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76.27% Lunatic Dragon / Chapter 42: CH 38: Prey MC's Mother, Serilda

Chapitre 42: CH 38: Prey MC's Mother, Serilda

(A/N: Sorry for not updating for a while. I was focusing on my Ben 10 fanfic. Go check it out!)

"Wait, what?!" Serenity grew shocked :"It tasted good?! Give me that vial for a second!" Snatching the empty vial with her tail, she smelled it :"It really doesn't smell bad..." She looked genuinely shocked, confusing Leah :"Are health potions... really that disgusting?"

"Huuuh, you know the saying "the worse it tastes, the healthier it is"? Health potions embody that." The noirette rolled her eyes :"The higher the grade, the more disgusting they get. So believe me, Natasha managing to actually make these taste good is one hell of an achievement."

"You're exaggerating it." Amused, Natasha grabbed the empty vial and stored it back, not littering the forest. But Serenity just gave an unamused look :"Say that to my poor, tortured taste buds, missy. In the past, I would be hella careful in fights. Not because I was afraid of being injured, but because I genuinely hate the damn taste of health potions."

"Hehehehe, you know the saying "the worse it tastes, the healthier it is"." Natasha snickered, looking smug while Serenity grew even more unamused :"Piss off." Making her laugh :"Look, as fun as this conversation is, it's getting dark. It's not safe to stay outside at night. Can you tell us where you live, miss..."

"O-oh, Leah! My name is Leah." Leah smiled :"It's kind of late to ask, but you must be Adventurers who've accepted our village's quest, right? The one for orc subjugation?" They had already figured out she was a villager from there. Natasha nodded :"Nushan Village, right?"

"Yes! Yes, that's right!" Leah nodded excitedly :"Then let's not wait any longer! Let's go back so you can meet the village chief!" Already knowing that Natasha didn't exactly like her neighbor, she prompted to grab Hurtez hand gently :"Come on, Hurtez, let's lead the way for the Adventurers."

And so, they continued on their way. With Hurtez not daring to even look back at the trio. Even his delusional self knew instinctively that Natasha's actions weren't that of a tsundere and whatnot, but that of a genuinely "try shit and see what happens" kind.

The two had gotten quite far from the village, probably while escaping from the orc, because it took a while to finally reach the village. "Welcome to our humble village." Leah welcomed with a polite smile :"Although it might not be much, I hope you enjoy your stay here."

"Yeah, thanks./Gauw." They entered the village. It seriously was nothing much compared to Crussas, but that was a city for Adventurers to gather in, so it wasn't a fair comparison. But although not huge like the city, it seemed like a cozy place. A place where everybody knew each other.

It wasn't nighttime yet, so there were still villagers going on about their daily lives. Farmers were moving around their harvests of fruits and vegetables in carts carried by animals, the owners of the few stores that were there waited or exchanged pleasantries with their customers or friends, while the children ran around and played cheerfully.

'I bet my ring finger's nail that if this MC wasn't the perverted, harem seeking type, he would definitely be the annoying "I just wanna live a boring life despite being in a fantasy world of magic and monsters" type. God, both of these kinds of bastards are annoying, since they always end up with harem anyway! The only exception is Lloyd Frontera the Chad because he doesn't want a harem and doesn't end up with one, but ends up with one of the best, hottest, sexiest dommy mommy of all time instead!'

"Please follow me. I'll guide you to the village chief's house." Just as Leah was about to guide them, a voice stopped them :"Hurtez! Leah! You're back!" Turning, they saw a giant pair of bouncing tit- ahem ahem, a beautiful lady running towards them.

She was quite beautiful, a 10/10, with a mature body and face that could only belong to a milf. She really did have an amazing body. Just walking would probably make her breasts jiggle. And now, as she was jogging towards them, the heavenly pairs were just bouncing around, attracting the eyes of not just the trio, but basically every guy in the vicinity. Like Hurtez, she had long, beautiful brown hair, which reached down to her fat and squashy ass.

"Holy fucking titties..." Natasha and Alistair heard Serenity mumble. They couldn't blame her, they were staring too. But unlike Alistair and Serenity, who were staring (dis)respectfully, she was looking at the milf with sympathy :'I know the struggles, sis, I do.' Being sexy as fuck came with its own problems. Being the center of attention most, if not all the time being one of them.

Seeing her, Alistair couldn't help but be amazed. These body figures were only possible through surgeries in his previous life, and obviously the quality wasn't so awesome unless touched. But here, he was seeing impossibly mature bodies on the daily. Some even above the others. Hell, Natasha was only in her early twenties, yet had a body that rivaled that of milfs when not hidden in illusions. Like the one running towards them.

"Oh, I was so worried!" The milf hugged Hurtez and Leah :"You were gone for so long, and I was afraid that something might have happened to you! Thank goodness you're both safe!" But due to the height difference, Hurtez's face was buried in her chest. Poor thing.

'Man~, just this is enough to blow away my rage from before!' Hurtez's perverted smile was hidden by the huge tit his face was buried in :'Hmph, consider yourselves lucky, I'll forget about your ignorance for now! Even your's, you redheaded bitch! Hmph, you should be grateful to my mom for being beautiful enough to soothe my heart.'

That's right, Hurtez hadn't ignored his new mother when his Job was awakened. In fact, she was the first one he targeted. How could he not, when he's had his eyes on her since day one? That was probably the smartest thing he had ever done.

"Lucky bastard." Alistair heard Serenity mumble what went through every guy's head. And gave her a weird look. Although he couldn't disagree, he had all the titties he needed with Natasha.

"Why were you so late? I was so worried." Za (the) milf let go of them, looking at the two worriedly :"Nothing happened to you two, right?" Leah chuckled awkwardly :"Well, it's a long story. We were actually attacked by an orc while in the forest."

"Oh my goodness!" She gasped, checking the two for any injuries :"Are you two alright?! You aren't harmed, right?!" Leah grabbed her hands gently, calming her down :"Relax, miss Serilda. Although we were attacked, we were lucky enough that these kind Adventurers showed up. Also, sorry that I can't explain everything, but we need to take these Adventurers to the village chief to discuss the orc problem."

"O-oh!" She seemed to have just noticed them. Standing straight, she apologetically bowed a few times :"I-I'm so sorry for ignoring you! I didn't mean to be rude, I'm sorry! I was just worried about my baby boy and our neighbor being gone for too long."

'Aah, she's the innocent and airheaded mom type, huh? Hmhmhmhm, this makes it even easier~.'

"Oh, don't worry about it, miss." Natasha waved dismissively with a friendly smile :"We can understand your worry. It's no problem." Sighing in relief, she smiled gently :"I'm glad to hear that. I'm Serilda, by the way. Hurtez's mother. Thank you very much for saving my boy! I hope he hasn't given you any problems on your way here."

'Oh, believe me, he wouldn't dare.' Nat growled internally. While Leah chuckled awkwardly, Natasha just gave a friendly smile and continued :"No such a thing. Anyway, I'd love to keep chatting, Mrs Serilda, but we need to meet the village chief and stop the orcs' danger quickly."

"O-oh, of course! Of course!" Serilda smiled kindly :"Don't let me keep you waiting. And there's no need to call me Mrs, sweetie. Just Serilda is alright."

"Alright then, Serilda, I hope we meet again." As the redhead nodded, they were about to walk away. But the dragon on her groaned at her. "Alistair?" She raised an eyebrow, receiving a bored look from him :"Gauw? (Can I not come to this boring meeting?)"

"Why? Are you tired?"

"(Yeah, kinda. Can I just hang around while you deal with the talking?)"

"Well, I don't see why not considering you're a dragon. So, sure."

"What's he saying?" Serenity asked and Natasha replied :"Alistair is bored, tired and wants to just hang around rather than come with us. Probably to find a quiet place to rest."

"Oh, then why not come to our house?" Serilda smiled brightly, catching their attention :"It's pretty late and will become night soon. There aren't any inns in our village unfortunately, so you won't have a place to stay. So how about staying the night at our house? After all, you saved my son, so I can't just let you sleep out in the open!"

'What?! No, I don't want this demon in my home!' Hurtez panicked internally. But no matter how much he tried to influence her with his Skills, to get her to take her words back, nothing seemed to work at all. Which only managed to make him even more agitated :'Why?! What's happening?! Why can't I control her?!' Failing to notice Natasha's sneaky, sinister glance.

"Uuh, as much as we appreciate it, we can't trouble you, Serilda." Natasha rejected politely, but the milf wasn't having it :"Oh, please! You wouldn't be troubling me at all! And while you talk with the village chief, your baby dragon can rest at my house!"

Without waiting for a reply, she picked Alistair by his armpits and hugged him. Letting him feel the heavenly pleasure of being squeezed against her softest flesh. While he just stayed in her hold awkwardly, Natasha finally accepted with a defeated sigh and a smile :"Alright, then I'm sorry in advance for troubling you."

"Oh, don't say that, sweetie. And while you're talking with the village chief, I'll cook up a delicious dinner!" She smiled in determination. Serenity chuckled :"Then we'll be sure to finish quickly so the meal doesn't get cold. Shall we go then?"

"Then let's go. Come on, Hurtez." Leah said, receiving an unsure look from the boy :"Huh? I'm coming too?" The brunette nodded, grabbing his arm and walking :"You'll probably need to answer some things too, so you should come along too."

He sighed in defeat. But for some reason, deep in his guts, he felt a sense of unease.


The questioning took time. Too long for the weird anxiety in his heart. Anxiety that he felt like wasn't coming from the redhead that wished for him to slip up so she could bury his corpse 12 feet under. Anxiety that appeared ever since his mother grabbed that dragon.

But he had to sit and patiently wait for the old farts of the village to finish flattering the bitches who had disrespected him. Seriously, he had to wait for so long because the old bastards were trying everything to appear good in front of them. They were basically crawling under their feet for attention.

But the moment they were done with questioning him, which was after all the flattery and explaining the situation to the Adventurers, —which had taken around an hour or so— he had taken off immediately. Running out of the village chief's house after being given permission and making a run for his home. (Going at normal speed to not seem weird in front of the villagers, of course.)

But no matter how much he tried to keep the anxiety at bay and his beating hard calm, his worry grew by the second each step that he took. When he reached his home, he felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest. Taking a few deep breaths and exhaling shakily, he unlocked the door and walked inside.

"Mom? Are you there?" He asked, trying to hide the quivering of his voice. "O-oh, honey, y-you're back! W-we're here, b-baby!" Hearing his mother's weird voice, he quickly made his way to her. Which, weirdly enough, came from where the bathroom was.

And when he saw her, his heart dropped to his stomach.

There she stood, awkwardly holding a bath towel around her body with a boy around the same age as him standing beside her. She was smiling nervously, with sweat covering her body even though she was barely out of the showers. But what made his stomach turn and his head dizzy, was the big pair of erect nipples protruding through the bath towel covering them, but failing to cover their shapes, and the suspicious hand of the smirking boy that had disappeared behind her.

Said boy came equipped with wings and tails, and wearing absolutely nothing. Giving him a clear view of his massive dick, —that was definitely an unusual size for his age and definitely capable of humbling most adults even in their erected state— with lipstick marks adoring it and semen leaking from the tip.

"H-hey, honey, welc-come back!" She smiled shakily, the thick white substance beside her lips and on her cleavage and hair looking very suspicious. And the smirk of the noiret made him feel like he was about to faint.

(A/N: You know, things like this confuse me in isekai. Completely normal dude gets reincarnated, and has a drop dead gorgeous woman for a mother who beats celebrities from his past life in terms of beauty! Yet he doesn't do anything. Even when she's a single mother, he still doesn't do anything!

Bro, what are you doing?! You're an innocent, ignorant shota, so why aren't you taking advantage of it?! If you know me, you should already know that if MC is a child in a book, he's definitely taking advantage of it. You've seen it in the first smut chapter! So why don't more MCs do that?!

Huuuh, why am I even mad, of course we can't expect anything from some incompetent MCs who either just want a harem or a completely bland and boring life. I honestly don't understand what's going on in some author's heads when they make these things.

They're either like, 1 :"Oh, I'm going to make the MC a huge pervert who can't even use his dick because he's dumb to comprehend the advances of his harem girls!" Or 2 :"Oh, I'm going to make the MC the literal incarnation of disappointment who doesn't achieve anything in life!"

Seriously, it's so freaking hard to find a good isekai manga nowadays. And I honestly, seriously don't want to sound racist, but it's somehow always, ALWAYS the Japanese authors! You never see this happening in a manhwa or manhua! Sorry for the rant there, but you can't blame or disagree with me, can you? So if you wonder why I like Chinese and Korean comics more when it comes to the fantasy genre, you know the answer.)

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