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18.86% Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic / Chapter 10: The ‘Talk’

Chapitre 10: The ‘Talk’


The sound of the sound barrier breaking echoed throughout the forest, birds left their nests as they were startled and sensed impending danger, and wildlife from all over the forest started trying to escape from their nests and dens as if they could sense that in only a few moments it would no longer be there.


The sound of the earth moving could be heard, and wildlife could be seen running away from what looked like a tsunami of earth that was rolling over this section of the forest 'Holy Fuck!' Mark thought to himself as Superman dragged him across the ground at high speeds causing massive amounts of earth to be displaced. Superman finally lifted Mark up and through him, Mark crashed through numerous amounts of trees while he skipped along the ground, however, Superman wasn't done as he unleashed his heat vision pushing Mark even further.

Mark flexes his muscles and pushes his arms against the ground flipping around and skidding across the earth on his legs.


Superman once more collides with Mark putting his steel grip around his throat as he chokes the life out of him. Mark brought his arm up and slammed it on Superman's arm though it had no effect so he kept on doing it and while he could feel Superman's arm tremble under the force of the blow it seemed his rage was pushing him further than usual. Mark reached and grabbed Superman's shoulder, he used his power and made one side of his suit as heavy as possible, Mark considered that it must be pretty durable so he could put a decent amount of weight on it.

Superman seemed to catch onto what he was doing and his eyes started to glow red again as he scowled, but it was too late Mark used Superman's imbalance to flip them around he then tucked his legs in and slammed them down on Superman creating a shock wave as he flew up into the air. Mark was breathing heavily as he floated above the forest 'This is insane, Kara wasn't this strong' he thought to himself but then he considered it a bit more 'I don't think I could say we were fighting seriously though' he reasoned.

Though he was snapped out of his thoughts as Superman floated up and stopped in front of him, his eyes still glowed red "What if I told you I'll come quietly..." Mark said a bit sheepishly.

However, Superman didn't look amused "Then I'd take you in" he then zoomed forward and punched him in the face throwing him back in the air "After I'm finished..." he continued as he followed Mark through the air punching him over and over again.

Mark righted himself and caught one of Superman's punches under his arm "What is your issue with me? I've committed two crimes in my entire life!" Mark shouted as they rolled around in the air grappling each other.

Superman growled as he reached back with his other fist and aimed to strike him, though Mark who still had Superman's arm locked under his own lifted his leg and blocked the blow "You know what you did!!!" Superman shouted as he gripped Mark's leg and spun around at super speeds, he launched Mark across the sky with a sonic boom and quickly followed him.


"You took advantage!!!"


"You raped her!!!"


Mark who had been receiving blow after blow finally realised why he was so mad, it hadn't clicked before because he'd been having such a nice time with Kara. "I didn't rape her!" Mark shouted back as he barely avoided the next blow from the Man of Steel, but it was clear he wasn't being listened to as he was struck in the stomach, a blow that managed to knock the wind out of him.

"Just listen to me!" Mark shouted but felt his nose crack under Superman's heavy blow. Mark growled as he grabbed his face in slight pain "Fine you don't want to listen? Fuck it, let's go" Mark said before he put his fists up and squared off against the Man of Steel.


Kara who was lying down in bed with Kori who was sleeping at the other end was suddenly startled when she heard the shockwave echo out across the forest "Kori get up! Did you hear that?" Kara said as she floated out of bed going to the window.

"Huuuuh?" Kori said as she looked up from the bed before rolling off and standing up "Why have you awoken Friend Kara? Has Mark arrived yet?" She said with a little excitement in her voice.

"Shut up a second" Kara said before focusing her hearing more, she could hear Mark and Kal talk but more importantly she could hear them fight. She turned around and zoomed into her wardrobe putting on whatever clothes she had "Kal and Mark are fighting by our house, we need to go and stop them" Kara said desperately as she almost fell over putting her shoes on.

Kori's eyes widened as a beautiful smile adorned her face "Oh how splendid, I can finally meet Mark, oh I wish I had my copy of Fifty Shades of Thragg, I'd be oh so delighted if he could sign it" She said as she clasped her hands together.

Kara scrunched her eyebrows in confusion but shook it off "We need to go! Forget that dumb book" she said before opening the door, however, she walked straight into the chest of a large green man.

"I'm sorry Kara Zor-El, but the League believes you shouldn't get involved," The voice said, Kara looked up and scowled at the face of J'on J'onzz or what the world knew him as, the Martian Manhunter.

"Get out of my way J'onn, I won't warn you again," she said as her eyes began to glow red, it caused J'onn to flinch slightly but he remained steadfast.

"Batman said you may not be willing to listen to reason, I apologise for this," he said before opening a box he had in his hand. The ethereal glow of green kryptonite irradiated the room and Kara immediately fell back into the room as she tried to crawl away.

Kori gasped but then frowned as she flew towards J'onn intent on making him stop, but she stopped mid-flight as her mind was assaulted.





"EAHHH, NOOO PLEASE!!!" Kori screamed as she fell to the ground and collapsed onto the floor. J'onn seemed slightly relieved as both of them passed out and he was able to stop.

"Manhunter to Batman it is done, but I believe this to be an excessive action taken against allies" J'onn said as he pressed his earpiece.

"Keep them away from the fight, keep them incapacitated I'll call you when it's over, Batman out" Batman replied before abruptly ending the call.

J'onn just sighed before taking his human form and lifting Kara and Kori off of the floor, placing them onto the bed.



Mark punched Superman again as he ducked underneath the man's blow, Superman's hits were hard and they hurt but Mark could tell that he had no kind of martial expertise like Batman or Ted, if it weren't for the fact that he was faster and stronger than Mark was he wouldn't have had any worries about beating him. There were also his other abilities that quickly got annoying to deal with.

Mark felt Superman's fist connect with his face shooting him backwards, Superman quickly shot after him aiming for another punch however Mark managed to turn just in time and grab the arm that was aimed at him, he spun Superman around before increasing the weight on his feet and slamming them down on his stomach. Superman was launched like a cannonball straight to the ground making a large crater in the forest, but Mark wasn't done as he shot down and flipped before landing on him while making his body even heavier.


That combined with the strength behind Mark's attack managed to hurt Superman as he coughed up blood, he grit his teeth and grabbed Mark's legs before dosing him with the full brunt of his heat vision, Mark was hit so hard that it forced him back however because Superman had his feet locked down he couldn't escape. Mark leaned back to get out of the painful rays but Superman just flew up and slammed him on the ground before throwing him through the forest again.

Mark felt like his entire upper body had just been sunburned, his skin felt tender to the touch and it amplified all the pain he felt several times. Mark halted his trip through the forest and floated down to the ground, he was getting angrier and angrier but he tried to remain composed 'New note, don't let myself get grabbed' he thought to himself, though that should've been obvious.

Superman shot towards Mark and turned himself aiming to deliver a deadly dropkick, Mark barely dodged by leaning backwards catching himself with his flight. He then grabbed Superman's cape and slammed him down on the ground before flipping over him and delivering weighting punches straight to his face. Though he jumped back when he saw Superman try to grab him again 'Not this time asshole' Mark thought as he dodged another punch from Superman who had already stood up.

Mark hit Superman in the face with a jab and then launched into a rapid combo making his body and fists lighter than he had ever done before, Superman overextended his lunch and gave Mark the opening he was looking for, putting his left foot behind him he threw a punch as hard as he could at Superman's liver making the man grunt in pain. But he wasn't finished and he grabbed the back of Superman's head and started elbowing his face as hard as he could creating shockwaves as he did so, finally, he heard the sound he was listening for.


"ENOUGH!!!" Superman shouted as he grabbed Mark's elbow and shot up towards the sky, they were moving so fast that all Mark could do was flap around as he was unable to loosen the Man of Steel's grip, he looked up and realised that Superman wasn't slowing down 'Shit! He's taking me to space' he immediately sucked in as much air as he could before they left the earth's atmosphere.

Superman then lifted Mark before slamming his fist down on him harder than he ever had before, Mark felt like if Superman had hit him this hard back in the forest he would've destroyed the section they were in. Mark felt his face go numb as his vision started to blur 'He was holding back this whole time... Dick' Mark thought to himself though as he thought the words he could see Superman frown. Superman then hit him again only this time it was in the stomach, most of the breath Mark had gathered instantly left him as he sputtered though he was able to keep a small amount. Superman let go of his arm and let him drift off slightly as Mark wasn't moving.

He felt like being sick, his whole body hurt and he was as tired. These past few months he had been so tired, he just wished he could understand why they captured his father and why they wanted him so badly, all he wanted was to live peacefully and maybe see Kara again. Mostly though he wanted to see his dad, he missed him so much and it hurt knowing he was out there.

'You'll never see Kara or the baby again'

Mark frowned 'What was that?' He thought to himself as he turned his head slightly and looked at Superman who still had a scowl on his face.

'You'll be joining your father soon enough

He heard the words in Superman's voice but his mouth wasn't moving, how could it no sound could travel in space. 'Am I hearing his thoughts?' That was new but it was something he had to put to the back of his mind 'Kara and the baby' he said as he unintentionally directed his thoughts to Superman.

Superman looked surprised at the show of telepathy but remained composed 'You'll never see her or the baby for as long as I'm around' he repeated.

Mark felt anger bubble inside his chest more than he ever had before it felt like he was about to explode 'You didn't tell me!' He shouted as he ignored the pain he felt and shot towards Superman who quickly zoomed out of the way. While it wasn't by a lot Superman was stronger up here than he was back on Earth as he could absorb the solar rays directly rather than getting what slips through the atmosphere.

Superman appeared next to Mark before kicking him in the side sending him back towards the planet 'Give up, it's over now' Superman said before he zoomed up next to him again. Mark tried to avoid the next blow but it was too fast for him and he felt his nose break under the his as well as his vision go black for a second though he managed to shake out of it and stay conscious, he was just grateful that what little air in his lungs didn't escape then.

Superman punched him again but before the force carried him away he grabbed his leg and dragged him back and then gripped him by the throat 'I should kill you!' Superman said as he seethed, though Mark wasn't listening he was staring off into space. He then looked at Superman and the veins popping out of his neck, instead of the green he expected to see they were red and throbbing.

'I will make sure Kara and the baby forget you ever existed

Mark felt the anger that he had kept contained this entire time blow both physically and metaphorically "AGHHHHHH" He screamed in rage and somehow forced Superman backwards as if he'd been hit with a full-powered punch. Mark flew after him and punched him again and again taking his rage out on him, Superman righted himself and started punching back but Mark seemed to take every blow that he dealt.

Mark grabbed him by the head and started to headbutt him over and over again causing blood to rush from both Superman's face and Mark's forehead. Superman growled and shot him with a blast of heat vision before trying to gain some distance, however as he did Mark who was running on pure instinct by this point reached out his hand trying to grab him, but sadly he missed.

Superman backed up but suddenly he found himself locked in place and he could move backwards no further, then he started to move like he was being pulled and then suddenly he shot straight towards Mark's outreached hand 'What!' Was all Superman could think before Mark's fist crashed into his face. He was launched backwards again but then felt the same pulling force before he fell right back towards Mark, though this time Mark kicked him in his stomach before he flipped over him grabbed his cape and wrapped it around his neck.

Mark put his knee on Superman's back and pulled on his cape as hard as he could trying to choke the Man of Steel into submission. Unfortunately, things are never that easy as Superman managed to get a hold of Mark before tossing him towards the planet, however, Mark reached out with his newfound ability and dragged Superman right down with him. He elbowed him right in the face as he came before flipping them and delivering a rain of the heaviest blows he'd ever dealt, they were so heavy he struggled to even keep his arms up and felt they might tear off.

Their fight carried them back into the atmosphere as Superman did his best to defend against the flurry of heavy strikes Mark dealt towards him, he was unable to escape as any time he tried he would be dragged back towards Mark, so he just decided to play Marks game and tried fighting back. Mark grunted as he felt a rib snap under a body shot from Superman, it was at this point Mark knew no matter how hard he hit him he wouldn't be able to deal any significant damage. So he did the only thing he could think of and he made his whole body heavy enough to almost rip himself apart and he grabbed Superman by the throat before shooting down at full speed.

Superman realised what Mark was doing and knew this had the potential to hurt him, he started to hit Mark harder and harder breaking even more of his ribs and causing him to spit blood all over his face, though no matter what he did Mark wouldn't let go. Superman eventually gave up and looked up at Mark, the only comfort he'd take was that while he would survive there was no way Mark would, not with his current injuries.

As if reading his mind Mark smirked at Superman with a bloody grin and suddenly just let go of him, though the momentum they had built up was still affecting them. Mark slowed himself down while Superman was still falling had high speeds, however when Superman went to slow himself down he felt instead of slowing down he was speeding up. His eyes widened as he looked up and saw Mark's outstretched hand, of course, how could he be so stupid, If Mark could pull him then it was almost certain he could do the reverse.



Superman made an impact on the ground and caused an explosion large enough to turn the surrounding area in a 1-mile radius into a large crater. Mark still couldn't help but smile as he looked down at the unconscious form of Superman inside the crater. He had won.

But any good feelings he felt were short-lived as he saw a black jet hover down in front of him, he recognised it almost immediately as he'd seen it flying across the Gotham skyline a few times 'Batman...' he thought to himself as he looked at the jet. He saw a small hatch open and what looked like a speaker come out of it, before Batman could even do anything Mark lifted his hand and the device ripped off his plane and shot towards him. He caught it and crushed it in his hands before dropping it "Anything else?" Mark shouted, he was then rewarded with two missiles to the face and while they wouldn't have hurt him normally at the moment he was heavily injured so it managed to make him lose control of his flight for a moment.

Mark growled as he looked up to see the Bat plane shooting off towards the city, he then realised how far they had travelled away from Kansas as in the distance was Metropolis, Mark shot after Batman as he'd had enough of the man. It all started with him, he was the reason he'd had to leave Gotham, leave his mother.

He quickly caught up to Batman at the edge of the city and he grabbed the tail of the plane holding it in place he then raised his arm and held it straight before swinging down like a sword and cutting off the engine. The plane fell out of the sky however he saw Batman eject and glide down towards the city, Mark wouldn't let him escape that easily so he raised his hand and pulled him back towards him.

He grabbed the nape of his neck "I thought you were the smartest member of the Justice League and yet you tried to fight me directly" Mark said as he held him in front of his body to prevent him from launching any surprise attacks. However Batman didn't say anything in reply, Mark flew down towards a tall building and threw Batman roughly to the ground.

"Since you're brave enough to try and fight me head I'll give you the first hit," Mark said as he stood still, Batman stood up and squinted at Mark before approaching and drawing back his fist.

"I'm afraid Batman isn't here right now"

Mark's eyes widened, he recognised that voice and knew it wasn't Batman, he couldn't do anything as he was hit full force in the face launching him off the building and through another one until he smashed into the streets of Metropolis. Mark silently cursed as he realised he had just fallen for Batman's trap, as he got up he heard the concrete crack as 'Batman' jumped to the ground however his identity was soon revealed as he ripped off the cowl.

Mark chuckled as he saw who it was "Superboy, how was the walk back here" he said with a smirk as he struggled to his feet.

Superboy scowled at him "Worth it for the chance to pummel you" he said as he cracked his knuckles. He then pushed off his feet shooting towards Mark however with a wave of his hand Mark sent him flying backwards through the building and into the next street.

Mark felt his body on the verge of collapsing, and the whole Superboy was a bit of a pushover he didn't want to risk losing consciousness as he knew Batman was probably lurking around somewhere. Mark floated up and hovered through the hole Superboy made though when he arrived at the crater Superboy had made he found it empty.


Superboy smashed into Mark from above crushing him beneath his form, his arm which was angled badly immediately popped out of its socket and he couldn't help but scream. Superboy ignored it however and stepped off Mark before he lifted him and slammed him back down to the ground creating another shockwave, he then turned him around and mounted him before pummelling him, it felt good to finally get revenge for the humiliation Mark had dealt him.

Suddenly someone zoomed next to him, dressed in yellow and red with a head of ginger hair it was his friend and teammate Kid Flash "I've evacuated the area so you're all good to let loose" he said with his thumbs up.

Superboy grunted in affirmation before going to punch Mark again, however as he brought his fist down Mark caught it. Mark pulled him down and headbutted him before repelling him with his power, launching him into the sky. Kid Flash saw this and immediately rushed Mark who had just gotten up, he ran him punching him hundreds of times per second while Mark stood there.

Mark decided to try something new as he floated up and out of Kid Flash's reach, he held his hand out and used his power to attract 'Maybe I'm not just controlling a force' he thought to himself as he focused his power into his palm. Sparks seemed to fly as a pale blue sphere started to form in his hands, a sphere composed entirely of what Mark guessed were gravitons. He looked down at Kid Flash and smirked before throwing the sphere down at him, Kid Flash tried to speed away but found his speed slower than usual. While he still ran fast it wasn't fast enough and it allowed Mark to zoom right towards him and kick his leg snapping it like a twig.

"AHHHHHHH" Kid Flash screamed as he fell to the ground while holding his leg that was bent unnaturally, Mark stood above him considering whether to knock him out or not but that choice was quickly made for him as he had to avoid Superboy who had tried to punch him from behind.

"Even as injured as I am you aren't on my level" Mark said as he grabbed the offending fist was his injured arm and threw him to the sky. Flying after him he flipped midair before bicycle kicking Superboy across the city and through multiple skyscrapers. Before flying around and grabbing him by the throat tossing him back to the ground.

However before he could go after him he saw something that made him smile, it was Batman, the real one who was standing on the Bat plane in his power armour. The plane came to however before Mark once again "Glad you finally came out" Mark said to him

"I was busy" He replied in his typical growling voice, though at least Mark now knew it was him.

"Oh yeah? And what were you doing that was so important" Mark said with a smirk as he got ready to fight.

"Waking up a friend"


Mark coughed and looked down, doing out of his stomach was someone's fist, he turned his head around and saw the bloodshot eyes of Superman with a fierce smile on his face. He looks around and makes eye contact with Batman who to his surprise looks as shocked as he feels 'Weird...' he thought to himself as Superman tossed him off his arm and Mark fell into the water just outside the harbour sinking to the bottom.

"Heh," Mark snickered as he felt the light fade away as he lost consciousness.

(AN: So that's the big fight over, hope you guys liked it, like I've said before writing fights between titans of power isn't my strong suit, but I hope I managed to do it some justice. Also yeah Mark's power was never Weight manipulation but Gravity Manipulation, I've been researching a lot about gravity both fiction and non fiction and so as the basis of his power I'll basically be using a mix of Jujutsu Kaisen and Bungou stray dogs (Chuuya, Gojo). It won't be entirely scientifically accurate but what can I say it's fiction so you'll have to deal with it 😂. Anyone who complains about Superman dealing Mark a lethal blow read the chapter again as I left a hint as to why he did that. Also one other thing, I always felt that the reason Viltrumites talked in space because of an implant was stupid, especially considering that their whole basis was evolution so in this Fic they evolved to have minor telepathic abilities so they could converse in space)

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