In a small village called pastel, a dragon
whose power can't be rivaled by any other
dragons who've existed appeared, and its
name is "Osamu, The Legendary Dragon".
For unknown reasons Osamu was enraged, so he attacked and destroyed the village along with most of the people living in it.
After a while a group of adventurers called
"Magical Heroes" came and faught the dragon, but the dragon was too powerful, so some of the them got injured and some ran out of mana to cast spells, then a swordsman
in the Magical Heroes named Satoshi said "We're running out of options I have to use it now, if I don't we're all gonna die!" "No! please don't do it we don't know what will happen to you if you use it" cried a female archer named Nozomi whose body is covered with cuts and bruises "please let's just retreat for now and wait for reinforcements" "I'm sorry but there's not enough time for reinforcements to come before the rest of the villagers here die" after Satoshi said those words he proceeded to cast a very powerful spell, a spell called "Oblivion" causing himself to rise and everyone's vision to be enveloped with darkness.
After a while the darkness faded away causing everyone to see that the dragon was no longer there and Satoshi floating in mid-air not moving a single muscle for even an inch, everyone especially Nozomi worried that Satoshi had been severely injured or even died. A few moments pass and Satoshi started to fall to the ground, three members of Magical Heroes rushed to catch Satoshi, fortunately they manage to reach Satoshi before he hit the ground and catch him, the rest of the group followed in pursuit. The Magical Heroes surrounded Satashi waiting for him to open his eyes, minutes pass and Satoshi finally gained consciousness and opened his eyes "What happened?" he muttered "Did we win?" after saying these words the Magical Heroes smiled and applauded Satoshi for defeating Osamu, The Legendary Dragon, but just as they were about to celebrate, Satoshi felt a sudden rush of mana overflowing him with it. Satoshi suddenly felt an unbearable pain causing him to once again lose consciousness. The others felt a sudden rise in mana, they saw that the mana was from Satoshi, at this time Satoshi was covered with sparks of black lightning, it was as if it was his aura, the other Magical Heroes were suprised by this causing them to panic but one of them specifically named Kei cast a transportation spell transporting everyone to the center of the town Amber.
In Amber there were lots of people living there, some was currently going to the market to buy ingredients, weapons, or just go to the bar to relax, some went to work, and the rest was just a in their homes. Time past and the teleportation circle in the town's center activated, the people didn't really pay any attention at first, but once they felt the massive amount of mana they couldn't help but stare, six people came from the teleportation circle, one of them was covered with black lightning this person was none other than Satoshi, the people around the teleportation circle immediately gathered and wondered what could have happened, but before anyone can ask, Kei said to her comrades "I will go find a doctor, you guys go back to the inn take care of Satoshi until then" the others nodded in agreement.
Several minutes later a doctor came and checked Satoshi's condition, the result was not the best of news, the doctor knew Satoshi's situation and said "Because Oblivion only destroyed the body of Osamu, its magical energy remained and decided to inhabit the body of Satoshi, furthermore Osamu still had consciousness when it entered Satoshi's body meaning Osamu was still alive and if not careful it could take over Satoshi's body for good". Having heard this, everyone was speechless they did not know how to think of this.
Meanwhile when Satoshi was still unconscious he met Osamu, but insead of seeing Osamu's body Satoshi only saw a large area filled with magical energy, Satoshi was very confused by this, but just as he was gonna investigate a loud voice said "Hello Satoshi, the swordsman my name is Osamu, The legendary Dragon and I wish to thank you for setting me free from that annoying spell" Satoshi was startled by the voice and even more so when it learned it was from Osamu, after recovering from the shock Satoshi wondered what spell was used on Osamu that made him go berserk so he asked him "Osamu, The Legendary Dragon what happened to you that made you go berserk? And what do you plan on doing now?" just as Osamu was asked this question he replied with "I niether know what spell was used on me nor what happened, but since I don't have a body I guess I will be staying in yours, however don't think I wouldn't attack you with my magic and take control over your body you were the one who destroyed my body, in order to use my magics and my magical energy you need to be deemed worthy if not then I will proceed to take control over you body and you don't have the choise to decline" after hearing this Satoshi was suprised not only will Osamu let him use his magic he would also let him use the magical energy within Osamu, while mana can be used for casting spells magical energy was even better, not only was it even more powerful than mana when casting a spell you would use a lot less magical energy than you would using mana "Alright, I accept your challenge, I will make you see that I am worthy of your power" After hearing Satoshi say such words Osamu can't help but laugh, he was impressed at Satoshi and believes that he is worthy but to know for sure he needed to experience it first hand, after thier conversation Satoshi finally woke up.
When everyone saw Satoshi waking up they were all happy, some even cried because they were worried that Satoshi had been taken over by Osamu.
Time passed and the Magical Heroes still continued to go to adventures they even made a guild which became popular and many people joined it becoming one of the most popular guilds to ever exist, at that time everyone was happy until one day they went to an adventure with required them to fight a Demon Lord, the party consisted of the six most powerful members of the guild, however it was not enough, the entire party was decimated by the demon lord, Satoshi watched as his friends died one by one unable to do anything to stop them, Satoshi rushed at the Demon Lord holding his sword while tears filled his vision not long and he too was strucked by the Demon Lord's weapon.
When Satoshi had opened his eyes he thought that he had died, however he simply just went to a place he did not have a clue about.
please keep in mind that this is my first story to ever write so please give me some advise if I mess something or do something wrong