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100% League of Legends: The Grim Wolves / Chapter 26: Chapter 24

Chapitre 26: Chapter 24

Apollyon's POV:

Kayn groaned in pain as he was thrown into a tree. He slowly pushed himself upwards and glared at Igris who he was sparring with. But it seems my actual Shadows are stronger than whatever Kayn has become as Kayn was effortlessly defeated by the Shadow Commander.

"Come on!" Kayn roared as he unleashed his so-called Shadow Blades.

Igris crouched slightly before dashing forward. He thrusted his sword towards Kayn who dodged under it. His sword went straight through the tree splitting it into splinters. Kayn slashed his blades into Igris's side cutting through his ethereal armor. Kayn rolled away as Igris halted for a moment as his side began to heal.

When he recovered, he charged again, slashing down at Kayn. The boy jumped out of the way, and it crashed into the ground. Rocks flew from the impact with a couple smacking into Kayn. He blocked them from hitting his face, but some hit his chest hard.

He stood panting hard as Igris stared at him seemingly displeased with something, maybe he wanted a good fight. But that can't be the case as I've sparred with Igris many times whenever we have the time. He is the only Shadow that can somewhat match me afterall. Kayn was insistent that he fights Igris after finding out he was my strongest Shadow. Now he's suffering the consequences.

The two started to duel in a frenzy of strikes and slashes. I shook my head disapprovingly. When Kayn was beaten and launched back, I put up my hand for Igris to stop as I walked over to Kayn. "Stop letting your anger ruin your focus, keep the two balanced for maximum efficiently."

"I am focused!" Kayn glared.

I chuckle "Are you though? You just tried to dual Igris face to face."


"You can never beat Igris in a dual Kayn, we both know that. He's stronger, more experienced and his blade gives him more range compared to your Shadow Blades."

As I help him up, he grumbles "What do I do then?"

"When facing an opponent that's bigger and stronger, be faster and smarter. Trust your speed and natural instincts to catch him off guard a land a critical hit."

He thinks for a bit as he stands and nods at me. I nod back at him as I go to stand back next to Jinx. Kayn spits some blood from his mouth onto the ground and yells at Igris "It that it asshole?! I'm not done yet!"

That made me laugh. Jinx looked at me and asked, "What's so funny?"

I shake my head amused "I remember saying something just like that to Igris when we fought back in Piltover."

Igris also seemed to remember as he tilted his head with an annoyed look. He dashed forward and tried to slash Kayn. But Kayn seemed to quickly understand his instincts. Now instead of trying to beat Igris in frenzied attacks he was dodging and weaving. He would only strike at Igris when he could get an important joint or place. While Igris would be trying to recover Kayn would attack more relentlessly, taking advantage of his less than perfect state.

Kayn had got so close to actually beating Igris that Igris was pushed back with a long slash on his helmet. Kayn stared at him with a prideful smirk "You're weak."

I roll my eyes before I start to laugh. "Kayn, it seems you got some weird high with your new powers."

He looked at me confused "What?"

I wave my hand "you can stop acting Igris."

Kayn looked at me before staring at Igris. Igris matched Kayn's stare as he stood straight seemingly uncaring of the wounds to his magical body. He stabbed his sword into the ground before pounding his fists together as Igris released his aura. The ground cracked underneath him as red lightning sparked from his body. His body healed instantly shocking Kayn whose expression went from a pride to fear.

Igris disappeared from where he stood with a spark and suddenly appeared in front of Kayn. Kayn tried to jump back but Igris grabbed his arms and held him up. Trying to escape his grasp, Kayn started to kick Igris's head with all his might. But that only resulted in him hurting his own feet. deciding enough was enough Igris smacked Kayn. The action made Kayn a knocked-out pile of destroyed pride.

Igris gently placed him on the ground as Jinx and I jogged over to him. I knew Igris wouldn't kill unless I gave the order, so Kayn was just a sleeping mess now. "Jeez Igris, you nearly killed the dude." Jinx laughed.

I crouched down so I could lightly slap Kayn's head a couple times. When he didn't wake up, I sighed and said "He'll be out for a while." I look back at Igris who was nervously rubbing the back of his head. "You did good Igris. Neither of us could guess how fast Kayn can pick up new tricks."

Igris let out a breath he was holding in before nodding and disappearing into the floor. "Did Kayn actually stand a chance?" Jinx asked.

"Igris has a tendency to match his opponent on equal grounds when he's in a one-on-one. He's just honorable like that. Of course, that means someone can surprise him like both I did and of course like Kayn just did." I compliment.

"We're not going to tell him that right?" He smirked.

I chuckled "Obviously not. If we did, he would constantly tell us he's close to being as strong as my strongest Shadow."

I pick him up and haul him onto Dorghar as we continue our travels. We weren't far from the home of the Kinkou Order known as the Temple of Thanjuul. Rumors traveled faster than we did as whenever we passed a village there were many whispers of an invasion. I'm glad word's gone round as many people are taking the threat seriously.

Eventually, after some more hours of travel we reached the temple. It was more of a castle than a temple, tall and sleek yet ancient. A strange magic emitted from the place that I could tell wasn't from the physical plain but the spiritual.

I turned my back to flick the sleeping Kayn "Oi, wake up we're here."

Kayn groaned for a bit before his eyes shot up as he sat up "Where is he? I want another round with that bastard." He gritted out.

I chuckle "Igris is out of your league at the moment Kayn. Next time we'll try with Blade since his fighting style is identical to yours."

"That way you'll learn when he beats you up." Jinx giggled.

"I don't see you sparring any of them." Kayn glared at her as he adjusted so he was sitting on Dorghar.

She shrugged "Unlike you I know my limits. There's no way I can beat any of the big boys in a one-on-one fight." When she saw Kayn smirk at her she continued "I'm more for large groups. I'd like to see you kill a group of people as fast as me."

"Is that a challenge?" Kayn spat.

"You're damn right it is." She said back.

I groan at the two in annoyance as they continue to bicker terms for their upcoming challenge. We rode up to the temple as many members of the Kinkou watched us eerily, though Jinx and Kayn were still fighting so they didn't notice.

I kept riding past them as none of them stopped us. But I could tell we wouldn't be needing an escort as I watched four figures emerge from the entrance and stand at it watching us. A man, a Yordle and two younger men who seemed a little older than me.

Whoever the man and the Yordle are they were clearly the leaders and highly respected since anyone that pasted the two bowed in greeting. All four stared at me and Dorghar as our horses trotted up slowly.

"State your purpose to come here." The man said. Looking around I noticed we were surrounded by people ready for a fight. It confused me at the start since the Kinkou were supposed to be more passive towards strangers. But it then clicked that they are all aware of the spirit world, and thus can feel something dangerous and dark coming from us.

"We mean no harm."

Before I could continue, he interrupted me "We know who you are. Rumors spread of three young people that had showed evidence of an invasion of Ionia to the elders of the Placidium. What I'm concerned about is just what you are."

I chuckle a little "To be honest, I am still trying to figure that out myself."

He eyed me for a little longer before raising his hand. Everyone around us seemed to calm down and went along their own ways "My name is Master Kusho, the Eye of Twilight." He then gestured towards the Yordle next to him and then the two young men standing a little behind him "This is Master Kennen, my son Shen and the Acolyte Usan."

"My name is Dire. These are my companions Jinx and Kayn." I replied to him.

He nodded before turning around and saying "Follow me. I am curious as to find out just what you are Dire."

Some followers of the Kinkou rushed up to us as we got off our horses. One of them took Mouser while another was about to take Dorghar only to be shocked when he dissipated into the ground.

We followed Master Kusho inside the temple. When we were close enough, I asked "You mention that you've heard of the rumors. What do you and the rest of the Order think of them?"

He glanced at me for a moment before going back to looking forward "Even if the rumors are true, the Kinkou will keep the balance between the physical and spiritual world."

"Can you do that when Noxus burns this place to the ground and kills all of you?" Kayn muttered.

"Ionia will protect us. It always has." He replied to Kayn without looking at him.

"Even if that is true, surely some preparations should be made? Noxus is coming for any magical artifacts Ionia has and I think this place would be of great interest to them." I added.

He sighed "You don't understand. The spirit of Ionia has kept our people safe for generations. Why would it suddenly no longer be effective?"

I clenched my teeth together "Because while Ionia has been stuck in the past, the world has grown beyond nature. They will annihilate your people if you refuse to do anything about it."

Master Kusho seemed unfazed, as well as Kennen and his son Shen. Usan, however, looked angry. But his anger was pointed towards Master Kusho and his refusal to do anything. Seeing them not caring I knew there was only one choice. They aren't going to listen to me because Ionians are intolerant to change. But something that always entices change is death. Once Noxus invades and people realize Ionia can't protect them from Noxian strength they'll be forced to change.

I sigh and say "Fine. I'll stop talking about it. But we know I'm connected to the Spirit World. Half of why I came here was to know how. Can you tell me?"

"You can't just walk back and forth from the Spirit World. It takes years of practice to be even able to glimpse into it." Master Kusho grunted out.

"Hush Kusho. I'm curious to see what this boy is, as much as he is." Kennen, dressed up as a little purple ninja speaks for the first time.

"You see the aura that leaks from him better than me Kennen. You see the darkness inside him." Master Kusho replies to him.

"And yet the boy hasn't done anything to cause danger. Let us help the boy. As the Eye of Twilight, you can."

Kennen glanced at me after speaking as I say, "Thank you Master Kennen."

He nods back as Kusho sighs and grumbles out a "Fine."

He led us to a room and gestured towards Jinx and Kayn "Despite one of you being a mage with a clear spiritual connection to Dire, you'll be unneeded. It's best you wait here as we will require full concertation."

"Oh, come on… we'll be quiet." Jinx slightly begged.

I chuckle "We three know you can't keep your mouth shut Jinx."

She giggled "Yeah you're right... Oh! FOOD!" She says, running into the room. Kayn nodded at me before following her.

With those two out of the way Master Kusho and his little gang led me outside into a large spacious courtyard. The space was covered in plant life of various colors from vibrant purple to a brilliant orange. "What is this place?" I asked.

"Depends." Master Kusho replies "To most it is nothing, but a beautiful courtyard. To us this place is a spot for meditation. How do you perceive it?"

I glance at him as he beckons me to walk around. I walk into the center and concentrate. This spot has a high concentration of magical energies. Like if Ionia was a human body this place would be one of the many organs the body depends on. I crouch down as I place my hand onto the dirt floor.

"I feel... threads..." I say after a bit.

"Everything in the physical is connected to the spiritual and vice versa. These threads as you sense them are the binding force between this world and the next." Master Kusho said walking up to me.

"Can all spiritual things move into the physical? Or is it only things like Yordles?" I asked him.

To this question Kennen answered "Spiritual things can move into the physical by connecting itself to an object or person. However, this doesn't apply to Yordles or anything from our home, Brandle City as that realm exists between the physical and spiritual."

I decided to summon Igris who soon appeared, making all four people gasp a little "So is Igris here bound to me to move into the physical world?"

Master Kusho stared at Igris before glaring at me "You dare use that ancient dark magic in front of me?! Even from the fact you're using a dead soul is horrific enough to earn death!"

He started to pull out his sword, but Kennen jumped in front of the two of us "Wait Kusho! Feel the magic from the boy."

Kusho glanced at Kennen before taking a deep breath and staring intently at me. His eyes then widened before he relaxed "Oh, I see." When I tilted my head at him, a little confused, he continued "I can feel that your spirit is actually quite kind-hearted. The source of the dark magic that swirls inside you is from those sigils carved into your skin."

I look at myself "You can tell I have them?"

He nodded "Negative energies leak from each one. And while I can sense many evil forces lurk inside you, I can see that they are not from your own spirit but rather forcefully engraved into yours. But to answer your question, yes. Necromancers use their own body as a conduit to bring souls back from the realm of the dead. The same thing is with revenants in which the armor they inhibit is the physical source."

"You mentioned an ancient dark magic that wasn't related to my necromantic powers. Do they have to do with a cube as black as a starless night?" I asked.

His eyes widened again "You've seen one?"

I sigh "The ones that engraved the sigils into my skin used one, but I have no idea what it is. I was hoping I could find some answers here."

Kusho and Kennen look at each other before Kusho looks to Shen and Usan "You two, leave us for a moment."

They seem hesitant but leave. Kusho then looked at me when he saw his son and student gone "What do you know of the Rune Wars?"

I think for a bit "I think they were an old but absolutely devastating war. Apparently, they caused the destruction of entire kingdoms in seconds."

He nodded "No other event in human history has caused as much death in such a short time. The weapons used in that war not only threatened the physical world but the spiritual one too. During all that hate and anger some mages started to harness all those negative energies and created what we call Shadow Magic."

"I've never heard of Shadow Magic before."

"I'd imagine so. After the Rune Wars ended anyone that used Shadow Magic was killed one by one till no one practiced the cursed magic. Since then the Kinkou has stored all knowledge so no one ever uses it again. Yet it seems we failed. Who are these people that used the Black Box?"

"They're called the Black Rose. They've been secretly controlling world events for centuries and are the force behind the upcoming invasion of Ionia."

"Why did they choose you?"

I looked away "I don't know. I'd like to know who I am and where I came from, but the inside of their prison is all I could remember for most of my life."

Sensing he may have poked a little deep he said, "I'm sorry, I did not mean to bring up bad memories."

I shook my head "It's fine. So, I'm connected to this Shadow Magic, what does it exactly do?"

"Shadow Magic uses the negative energies of the spirit world to preform seemingly impossible acts. A master could create entire copies of themselves made from their hate and other negative emotions."

I ponder "It seems my necromantic powers fused with this Shadow Magic."

He nodded "I've seen necromancers before, but never on this level and never in fusion with the Shadow Magic. I must say this Black Rose made you into potentially the strongest spiritual user in history."

I chuckled "You haven't seen anything."

"Then I'm glad you're not on the Noxian side, I guess. I'd doubt Ionia would be able to fight against your strange magic."

I look at him curiously "What do you mean?"

Kennen answered this one "Magic is the ability to harness the spiritual energy within yourself or in your surroundings. But yours is unique. Not only do you use your own seemingly infinite supply, but you also absorb the energy around you in an all-consuming void. You must've noticed Spirits and other magical energies naturally try to avoid you."

"Right. Ionia doesn't seem to trust me." I laughed a little.

"I'm sure it will soon." Kennen said with a little smile "It doesn't judge you for your magic but for you yourself. It knows you mean good here or it would've already tried to steer you away from Ionia."

"Here, I want to try something." Kusho says walking up to me "As the Eye of Twilight I can allow people to enter the spiritual world." He placed a hand on my shoulder as colors started to change. "What?" He suddenly gasped.

I was enveloped in shadows and was seemingly taken away. I appeared in a black empty space. Color seemed vacant as I looked around the place that had no wind or sound. It must be the spiritual world, but not what Master Kusho was intending to show me.

I heard a noise making me turn but to my relief it was my Shadow army. "So, this is where you lot hang out while I'm not using you." I say. "Not really cozy."

I then noticed two shapes, one looked like Kayn and another looked like Jinx. When I walked up to them to touch them, I felt their current feelings, Kayn was angry and annoyed while Jinx was happy. It's likely she is hungrily eating while Kayn stares at her disapprovingly. It seems everything I connect myself to I can access in this realm, my own little Shadow Realm.

Suddenly everything disappeared, only darkness remained.


Behind me came a sound that would haunt me for the rest of my days.




There stood a… scarecrow, it's body unmoving… a lantern swung in an eerie way.

[ą͎͙͚̭̞̠̉̔ ̱͔̭͕́̍ͭ̀w͔͕̙ͭͮ͡o̓ͬͤ͏̘̫̞̯r̸͇̻̙͙̝͑͆ͨͥt̵̼̯͎ͨͮh̵̠̩͕̜̠̼͋̈́͒͂y̴͈̖͔̆ ̵͙̣̪̝͊͊v͈̟́̈͂̽͠ȩ̰̥̬̺̺̱ͤs̺̱͙̞̘̳̜̰̄̽͌͝s̵̪̥͎̳̼̫̐ͪḙ̺̗̔͑͆̅͘l̡̯̦͎̘̰̭͐ͅ] a voice seemed to come out of the very concept of fear.

/Fiddle me fucking timbers/

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