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91% Journey Of Ben Tennyson / Chapter 91: Chapter 91 - Beyonder's Experiment

Chapitre 91: Chapter 91 - Beyonder's Experiment


Beyonder then passed by some of the people fighting themselves, here he noticed a building with many clothes inside it. One of the stones was thrown by the people who were fighting themselves and it broke the window which was made of glass.

Beyonder goes inside through the broken window, "I beg your pardon sir! Did you just break our window," The shopkeeper asked him.

"No," Beyonder replied. "But, you came in through the window," Shopkeeper asked again, to which Beyonder replied it was open.

"Uh… I see… MaybI help you? You must be from out of town," The shopkeeper understood.

"Yes! Why are clothes? What is the purpose and significance of clothing? And, why is eating?" Beyonder asked him.

"Sir… Uh… I don't think I can help you! Don't you have any relatives who can explain these things to you? Perhaps a friend," The Shopkeeper replied, he has sweat coming in his forehead from the Beyonder question.

"A friend? I shall find someone I know," Beyonder agreed with the shopkeeper and leaves the shop, while the shopkeeper wipes the sweat from his forehead and relives that the Beyonder left his shop.

Seeing all this holographic display, Sharky understands the Beyonder really escaped from death, "Sharky, before doing anything to him, try to understand what is his purpose," The Living Tribunal advice.

"Of course, first I will observe him, then I decide what's to do with him," Sharky nodded and he hopped on his Interstellar Harley and went towards Universe 613.

Meanwhile, Beyonder in invisible mode found Peter Parker, it was the same Peter Parker, which Beyonder summoned in the Battleworld.

Spidey was swinging on his web, when people from down shouted at him, due to Jonah news, some people have a bad attitude towards Spidey. "Look, it's Spider-Man," One of them shouted.

"He's right up there! That Menace, it's probably his fault the city is going berserk!" Another one shouted.

"I can't get over that! Hmm, I should have worn my new, black suit! Then most of these bozos down there wouldn't recognize me!" Spidey thinks as he lands on a building, unknown to him, Beyonder was following him.

"Nobody around to see me sneak in through the skylight! Muppets here I come!" Spidey thought as he entered his apartment followed by the Beyonder.

When Spidey took off his mask, and was drinking milk, Beyonder suddenly appeared in front of him, "Is hallucinating, why there is eating?" Beyonder asked him.

Startled at the strange appearances of the mysterious stranger, Pete jumped back on the ceiling, "Why do people have different reactions, when you wear different clothes? And why does the changing of clothes have significance and other humans respond to you differently!" Beyonder asked Spidey.

"Why are you thinking 'I should have worn my new black suit' answered me," Beyonder again asked.

"You were reading my mind? Get away from me! Get out of my apartment! Get out of my head!" Spidey shouted at him while punched on his face.

"What is the significance of that type of intense experience? It seems common and yet I can see no reason for it!" Beyonder again asked him while rubbing his face

"Yeah… Well, uh… I suppose there isn't much reason," Spidey thought, then he looked at him, and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am from Beyond!" Beyonder replied.

"That's for darn sure, but…" Spidey nodded, then he had sudden realizations, he looked at him like he had seen a ghost, "Uh-oh… Oh, no… You're not… I mean… Are you… the Beyonder? How… Do you… my meaning… How you survived… when Sharky has killed you?" He asked, but his face was now filled with sweat and he was a little panicked.

"Yes, yes, the same, how can Sharky kill me easily, I have now survived and am fine," Beyonder nodded.

"So what are you doing here? I saw you destroy a Galaxy… create a world from scratch… What does someone like you want here?" Spidey asked.

"I desire to understand! I desire to experience!" Beyonder replied.

"Uh," Peter was confused, Beyonder again said, he was all alone in his Universe, but why is there so many people? What is the meaning of life?

Understanding his thoughts, Peter doesn't know how to reply, "You know, I was a science major at ESU. I had 1600 marks on my S.A.T…. I am a pretty smart guy! But… For the meaning of life? I didn't understand it… Maybe you ought to visit a guru… or a philosopher… or somebody smarter than me, anyway," He answered it.

"So, who I met, I didn't know anyone?" Beyonder shows a puzzled expression.

"Hey, I know! Reed Richards! He's a genius! He's the leader of Fantastic Four! You know, the guy who can stretch his body! Ask him!" Peter gives him a suggestion.

"I shall do as you say!" Beyonder agreed. Then Peter asked if he needed something to drink or eat, which Beyonder desired because he felt some strange pressure in his lower abdomen. Then Peter brought him to the bathroom and explained how to use it.

At the same time, Sharky has appeared in Universe 631, and he has the conversation between Spidey and Beyonder. "So, he wants to understand the meaning of life," Sharky thought as he didn't know what to do with the Beyonder, since he has only the curiosity of knowing new things.

"Well, first I observed him," He thought and decided to observe the Beyonder.

Meanwhile, in Midtown. Fantastic Four is in the middle of fighting with the Hate Monger and Psycho Man, where the Hate Monger has turned the Sue Storm in Malice through a device, which Reed Richards has managed to reverse. Although she is still wearing the Malice costume

Suddenly Beyonder appeared in the midst of battle, "Is hallucinating why there is eating?" He asked Reed.

"What on earth?" Reed asked in confusion. But at the same time, Human Torch was scared, and he lost control of himself, and a fireball went towards Reed. "Reed lookout!" He shouted.

"Don't worry, Johnny, I'll cover him with an invisible force field!" Sue replied as she saved Reed. "Whoever that's with him! What's he doing walking into the middle of a battle? Is he crazy? He almost got Reed killed, distracting him like that!" She thought looking towards the Beyonder.

"Thanks Sue," Reed thanks her. In the confusion caused by Beyonder appearance, the Hate Monger runs away, but is rejected by the Psycho-Man. He is subsequently shot by Scourge in front of the heroes' eyes.

Then the same question Beyonder asked Reed, which he asked to the shopkeeper and Spider-Man, "The multiplicity and disunity of this Universe is confusing!"

"The human condition doesn't often fall into neat, orderly patterns! Tonight for example! So much happened… So many forces were interacting at once! Frankly, I'm at a loss to account for that mysterious vigilante who destroyed the hate monger! The weapon he used is not commonly known…" Reed was trying to give the explanation, but he was disturbed by Sue.

"Reed why you ignoring me?" Sue asked, she is holding the hand of Reed.

"I shall seek elsewhere!" Beyonder replied and left from there.

"He's gone! I had a chance to reach him… Communicate…" Reed said.

"Reed, I don't know what all this is about, but I need you! I need you now! Don't you understand!" Sue again asked him.

"I.. Of course, darling, but… That was the Beyonder! He… His power is unimaginable! Godlike! I didn't understand how he survived from Sharky. But a chance to communicate with such a being! It's important that.." Reed explained to Sue.

"Not now, Reed! I need you now! Am I important?" Sue again asked him, so Reed focused on her, and forget about the Beyonder.

Meanwhile, Beyonder appeared in front of a department store window, and transferred a blue suit from a mannequin to himself, because he decided to try on a suit on himself.

A homeless lady saw him do it, and reprimanded him for not giving the money to the shopkeeper, while she simultaneously explained to him how to adjust its tailoring so it would fit better on him.

She was apparently completely unsurprised to see him use his powers, and because of her lifetime of hard experience began to tell him many of the hard truths about the world.

They walk and talk for a while, and are confronted by a gang of punks, who beat up the Beyonder. But he didn't mind because he liked learning from experiences like this.

The punks leave, threatening to come back later, and the Beyonder heals himself, wondering at the number of intense experiences he has had. He was now, however, learning about the importance of money to the people of Earth.

The homeless woman was amazed to see Beyonder heal himself. She gives him the card for the Heroes for Hire. And the Beyonder disappeared from there, he appeared in the Prestigious Park Avenue office tower of Heroes for Hire.

But no one was there, not the Luke Cage also called the Power man or Daniel Rand known as Iron Fist. So peered into the not too distant past and brought them into the current time.

"What the?" Luke Cage asked, he was confused what's happened just now.

"Hey! Luke! What happened?" Daniel asked, he was also confused.

"I don't know, But I don't like it. I'm betting it's his fault," Luke pointed towards the Beyonder and rushed towards him to attack him.

But Daniel came in the middle of it, and stopped Luke. Luke again attacks the Beyonder, but he knocks them around, starting to play with the idea of physically fighting back.

Cage asks him to step outside, and the Beyonder takes it literally, walking out the window. Cage jumps after him to help, but crashes into the pavement after the Beyonder turns into energy before hitting the ground.

Iron Fist takes the elevator and stops Cage from hitting the Beyonder any more. "You don't stay alive for long on the streets asking questions first," Luke stopped but he said to Danny.

"Let's try it anyway," Daniel said, then he turned towards the Beyonder, and asked him, "Well, friend, would you care to explain who you are, what you want with us, and what is going on here?"

The same thing Beyonder replied, which he said to Spidey and Reed.

Daniel didn't understand anything, but he pretended, he asked, "I see, but it was broad daylight a moment ago, and now it's obviously late at night! How?"

"I moved you through the time to now!" Beyonder replied.

"Oh, I am not entirely sure why… But I believe you! You actually are from somewhere else, aren't you? And you're here to learn the ways of men?" Daniel said, as I understood a little bit.

Beyonder nodded, then Iron Fist was interested in talking about philosophy with the Beyonder, but Luke Cage cut him off by saying, "You gotta excuse my partner being a martial artist, he hung up on all that zen bull!"

Then Luke came near the Beyonder and said, "Everything is worthless, only one thing is important, and I can tell you what it is."

Beyonder then asked curiously, "What is it?"

Luke Cage then brings out some dollars and shows it to Beyonder, "This is it, man. Cash, money, with this you can get yourself just about anything including the services of heroes for hire! Without it, you got jack. A lot of trouble in this world is because there ain't enough of this stuff!" He explained the value of money.

"But… this is the paper! There seems to be much of it! It lies scattered in the streets!" Beyonder replied to Luke, as he pointed to some of the paper on the streets.

"This kind of paper is special, see! It stands for gold, and there ain't much of that. Which is why everybody wants it," Luke then tells the difference between the Money and normal paper.

"The Gold standard was abandoned a long time ago, Luke," Daniel corrected him.

"Whatever! You got that clear, now , Man?" Luke asked Beyonder.

"Yes! Multiplicity results in incompleteness! Incompleteness results in desires! Desires may be sated, but someone must pay! Cash is for paying! Cash stands for gold, of which there is not enough! I understand!" Beyonder replied.

Spider-Man also comes there swinging, he finds the Beyonder but he didn't see the Fantastic Four around, instead he sees the Power Man and Iron Fist around.

As thanks for their help, the Beyonder turned their entire building to gold.

"That's gold! He turned our building into gold!" Daniel said as looking his building. But suddenly the building can't support its own weight and it's collapsed. The Beyonder once again left in a flash of light.

Meanwhile, Sharky is observing every move of the Beyonder, and he is now annoyed by this Universe heroes, who can't explain the way of living to Beyonder and each one is telling him the useless stuff, he used his powers and send back the Iron Fist and Power Man into their own timeline, and also returned back the gold into the building again.

Spidey was amazed to seeing this, he didn't understand what is happened just now, then he noticed the Sharky Tennyson, and run away from their, he didn't wants to get into the between of Beyonder and Sharky, he tried to gets far away from them, as so much possible. Sharky then again focused back on the Beyonder.

"Hey, handsome! How about a date?" A white haired girl said to Beyonder.

"Are you addressing me?" Beyonder asked her. She replied, she is just standing here holding up the wall, and asked him, is wants to go out with her.

"I desire to understand!" Beyonder replied.

"Oh, you must be a foreigner or something! Well, look, sugar, I'm a public servant, okay? One of New York's finest! And who are you… Hmm?" White haired girl asked Beyonder.

"I am…. Hawww Hummm from Beyond!" Beyonder replied while he yawn.

"Oopsies, cover your mouth, when you yawn! You look tired! Why don't you rent a room over at the Columbus Hotel and get yourself a good night's sleep, and I'll tuck you in, okay?" The girl asked, which Beyonder nodded.

"Good! But first, let's see some cash, Honey!" The hooker girl said.

"I understand cash! Cash stands for gold! I learned this earlier!" Beyonder replied as he produced the gold to give her.

"What? Who are you trying to follow, man? This can't be real! Nobody can make gold bricks out of thin air!" Hooker girl said and threw the gold on the ground, Beyonder tried to explain, but she ran away.

Beyonder then goes inside the hotel which the hooker girls recommended. He gets a room and goes to sleep on the floor, not understanding the use of a bed. The clerk, meanwhile, gets a call from a local mobster, Vinnie.

And they go inside the room, where Beyonder is sleeping. When Beyonder wakes us, he finds many people standing there. Vinnie introduced himself, and his bodyguard Smurfette and also the Toots, which was the hooker girl.

Vinnie showed the gold and asked, "Toots says you made this." Which Beyonder accepted.

"Well she called Chulo, and Chulo probably thought twice about it, and called me, and I called this meeting to discuss this!" Vinnie explained the purpose of his meeting, and Beyonder agreed with it.

Seconds later, when they were dining, Toots explained that Beyonder didn't need to eat the glass and spoon, but only the food, which Beyonder understands that's some matter is to eat, other is not.

Toots understands the Beyonder is like a kid, and starts explaining to him the many things, what's needed, what's not needed. But Vinnie also brings many girls, which Toots didn't like.

Vinnie decides to call the Beyonder "Frank." Toots stays with Frank, and the rest of the criminals fan out to prepare for their new plan to use Frank in their "business."

Vinnie begins to introduce Frank to the way the world works, providing him with experiences like fine restaurants, sex, and fashion.

In doing so, he is finally providing the Beyonder with a basic education, something that superheroes like Peter Parker, Reed Richards, and Captain America were never able to achieve.

Vinnie also puts Frank to work, acting as his heavy against other gangs, removing STDs from his working girls, and making gold. He even cures Vinnie's son of dyslexia and trims some extra weight off Vinnie's wife.

Frank begins to love gadgets, an enthusiasm that will last the rest of his "life". Buying innumerable cars, refrigerators, cuisinarts, etc.

The Beyonder also begins to sport his trademark jheri-curl hair, instead of the blond hair he previously copied from Steve Rogers, and starts wearing the style of clothes, a sort of Michael Jackson-inspired set of very 80s mod clothes.

On a trip to the racetrack, Frank begins to understand that it's no fun if he uses his power for everything-sometimes it's more fun if you take chances, like in gambling. The Beyonder begins to feel at home; he has a job and friends, like Toots.

Sharky was finally relieved that Beyonder is going on the right track, and enjoying his life. But he is still observing him, because he didn't want any accident to happen. And yet the accident happened which Sharky didn't want to happen.

It happened, when Vinnie realized that Frank was getting too big for Vinnie's small pond, and he needed to get out on his own. Frank was, in a sense, all grown up now. They part on good terms.

Frank begins to live the life of the rich and famous, partying with tons of ladies on a yacht, gaining an enormous amount of weight.

"Wow, it's no wonder you have this cute little tummy!" One of the girls compliments her. Other girls also compliment her.

"Hmmm… I sense that your words do not match your thoughts! You actually find me fat," Beyonder understands their mockery hidden in their words and burns off the weight.

Then Beyonder sets himself higher goals: first, he takes over the Kingpin's operation, then takes over America, then the world, controlling the wills of everyone on earth. He even controls the molecules of inorganic matter.

"Now everything is mine!" Beyonder smirked as he was enjoying his life with the girls, but then he found someone was standing in front of him.

And the Beyonder knew who the person in front of him was, it was none other than Sharky Tennyson. "What… What are you doing here?"

"You need to ask yourself, what have you done? I have been wiping your ass all the time, and thinking you will adjust yourself, but not, you even control the mind of all over the Earth. Well, forget about everything, I will just say one thing, which is removed the control over the world," Sharky ordered him.

"Why? Why will I do this, this is all mine, everything is mine?" Beyonder replied back.

"I have no time to waste, just do as I have ordered you, or I will again kill you," Sharky said, he makes the throne and sits on it, while looking towards the Beyonder, he now likes the feeling of sitting on the Throne while commanding others. He understands why the Symbiotes God Knull always sits on a throne.

"No, I will not removed them," Beyonder replied, he even didn't enjoyed the service after controlling everyone, and the Sharky guy comes here to remove everything, how can he possibly do it.

"Ok, then I will do it," Sharky nodded, he didn't waste more time, and activated the Alien X powers, "Beyonder, you are harmful to this world, I ordered you to be destroyed! Order received, command initiated," Sharky said and then just waved his hand and started once again disintegration of Beyonder, and like that once more cosmic particles were spreading in the Galaxy.

With the Beyonder erased, everyone was awake, freed from the Beyonder's control even the Molecule Man, who was absorbed with the Beyonder, he also released. People didn't know what happened, they just felt a heavy feeling in their mind, but they forgot about it, and again became busy in their life.

But this time, Sharky didn't leave right away, he decided to check once whether Beyonder was really dead or not, and he focused on all of the cosmic particles, and found one of the cosmic particles removed from Universe 631, and went towards the other Universe. Which Sharky didn't know about.

"What the fuck? He again survived! How is this possible?" Sharky was shocked, although Beyonder was dead, he resurrected himself, but Sharky didn't understand. And the problem is Sharky didn't even know which Universe Beyonder has gotten.


Meanwhile, the missing cosmic particle is the Beyonder himself, when he found Sharky nearby himself, he quickly open a portal, and sent back his one particles, and since he was made of Molecules particles, all the cosmic powers will still return back to him.

"The Sharky guy is really a pain in the ass, how can he just follow me? This time I need to move carefully, why not I decided to join the Avengers," Beyonder thinks of the new plan, and again goes on to experience life.

This time, he also created a cover for himself, from which no one is able to sense him. He does all of this to hide from Sharky.

Beyonder then went to Avengers Mansion to talk to the Avengers, but Jarvis told him they were in space. He teleported to their location and ran into Firelord but Firelord passed out from his injuries during his fight with Nebula and her army.

The Beyonder wanted to help so he mimicked the super-hero costumes he had seen, and created a new super-suit for himself. He teleported into Nebula's ship and, thinking he was helping the Avengers, teleported her away from the scene.

Once the Avengers arrived, however, they were angry with him because they wanted to capture her, not banish her. Confused once again; the Beyonder left.

When they returned to Earth, Captain America and the Wasp were talking with a government official about what they experienced when the Beyonder showed up in his shiny metal "superhero" costume.

Understanding that they were angry with him, and believing that they liked to settle conflict through action, he led them on a chase, during which time he allowed them to attack him.

However, unhappy with his physical inexperience in fighting, he left. He soon appeared next to Hercules and Black Knight at Project Pegasus. Hercules tried to put him in a wrestling hold, but the Beyonder knocked him clean out of the mountain.

Beyonder then has a sword fight with the Black Knight, during which the Knight struck him square in the stomach with his sword. The Beyonder was unfazed and left, pondering the tension between his eagerness for new experiences and the warning of his old experiences that knives can hurt!

Beyonder later reappeared at Avengers Mansion. Hercules punched him through several floors of the building, causing a fire.

The Beyonder put out the fire, and the Wasp offered him membership in the Avengers, thinking that at least that way they could keep an eye on him. He was interested in the offer, but felt that there was too much else to experience in the Universe, so he left again.

When Ms. Marvel found out about the Beyonder. She quickly decided to share this news to Sharky. She connects Sharky through the device, which Sharky has given, this device will form the connection with Sharky even if he was in a different Universe.

"What happened Kamala?" Sharky asked, he was still busy searching over the Beyonder.

"Sharky, today a guy named Beyonder comes to the Avengers headquarters, he even went to the space to find the Avengers, he was so much stronger, but Avengers were confused, how was he alive, they even said you have already killed him," Kamala poured out all the information she has.

"What, Beyonder has gone to your Universe 12041?" Sharky again asked, he didn't believe the person he was searching, goes to the Universe 12041.

"Yes, Sharky, why are you so shocked?" Kamala asked, looking curiously over him.

"Yes, because I am searching for him, and you helped me,I'm coming to you," Sharky replied, he started his Interstellar Harley and turned towards the Universe 12041.

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