, but nothing like this. Artemis's death hurt him physically and emotionally. It was like when he said goodbye to Kurama. The pain was the same. Naruto clenches his eyes shut before opening them to reveal blood red eyes. Kid was right, all these aliens would die. Unknown to Naruto, his eyes started to change as a new power rose up inside of him. His Sharingan began to evolve into the next level. The three spinning tomoe molded together to form a beautiful snowflake type design in each eye.

The anger vanished as his brand new eyes gave him new clarity. Naruto's eyes widen as he looked around realizing the truth. He looked back down at Artemis. Forming a ram seal, he started to build up a great deal of chakra.



Naruto's eyes snapped open to stare at a familiar ceiling. Sitting up, he spun around to see the rest of the team lying on separate metal tables. "You're awake!" shouts Captain Marvel. Naruto ignores Marvel and keeps his eyes trained on Artemis. A groan escapes the blond. Slowly, she begins to wake up. Relief fills Naruto.

"They are all waking up," says Batman. "J'onn?"

Martian Manhunter shakes his head. "No, it wasn't me. I was unable to succeed in entering M'gann's mind." Megan snaps awake taking a deep breath.

"Ugh, what happened?" groans Robin. Sweat is profusely falling from his face.

"You all were in a training simulation," starts Batman.

Robin looks at his mentor confused. "Training simulation?"

"Try to remember." Memories start to return to the group as Batman explains from the beginning. "You all were put in a psychic training simulation administered by Martian Manhunter. It was the reason that none of you mourned after seeing the death of your mentors and even Wolf. You all subconsciously knew it was a training exercise," explains Batman.

Martian Manhunter takes over from there. "That all changed when M'gann thought that Artemis died. Though she knew it was not a real death, her subconscious couldn't differentiate from the truth. Her psychic powers responded to the subconscious and made everyone forget that it was a training simulation."

Megan looks around at her friends. "I…I didn't know!"

"But Artemis wasn't killed!" argues Superboy trying to defend his girlfriend.

"True, but at the point she had already convinced herself it was real. Even upon finding out Artemis was alive, Megan didn't know she was affecting the simulation and therefore her subconscious continued to keep a death grip on the scenario. I was unable to wrestle control back in order to end the simulation," answers Martian Manhunter. "So strong was her hold on the scenario that instead of waking up upon their deaths, Aqualad and Kid fell into comas believing that they were dead."

Artemis shivers remembering the pain of the shrapnel. A hand gently touches her arm. She looks up to see Naruto standing next to her. "Are you alright?"


"So you were able to free us how?" asks Kid still shake about his death.

"Not me," Martian Manhunter looks over at Naruto. "It was him." The team turns to look at Naruto.

Naruto turns to face the team. "It is a special bloodline ability." Closing his eyes, he opens them back up to reveal blood red eyes with three spinning black tomoe. Batman's eyes narrow. Robin and Kid shiver in fear at such evil looking eyes. Superboy and Aqualad remain calm. Miss Martian is too distraught by causing the whole mess to truly care. Artemis looks into the red eyes with no fear finding them to be cool and a bit sexy. "This is known as the Sharingan. My eyes have the power to see through illusions and give me advanced perception. I may have forgotten about it being a training simulation, but my eyes were able to discern the truth. Once I realized it was a false reality, I released a large burst of chakra to disrupt the illusion." Blood red eyes turn back to blue.

"I am so sorry," cries Megan. Captain Marvel holds the girl as she cries.

Batman stares at Naruto who is attending to Artemis. The Dark Knight narrows his eyes.

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