When you come close to death they say your whole life flashes before your eyes, or if you're dying you'll see a long tunnel with a white light at the end or you'll see family members. However, that didn't happen for Destiny Williams, an outcast with long black hair and green eyes. In fact, she wasn't surprised that she was dying in an alley in Gotham by a gunshot wound, as her blood begins to pool underneath her.
" Well, at least that woman got away. She has a better life than me, in fact, she has a family waiting for her." Destiny thought to herself as she felt the last bit of her life finally slip away. When she woke up she seen that she was sitting at a dinner table that was floating in a dark space, that the only light there was, are the candles that are lit on the table. Suddenly the table filled with all types of food, and suddenly in the chair across from her appear a skeletal figure that was wrapped in a tattered black cloak and the hood was off.
Destiny was frightened when she saw the being as she tries to push the chair away from the table, but the being held up one of his boney hands, and Destiny realizes that the chair wouldn't move.
"Careful now, sweetie. We wouldn't want you to fall, it not really a nice place down there and there is no way out. Now I'm not here to hurt you, now please help yourself to the food or wine, Destiny Williams." The being said and he pours himself a glass of red wine and took a sip. Destiny watches him, as she expects the cloak to begin to get wet, but it was completely dry. She looks at him nervously and then at the food and the wine, however, she didn't touch any of it.
" H..how do you know my name?" Destiny asked him.
" How? It because I'm a Grim reaper and I know everybody's name, and my Mistress has a wonderful offer for you, Oh and forgive me, sweetheart I didn't introduce myself, but you can call me Tobias." He said to her.
" Well, am I dead? and what's down there? Hell?" She asked.
" Well, you're not dead yet, Time on Earth is I guess you can say temporarily on pause, while we talk. As for what down there, It's not Hell, in comparison that place makes Hell look like all sunshine, rainbow, and unicorns. No, that place is a place where the lost and most dangerous souls go to." Tobias answered her and then he took another sip of his wine.
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