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Chapitre 50: Megas and Dynas

The party raves through the court of the stadium as Yugure cheered the crowd as they synchronously sing her song. It was getting closer to 8, and the biggest reveal would be shown later in the public. It was a historical moment yet there's little to no Pokemon trainers can be seen in the event except for the two, Leaf, and the Specialists.

"Here, please wear this." One of the backstage crew said as she gave them the same band that Sabrina and Janine wore.

"What's this?" Yoake asked the backstage crew as he was curious on what they were giving to him. Leaf then explained this as she knows what the band is.

"That's a Dynamax band. It enlarges your Pokemon and it gives them access to powerful G-max moves." Leaf explained to the two.

"G-max moves?" Ren asked in curiosity.

"Yup. G-max moves. Think of it as Z-moves but more powerful and destructive but don't worry though, I think the stadium has already installed something about it." Leaf stated. Ren was fascinated on how Leaf managed to know all of this and she decided to ask her about it.

"How do you know all of this?" Ren curiously asked.

"Well, two years ago, when Yoake and I had some issues, I was assigned by Professor Oakido to visit Galar to assist Professor Magnolia on her research concerning Dynamaxing. While I was in Galar, I learned a lot about Dynamaxing, the dynamax band, Galarian culture and Pokemon. I even managed to get two Kubfus, one of which is now in Yoake's team." Leaf explained to the white-haired trainer. Ren was amused by this and looked at Yoake.

"You have a Kubfu?" Ren asked Yoake.

"Yup. It evolved into Urshifu yesterday. Wanna see it?" Yoake asked his rival. Ren nodded in excitement as she wanted to see his Pokemon.

"Hold it. It's better for Ren to see Urshifu later." Leaf interrupted the two.

"Also, since Dynamaxing can only be done by one person. It's you two to decide who'll use Dynamax." Leaf continues as she tells the two that only one person in a battle area uses Dynamaxing.

"And also, please wear these uniforms. The Prime Minister also wants you two to reveal the new uniforms for future gym challenges." The backstage crew said as she handed them their uniform. It's a blue camo polo with the Kantonese Coat of Arms on its left chest and with the black collar and puff, and a specific number behind them. The shirt is the same for both male and female but the bottoms differ. The female gets a black skort with their assigned number on the left and the coat of arms on the right, while the male gets a black short with the same layout as the female.

"Follow me to the dressing room." The backstage crew escorted them to a dresser room near the specialist's room. They were given separate dressing rooms and the two trainers headed to their dressers and began to change.

It didn't take a long time for them to change and quickly appeared to the specialists with the uniform. The uniforms are surprisingly comfortable and are perfectly fit for the two trainers. Yoake kept his scarf while Ren revealed her long white socks to them.

"Wow. You two can be perfect models." Misty complimented the two. Brock noticed the similarity between the two. He didn't notice it before but as soon as you put them together, it was odd. Yoake has black hair with red eyes while Ren has white hair with blue eyes. Brock was skeptical about it since he's starting to think that these two might be related in some way.

"Alright,. You two will be on standby until the concert is over and they're done deconstructing the stage. For the meantime, you two can discuss some tactics." The backstage crew suggested. She was about to leave the two but Yoake stopped her and asked who their opponents were.

"Excuse me but who are we gonna battle with?" Yoake respectfully asked the backstage crew.

"You two will be battling Sabrina and Janine. I highly advise you two to discuss tactics and maneuvers." She said as she finally left.

Later on, the concert is finally over and a crew of Machamps, Conkeldurr and Construction men quickly deconstruct the stage as they set the center field for the awaited battle and announcement. Both the mayor of Porta Vista and the Prime Minister of Kanto appeared on a balcony as they began to make a statement about the future of Kanto.

While the Prime Minister was issuing his speech, the two trainers were talking on one of the entrances to the field. They were discussing Yoake's decision to not use Claudine in the battle and used Urshifu instead.

"So, any plan B?" Ren asked Yoake in curiosity.

"I have." Yoake assured her in a cold tone. He clenched his right fist as if his broken arm already healed at a short-span.

"I see." With nothing left to comment about it, she took a deep breath and waited for the announcement. She continued to look at Yoake's sling as she was starting to think that Yoake probably doesn't have a broken arm.

"Now, for Tonight's main venue. I present to you, Project Kaiju!" The Mayor of the city said with an excited tone. The crowd cheered after hearing the announcement but little did they know that this small venue would forever change the fate of Kanto.

"With Project Kaiju. We'll be rebuilding all of the Pokemon Gyms and turning them into open stadiums with the help of our biggest partner, Macro Cosmos. This joint venue will seek the continuity and prosperity between Man and Pokemon." He continued. The giant TVs on the stadium revealed photos of future renovations of Gym Buildings, from a giant block that is carved by the Specialist's choice to a refined public open stadium.

"Macro Cosmos? What's that?" Misty asked Leaf after hearing the announcement from the Mayor from the TV they're watching.

"It's a Mega Corporation from Galar. It monopolizes the Pokemon tournament industries alongside its Subsidies. " Leaf explained.

"With stadiums, we required uniforms for both Specialists and Challenger. For anyone who wants to compete with the Gym Leaders, they are required to have uniforms but don't worry. Upon registering as a Pokemon trainer, you'll be getting 2 sets of uniforms for free!" The mayor said.

"Why do I keep talking? Let's finally reveal it and see Project Kaiju first hand." He said as he began to call out the 2 specialists and the 2 trainers into the field.

"On the left corner, we have the 2 most powerful Gym Leaders, One from the Mighty Heart of Saffron and the other from the Mirror of Kanto's past, Sabrina and Janine!" The mayor called the two specialists as they slowly walked out from the entrance and revealed themselves to the public. They wore their casual clothes instead of the uniform.

"And on the right corner, we have 2 of the most gifted and powerful trainers, one from the humble city of Pallet Town and the other is from the Powerhouse of Eastern Kanto, Yoake Katsuragi and Ren Miria!" The crowd cheered as they thought that Pokemon training was gone but no, it was alive because of these two. Excitement and Nostalgia poured into the stadium as the two slowly walked to the center of the field, meeting up with the 2 specialists.

With their uniform and stances, the battle was ready to begin.

"Sabrina, my Pokemon are stronger and twice as powerful than yours." Yoake taunted the specialists.

"Ahh. Double the strength, Double the fall." She mocked.

"This Battle would be a 2-on-2, participants are only allowed to use 1 Pokemon and they are not allowed to use healing equipment. Only one from both sides are allowed to use Dynamaxing." The mayor said.

"We'll see about that." Janine said as both sides walked away and headed to their position.

Sabrina on Janine's right while Yoake on Ren's left.

"Without further ado…"

"Battle SET!" The crowd synchronously shouted as the battle began.

"Hatterene, Let's Go!"

"Garbodor, NOW!"

"Show your full strength Urshifu!"


The four trainers threw their Pokemon on the battlefield and both Yoake and Ren were confused to see this name Pokemon. They looked at Hattarene as if it was an alien. It was foreign and nobody knows what it is, even the crowd and Mayor has no idea what it is.

"What's that Pokemon?" Brock asked Leaf after seeing the foreign Pokemon.

"Oh no. That's Hatterene, a Psychic-Fairy type that is native from Galar. That thing is stronger than Gardevoir and both Yoake and Ren have to take that thing down." Leaf gulped in fear. However, she realized something about the 4 Pokemon on the field.

"Wait a minute, all of them can Giganta Max." Leaf said in a state of shock.

"Gigantamax?" Erika asked in curiosity.

"It's a form just like Mega Evolution but Pokemons that are capable to gigantamax have access to their unique moves." Leaf explained as she realizes that a Gmax Hatterene is gonna be a problem even if Ren has Gengar.

Yoake doesn't know how to handle this foreign Pokemon and he decided to think on countering it thinking that it's a fairy and Psychic type Pokemon because of its appearance.

"Alright, Ren, I want you to focus on that Pink Pokemon while I handle Garbodor." Yoake said. Ren nodded as an answer.

"Gengar, It's time to Mega Evolve!

-Poison Bomb Hattarene!"

"Urshifu, Surging Strikes on Garbodor."

Ren immediately pulls out her Mega Stone, tapping it and making Gengar evolve to its Mega form. It was clear to everyone that Yoake's Urshifu is gonna be the one to dynamax.

After Gengar mega evolved, it teleported behind Hattarene and threw a Poison bomb at it while Urshifu charged towards Garbodor. But as the Poison bomb was about to hit Hattarene, the 'Silent Pokemon' dodged it by teleporting behind Gengar and threw a Pscho ball to the Shadow Pokemon. Gengar dodged it and tried to do the same thing once more while Urshifu formed a water-like stream on its hand as he chopped with his arms to Garbodor.

The Trash Heap Pokemon took the damage but it spews out toxic fluids from its mouth to Urshifu's eyes. The Wushu Pokemon rubbed its eyes after getting blinded by Garbodor's toxic.

"Urshifu, are you alright?" The concerned trainer asked his Pokemon.

The toxic liquid is cleared from Urshifu's eyes but Yoake fears that Urshifu has poison from the toxic liquid. Since he can't use any items, he has to use Dynamax.

He noticed that the band's center was glowing pink. He remembers what Leaf said on how to use Dynamax and decided that it was time. Meanwhile, as Mega Gengar and Hatterene are in a back and forth situation, Sabrina notices that Yoake is about to use Dynamaxing.

"Hatterene, use Psychic!" Sabrina shouted to her Pokemon as she wanted an easy hit to Gengar.

Hatterne jumped and dodged all of Gengar's attacks. She then forms another Psychic concentrated ball and throws it to the Shadow Pokemon. Gengar failed to dodge it as it was a ball that was chasing him and in turn, he was shot, nearly fainting but hanging on in the process.

Sabrina noticed that Yoake was looking at Urshifu's Pokeball, it was clear to her that she should also Dynamax to counter the trainer.

"Janine, you know what to do, right?" Sabrina asked her partner.

"Yeah." Janine said.

Both Yoake and Sabrina synchronously withdraw their Pokemon as the crowd was confused by this but the mayor quickly announced why.

"Prepare everyone, It's Dynamax time!" The mayor assured everyone as he hyped out the crowd.

After the withdrawal of their Pokemon, he noticed that the pink light from his band flowed to the Pokeball, enlarging it in the process. It's as if a baseball turned into a Basketball in the blink of an eye. From its weight to size, it changed very rapidly. He then turned around and threw it as the ball released the Gmax Urshifu.

It was a behemoth, it stood as tall as the upper decks of the stadium and its eyes were glowing while it raised its knees like a martial artist does when they're in an idle position. The crowd hyped in joy after seeing a small Pokemon turned into a tower-like monster with a puff of red clouds orbiting the tip of its head.

Meanwhile, Sabrina also throws her Pokeball and it releases a Gmax Hatterene. It was like Rapunzel's tower, the small Pokemon being on top gaping on the hole of its open window as her hair acted like a tall tower while its hair-like tail reached the ground with a width that was as long as an average man. There were also puffs of red clouds orbiting the tip of its hat.

It was like no other. Kantonese people only know Pokemon are very small and upon seeing this on hand was a life changing experience, a phenomenon that can turn their little small friends into titans that can ravage continents and oceans but unlike Mega-evolution, it kept its friendly personality and never let its inner wild-side let loose.

They also noticed that above the open stadium, there was a massive collection of red clouds hovering through the stadium. It stayed there but the clouds were swirling to the center as if it was like a storm.

"Urshifu, Use G-MAX RAPID FLOW!"

"Hatterene, Use G-MAX Smite!"

Yoake knows that he is about to lose but he has to try. Urshifu swiped its arms as a powerful wave launched itself from Urshifu's paws and landed on Hatterne. It was a powerful blow, so much so that the wind it generated nearly blew the crowd but an invisible barrier stopped it from happening.

After receiving that powerful hit, the silent Pokemon didn't hesitate to retaliate back by throwing three giant stars to the ground, engulfing both G-max Urshifu and Mega Gengar. A power explosion ticked as it swallowed both Gengar and G-max Urshifu. The explosion was like a geyser, starting from the ground and europting all the way to the dome of the stadium. It was a magnificent sight to see.

As the explosion clears, both Mega Gengar and G-max Urshifu can no longer continue the battle as both Pokemon were swallowed whole by the powerful and effective G-max smite. Mega Gengar de-evolves back to its original form. It was a symbol for the Kantonese people that Mega Evolution can't be on par with a stadium filled with giants.

Another explosion occurred as G-max Urshifu reduced its size to its original form. Sabrina smirks as she sees Yoake and Ren losing the battle. However, she noticed that Yoake was smiling as ifhe had something under his sleeves and saw his right arm properly moving within the sling.

"Claudine, Now!" Yoake shouted. The crowd was confused on what was going as both trainers withdrew their Pokemon and a red sphere and attacked Hatterene.

Sabrina realized that Yoake has been able to use Battle Bond. But how? He has a broken arm? Unless he didn't actually have a broken arm or unless Yoake healed himself with Battle Bond.

"Garbodor, Use a stomping tantrum!"

Garbodor quickly stomped the ground as it tried to stop Claudine from further attacking Hatterene but as soon as he stomped the grassy field, Claudine charged towards Garbodor.

"What the hell is that?" The mayor asked on the mic. Like everyone in the crowd, they were confused and bewildered by this Pokemon. It was not like the others and in the specialist's room, Yugure barged in to find Leaf and asked her.

"Oh no…" Leaf's worries grew after seeing Claudine entering the battle in her Battle Bond form.

"Leaf, what was that?" Yugure asked Leaf.

"Don't worry, it's a phenomenon between your brother and Claudine. As of now, we don't fully know what it is but all we know is that it alters Claudine's form and empowering her like Mega Evolution but having a link with Yoake." Leaf explained to the trainer's sister. She, like everyone else, was fascinated by this.

Massive chunks of rock rose from the ground after Garbodor's stomping tantrum. Claudine takes out her sword and begins to slice each of the rocks with Sacred Sword.

"Grr, Hatterene use G-max Smite once more!"

"Claudine, use a Sacred sword to block G-max Smite and attack Garbodor!"

Claudine didn't hesitate to attack Garbodor with Psycho cut, landing a critical and fainting the Trash Heap Pokemon. She then turned around and looked at the giantess Pokemon with a growl.

'Did he finally master Battle Bond?' Ren thought as she was mesmerized to see how powerful Claudine has become.

Hatterene threw three more stars to the ground but Claudine didn't hesitate as she jumped and sliced all of the stars, stopping Hatterene from doing another explosion. With nothing else to stop the Embrace Pokemon, Hatterene tried to stop it by using its tail, trying to sweep it like some mess with a broom but Claudine blocked it with her sword.

"This is being broadcasted, right?" Leaf asked Yuguere as they saw the two Pokemon trying to outbeat their blocks.

"Yeah, internationally. Nations across the world are viewing it right now." Yugure said.

Leaf then realized that Yoake is allowing Battle Bond to be seen in the international eye and she realized that they have to leave as soon as possible, knowing that someone out there is looking for him.

The crowds are holding their grip as they see a small Pokemon blocking and holding back this giant. Claudine gained the momentum to outbeat the silent Pokemon as she managed to lift Hatterene's tail with her sword. The crowd cheered as Claudine jumped and landed on the tail, delivering heavy blows with her sword as she continuously sliced the tail while heading to Hatterene's face.

"Hatterene, sway her off!"

Hatterene swayed her body as it tried to get rid of Claudine. The embrace Pokemon digs her sword deeper into Hatterene's tail as she holds on and never lets go but Yoake has a different plan.

"Claudine, let go and slice her chest!"

After hearing the words from her trainer through his thoughts, she lifts up her sword and jumps to Hatterene's chest area and notices how things slowly become slower as if time slowly stops. She then began to slice the Silent Pokemon's chest with her sword until it reached a critical hit. She then leaped towards Hatterene's chest and plunged her sword to it and finally, jumping out as it escaped from the fallen giant.

A red explosion occurred as Hatterene diminishes its size. Claudine safely lands on the ground as she looks at Yoake slowly removing the blue sling, revealing that his right arm is fully recovered.

"Wha- How?" Sabrina asked Yoake.

"grr. Here, I know you wanted this." Sabrina growled as she revealed the Marsh Badge and teleported it to Yoake's palm.

"Sweet.." Yoake smiled as he finally had the Marsh badge. He noticed that Ren was looking at something behind him, he was confused by this and decided to turn around and saw a frustrated Leaf.

"Leaf?" Yoake was interrupted as she dragged him to one of the entrances they entered and immediately headed to a nearby exit alongside the specialists, Ren and Claudine.

It was bizarre for the trainer as he had never seen Leaf being both scared, frustrated and furious as they headed to the train station and waited for a train.

"What's going on? What's the matter?" The confused trainer asked Leaf.

"I can't believe that you used Battle Bond on International TV. You're reckless!" Leaf furiously told the trainer.

"What? What do you mean? Didn't you say that I should do what the majority of trainers do? I just used Battle Bond and it worked." Yoake argued as he tried to justify his action but Leaf wasn't into his reasons.

"You are drawing attention to the most malicious people out there, G-max is one thing but Battle Bond is another." Leaf argued.

The train has finally arrived and everyone walked it and waited for the train to depart.


The train finally arrived at Celadon City and as the doors opened, a mysterious figure was standing on the door of the cart they're exiting on. They slowly walked up to the door as the group walked out of it.

They slowly point a gun to Yoake, pulling the trigger but as soon as Leaf notices it, she quickly blocks it, getting shot in the chest. And as soon as the man failed to kill his target, he immediately ran away.

Leaf falls to the ground as Yoake catches her with tears in his eyes while Ren immediately pursues the man. Leaf began to cough up blood and Erika quickly calls for emergency

"Get him…" Leaf told the trainer as she continued coughing up blood.

Yoake doesn't know what to do but he decided to follow her orders. He looked at Claudine and she knew what to do.

"Claudine, teleport them to the nearest hospital. I'll help Ren." Yoake told her as he laid Leaf down on the floor.

"What? Don't! it's too dangerous." Misty shouted as Yoake ran and followed Ren as they pursued the man who shot Leaf.

Claudine immediately teleported them to Celadon City's General Hospital where they immediately called out for an emergency to safely recover Leaf.

Meanwhile, the man ran from road to road as he tried to get away from the two trainers, he turned left to right, trying to find corners to escape on but he was caught by a dead-end. With the exit being blocked by the two trainers, he has no choice but to take the 'pill'.

"You bastard!" Yoake charged the man as he tackled him down and began to punch him in the face while Ren just watched the horror of how angered Yoake was.

"Who the hell are you?! Who do you work for?" As he continues to punch the man. He noticed that a big red R was on his chest. He quickly realizes that the man is a member of Team Rocket.

The man began to laugh as Ren slowly walked toward them and noticed the big red R as well. She was speechless as she realized that there was something wrong, something or someone is back.

"This is just the beginning, boy." He said as he finally took the pill and instantly killed himself.

Yoake lets go of the man as angered continues to rage on to his body. Ren gulped in fear after hearing those words. She decided to comfort him by slowly walking toward him and patting his back.

"Come on. They need us." She said as she called out Dodrio.

The two hopped on to Dodrio's back and the triple bird Pokemon jumped and headed to the hospital where everyone is. Yoake was having a hard time understanding what just happened while Ren is picking up the puzzles as her biggest fears come to fruition.

They got there in time and they were told that they're performing surgery on Leaf to remove the bullet from her chest, she was lucky that it didn't pass through her body but the pain she felt was agonizing.

The 5 (Thee 3 specialists, Yoake and Claudine) decided to stay in the hospital as they wait for any further news about Leaf's surgery. Ren decided to stay there until 3 in the morning as she has to visit somewhere very important.

"Take care Ren." Yoake said to his rival as they were in the door of the emergency room with Ren on the outside while Yoake was inside.

"Take care as well. Hey, don't stress yourself too much." She said in a comforting tone.

"Don't worry." Yoake assured her.

Ren smiled once more as she turned around and saw Yoake's silhouette on the door slowly fade away. She headed to the hospital's parking area, looked around and found the black van. She walked toward it, opened it and saw Sabrina and Janine, waiting for her. She entered the black vehicle, sat on one of the chairs and closed the door.

"What the hell happened there?" Janine asked Ren.

"Is it a rogue member or a spy?" Sabrina asked her as both of them were shocked to hear what happened to Leaf. They may hate the trainer but they don't want her to be killed or some way.

"Calm down, get mister Katsuragi on the phone." Ren told them with assurance.

They dialed Trevor Katsuragi and he immediately picked it up.

"Hello? What's going on? I heard Leaf was shot, was it because of-?"

"No. It's by someone else." Ren interrupted him.

"But by who?" He asked her.

Ren took a deep sigh as she knows how troubling her horrifying realization is. A monster that they buried 6 feet deep and tried to forget about it but the monster slowly came back from the shadow to haunt them and to retribute them. Somewhere out there, they're there. Hiding and forming a plan that was halted six years ago.

A familiar foe and a familiar name but the goosebumps after realizing it, Ren was haunted by this revelation and she decided to finally let it all out.

"Giovanni is back."

A/N: This chapter is made and done earlier than I expected. We're now 50 chapters in the first volume and I want to thank everyone who reached this far. We're 10 chapters away from the volume's finale and next week, I'll be changing the schedule from just 1 chapter per week to 2 per week. 1 wll be released Midweek while the other will be released on the Weekends.

See you all in the next chapter!

Pine_Pro Pine_Pro

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