“How’s Dawson?” Anua asked. She, Kai, and Birch were by the infirmary door. Anua had just got out.
“Still in pretty bad shape, the doctor says. After you passed out he must have still kept running away from them a long time, protecting your body with his. Birch answered.
Anua looked down.
“It’s all my fault. I thought we would just corner the presence and kill it, and then get out.”
“Hey… You couldn’t have anticipated.” Birch said, with a hand on Anua’s shoulder.
“Dawson is a strong lad. Also, his healing orgaion is pretty good. He might recover before we know it.” Kai said.
“I hope so.”
“And what happened to the test? That was a fail, right?” Anua asked.
“Not really. Me and Kai managed to find the trophies. Dawson also found one, but we didn’t really use it, so I put it together with his stuff.” Birch answered.
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