Wtf, where am I??
Huh (flash bck) to five thousand years ago
Clash!!! Clash!!! Clash!!!
He is about to level up to the stage of gods king we can't allow this to happen, if it does the light will rule the world and we darkness won't have a chance to rule anymore.
1year before, Meng yao, lin Yi I love you so much, promise me you would protect each other and become the king of gods some days, I promise dad trust me nothings gonna separate me from this pervert, hey I'm not a pervert, just got a fetish for boobs oops my bad!!,
I'm taking both of you to a secret chamber there you would be bounded together for enternity and the main reason for this is to speed up your cultivation process cause love is a friend of progress, it will help you progress 5x faster than normal people but there would be a back lash if you split ways some days , I hope you guys are cool with it?? Wait dad give us some time to think, ok I'll give you all the time you need but make sure you pick what's best for you.
7days later, we've decided dad we'll do it, take us there. Fung yao uses his god power to take them magically to the secret realm of gods and initiate them with the spell.
Boom boom sounds like a very wide wave trying to force a gate open Mean while it's Fung yao who is about to have a breakthrough.
He is about to level up to the stage of gods king we can't allow this to happen, if it does the light will rule the world and we darkness won't have a chance to rule anymore we've got to stop him
Everyone focus your attack on Fung yao .
All Gods of light attack we must not let them succeed lord Fung yao must breakthrough successful.