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79.62% Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto / Chapter 42: Phase 2: The Catalyst To Insanity

Chapitre 42: Phase 2: The Catalyst To Insanity

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(Hello people, small Author's note before we start the chapter. For the following chapters or even the entirety of the arc itself, Akira's POV will appear rarely, at most it'll be a Third Person POV that follows him, similarly to a decent portion of the Land Of Woods Arc. For the simple reason - That I do not want you to know what he is thinking or WHY he is doing what he is doing, for the most part. Whether that is an ominous reason or not I'll leave it for speculation lmao XD)

I'm also occasionally chilling in JaxWolf4's (Author of Nah, I'd Adapt) Discord Server. It's a chaotic lobotomy mess. Not for the faint of heart.

Here's the link:

Disc: HrPrTeam

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Following Morino Ibiki's congratulatory speech to the 32 teams that had passed the 1st stage of the Konoha's Chunin Exams, the room buzzed with a mixture of relief and anticipation.

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept through, scattering papers everywhere.

The sound of kunai embedding themselves in the ceiling drew everyone's attention.

A large banner unfurled, reading "2nd Test Proctor" in bold, flashy letters.

A figure emerged from the whirlwind, a purple-haired Tokubetsu Jonin with an excited smirk.

"Heh? Anko-sensei?!" Sakura squeaked in surprise, rubbing her eyes to ensure she wasn't seeing things.

"That's right!" Anko confirmed with a bold point and a quick wink at Sakura.

Turning to face the room full of Genin, she placed her hands on her hips and announced, "Alright, fresh meat! Name's Mitarashi Anko, Tokubetsu Jonin, and your proctor for the 2nd phase of the Chunin Exams!"

Quickly, her eyes leveled a glare on the loaded room, and her eyes twitched.

Turning to Ibiki, she complained, "32 Teams left? Ibiki you've made it too easy this time!"

He shrugged with an easygoing smirk, "We've got some exceptional ones this time... As well as a few disruptors." He sent a knowing look at Akira's smirking visage for but a moment.

A displeased pout on her face, Anko rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, "That so...?"

With a quick mood swing fitting of herself, she pointed at the participants, "Well! It doesn't matter! By the end of the next test, you'll be cut out by at least two-thirds!" She exclaimed with a wicked grin.

Groans of displeasure as well as nervous gulps echoed in the room at that foreboding claim.

As Anko gleefully let the weight of her words sink in, her booming and commanding voice broke them out of their stupor, "Now then! Let us not dally any longer and follow me! Right now! No delay! Chop chop!" She enthusiastically gestured as she waited for no one and headed out the door.

Over ninety Genin scrambled in a rushed and crowded chase after the Tokubetsu Jonin, her cackling at the sounds of hundreds of feet scrambling to catch up to her echoed through the Academy's halls.

Truly, this was the perfect job for her.


-Shikamaru POV-

Honestly, this is a real drag.

The whole Chunin Exams are nothing but a headache.

I'd have preferred if it were all in one place, one test, and just get it over with.

Simplify the chaos and reduce the effort.

But fate loves to spite me, and our 2nd phase takes place all the way out of the village, making it an even bigger hassle.

I'm willing to wager the travel itself is meant to also wear down our motivation and will.

...It's working.

My already nonexistent motivation is dwindling with each step.

But what's actually bothering me the most is Akira's odd behavior.

And it appears I'm not the only one concerned.

"Shikamaru, you got an idea of what he's planning?" Choji's concerned voice rang out as we passed the Northern Gate of Konohagakure.

The three of us kept to ourselves at the back of the stampede of ninety-something Genin.

At Choji's blunt question, Ino's body twitched for an instant.

...Ah damn it, this reminds me of a couple of years ago.

I shrugged, sighing, "Not anything good, that's for sure. That sudden change in attitude or roleplay he's adopting, it reeks of all kinds of suspicion." I lazily pointed out.

He'd never have gone forward with such a confrontation with the Sound Shinobi. It just doesn't fit him.

Whatever this plan is, or whatever he's aiming for. It's stupidly bold and straightforward.

That's not something he ever goes for...

I added, sensing Choji's suggestion, "It's pointless to ask him about it. He'll dodge the question or play it off."

Frowning, Choji nodded, "Then... What do you think he's aiming for? I wouldn't be this worried if he were simply acting like himself, but this... Is too weird, you know?"

I scratched my head, grunting, "Akira's methodology here reeks of Makoto. On the surface, it looks like he's trying to paint himself in the manner he presents himself. As for why he wants to paint himself in a certain manner... I doubt it's primarily to make others underestimate him. Could be. But there are better ways to go about it than that, on top of him not needing any of those advantages in the first place... He's aiming for something else."

...As for what that something else is, it'll take a bit more information to confirm.

I hazarded a guess, "He did ask me for advice about his engagement the other day... But I doubt this perception he's aiming for will do it any favors."

Especially given that we have no clue as to what is to come in this pain of an exam.

But, Ino might know something about Akira's situation.

I turned to my troublesome teammate who had been awfully silent, "If this exam is worrying you. We could just drop out. I definitely wouldn't be against it."

Blinking, Ino frowned, "No way..."

She saw the questioning and rather serious look in my eyes, and her eyes widened.

Nodding she hesitantly mentioned, "During the earlier test... I might've used Mind Body Switch on him?" She giggled nervously.

Met with our deadpan gazes, she protested, "What?! He was the best bet on that exam and you know it! Who else could I have used it on?!" She vigorously proclaimed her defense, like a banshee.

I lifted an eyebrow, "So? Is he angry at you or something? That's what got you in a pleasant mood?"

...The uncanny silence from her usual nagging was a real breath of fresh air.

Choji shivered lightly, "It is a pretty unpleasant jutsu to experience..." He mentioned matter of factly.

Slowly growing angry, Ino's vigor renewed, she stopped herself short of getting mad, as she exhaled a calming breath.

She started, with a more leveled tone, "When I took over... I heard over a hundred voices, the exact same voices, yelling at me over and over to get out... Once I did, Akira glared at me like I've never felt before."

Choji quickly nodded, "It is a very unpleasant jutsu to experience..."

She shook her head, "That's not the issue. I'm not stupid..."

The issue was the voices.

Lowering my gaze, as my thoughts raced and my legs went on autopilot in our walk, I muttered, "They were identical, correct?"

"Yes." Ino nodded.

I huffed, "Those are Whiskers."

...I see.

This makes no sense for Akira, the Chakra Conservative and Efficiency Freak...

Choji blinked, as he noticed the issue as well, "Over a hundred? He usually doesn't keep more than a dozen manifested at a time. And even then it's because he has a good reason for it. He doesn't waste Chakra unnecessarily. Not with something like this going on anyway."

"That means he has a reason." I nodded.

Turning to Ino once more, I questioned, "Did you recognize where they are located?"

She gave it a momentary thought but shook her head.

"Keep your eyes peeled for any Rabbits whatsoever," I state seriously.

I tiredly added, shaking my head, "Let's just focus on surviving instead of worrying about Akira's plan. Whatever it is, it isn't going to hurt us. He can take care of himself."

The two of them gave me hesitant nods.

"We can still quit." I proposed once more.

"NO! And not surviving! Winning is what you meant!" Ino huffed in indignation.

If my suspicions are correct...

Akira knows where the 2nd phase of the Exam takes place.

As for how...

With the information of Anko and Sakura's connection, that is the most plausible explanation.

Yet, she was surprised herself, but she may have also been acting.

Personally, I'd rather eliminate all options than suspect Akira has been hiding another of his Shadow Creatures for years, which is capable of conditional precognition.

If an ancient famed line of priestesses can conditionally see the future with their unique Kekkei Genkai, it doesn't eliminate the probability that an unprecedented Kekkei Genkai could be capable of similar feats.

After all, if one had the ability to predict the future to a degree, it is smartest to keep that ability a strict secret.

...My earliest memory has Akira involved, I know when he's acting and when he isn't.

The weight of these thoughts and possibilities was already giving me a headache and a sinking feeling regarding the following exams.

Why couldn't he just keep his mouth shut and not be so obviously suspicious?

That's not even mentioning how he made it infinitely more troublesome by keeping more of the competition with his dissection of our prior test.

"What a drag..." I couldn't help but let out the declaration of my literal agony.

The only comforting sight was the beautiful clouds blocking the sun's stingy rays.

Would've been the perfect day to just lay down.

What a tragedy...


-Third Person POV-

It was a long stroll, but nevertheless, as the evening sun peaked over the horizon, the 32 teams arrived before the stage where the 2nd phase of the Chunin Exams shall take place.

Their eyes were greeted with a looming gate, many Chunin Proctors, and a small enclosed booth.

But what caught everyone's eyes, was the most obvious sight - That which lay beyond the flimsy gate.

A gigantic forest - Whose trees reached hundreds of meters tall.

To a select few, this was a familiar sight - Such as one pink-haired girl who could barely wipe the smug and confident grin from her face.

This was...

"Welcome to the Training Ground Fourty Four! Also known as... THE FOREST OF DEATH! BUAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Anko, the proctor of the exam declared with a sinister cackle.

"Erm - Why's it called Forest Of Dea-" A Waterfall Genin innocently interrupted with a raised arm.

"I was getting to that fresh meat! Your next interruption will end with me cutting off your arm!" Anko flashed him a broad smile.

"EEP!" He squeaked his understanding.

Coughing at the awkward and uneasy silence, as some were already growing pale at the possibilities lying in this forest, Anko elaborated, "Good! Now, this forest is teeming with powerful wildlife! Dangerous and poisonous flora! Did I mention gigantic AND poisonous animals? All enclosed in a circle twenty kilometers in radius!"

No one seemed to share Anko's enthusiasm, as she happily recited the aspects of the forest before them.

Pointing at the Genin, Anko elaborated, "Now. Here's where you come in the picture."

Directing a thumb at the booth manned by a couple of Chunin, she explained, "Each team will be given a scroll. Either a Heaven Scroll or an Earth Scroll."

Unfurling a map, in a not-so-subtle gesture and hint, she showcased the entirety of the Forest Of Death, "Within the circumference, there are forty gates. Each team will randomly start from one of these gates and the goal is simple..."

She pointed to the center of the forest, "Reach the tower within five days with both a Heaven and Earth Scroll to pass the test."

At that, loud murmurs broke out as everyone digested the weight of this information.

Sasuke muttered his observation loud and clear, "That means we'll have to fight others and take their scroll. Correct?"

Smirking sadistically at Sasuke, Anko nodded as silence reigned at her words once more, "That's right~! Now, I'll need all of you to also sign some forms in the booth over there." She pointed once more at the booth.

Scratching her hair lazily, "Something about me not being responsible for any deaths and yada yada."


"Oh, I will enjoy this~" Anko let loose her sadism to the open without any sense of measurement at the whimpers of some of the Genin.

Choji's voice echoed as he lifted an anxious hand up, "Erm, what about food?"

Blinking, Anko innocently replied, "What? You haven't been taught to hunt in the academy?"

Choji and a few others visibly paled.

"Sheesh, Genin these days..." She groaned.

Lifting two fingers Anko continued, "As for the disqualification rules. First, if one of your teammates happens to die from whatever! Second, it's opening any of the scrolls. I'll just mention this but... I wouldn't recommend trying it if you want to pass~"

Cheering with a clap of her hands, "Now then Genin! Chop chop! Grab those scrolls, sign those forms, and be guided to your respective gates, and let's get this show on the road, shall we?! Good luck and try not to die~!" She waved cheerily.


Team 7 stood before their designated gate, a Chunin beside them who closely monitored the clock to announce the start of the exam.

"Excited as well, heh, Sakura?" Akira smiled broadly.

Sakura beamed, nodding, "I know this damned place like the back of my hand! Let me lead the way." Her tone came out prideful and eager as she gestured to herself.

"About that..." Akira's voice gained a sinister edge.

Prompting Sakura's raised eyebrow and Sasuke's narrowed gaze.

"I think we should split up." Akira suddenly announced.

Blinking, Sakura repeated, "Split up? What? Isn't that a bit sudden?"

Folding his arms and huffing, Sasuke inquired, "You were counting heads back there, weren't you? You're aiming for someone?"

Shaking his head, Akira corrected, drawling out, "Not exactly. I'd just like to have some fun and test myself is all~"

At the mention of "Testing himself" Sasuke's gaze sharpened dangerously.

Lifting his arms in placation, Akira added, "I mean, come on! You were just as excited as me, Sasuke. These are a bunch of Genin! We can't have fun without a little handicap? Besides, we can regroup if we're in trouble with Whiskers. Also, the scroll is with me in the shadows. No one can take it away." He mentioned.

Considering it for a moment, Sasuke appeared unconvinced.

His coal-black eyes met with Akira's emerald green gaze, and a moment of tense silence passed them by as both wills clashed.

Eventually, Sasuke relented with a reluctant grunt, "Fine. Dodge the question. Come up with weak excuses. Split up from us if you want. I'll be fine either way."

His eyes sharpened, as he approached and reached dangerously close to Akira, "However, you're being even more of a pain than the Dobe with your insulting lack of trust."

Akira's smirk twitched at that for but a moment, as his smirk morphed into a more genuine expression.

A genuinely apologetic one, as Akira's features softened and his voice came out with regret, "Sorry, Sasuke. But I believe this is for the best."

'The best for who?' Went unsaid in Sasuke's mind.

Perplexed and slightly bewildered by Akira's sudden apology, Sasuke grunted his agreement, "Hn."

Sakura frowned, having been sidelined from their argument, "If you wanted to cover more ground by splitting up, then isn't it better if we do it later on if we can't find a team?"

Turning to her, Akira shook his head, nonchalantly stating, "Nah, finding teams is no issue for us. With your knowledge... We could even finish this whole exam in an hour, but where's the fun in tha-"

"START!" The Chunin beside them suddenly exclaimed.

With that, Team 7's muscles tensed, and they wordlessly burst through the gate, dashing into the forest.

As they reached a clearing, Akira flashed a bloodthirsty smirk, sending shivers down Sakura's spine.

Announcing a single sentence before departing from their sight, "I'm off to enjoy myself. Be back soon~"

He hadn't lingered to catch sight of Sasuke and Sakura's frowns or further protests.

His steps echoed loudly in the forest amid the sounds of wildlife and foliage, as he leaped from tree to tree, his pace brisk and rapid.

Sakura shook her head and pointed deeper into the forest, "Let's head that way. The river runs through there, and we can catch food and find drinkable water... Maybe even other teams."

Sasuke nodded stoically, yet his thoughts echoed unease.

'He forgot to summon the Rabbit. How is he planning on finding us?' Sasuke's inner voice grumbled.


-Akira POV-

Everything was accounted for.

The Whiskers I had positioned were at each of the forty gates, with others scattered throughout the forest.

I knew where everyone was.

Even Orochimaru and Kabuto, whom I'd prefer not to encounter while I'm enacting my plan.

I already knew where my target was, and where he was heading.

Splitting up from my team with little trouble made my task easier.

My heart beat like a drum as I tensed my muscles and relentlessly closed in on my target.

The wind swept across my face as I sped through the trees.

I was in peak physical condition, with little weight on me from my Shadow Storage, having kept only the critical necessities there.

My chakra was still at a healthy spot from keeping all those Whiskers active for this long.

More than enough for what I intend.

Leaping from tree branch to tree branch, diving into the shadows to avoid other teams on my path.

They'll come later.

I was not aware whether the excited and bold smirk on my face was genuine or not.

I couldn't discern the difference.

Whether I'll enjoy this or whether I will loathe myself afterward.

...I truly couldn't tell.

But, the plan takes priority.

I must not be fickle.

I must act my part.

Detaching would only hinder my play.

My only shame is my selfishness.

For I have left Sasuke to deal with Orochimaru.

No matter what... I could not think of a way to enact this plan without Sasuke being branded with the Curse Mark.

But, with an S - Rank Shinobi of Orochimaru's caliber.

Whether I'm there with Sasuke or not...

Makes no difference.

Besides momentarily delaying him for... Nothing.



They can't do anything to him.

I could only pray, he doesn't kill Sakura like before.

I reminded Whiskers, 'Notify me if you catch sight of Orochimaru approaching me or when he appears before Sasuke and Sakura.' 

'No. Problem.' Whiskers affirmed.

My plan relies on Orochimaru's lack of interest in me.

Should he head straight towards me, instead of Sasuke before I complete my goals for this phase...

I'll have to go with Plan B.

Nevertheless, my plan could have only worked thanks to a flaw in the Chunin Exams.

A flaw that Orochimaru and Kabuto themselves are abusing...

There is no quality check.

No fairness.

A bunch of Genin could find themselves against an S - Rank of all people, to hopelessly flail around as he plays with them.

Or simply decide to pluck out an entire Village's future talent before they can grow strong enough.

While I may not be S - Rank.

I'm more than enough for this...


-Third Person POV-

It was roughly fifteen minutes following the start of the 2nd Phase of the Chunin Exams. The vibrant greenery and lush forest floor were painted crimson.

An eerie and disturbing silence followed the pained screech of a Genin and the loud squelch of crushed bone and flesh. His Waterfall headband dropped unceremoniously on the ground with a wet clang, drenched with blood and viscera.

The only sound amid the unsettling silence was the dripping blood, the scurrying of rabbits in the nearby flora, and the satisfied huff of the perpetrator.

"More..." Gaara growled, his figure looming over three brutalized corpses, sending shivers down his teammates' spines.

Temari grimaced, wiping blood off her clothes, "Urgh, got blood all over me," she muttered in annoyance.

She turned to her brother and teammate, "Kankuro, what scroll did they have?"

Kankuro crouched to grab the bloodied scroll, lifting it up with a groan, "Damn, it's an Earth scroll. A waste. Gaara, let's move on ahead."

Gaara slowly turned, his eyes filled with a malicious and bloodthirsty glare, "You don't call the orders here," he threatened in a dangerously calm tone.

Temari visibly paled, throwing a worried glance at Kankuro.

Sweatdropping, Kankuro quickly wiped the blood off the scroll and smiled nervously at Gaara, "S-Sorry, my bad. You call the shots."

The tension was uncanny, but a moment later, Gaara loosened his Killing Intent, much to the relief of his teammates.

Turning away, he resumed walking towards the center of the forest, perhaps to find teams on the way to the tower.

Temari and Kankuro exchanged looks, sharing their worries regarding surviving and finishing this ordeal as quickly as possible, following him nervously with a degree of distance between each other.

Gaara's unstable nature proved to be their greatest anxiety in this exam.

An exam filled with snot-nosed brats would amount to nothing in their path, not even mentioning Gaara himself.

Or so... They thought.

As their purposeful march came to a sudden stop.

Without warning, with naught a sound...

But the loud impact of the coarse and hardened sand met with a powerful kinetic force.

Gaara's eyes widened, as mere inches from his face sharpened nails pierced through the automatic sand defense that rushed to his protection.

Before he could react, an easygoing and gleeful voice caught his attention:

The boy hummed lazily, "Hmm, a lot tougher than I thought."

Gaara wasted no time, as the sand from his gourd rushed in blinding speeds toward the perpetrator behind his sudden assault - Mockingly standing before him.

With a blur of movement, the sand reached... Air.

As the boy backed off to a safe distance to levy an amused glance at the stupefied trio.

Gaara's eyes widened in recognition, "You... You're from before." He recalled their momentary eye contact a few days ago.

Lifting a finger, the boy praised as his elongated fingers shortened, "Nice memory! But I've got to ask, genuinely curious here... How does that even work? I'd love to have an automatic defense of my own~!" He questioned with a hint of mockery in his tone.

Kankuro and Temari's eyes widened in similar recognition.

Kankuro's voice rang out, unease enveloping his entire being at the confrontation between Gaara and... "Nara Akira. The Nara's Prodigy."

Gaara growled, "Doesn't matter... He met my eyes. He must die. You'll feed my reason for existence."

The boy scoffed waving his hand, "Not interested. We just met. Maybe if we got to know each other a little better you could offer me that again. Maybe on a bad day, I'd probably agree?" He offered with a sadistic smirk.

Kankuro's nervous gaze narrowed at Akira, "Where's your team? I'd suggest against fighting Gaara. You'll die. Just run away and we'll forget this ever happened."

Gaara turned to Kankuro with a snarl, "Do. Not. Interfere!"

Yet Kankuro stood steadfast, his sweating visage clear for all to see, his muscles tensed ready to avoid the possibility of Gaara's sand rushing at him.

Kankuro was confident Akira would lose to Gaara.

But he was not sure how far he may even push Gaara, for the Nara may or may not have exaggerated Akira's prowess in the rumors.

And Kankuro was definitely not too keen on finding out, lest he and Temari end up casualties in their clash.

Suddenly, a certain weight pressed down on Temari and Kankuro's shoulders.

A familiar weight, yet it felt different.

Gaara seemed to feel it as well, as a bloodthirsty grin formed on his face in spite of it.

The temperature dropped, as Akira's killing intent enveloped the Sand Siblings.

"Me? Run away? Why?" He pointed at himself, his words chilling.

His eyes narrowed dangerously at Gaara, pointing at him once more, "You should be telling that to your teammate. He should get those wee little legs of his moving. And soon..."

Adding with finality:

"Cause just standing in that one place relying on his defenses is going to get him killed."

The temperature lowered suddenly, as did the weight, Akira's voice lighter as he smiled broadly, "To translate... I'm his worst nightmare and opponent. So I might as well have some fun~"

Following his words, Akira shot forward in a blur towards Gaara.

Temari and Kankuro backed away in a panic whilst Gaara stood with a wicked grin, his eyes narrowed as he extended his hands forward.

The hands commanded the sand, and with the smallest gesture, the sand hardened and culminated into a thick concentrated wave, bursting into motion at great speeds towards the rushing figure of Akira.

With fluid movements, Akira weaved through the wave of sand which moved, twisted, and turned at Gaara's command, attempting to catch or at least graze Akira.

But it proved too slow.

Akira had already reached arm's length of Gaara, intruding on his personal space as the automatic sand defense rushed to Gaara's aid.

Reacting as best as he could, Gaara's hand flew to make a hand sign.

Only for it to be swiped away without issue, followed by a remark, "Oh, stop that."

Gaara's expression morphed in confusion and he couldn't utter his own retort, as a powerful punch landed in his gut.

Prompting Gaara to bend over from the pain, despite hastily wrapping himself in Sand Armor.

A crack resonated followed by Gaara's infuriated grunt.

But a millisecond later, Gaara felt a second impact from the same punch, breaking the sand armor in his abdomen.

The rare feeling of pain welcomed itself with Gaara's audible guffaw.

"Gaara!" Kankuro's concerned shout reverberated throughout the forest.

Akira's knee flew towards Gaara's pained expression, planning to seize the opportunity caused by the stupor.

Only for him to back away as Sand was hastily approaching his location.

Reappearing at his spot prior to the 1st round of the altercation, looking no worse for wear, Akira let out a hum.

"Would end pretty badly for me if that caught me... Really amazes me how that thing just protects you automatically, regardless of your condition. You should really teach me that trick~" He flashed a devilish smirk, his tone expressing a mix of intrigue but moreso amusement at the situation.

Gaara slowly rose up, as killing intent radiated from him, sending chills down the spines of his siblings.

The snarl on his face was truly feral.

He slowly rose up, patting his pained abdomen gently, stating, "Nara Akira. Was it?"

Akira tilted his head, nodding silently.

"Your death will fuel my existence. I'll crush every bone in your body and a river of blood will form from your corpse... You... Are now my prey." He declared wholeheartedly, sand convulsing beside him, as his killing intent and expression turned even more wild.

"Kind of repeating yourself there, buddy. I'm just out to try to have some fun~ Why so serious~?" He waved him off.

Then, with a quick weave of a hand sign by Gaara, a clone began to form from the Sand.

The Sand Clone and Gaara himself exerted their wills and the Sand began to fly towards Akira at a complex pattern, with little openings.

'He's playing it safe. if he went with a wide tidal wave of sand, he'd have almost nothing to defend himself should I somehow avoid it. He's still got his head in the game, at least.' Akira noted with a thin line on his face, lazily observing the attack charging towards him.

Then, that smirk of his returned with full force at the following thought, 'Unfortunately for him... He's still not moving those legs of his against his worst matchup.'

Akira's movements were a blur, as he took out a kunai with an explosive tag attached to it, igniting it immediately.

Gaara's eyes narrowed, yet he and his clone proceeded with the offensive.

Akira shoved his hand down the shadows and a moment later, the hand appeared below Gaara.

Akira aimed true, sending the kunai flying towards Gaara's face.

Gaara couldn't even react, what was left of his sand stock rushed to his defense, blocking the kunai...

But not the explosion.

A cloud of smoke, dust, and sand enveloped their forested battlefield.

Gaara's clone had dispersed and the controlled offensive of sand had lost its shape - Gaara's control was let go to switch back to defense.

Akira had already dove into the shadows appearing before the vulnerable Gaara whose sand had been dispersed and scurrying to protect him.

A vulnerability Akira planned on taking advantage of.

'I think now's the best time as any. Before he can transform.' He coldly thought.

His hand shot forward, coated in Chakra as his nails lengthened and sharpened beyond the sharpness of a traditional kunai.

Gaara's panicked expression was one to savor, as he threw a punch at Akira, neglecting any Ninjutsu.

Akira had donned his smirk widely, as he grabbed the limb with ease with his other hand, holding it in place with his superior strength.

He uttered the final gleeful words, "Should have gotten those little legs moving~"

The goal was to pierce.

Akira's nails reached Gaara's throat, digging through the leftover Sand Armor.

Finally, he drew blood.

They dug deeper, deeper.


A blast of powerful and quick wind sent Akira flying toward one of the large trees surrounding them.

His body impacted the tree with a loud thump.

It took only a second for him to shake off the pain and impact, as he rose up with an even expression.

He turned to look at his opponents.

The prior nervous Temari and Kankuro now stood protectively beside the shocked Gaara.

The unease was still there, yet, they resolved to intervene.

A hint of annoyance radiated from Akira's tone, "You know, some part of me genuinely believed you two wouldn't get involved."

Temari flashed a confident smirk, masking her fear, "And what? Let you finish us off when you're done with Gaara?"

She quickly gave Kankuro a knowing look, as her muscles tensed at the sudden silence from Gaara.

Kankuro frowned, offering with raised arms, despite the puppet beside him being unveiled, "Look. Let's not let things get any uglier than they already are. We'll give you our scroll if you leave us alone. How about that?" He silently weaved hand signs, sending a wave of foreign chakra toward Akira.

A Genjutsu attempt that was thwarted immediately by Akira's summoned Shikigami - Whiskers.

"Peace offering with a sprinkle of Genjutsu? Tempting. Real tempt-" Akira's amusement came to an abrupt end as a wave of powerful chakra and killing intent washed over them all.

"BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! IT'S MY BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" A screech reverberated from Gaara as the ground shook.

"FUCK!" Kankuro cursed as he and Temari backed away without a second thought.

Sand began to convulse and harden on his body in layers, slowly morphing into a carapace-like sand limb.

'He sure got triggered soon. Did he figure out that he was outclassed? Damn, never mind that. This needs to be over with. Now.' Akira registered in his mind in mere moments.

Akira's expression turned cold once more, "Not a chance."

His hands blurred as he formed a shadowgraphic hand sign of an Ox head, "Piercing Ox."

The expectant Kekkei Genkai was finally unleashed, but in turn, Gaara's Perfect Possession had just begun.

Kankuro and Temari dashed to a distant tree to observe, fearful for their lives and no longer capable of protecting Gaara.

After all... in that state.

He doesn't need any, they'll either die or get in the way.

Sighing, Kankuro accepted their fate shaking his head with clear annoyance, "This exam's over. The brat's dying and the forest's gonna get destroyed."

Temari turned to him worried, "What about the plan?"

He frowned, "I don't know. They'll now know Gaara is Shukaku's host-" Kankuro's words were stuck in his throat, as he turned his attention to the manifested Ox beside Akira.

The Ox huffed as its muscles bulged and... Burst forward with disturbing force, it's stampede shook the ground.

Growing stronger and louder with each step.

Akira's eyes narrowed at the still-transforming Gaara.

Halfway wrapped in layers of sand, Gaara roared as his monstrous sand limb shot towards his aggressor, the Ox.

Piercing Ox charged forward and was met with the powerful sand limb.

With his current stockpiled strength, the Ox was pushed back by the semi-transformed Gaara.

As every second passed, Gaara grew visibly stronger and more monstrous.

"Water Style - Wild Water Wave!" Torrents of water shot from Akira's mouth towards the limb.

Softening the layers of sand, and finally, giving Piercing Ox the opening it needed.

Charging forward, it broke through the sand, growing stronger and stronger, faster and faster.

Despite his monstrous appearance, Gaara seemed to have not yet lost his cognitive capabilities, and noticed the losing tug of war, as he moved with great speeds betraying his size to dodge the Ox that was an instant away from bursting through his body in a gory display.

The sand monster hopped into the air, cracking the ground beneath him.

The Ox was promptly dismissed by Akira, having failed its role, as Akira rushed in pursuit of Gaara, who was more than halfway turned into a Sand Monster.

A sand tail and arm flew towards Akira at scary speeds, only for Akira to bend his body midair and catch onto one of them to reposition himself before the sand caved his hand in.

Gaara's growl was met by Akira's lengthened nails, piercing his eyes.

The squelch of the torn eyes echoed through the clearing of their clash.

"HRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHH" Gaara cried out in agony, as the sand around him responded with fitting flailing.

Only stopped before his brain due to sand wrapping Akira's face.

"Damn so fucking close!" He cried out as he backed away, avoiding his brain being pulverized.

Landing on the ground with a thud, a frown was now plastered on Akira's face as he ignored the blood tainting his nails to focus on the monster that dropped to the ground with a powerful impact.

'Alright. Now to finish him off, I've got to be careful of the Demon within him. It might act as his eye-'

His internal thoughts were cut short, when he was met by the blind, albeit intact monster.

Blood coated the thick layers of sand, but Gaara's entire body has fully been layered with sand.

He now resembled the fully formed Shukaku - A Sand Tanuki Demon.

The only difference is that Gaara has yet to grow into the titanic proportions of the fully formed Shukaku.

Nevertheless, this did not bode well for anyone.

"Oh no..." Kankuro's utterance and gulp mirrored Akira's own thoughts on the situation.

"Damn it..." He gritted his teeth, as his mind raced to find a method to finish Gaara off before he turned big.

Coming across a possibility.

'...If that doesn't work, then it's Mahoraga.' Akira resolved himself.

His plans were already burnt to the ground by the advent of Gaara's swift transformation into Shukaku and his tenacity.

Thus, Akira finally made his decision on a lingering question.

One, he had planned to keep for emergencies.

Mayhaps keep it for Tiger Funeral, should he prove to be the worthier choice once tamed.

Nevertheless, circumstances dictated choices.

[Choose Who Shall Inherit Nue's Essence.]

Divine Dogs (Yin Twin) - Compatible.

Divine Dogs (Yang Twin) - Compatible.

Toad - Compatible.

Great Serpent - Compatible.

Nue - Deceased.

Rabbit Escape - Compatible.

Max Elephant - Compatible

Round Deer - Compatible.

Piercing Ox - Compatible.

Tiger Funeral - Compatible.

Eight Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga - Compatible.

????? - Incompatible.

The choice had finally been made.


Within the cold metal walls of a certain place.

A room grotesquely ravaged:

Blood, shadows, and feathers decorated brutality all over the room which seemed to lose all color and life.

A chaotic, ghastly sight.

Within it, however, lay a liquid ball of shadow - From it, black veins spread outside the room in many directions.

And it lay there, naught a movement.

For many many days.

Then... It moved.

A sudden glow from one of the blue veins acted like a command to the liquid ball.

And it dove into one specific vein of the many black veins it spread.

From an outsider's perspective, one could see one of the black veins bulging, as something traveled disturbingly through it.

Eventually, it reached outside the room, following the path of one of the veins to a particular room.

Of a particular Shikigami.

Upon entering, the ball of liquid shadow popped out of the floor.

And with the prompting of another blue vein, the room's resident swallowed the ball whole.


The inherited Shikigami's name was already ingrained in Akira's psyche upon completion of the inheritance.

Wasting not a moment, not a hint of hesitation, Akira mustered his chakra as he made the shadowgraphic hand sign...

Of a snake head with a single hand.

He announced the words necessary to summon the inherited Shikigami:

"Great Serpent Totality - Merged Beast Quetzalcoatl."

Akira wasn't done, and he did not care.

He was not risking playing around any longer.

He pumped as much chakra as he could, managing to overload the Totality.

It was a Level 2.

A gigantic chunk of Akira's chakra was taken and in exchange...

Below the shadow of the transformed Gaara, emerged a gigantic serpent.

A school bus in width, it swallowed the transformed Gaara with ease before he could even react, as it extended itself toward the sky.

Longer and longer, it extended itself, reaching beyond the ginormous trees, and easily reaching a hundred meters in length.

The Serpent revealed its full glory.

A snake wrapped with layers of scales and another layer of dense bone, evident from Nue's inheritance.

Over a dozen pairs of large obsidian feathered wings on each part of its body contrasted with its white scale coloring.

'FINISH HIM OFF! SHOW ME WHAT YOU CAN DO!' Akira roared in his mind, in command.

Chakra drained as if it was being poured out by a floodgate, and he could not waste a moment longer.

Heeding his command, Quetzalcoatl moved.

All of its pairs of wings glowed and shook as lightning gathered.

Its belly began to glow as well, lightning gathering in its stomach.

Letting loose a guttural roar that was accompanied by lightning sourcing from its stomach, Quetzalcoatl spat out Gaara high in the air, hitting him twice with the same current.

Dispersing most of the sand layers and scorching his skin and face.

Wordlessly, Akira let go of the summon, Quetzalcoatl's large body collectively and grotesquely melting into liquid shadows.

Gaara's seemingly unconscious body plummeted to the ground, impacting it with an explosion of debris and dust.

Akira cautiously approached, his eyes narrowed and his expression stoic yet internally livid.

The dust cleared, revealing a squirming Gaara, barely holding onto consciousness and dear life, his body barely recognizable.

He still had chakra in him, as sand once more, albeit much slower, began to stick itself to his skin.

Akira wasted not a moment, appearing before Gaara, "Die. You tenacious fucker."

Abusing the opening he made in Gaara's eyes, he pierced through his brain.

Putting an end to Gaara's life in a gory display.

Ceasing Gaara's pointless squirming, dropping to the ground with a light thud, blood pooling below him.

'Down to 15%... From just that.' Akira clicked his tongue internally.

'This... Was not worth it. I could've killed him much earlier before he turn-' Akira analyzed the altercation with a notable degree of frustration, only for him to pause as a voice in his mind called out to him.

'Sand Siblings. Running away. Panicked.' Whiskers reported with little delay.

Frowning, Akira looked down at the result of his efforts, looking blankly at the pooling blood from Gaara's corpse, 'How are the other participants reacting to Solid's flashy show?'

'Heading. Other direction.' Whiskers responded.

'Your teammates. On way here.' Another Whiskers mentioned.

"Thought so... How did he guess that was Solid though?" Akira mumbled.

'Intuition. Maybe.' Whiskers replied.

"Old reliable, is it?" Akira hummed, mechanically plastering a smirk on his face.

'What of Orochimaru?'

'He. Will catch teammates. Before they. Reach you. According to. Travel trajectory.' Whiskers stated the grave sentence with naught a chance in tone.

'I see...' Akira hummed once more.

'15%... It'll be risky, but I can still work with this... The plan can still go on, with only a slight setback in resources. That's all.' Akira confirmed to himself.

'Now then...' Akira's head turned towards the deeper forest, his eyes narrowed and smile broad and frightening.


The two sand siblings ran with all the strength they could muster.

Expressions pale and sweaty, in spite of it, they were fully on guard.

Kankuro's puppet - Karasu was on standby and ready for any altercation.

Nevertheless, they were set on escaping this accursed forest.

They bore witness to a clash between Monsters, and their Monster lost and paid the price with his life.

He wasn't after their scroll.

He wasn't after anything but the delight in their suffering and the ecstasy of combat.

The rules dictated that the Genin MUST stay in the forest for five entire days.

"TO HELL WITH THE DAMN RULES!" Temari growled.

Whatever punishment awaited them from their Village, it certainly wasn't going to be as bad as dying.

Her expression was the epitome of distraught, as she barely held onto her composure, "Did you see that? Someone... Killing Gaara. Assassins failed. Hell! I thought only Dad could do it! What in the hell is he?" Her voice shook with a twinge of fear.

Kankuro, being the voice of reason shook his head, "It doesn't matter what he is. What matters is getting the hell out of here and relaying this information. We'll have to follow different orders, most likely-"

They froze, as the figure of their most recent nightmare appeared before them, giddily waving a hand at them, standing beside a rabbit, "Hello~"

Temari's expression grew even more pale, her body tensed up as she did her best to keep herself in somewhat of a composed state.

Yet the memory of what she bore witness to served as a brutal reminder to cease any attempts at bluffing composure.

"What do you want? You've killed Gaara already." Kankuro questioned, masking his unease as best he could, wasting no moment as he positioned Karasu in front of him.

Kankuro could already hazard a guess from Akira's prior wordings as to what he seeks from them.

Nevertheless, he wanted to buy time.

Akira lifted his arms in a placating gesture, yet his grin was anything but placating, "I think we've started on the wrong foot here."

Kankuro curbed the urge to insult or argue, as he was in no superior position to, so he gestured for Akira to continue.

"You know... I wasn't actually planning on killing him."

"Bullshit, I saved him from getting his throat slit by you," Temari growled her disagreement.

He shrugged lightly in response, "Well, he was getting on my nerves, and honestly... That whole turning into a monster business? Yeah, I had to put the rabid dog down."

Lifting a finger, his smirk turned chilling as his following words sent shivers down their spines:

"My only desire... Is to have as much harmless fun as I can in this clown exam~"

"HARMLESS FUN?!" Temari roared, swiping her fan towards Akira with a blast of wind, prompting the latter to dodge out of the way, disappearing into the forest's darkness.

"TEMARI SHUT UP! GET CLOSE TO ME! NOW!" Kankuro commanded with a panicky voice.

His voice echoed, unable to pinpoint where it came from:

"Don't worry... I won't kill you~ Maybe a broken bone or two. Maybe lifetime cripple. Be a good dance partner and I'll go easy on you~!"

To Be Continued!

-Omake Start-

Title - Breakfast In The Newly Engaged Akira Naomi Household (Canon)

-Akira POV-

The day was looking fine and bright.

Except for this whole headache-inducing concoction of awkward situation the two of us found ourselves in - Standing before the actually stacked kitchen area of our new abode.

By two of us, I meant myself and my betrothed...

Apparently, our current quandary, was who was going to do the cooking for both breakfast and dinner.

At least, it was a predicament in Naomi's eyes.

I am completely fine with ordering out or dropping by my actual home, Auntie wouldn't mind packing some stuff.

Folding her arms under her breasts steadfastly, Naomi took charge, "While I have been trained in matters regarding household affairs, I will not delegate myself to housewife, I am still too young and we have yet to wed. Akira-sama."

I shook my head, "And no one is asking you to be one, Naomi-san. I really don't mind cooking, there's just a tiny issue about it."

Her eyes narrowed dangerously at me, her gaze towering over me.

...I'm not short, I'm just young.

"Which is?" She questioned.

"I suck at cooking?" I offered.

I mean, my taste buds have tasted both heaven and hell.

Hell being that Mountain Lion back in the Land Of Mountains.

Kyokan was hyping it up for no reason whatsoever.

That shit tasted lean and nasty.

The point is, I'm used to eating whatever there is available, and or purchasing quality food.

Or free food from Auntie herself.

Naomi blinked for a moment, as she came upon a realization, "Right... Nara men."

"Oi, is that prejudice or am I just hearing things?" I deadpanned.

She ignored my comment, smiling lightly, "Alright, there isn't a better time to start than today. I'll take care of dinner. You take care of breakfast. We can change up the rotation whenever you please, Akira-sama."


"I'm kinda loaded right now, can't we just order foo-"


"Yeah, thought so." My shoulder slumped.

"I'll go out for my morning run, I pray there will be a fine breakfast for my famished self upon my return!" She giggled as she made her way to the door.

"Okay missy, I can talk fancy as well, get a move on," I grumbled.

She nodded, flashing a friendly smile and waving goodbye.

"Oh, and make sure to not bring your stalker buddy here. I'm cooking for two and only two." I warn.

Her cheeks tinged red at the reminder of her prior embarrassment.

Huffing, she left without saying a word, closing the door with a creak.

'Just for the chance of her bringing that gal here... I hope she runs into Might Guy.' I wished for her with the best and purest of intentions.

-A few moments later-

"What. Is. Going. On?" Naomi's voice eerily reminded my aunt as she entered the house with quite the attitude.

She didn't seem to want to rush to the bath, considering she was drenched with sweat.

Deciding nagging would be the preferable activity.

I'll rectify the issue with my boundless gentlemanly compassion.

"Wouldn't you rather take a bath and question the ongoing of our fine abode under a less heated state?"

Her eyes narrowed dangerously at the sight before her.

I shrugged in response, "What? I don't see the problem here."

I really didn't.

What's wrong with this hyper-efficient Whiskers Cooking Line?

Original Whiskers with a Chef's hat, reading the latest Konoha Housewife Cookbook.

Three Whiskers cutting vegetables.

Two Whiskers washing dishes.

Three Whiskers on the stove.

One Whiskers handling the plating.

Also, the Jeff Grocery Supply Chain has fallen ill, he's in a drunken slumber on the couch, so I guess that's an issue.

"Whatever they are cooking... I am not eating it." Her declaration was followed by the sudden cease of activity from all Whiskers and a loud gasp from myself.

A tense silence enveloped us.

"Naomi-san, I wouldn't say such things to a bunch of rabbits holding knives."

"Did I hurt his feelings?"

"No. He's just looking for excuses to taste blood."

-Omake End-

-Author Note Start-

Hello squad fam!

How do you do?

I hope this chapter was to your satisfaction and up to quality and stuff!

Now, as you may have noticed.

Akira is donning his Aizen and Madara cosplay.

Do note he isn't even remotely close to both of them, so the cosplay is a bit botched.

But anywho!

Things are going to be presented in a different matter in this arc, and Akira's plan is pretty long term so you'll be seeing his mostly roleplay (As well as the already noticeable cracks) for a while.

Also Gaara's dead.

Yup no 5th Kazekage Gaara for yall.

Following the Chunin Exams.

Expect HEAVY canon divergence in a lot of things as time stretches.

Of course, things that don't make sense for them to change, won't change.

But I try my best that the World is actually "Alive" so to speak.

I could miss details or knowledge, as I am not a Naruto Professor, so do notify me if you notice something missing.

And Finally...


On that note, love ya and cya soon!

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

If ya'll feeling frisky and rich you can donate to my P A T R E 0 N to show some nice and kind support.

Here's the link:


As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

The first 1GB hard drive, released in 1980 by IBM, weighed over 500 pounds and cost $40,000. Here's this week's random fun fact.

(Just noticed this Story Reached 300,000 Words. And we ain't even in Shippuden. I shiver at the prospect of my self-proclaimed title as the Master Of Pacing acting up and (Probably) making this fic reach into the 1,000,000 word range by the time we're done here.)

-Author Note End-

next chapter
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