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25% Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto / Chapter 11: Genuine Progress And Foreboding

Chapitre 11: Genuine Progress And Foreboding

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Evening Time-

-4 Months Following The Entrance Ceremony At The Academy-

-Third Person POV-

In an underground training ground, a hush prevails, only disturbed by the melody of action. A young boy, his face earnest and covered in sweat, diligently practices a series of katas. His strikes find their mark on a training dummy with unwavering precision, each punch and kick a testament to his unwavering commitment.

To his left, an older man with hair as white as snow sits on a chair. His gaze, sharp as a hawk's, remains locked on the boy's every move. He observes with sharp eyes, offering critiques with the precision of a skilled craftsman, pointing out each of the boy's mistakes. Frustration bubbles beneath the surface of the young boy as his mentor's comments continue to break his concentration and irritate him. Behind the older man is a table filled with vials of differing colors containing concerning-looking liquids that are presumably unsafe for consumption.

But what truly grabs attention is the astounding sight to the boy's right. Here, two magnificent Wolves and a Toad engage in their own training routine. Their target, a sturdier and more robust dummy, bears the brunt of their combined assault. The Toad, with impressive strength, flings the dummy around with its tongue, while the Wolves leap with natural grace, delivering potent strikes and fierce maulings.

This peculiar scene might seem unusual, but for our protagonist, Akira Nara, it's a familiar ritual, an event that unfolds every Thursday and Saturday without fail.

Much to his conflicted emotions.

-Akira POV-

You know, after my DELIGHTFUL first impressions of Eiichi I was skeptical of returning here. Really skeptical, but then again, I of course thought better of it since this was my only chance at getting special and professional training this early in my prospective Shinobi career.

After fuming about my broken arms, insulted ego, and missing my chance at fishing as a result of my first training session with Eiichi... Uncle felt the full brunt of my wrath.

Cussing at him like I'm Inoichi as well as stabbing holes in his pillow while he was away might seem petty, but it garnered me an additional week of Kitchen duty courtesy of Auntie witnessing my colorful language.

So I believe it was fair game. And he really deserved it for not warning me about... This kind and gentle Elder of mine whom I've decided to accept as a Sensei, determined to come here every Thursday and Saturday as he demanded of me at our first meeting.

...The thought of skipping training did cross my mind, and I was pretty curious of what would be the consequences of just not coming here as instructed.

I decided not to test the patience of an allegedly grumpy old man who has probably murdered a hundred men or more in his lifetime.

Speak of the devil...

"Boy, quit daydreaming, your strikes are losing their precision. That kick was aimed too low." Eiichi chastises stoically, his voice betraying no emotion but annoyance.

The feelings are mutual pal...

"Sorry, Eiichi-sensei" I grumble reluctantly as I provide higher brain power into my rigid and consistent movements that I've been practicing.

Any whom, this kind and gentle Elder is a relentless slave driver...

The no breaks, the brutal dissecting of my mistakes, and the intensive training...

This has to be illegal, I don't care what kind of Superpowered Mercenary Village I'm at, this shit's got to be illegal!

Regardless... I push through because that's what I have to do.

On that note, of course, this training has proven to be very fruitful!

I actually have a decent idea of how to fight!

Though, according to my wise Sensei, I'm still pathetic and weak.

Understandable, but you could relay that information in a more gentle way you know?

Luckily he has not forced me to try and tame another Shikigami yet, satisfied with my own results during our meeting.

He still kept me hanging about the meaning behind his whole first brutal dissection of my character with his creepy observations.

I've got a few theories on what he was trying to convey, but I prefer to not ask him about it when he doesn't seem intent on telling me.

Would I like his answer? I still don't know. And I'm fine with not knowing...

Nevertheless what I've concluded for myself is that I need to grow some balls.

Or at least try to...

Hmm, it's about time.

"Eiichi-sensei! My Chakra's running low! I'm dismissing them!" I stop my practice as I shout at Sensei, turning to look at him for his response.

He nods his agreement as I proceed to practice katas on the poor dummy.

"Good work! Noc, Mir, Jeff! Cya Later!" I wave goodbye to my Shikigami, dismissing them.

Yes, I named Toad, Jeff. I found it hilarious and out of all my Shikigami he's the goofiest. Not that I have more than 3 Shikigami but you get the point!

On that note, let me list a few fascinating discoveries I've made with Shikamaru and Eiichi-sensei's help, in regard to the Ten Shadows

First, the Chakra cost of maintaining Jeff or Toad. The cost is fascinatingly less costly than summoning Mir and Noc.

From feeling and sense of my Chakra capacity, it's around 35% less costly to initially summon and a whopping 40% less maintenance!

It does make sense since he's individually weaker than Mir or Noc, as well as being more of a support-type Shikigami.

Secondly, having both the Divine Dogs and Toad summoned does this interesting thing...

The Culumative Chakra cost of keeping them manifested is less than adding up their individual Chakra costs of being manifested.

I'll elaborate.

Let's say the cost to maintain Noc and Mir is 100 Chakra per minute, Toad's would be logically 60 Chakra per minute as I've mentioned the relative cost.

Then keeping them both maintained for a minute would cost me 160 Chakra. Right?

Wrong! It would cost around 140~145 Chakra or so as I feel it.

What is interesting is that the individual Chakra maintenance I feel from the Divine Dogs remains at a seemingly static 100 Chakra. Whilst Toad's was reduced from 60 to 40-45ish.

Strange right?

So, I was brainstorming on my own since Shikamaru doesn't really know much math yet on the proportions of it, but couldn't really reach a conclusion.

Upon giving up on finding a solution on my own, I questioned Shikamaru on his opinion, he told me it'd probably be impossible to reach a conclusive answer until I could summon 3 or 4 Shikigami in order to determine whether there was a static cost reduction or is it proportional to the cost of the most expensive chakra cost Shikigami currently summoned, does amount of Shikigami currently maintained also matter? etc...

I couldn't help but agree with him, just a single example couldn't allow me to form a conclusive judgment on whether the cost reduction on Toad when summoned in tandem with Divine Dogs is a static and proportional thing or not.

Third, and perhaps most importantly I believe. My Shikigami as already noted are the same when summoned, time seemingly doesn't pass from whatever Shadow Realm they come from.

They have personalities! Cute, stoic, and loyal is what describes my Divine Dogs pair.

The newest addition, Jeff is playful and quite the prankster, slapping Mir and Noc with his tongue on occasion to irritate them when summoned.

From this, of course, I as well as Eiichi concluded it's best to train them to work together even without my direct orders.

For example, they were currently practicing their as I term it... Tongue Grab And Maul Combo.

An unnecessarily long name for a combo I know, but it works!

*SMACK* As I once again sunk deep into my thoughts I felt a painful smack on my head


I turn to meet the brown eyes of my sadistic sensei, who has a frustrated and disappointed look on his face.


"W-WHY'D YOU DO THAT FOR?!" I roar out at the child abuser

Right... This dude smacks me here and there when I do something he doesn't like... Ah, the prices I pay for training!

"*Sigh* Akira, your habit of sinking into your own thoughts would send you into an early grave." He sighs in disappointment as he chastises me... Once again.

"Eiichi-sensei, with due respect, I am in a safe environment, it is obvious I wouldn't do this in a more precarious situation." I reason

He shakes his head

"For all the intelligence you show, you fail to see the fundamental problem."

Ah, how mature! Mocking my intelligence!

"Which is...?" I groan

Uh oh... He's getting into his lecturing pose.

"It is a Habit, Akira. Habits are largely automatic, whether you simply decide or not to sink into your own thoughts isn't up to your control. What you can do, is work on reducing this habit and or adjusting it to not impair you in missions." He explains

"I guess..." I mumble with a lowered head

"Do I even have to mention how many times I had to break you out of your trance when training? When you're accustomed to a certain situation or action, you sink into your thoughts occasionally and allow the habitual automatic responses that you've ingrained to take care of the rest. Like most habits, this would work and be useful in most cases, permitting you to think about more important matters or save energy for something that may or may not come in the near future." He elaborates

"Okay! So what I'm doing is fine!" I respond confidently

He literally just confirmed what I do is actually beneficial.

At my words, Eiichi gained a glint in his eye

"However, this can be used against you. You are used to responding to kicks to your head with a certain Kata I taught you, so you habitually respond as taught, mind inactive. But what if he pivots and does a differing move? Add a jutsu on top of his kick? Perhaps a Genjutsu? Akira, the kata's I teach you are to be used Mindfully. Make the mistake of habitually and mindlessly utilizing them in battle and you will eventually perish." He completes his lecture having delivered his intended lesson.

Ah, I see... He's right. I still don't think I'd truly sink into my thoughts in a literal battle to the death, but habitual and mindless responses to certain familiar attacks can prove fatal if the opponent suddenly pivots and I respond like a robot...

"Akira, We'll be cutting today's lesson short," Eiichi announces as he turns and makes his way toward the strange table with vials I have yet to question him about.

"Okay!" I declared happily at not having to be on the edge of death by exhaustion today.

I didn't question him about that suspicious table simply because my concern triumphed over my curiosity... As they say, curiosity killed the Akira. I think.

He moved to grab a single vial of green liquid

"Before I leave, I'll be providing you with a gift." He announces

A gift? Oh, how generous! A suspicious-looking liquid! Hope he doesn't force me to chug that stuff!

He approaches me as I stare at him with confusion marring my face.

He grabs my hand and forces the vial into my hand. As much as I didn't want to take it.

"Hmm... What is this?" I carefully question

"Poison. Suna made" He responds matter of factly

Mhm, I see.

The fuck?

"Erm... Sensei, why this gift in particular?" I asked with a cracked smile, "Gratitude" radiating from every inch of my body

"You neglect the "Minor" aspect of your Kekkei Genkai. As you claim it to be, I disagree," he responds enigmatically as per usual.

The dude just can't decide whether he wants to be clear and concise or just plain annoying and mysterious. Just tell me! Oh, he's making his exit once he's left me confused! Another classic Eiichi antic!

As I contemplate and digest his words, glaring at the bottle of Suna-made poison. He leaves me once again alone in his own underground training ground.

Once again, the common sense of this world eludes me. A dangerous bottle of poison was delivered as a gift straight into my very own hands as a 6-year-old. Given as if it were a box of chocolates.

*Sigh* I sigh at the absurdity of the surprises this new life keeps throwing at me.

"Onto trying to decrypt whatever meaning he shoved into this..." I mumble as I glare at the bottle even harder.

Does he mean my Shadow Storage... I have mentioned to him that it's a rather lackluster aspect of my Kekkei Genkai.

I mean sure, as a training method it works, evident by the moment I told him of the burden aspect, compelling me to shove bricks into my shadows whenever I'm doing my day-to-day stuff. Which is creative I'll give him that.

Being a mobile storage is pretty good, Kunai storage, supplies, and even food. That's the really useful stuff.

But what do I do with an extremely potent... Poison.

Hold up.

Wait a minute.

Chotto Matte Kudasai.

As I contemplate the uses of a literal deadly poison, I come across a revelation.

"I can use this as a surprise attack! Throwing a bottle of deadly poison at my enemy, I can pop out of his shadow explode it on his face, and dive back unaffected by the poison! He never knew I had it since my Shadow Storage is an unknown ability! It's Genius!" I exclaim in excitement.

That's a literal trump card! Damn... How didn't I think of that? Actually... This allows for more options... Poisonous and noxious gas containers, a gas mask in my storage as well, only pulling it when I use it so they don't expect an attack like that.

This is insanely useful when in sticky situations!

You know what, the morally questionable implications of gifting a 6-year-old a literal vial of deadly poison are no longer in the cards for contemplation.

Instead! It is in the cards for reasons to be grateful to the great Eiichi!

Granted, there are not many reasons to be grateful to that sadistic old bat, but it's a steadily rising list at this point.

With a wicked grin, I make my way out of the underground training area towards my home. Contemplating nasty surprises I can pop out of my Shadows. Having reached a revelation of its actual possibilities.

"Hehe, can't wait to tell Shikamaru about this one!" I chuckle as I exit the training ground, my eyes meeting the bleeding evening light.

Although, he'd probably wave it off and go back to sleep...

On top of that... Today's Saturday.

I get to fish tomorrow! Huzzah!

What a fine day!

-Scene Change-

-Third Person POV-

In the heart of the Nara Council building lay the main room, a place of structured authority. Three identical seats occupied a raised platform at the head of the room, their significance undeniable. Just below them, a large round table, circled by chairs, hosted a gathering of papers, as if awaiting an imminent debate.

And then, towering above those three, at the very heart of the room, a single elevated seat stood in solitary grandeur. The scene was a visual declaration of hierarchy, a setting where decisions of paramount importance were made - the Nara Council's inner sanctum.

A lone man sits upon the rightmost seat of the 3 identical seats, his posture relaxed in contrast to the impatient look on his face, clearly waiting for someone.

His looks are a mix of white and brown hair, and wrinkles on his face to emphasize his older age.

*CREAK* The main double door audibly opens as another man enters the Council's Main Court.

"Thank goodness, Eiichi... What took you so long?" The seated man exclaimed with a mix of relief and irritation

"Apologies for being late Makoto, I was busy instructing our newest topic of interest. You calling me here cut our lesson short." Eiichi apologizes easily as he makes his way towards the central seat among the 3 equally elevated.

"Ah, Akira's training! How is the boy's progress with his Kekkei Genkai? Anything new you've been able to learn about it? What about his training in general?" Makoto questioned in thinly veiled interest as he looked upon Eiichi as he sat down.

"Nothing concrete so far, the boy is still hiding a few aspects of his Kekkei Genkai. Other than that his Taijutsu is noteworthy only to be contrasted by his deadly habit and cowardly nature. His Chakra capacity seems to be noticeably above Average for a Nara his age." Eiichi explained mechanically

"Phenomenal...Would you be against me joining you in a few sessions with him?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself old friend. Shikaku chose me specifically out of the 3 of us for a reason. Don't even think of coming unannounced" Eiichi responds tiredly with an edge of a threat

"It's a shame! I would have loved to train the rising star and future pride of the Nara clan myself!" Makoto remarks with faux sadness

"Believe me, it's not that grand of an experience. Rising star is a bit of a stretch right now." Eiichi jested

"Haha! You know as well as I do you old coot what he means for the Nara!" Makoto roars out in laughter

"Regardless, Makoto I have not come here for banter and gossip, Get to the point Why have you called me here?" Eiichi cut to the chase, locking narrowed eyes with Makoto.

"I asked for your presence so I could offer my grandaughter to him as a marriage partner!" Makoto exclaimed happily as he grabbed a paper out of his pocket, his confident smile firmly etched on his face.

"Bah, you should have called Shikaku if you wanted to offer such nonsense," Eiichi responded with a dismissal

"Why so dismissive Eiichi? I need your opinion is all!" Makoto responded unperturbed by Eiichi's dismissal

"You know as well as I that it is too early to press him into an arranged marriage, Shikaku himself asked for us to hold off finding him partners and an arrangement until the boy was 12. And officially marrying him off at 16." Eiichi remarked

"Why should we listen to him? It's a small difference, He'll still get married at 16, I'm only offering him a partner early." Makoto reasoned.

"Don't be a greedy fool. Shikaku would not have made demands, no matter how insignificant as the ones he made if he didn't have a card to play. You are neglecting that factor. Wait patiently, adhere to the agreement and the results would be mutually beneficial. You can offer your granddaughter among the prospects then." Eiichi chastised, his eyes narrowed at the younger council member

"Where has your passion gone Eiichi? You've become so dull and risk-averse rotting in the comforts of peace and administration. I remember you were the pride and joy of the clan shining brighter than the last 2 Clan heads on your lonesome, whether it was in the Shinobi arts or leadership. Your boldness seems to have lost its edge" Makoto comments in sadness, reminding Eiichi of his aged glory.

"Will that be it Makoto?" Eiichi questions slowly as he pinches his brows

"No, I need your help with this... The funds required for... Akira's protection... 1 Jonin... Trustworthy" Makoto notices Eiichi's stubborn denial of his proposed Marriage plan and moves on to the next topic of interest, almost giving Eiichi whiplash at the sudden change of atmosphere.

And so, the topic of Akira's Arranged Marriage was dismissed for now.

Or was it?

-Scene Change-

-10 Months Following The Entrance Ceremony At The Academy-

-Third Person POV-

A familiar scene, the training ground of the Academy, a plethora of eager 1st-year students, now more freshly equipped to spar thanks to the new material and practice they have been learning in the 2nd semester.

The Konoha Standard Taijutsu.

To some, this was a revolutionary method of sparing, students who were previously the underdogs, were now on a higher ranking in the class's fitting "Strongest" list.

Once again, the kids were eager and excited as they talked amongst themselves, eager to prove themselves in a spar.

Our usual trio find themselves less eager of course.

Choji, sitting on the grass with the usual nervous smile he has prior to a spar.

For once in a while, Shikamaru and Akira our protagonist find themselves on the same wavelength.

Trying their best to doze off, lying down on the grass, eyes directed at the wide blue sky.


-Akira POV-

Ah... P.E. and Sparing classes, so far it's been a breeze. Mostly in part due to my complimentary cheat training from Eiichi the man himself.

All my fights were easy, despite the new curriculum. Learning Taijutsu under the guidance of a Skilled Jonin seems to have done wonders for me, improving largely thanks to my more patient and comprehensive mind as an adult in a child's body. Taking training really seriously with Eiichi's guidance.

I've grown to trust the old stoic stereotype guy. He's pretty rough around the edges but he shows he cares. In his own, sadistic and weird way but he shows!

Is it because of me being the son of Hikari? Could be.

Nevertheless, he hasn't given me a reason to NOT trust him, so I believe it's fine.

Also... My shadow storage is a force to be reckoned with, don't ask what's in there.

I'd get arrested. Yes, even in a Shinobi Village.

It's that bad.

The best part was that most of it was supplied by Eiichi himself. He's apparently quite sly and not as law-abiding as I initially suspected.


I've tested it when trying to tame Rabbit Escape.

Let's just say... The test was unintentional and I was forced into using external tools *Cough* Poisonous gas to get rid of the rabbits.

They were much more dangerous than initially anticipated... Quite literally overwhelming me and my boys, our lack of clear firepower showing its ugly mug.

Though... The knowledge ingrained in me was proven correct as the rabbits died from suffocation and I didn't get any tamed Rabbits.

So, Taming Rabbit Escape is on the back burner, For now, I'm scheduled to attempt it again next month with Eiichi's supervision.

Why a month? I have no idea honestly, Eiichi canceled the last lesson under the explanation he had important things to take care of.

Coincidentally, Uncle also seemed on edge recently. Like extremely on edge.

He's a composed individual and he hides his concerns really well. But now, whatever is troubling him seems to be ranked at around an 8/10 by sheer observation. Post Kyuubi attack Uncle was at a 10/10.

According to this rating, something weird and likely concerning is going on. And I have no clue what it is.

Is it Clan business? That's a likely reason but I lack detail to really come up with an explanation. Also, according to Eiichi, we the Nara are pretty well off financially speaking in comparison to the other clans' post-Kyuubi attack. Our compound was on the other side of the Village when the Kyuubi attacked.

So that really cuts off that option... So what could it be?

...I guess it's fine for now, those are adult worries after all!

I need to enjoy my youth! Yeah!

Hope this doesn't bite me in the butt later on...

"Uchiha Sasuke, Nara Akira! Please come to the circle!" Suzuki sensei announces snapping me out of my daydreaming.

It's time once again!

A large grin forms on my face.

"Oh yeah." I announce happily as I get up

"You've been waiting for this haven't you?" Shikamaru sat up so he could witness the fight.

"Akira you sure you can beat him this time?" Choji questions innocently

"Ah, my adorable and ignorant friend! I'm much stronger now!" I announce confidently, pointing at myself.

Choji raises his eyebrow at that

"That's what you said two weeks ago when he beat you for the fourth time in a row," Shikamaru deadpanned.

"It's getting closer! Also how about you participate in a spar for once in your life?" I respond with annoyance, my eyebrow twitching as I make my way towards the circle.

"No thanks. I'd rather enjoy my day." He says as his voice is barely heard at the distance I've crossed.

"You better bet on me!" I shout at them

"I'm not losing any Ryo today." Shikamaru voices back his sentence barely heard

Wow! What a supportive Cousin!

"Good luck, Akira!" Choji's voice carried a mix of reluctance and honesty as he wished me well from a distance.

"Pfft, thanks for the vote of confidence, Choji" I grumble to myself

Now, I may have said all my fights have been a breeze thus far. And that's true... Except Uchiha Fucking Sasuke!

I don't get it! I'm rapidly improving and yet this kid is still messing me up?! I don't care that he is Naruto's rival later on!

So far, Sasuke and I are leagues apart from everyone here in skill, including Naruto!

I suspect the kid is noticing the fights are getting closer and is amping up his own private training!

Probably nagging at Daddy Fugaku for training.

I can already imagine it...

-Imagination Start-

"Father," Sasuke implored with puppy dog eyes

"I request special training!"

"What for, Sasuke?" Fugaku responded stoically, his eyes narrowing at the pleading boy.

"I am close to losing to a rapidly improving, handsome, elegant Nara," Sasuke declared earnestly

"Father, for the sake of our Uchiha pride, I cannot lose and tarnish it!" He gave the finishing blow

"Hmph, meet me in the backyard every day after school for S-rank Uchiha training." Fugaku acknowledged with pride in his tone.

-Imagination End-

That's definitely what happened!

And here I thought I was the only one pressing for supplementary training after classes...

It's even more irritating when I know Jeff could wipe the floor with Sasuke.

Not that Jeff wouldn't be able to do the same to me but you know.

...On the bright side! I've gotten used to the embarrassment of getting beaten up by a 7-year-old kid.

It's quite a humbling experience!

I wouldn't wish it upon even my worst enemies...

-Time Skip-

"Another loss incoming, heh Nara?" A cheeky squeaky voice calls out to my left as I am about to reach the circle.

I turn to meet the eyes of Kiba.

This kid's been finding my Sasuke-induced losses as funny.

"Buzz off Inuzuka, go sniff up someone else's butt." I wave him off

Causing him to splutter, and consequently, Akamaru to fall off his head.

"PFFT, HAHHAHAHAAH! He got you good!" Naruto who was beside him roared out in laughter slapping Kiba's back

I reach the Circle before Kiba gets the chance to respond

My eyes are met with the figure of my current Nemesis.

I give him no words or witty remarks as I get into position.

He seems to be completely immune to trash talk, unfortunately.

But that wasn't my crutch and trick in these spars for quite a while.

Now, I rely on my skills and strength.

"Are you boys ready?" Mizuki sensei's voice cuts through the mumblings of the crowd, betting on who wins.

A weird practice that seemed to form in regards to the occasional bouts Sasuke and I have.

Though, I am quite literally never being betted on so no one really earns or loses anything...

"Yeah, ready." I flash Sasuke a confident smirk.

*Crack* I crack my knuckles and stretch as I await my opponent's response

"Ready." Sasuke responds as well, forming a smirk that's carrying a hint of cockiness

I get into my Nara clan Taijutsu stance.

It isn't an amazing Taijutsu style considering I have yet to learn Shadow Possession but it is definitely better than the Konoha Standard.

"Begin!" Suzuki sensei's announcement signaled the start of the fight



The obligatory fan girls began cheering as usual when Sasuke got in the ring.

Sasuke decided to take the initiative this time and launched himself at me at an impressive speed

He's gotten faster again...

*SWOOSH* A punch launched at my gut

I back away from its trajectory narrowly dodging it

Sasuke proceeds to follow up with a step forward and a powerful kick to my face

I block with my elbow and push it aside, with my superior strength

I duck and attempt to low-kick him

He backs away knowing he can't block it even with his knees.

A large distance formed between us as we glared at each other, planning our next move

Okay, so far so good for our first exchange.

As always, the Nara Clan Taijutsu is more of a defensive style, so unlike my previous fighting style, I need to patiently wait for him to come at me.

Sasuke knows this...

With that, I am reminded of Eiichi's advice after my third loss.

"Does the Uchiha Heir have his Sharingan? No? Then you should win. Contradict your style, get him comfortable with your defenses, and suddenly transition into the offensive."

Easier said than done... In order to do that, I need him to be a bit closer so he can't react properly to my sudden movements, Sasuke knows I'm faster so he's making the correct move keeping a large distance between us after each engagement-

*SWOOSH* Sasuke launches himself at me once again covering the distance between us almost instantly

"OH SHI-" I cry out in a panic as I was lost in my thoughts

"Don't mock me, Nara!" Sasuke comments in irritation at me for losing focus

Hehe, as planned.

*BAM* He launched a power punch at my face, causing my head to move to the side


*SPIT* I spit a tooth and blood at that punch.

Noticing I didn't fall, Sasuke's eyes widened upon seeing my grinning face.

But I'm already moving before he can react.

"Here's your first loss you Smug Uchiha!" I say with a bloodthirsty grin as I with my superior weight and strength lift the Uchiha up and suplex him into the ground

*BAM* The resounding sound of Sasuke's body hitting the hard ground causes the cheering crowd to suddenly go silent.

I move and take a look at the lying boy below me, who seems to be struggling in pain

"It was a good figh-" As I was about to announce my victory tiredly

Sasuke's body suddenly moves, he propels himself with impressive upper body strength into the air and locks his legs around my neck

"OH MOTHERFU-" I begin to choke as he begins to squeeze with all his strength

I manage to stand my ground despite Sasuke propelling himself at me and not fall as I stand with Sasuke choking me with his legs.

I attempt to throw punches at him, but he weaves around them easily by twisting his upper body.

My punches getting weaker and less concentrated at me choking.

Oh no... I-I'm losing consciousness-

"Enough. Winner, Uchiha Sasuke. Good Spar" Suzuki sensei's voice pierces through the silence and causes Sasuke to release his hold on me.

He falls to the ground, not looking really good as a result of my suplex, struggling to breathe along with pained grunts.

*COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH* I fall to my knees trying to catch my breath holding my nearly crushed throat.

Trying my best not to fall unconscious.

As the kids silently watched our suffering in stunned curiosity, Suzuki-sensei called out to the crowd.

*Clap* Suzuki-sensei claps his hands

"We'll be continuing the lesson. Who would like to take them to the nurse's office out of all of you who have already participated?" Sensei questioned cheerfully

At his words, all the fangirls even those who haven't participated in a fight raised their hands.

Shikamaru and Choji haven't participated in a fight yet so they refrained.

"Hmm, Haruno-san take them to the nurse's room" Sensei hummed as he chose an actual fangirl who participated in a spar today.

"Thanks, sensei~!"

She swiftly made her way to the pained Sasuke helping him get up and lending me a shoulder.

I raise my head to take a look at Sakura moving away with Sasuke, without helping me...

"I know I deserve this, but I'll be mak- *COUGH* *COUGH* making fun of her forehead more often because of this" I announce my revenge.

Suzuki-sensei noticed my neglected figure and sent me a pitying look

"Do you need someone else to lead you to the nurse's office?"

"No, I'll be fine getting there- *Cough* on my own." I wave him off and cough my way towards the nurse's office.

-Scene Change-

The Nurse's room, a room I seldom find myself in. But have found myself in these last 2 Sasuke fights. Only this time, the reason behind me being here is also with me for a change of pace.

"Couldn't have you toned it down a bit boys? I mean-" Nurse Yumi sighed as she treated Sasuke's wounds while I waited patiently

"Not my fault this guy's a pain in the butt," I interject as I cut her sentence short, pointing at the angry gremlin who's getting medical ninjutsu treatment.

"Don't talk like that to Sasuke!" Sakura glares at me

"Look pinky, we've been through this. He doesn't need your verbal protection. You should boost up your own defenses you get me?" I retort as I glare at her comically large forehead, refusing to make eye contact with her.

"Grr..." She growls and grits her teeth at me.

See? She no longer breaks out into tears because of me making fun of her forehead! Ah, human resilience at its finest!

"*Sigh* What is your sensei thinking? You're lucky both of you boys are small, else that suplex would have needed surgery to treat you." Nurse Yumi spoke to Sasuke in worry

"Hn." Sasuke gives a small nod

"I think Sensei was just engrossed- *COUGH* in the Spar much like our lovely crowd was." I pointed out my explanation as Sensei's lack of professionalism

"Your Sensei's Suzuki right?" Nurse Yumi asks us

"Yes" Sakura responds with a nod

"... Of course it is." She grumbles as she finishes treating Sasuke and moves on to me

"You kids do me a favor... Your sensei has given me many headaches with his last year's bunch, so please be careful in your sparing. Know. Restraint!" She chastised us as she checked the bruise on my throat, applying Medical Ninjutsu to it.

Oh God, that's relieving...

"Akira," Sasuke calls out to me

Hmm? Unusual for Smug Uchiha to call out to me.

I point at my throat being healed with my finger, I can't talk during healing.

He notices this and nods at me, a small smirk on his fight

"Good spar."

My eyes widen at the surprising sportsmanship of the kid.

...That's oddly touching.

I nod with a slight smile on my face, meeting the onyx eyes of Sasuke with my own dark green eyes

"Don't move! I can't heal you properly like that!" Nurse Yumi ordered in a way that reminded me of Auntie.

'Yes, Ma'am.' I couldn't help but respond internally, on reflex.

-Time Skip-

After getting treated by the kind and scary nurse, who is way too similar to Auntie, I exit the Nurse's office and head to the gates alone. Sasuke left to rest and await his parents, being more "injured" than me.

I suspect Sakura stayed there to introduce herself to Sasuke's parents as his romantic interest.

When they are only 7.

I digress...

I arrive at the Academy gates and see from a distance the slumping figure of Shikamaru who has more than likely fallen asleep, standing up. And Choji of course waiting for me.

"Kept you guys waiting?" I call out to them as I quicken my walking.

At my words, Shikamaru's eyes slowly open.

"Took you long enough." He retorts as I approach

"I was practically fighting for my life there..." I deadpan at the disrespect as I arrive beside them.

"It was the closest you ever were to beating him! If you didn't let your guard down you could have won!" Choji attempted to cheer me up

"Yeah, yeah I know... I thought that was enough to keep him down, relishing in my alleged victory made me lose... Ironically." I grumble in slight frustration

"Let's just go home, Don't ruin my mood any more than it already is" I say as we begin to walk away from the Academy gates.

"Still a sore loser after 5 times huh?" Shikamaru hums

I wisely ignore my cousin

"Hey, would going to Ichiraku improve your mood?" Choji suggested

"Honestly... I'm feeling more Yakiniku Q. A man needs protein!" I flex my muscles

"If you are a man then I'm the Yellow Flash." Shikamaru maturely added

"Shika, I'll let loose Jeff on you. If you keep up with that rude talk of yours~!" I threaten with a smile

"Troublesome... I'll stop." Shikamaru goes pale and clicks his tongue.

"Who's Jeff?" Choji questions innocently

""No One"" Shikamaru and I respond simultaneously

-Time Skip-

As the evening light begins to paint the sky with its warm hues, Shikamaru and I return to our cozy home.

"We're home!" I announce as Shikamaru and I enter our homely abode.

"Uncle? Auntie? You here?" I question

"Welcome home! How was the Academy?" Auntie greets us with a warm smile

"It was fine," I answer neutrally

"It was a drag" Shikamaru chimes in as usual

"Akira... What is that bruise? Did you get injured again in the Academy?" She narrows her eyes at the noticeable bruise on my neck.

"It was a very intense spar." I nod at her

"Was it the Uchiha Heir again?" she questioned tiredly

We both nod again

Weirdly, upon confirmation of the statement her face becomes uncomfortable.

I wasn't the only one who noticed this as Shikamaru's eyes narrowed in confusion at Auntie's weird apprehension.

"Well, I see as you've come late, you decided to eat out today as well. We don't give you much of an allowance so be careful what you spend on... WE HAVE FOOD AT HOME!" Auntie said gently and then in a mood swing that is characteristic of her, turned into a screaming banshee

Causing me and Shikamaru to cover our ears.

"Erm... Auntie, where's Uncle?" I quickly changed the topic to take out the banshee's attention from not eating her homemade food for dinner.

Her face changes into worry, once again.

"He's out late again today isn't he?" I narrow my eyes

"Yes... It's just internal village issues, nothing that you boys should worry about." She smiles weakly as she ruffles both of our hair.

"Go take a bath, I'll go heat it up." She continued as she turned around and went towards the bath.

Is it really nothing that I need to worry about?

As I was about to follow her and question her about it, Shikamaru nudged at me.

I look at him and see him shaking his head.

"But Shikama-"

"No, she'll dodge the question." He confirms the futility of it.

"Do you have at least some idea what's going on?" I question him, having no clue.

"I don't know. The only clue I have is that there are internal issues with Civilians attacking and boycotting the Uchiha, Dad complained to Mom about it the other day when you were busy training with Eiichi" He told me what he knew.

"*Sigh*, Don't worry about it Akira. As Mom said it isn't our problem, I'll be going to relax on the couch, feel free to join me." He said as he left to mull over his information.

Are the Uchiha being abused? I understand that it's a complicated problem, a problem familiar to me from my first life.

Is that truly it though?

The Uchiha's only problem would be...

My face turns pale as I remember what WOULD happen at any time and any moment this year or next year.

Oh no...

The Uchiha Massacre.

But... That doesn't make any sense. Itachi massacred the Uchiha to test his power. An absurd and clinically insane way to test your own power. But you can't really understand the workings that go on in the mind of a literal psycho.

Is there a connection between the poor treatment of the Uchiha recently to the Massacre?

...No, there isn't. Not that I can think of.

Are they a coincidence? That's not too farfetched to happen.

No clue. Absolutely no clue.

Damn it, stop thinking about the narrow connection.

The Uchiha massacre is an impending catastrophe... What can I do about it?

How do I save them... Without being on the chopping block myself?

There is no way I can stop Itachi on my own without dying and even then it isn't guaranteed he'll be taken out.

Trying to save a few people by hiding them in my shadow? Rejected. I can't store living beings besides myself there.

Telling someone about it?

Rejected. Do I want to, at best, be called insane and at worst be forced into a Yamanaka mind-reading session? Itachi's reputation is so impeccable it would be downright lunacy for anyone to think he'd resort to doing something like what he's about to do.

Damn it! Damn it all!

...Poor Sasuke.

And with that I was silent the whole night, caring not about sleep as I tried my best to come up with the ideal resolution to what seemed to be an impossible problem.

But one ultimate conclusion that keeps haunting me, rings aloud in my mind.

Weakness coupled with knowledge. Once again, proves to be the source of my suffering in this new life.

Helpless in the face of imminent catastrophe that I would have been able to stop were I stronger.

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Heyo people! I hope you liked the chapter and it was satisfactory for you! I'm happy to announce that after this chapter we are at most 3-4 Chapters away from the Genin arc. I know, a significant time skip.

but there are a few key events and interactions I'd like to do that require these 3-4 chapters. Hope the pacing is okay for you guys! Any suggestions in that regard really help! I'm struggling to choose what IS important to convey and what ISN'T.

Hope this hasn't been too grueling and boring for yall lol.

In this chapter! Our lovely protagonist is training, showing genuine progress with taijutsu and the Shadows, he purposefully didn't mention how long he can keep them active (Just because I'd like to convey that next chapter). Ingenius idea to use the Shadow Storage to its maximum potential... Akira's marriage yikes! Sasuke Vs Akira (Round 5), and the realization that the Uchiha massacre is imminent! Also, as you may have noticed. Rabbit Escape will be next on Akira's chopping block! The fight will be next chapter probably!

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time :P

It's physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky. That's it for this week's random fact.

-Author Note End-

next chapter
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