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32.5% Instant Death [DxD] / Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Peace Conference 3

Chapitre 39: Chapter 39: Peace Conference 3

Sigh, I don't even know what I am doing in this chapter. Anyway, enjoy(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)


Everyone watched as the Abomination just stood there without doing anything. Nobody could understand its actions, "Let's attack it right now that its still in idle" Sirzechs said gaining the approval of the others. They could feel that if they don't stop that thing then this world might just collapsed by its mere presence.

Azazel immediately used the Balance Breaker of his artificial sacred gear, making his whole body covered by golden armor, that has the same stature as the Heavenly Dragon's armor. "Balance Breaker! Downfall Dragon Another Armor!" Azazel said while raising his bident to pierce the being. It did damage the monster's side but it immediately closed up making Azazel clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Azazel assume a throwing stance and pitched the bident towards the abomination, even with the first strike the monster didn't move a little. The bident flew and collided with the monster's grotesque body, but this time it didn't do any damage at all, it just bounced when it hit the body. "What the hell was that?" Azazel muttered as he saw his attack just bounced off the monster.

"It's simple, it just adapted your attack" Xander said simply gaining the attention of the leaders. Xander suddenly thought of something as he turned to Sona "Sona~ I'll be back" Sona tilted her head at his words as she asked. "Where are you going?" She started thinking of things that could gain Xander's attention. "To the Dimensional Gap, I'll just see what happened there" Xander said as his body vanished while waving at Sona.

The Dimensional Gap is an endless void, where in every direction, there is a mix of iridescent colors. Anyone who tries to step in here dies within second after being exposed to 'Nothingness'. The moment Xander stepped in this place he gained the skill 'Nothingness Resistance' he immediately raised it to level 5 and started using Clairvoyance, he was surprised when there's a hole in this Dimension, he started looking for Great Red where he saw him floating and doing tricks.

He teleported to his face and they stared at each other. Xander was amazed by the humongous Draconic Aura that Great Red is releasing. Great Red saw the expression in Xander's face as it raised its chin, vein threatened to pop on Xander's head as he slapped Great Red's head making it roar in pain.

"What the fuck are you showing off?! Do your work first!" Xander said as he warped Great Red towards the hole in the Dimensional Gap. Great Red growled softly, "What do you mean you didn't notice this? Just say that you were skipping your job!" Xander didn't accept Great Red's explanation as he reprimanded him.

Great Red grunted as Xander raised an eyebrow to it. "You thought that it was my territory since it has my aura in it?" Xander used Clairvoyance again and saw that there really is the Aura of the 'End' there, he realized that it was the place where his soul first entered this world of Draconic Deus and inhabited this body. "Sigh.. does that mean it was my fault that an Eldritch Horror appeared in this world?" Xander said with a sigh while Great Red just snorted making Xander's lips twitched. "Anyway, just fix it, or else this world would become a plaything for the others" Xander said while Great Red just spread the concept of 'Dream' in the hole and fixed it.

Thankfully the hole wasn't made by his Instant Death ability or else it wouldn't be possible to close it as that would contradict with his whole existence. After fixing the hole Great Red stared at Xander while groaning. "You... I'll go now" Xander said while his lips twitched at the brat. "Don't just play! Do your job!"

Xander warned Great Red as he teleported back to Kuoh Town where they were still trying to do some damage because the creature is starting to move. "Sona! Still couldn't damage it?" Xander asked as he flew to Sona's side who was overjoyed by his arrival.

Sona shook her head and explained what happened to the short time he was not there. After the explanation Xander nodded his head as he figured that something like this would happen. Basically, everyone used all of their skills but still couldn't kill the creature as it keeps adapting to their powers.

The leaders noticed Xander's arrival as they stopped and went to Xander's side. "Xander-kun, you probably know this creature, can you tell us its weakness?" Sirzechs asked immediately as he know that time is running out for them. Azazel and Michael also listened carefully as they has an idea to what this creature is.

Xander smiled at them and replied. "That? Azazel probably already know what that thing is but I would like to confirm that, that thing is an Eldritch Horror" Azazel got a huge head ache as his guess came true. "You've gotta be kidding me" Azazel said while massaging his head. Michael also started worrying. "How are we supposed to kill that creature?" He was worried about the lives of the people in this planet.

"Wait a second" Xander said as he took a random magician who miraculously survived Sona's rain. He talked to it, "Hey, you. Raise an barrier, I'll attack you" the magician was alarmed by his words as it immediately raised an barrier. Xander punched the barrier and was satisfied when he saw the Menu notification.

['True Nuts' skill acquired!

-Anything is useless against you, all of your ability would deal True Damage or could handle concepts.]

Xander raised the skill level up to 7 making it that even Concept of defense wouldn't be able to stop his attacks. Everyone saw the Eldritch Horror moving, the moment it moved slightly, the replica of Kuoh Town that Xander made immediately broke. The brain? of the Abomination started to screamed some broken words that their minds couldn't understand, "Ģ̸̜̟̩͖̹̯͔͑̿͑̒̎̔̀͗̍̎̚͘̚r̴̡͇̺̗̼̻͚̮͋̊̂̏̏̾̿̈́̇́̑͐̈́͊͊̚̕̕͝a̷̛̛͔̜͇̹̅̿̇͋̚̚a̷͖͔̯̟̮͇͙̮͖̽̔̏̑̿̓̍̊͗̔g̴̡̢̹̮̝̪̣̺̝̾̈́̎̐̓̅̑̈́̾̕͜ͅh̷̡̨̦͖̣͓̰̗͍̹́̂̋̀͗͗̌̅́̒̒͘͜͠͝͝ͅs̷̨̖̦̟͎͇̙͓̥͛̆̔ ̵̡̱͇͉̹̞͔̿̄͛̑̂͑͌̈́Z̵̨̲̬͕̬̯͚̱̪͊̓̈̎͗̀̀͑͌͂̽͒͠ͅe̵̢̛̠̗͙̘̻̳̗̞̙͐̒̓̐̓̒͑̍r̸̢̛̛̤̩̻̝̗̮͚̘̟̖̙͈͇̀͐̈́̑͊̊̇͐̎̾̅̔̕̚͘ͅͅg̸̨̢̭̙͔̤͓̗̝̣͉̈͂̽̑̈́̉̂̄͌̕ȯ̵̢̺̖͎̯̤̻̰̹̤̳͎̼̫̜̦̱̮͐̋̾̈́͝͝ẁ̷̡̦̘̝̭̩̐͒̅̈́́̈́̕ȩ̶̱̗͚̫̯̩͋̉̃̈͊͝ş̷̂̈́́̎̃̊͆̕ ̶̨͇̜͙̩̠̬̝̽̒̒͑̋́͒̑̕̕͜͜H̵͓̮̥̬͐͑̔̈́́ư̴̳̫̮͂̽̄̈̓̊̄̊͐̋̕c̸̡̛̗̫̘̯͚̖̰̱̹͛͛̍̃̽̽͊̎̎̎̀̆̚͝ͅs̸̛̺̱̬͇̖͕̦̩̋̽̏̀̀̿͗̇̄̒̿̋̅̅͆͘k̶̡͓̳̬̺͍͍̜͕̗̯͉̼̜̗̫̺͐̒͐̀̓̑̌͐͂̓̿̈́͋̕m̷̢̧̢͚͎͚̯̥̲͖͇͚͙̺͋̊́̈́ͅ ̶̢̼̗͔̫͖̞͕͉̎̃̆̿̐̂͒͋̇̐̓͠͝Ḷ̴̩̹͇̥͚͂̅̿͒͋̈́͒͗̊̇̓̋̀̄̓̕͘͘͠ͅd̶̡̙͓̩͓̤̻̼̳̥͕̉̐̿̃̾̓͆̐͝ģ̷͍̤̝͓͙̹̳̞̜͉͈̳̱̉̒̊̈́̀͑̓͛̏̚͘͘̚͠ǵ̸̯͙͍͈̠̤̳̮̻͖̆͝s̵̢̛̱̺̲̹̙̯̺̜̱͑͗͝a̸̛̻̩̗̐̈́̂"

Everyone felt their sanity flying away as they started holding their heads in pain. Xander healed them and used barrier to block their senses. Normally, simple healing wouldn't work against an Eldritch's Madness Inducement, but Xander's healing became a concept itself, there is nothing he could heal. As long as he think of a thing as a damage, he could heal it. For example, there is a broken building, and Xander thought of it as a 'Injured' thing then his healing ability would work on it. It would return the building to its best state.

The whole world suddenly started to crack as Xander's eyes widened before he immediately shrunk the whole planet, he then froze it and tucked it in his storage. Xander's ice magic has reached the level 7, calling it absolute would not be a joke, everyone that was froze in his ice magic wouldn't be able to get out unless Xander let them free. Now Xander literally has a whole planet inside his storage instead of just a single moon.

Everyone watching was shocked by his deed, even the new arrived boy couldn't help but widen his eyes. "The hell! You could do that?!" Azazel said while staring at Xander as if looking at a monster. Xander ignored Azazel as he raised his Barrier skill up to level 7 and used it to held the Eldritch in its place.

Xander added 'True Nuts' in the barrier making the Eldritch's adapting ability and its powers negated. "Oh, you survived my ice magic huh? As expected of the 3rd strongest being in the world. Even Indra couldn't defend against it" Xander said while waving his hands towards the young boy.

Everyone's attention was grabbed by Xander's words as they turned their heads to the side and saw a young boy, probably a middle schooler with blue skin and shiny blue-blacked hair, they also saw a eye at the middle of its forehead making them shiver by the sheer power they sensed in this young boy. "Shiva..." Michael muttered while looking at the young boy warily.

Shiva just shook his head and smiled at them, "At ease, I am not here to pick a fight, I was just intrigued by the presence that I felt here" Shiva said while pointing at the Eldritch Horror rampaging inside the barrier, they can see that everything inside the barrier was changing, the space inside the barrier were twisting and they can feel that their heads aching just by looking at it.

Xander stared at Shiva and asked. "Do you want to try?" Xander's words rang an alarm in their heads Serafall immediately shouted. "Stop! Please don't open that barrier anymore, I can feel my sanity vanishing just by being in that being's presence!" When Xander heard that he immediately turned his head to Sona, which he can see that she has an uncomfortable expression on her face.

His body glitched before entering inside the barrier making Sona scream, "Xander!!" She was scared because she know how strong that monster is. Everyone watched as Xander slapped the Eldritch destroying a portion of its body, Xander tucked that portion inside his storage and glared at the abomination.

Xander tried to talk to this being but it was useless as it seems like its power is unstable. "This thing.. is still a newborn? Rizevim was really lucky that he pulled this one" Xander said as he started to study the monstrosity. When Xander slapped the being earlier, he used 'True Nuts' on his hand so it was not damaged.

He was interested in studying this thing, so touched it and was surprised that his whole arm vanished. "!?.. I guess this mortal body is still vulnerable to damage huh?" Xander 'killed' the event where his arm vanished, as the world tremble before adjusting to the hole on its history, it treated Xander's damage as an error as his arm returned. Xander moved his arm and nodded when it was still useful.

Xander tried to use a normal fire magic. he shoot a fireball at it.


A large explosion occured from his simple fireball, as Xander tilted his head wondering if it would work. He saw the being still standing without any damage, "So damage like this are worthless, how about this.." Xander said before he froze it, the moment the ice touched the abomination's body, it vanished as if the world was prohibiting the act of damaging the creature.

Xander shook his head, he now has a idea about how broken this being is. He was also tired of experimenting it so he used Command T and shrunk the creature until it was erased in existence.

Xander also shrunk the barrier as opening it would destroy this reality, he clapped his hands as if cleaning it and nodded his head with a smile. He appeared at Sona's side while touching her from head to toe to see if something happened to her. "Are you okay, Sona?" Xander asked worriedly, "I'm fine, and... where are your hands going?" Sona said as she can feel his hands trying to get a cope infront of everyone.

"Xander! Stop molesting my So-tan~!" Serafall said as she opened her arms infront of Sona while showing a pout. "Ehh~, but.. Sona is my fiancé!" Xander didn't back down as they started bickering with each other making the other baffled by the change of atmosphere.

Michael saw Azazel thinking seriously so he asked. "Azazel, what's in your mind?" Azazel snapped out of his thoughts as he stared at Michael with a serious expression on his face. "No... I just thought that this guy might be a... Man of Culture" Everyone shook their heads at this guy, he is having a serious face while saying something stupid.

"Right.. Shiva, since you're here can you become the witness of the three factions peace treaty?" Xander asked while the others were interested in his idea, making Shiva the witness would make their treaty much more acceptable and only a small people would reject its existence. "I don't see why not" Shiva said with a smile on his face.





2 months ago, Shiva suddenly can't use his ability to see the future, he thought it was just something trying to mess with him but even after a few weeks it still didn't work. He started to think what's the problem, he thought of many but one of those were scary ones, as he thought that the world might have an enemy that is so strong that it even blocked his Future Sight. He kept being wary of his surroundings until he finally got a clue, he saw many of his people dying because they were hostile to one being, Shiva didn't even try that once as he feel that he would really die if he did it.

Today when Shiva was meditating, he felt a disturbing presence appearing in this world, he was about to go to the presence when he sensed that a disaster is coming, he raised his Divinity as it destroyed the Ice that was trying to freeze him. Shiva saw the world shrunking and was alarmed, he went to the presence and finally saw the reason for ability being blocked.

The leaders of the three factions formed a circle and then Shiva floated as he grandly announced. "I, Shiva, one of the Trimutry is here to witness the peace treaty of the three factions, any faction who may try to betray others shall be cursed and would be destroyed until everything about them would be forgotten in this world" the others started clapping while Xander was holding his cellphone in his hand, taking a video of this event.

Xander yawned, he was tired and was about to teleport to his home when Sirzechs suddenly called him out. "Wait, Xander-kun! Please return the planet, and the Kuoh Town" Sirzechs said making Xander remember that the whole planet was still in his 'pocket'.

Xander took the frozen planet from his storage and enlargen it until it was the same size as before. He thawed the ice which made a flood in the entire world, Sona sighed and used her magic to absorb all water that is roaming in the world. "Thank you, Sona!" Xander said as he kissed her cheeks. "Wha-" Serafall gasped and started to pick a fight with Xander again.

Xander just ran away while waving his hands towards them. The others sighed as they started using magic to change the confused minds of all the people in the world. "This is rather a long day" Sirzechs sighed in relief as he wasn't forced to use his other form in this day.

Shiva said his farewell to the others as he returned to his pantheon. The others also started to return to their perspective home, Rias and her peerage were frustrated that they couldn't gain the attention of the higher ups today, they didn't even have some screen time, only when they fought against the magicians they did.

"Rias, please call me if something happens again, this world is turning into something very dangerous" Sirzechs said with a stern voice as he knew that Rias wouldn't call for his help unless its really unwinnable. He knew about his sister's pride because he was with her when she grew.


While Xander was walking towards his house, his phone suddenly rang as he saw an unknown number on it. He took the call and was weirded out when there was no voice appearing, he thought it was just some prank call and was about to cut it when a small voice suddenly appeared at the other side. "...xander" Xander raised an eyebrow as he felt that he already heard this voice before.

"Who are you?" Xander asked while yawning as he was tired from the fight before. "Xander! Why didn't you call me?" He finally realized who this was as he tilted his head. "Huh?... Sorry, I just thought that, your gesture was just of you being thankful because I let you read my manuscript" Xander said lazily making Utaha pissed even more.

"Hah! Are you free tomorrow? I want to meet!" Utaha said making Xander tilt his head, "Oh...Okay" Xander didn't bother and immediately closed his phone off, he went to his house because he really needs to rest. Today was quite an journey for Xander as never thought that he would fight against a Outer being.

Thankfully his Menu was quite good unlike Satou's one, all of the skill in the Menu has the potential to become Concepts. Xander wondered what would everyone say if he mention that the thing they fought was just an infant, its power was just starting to manifest, that's why they could still damage it. Xander was looking forward for more of that adventure. He arrived at his house where he took a long bath and immediately went to his room to sleep.


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