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8.04% Inspired Inventor (Tensura AU) / Chapter 6: 5th Move | Nation Building

Chapitre 6: 5th Move | Nation Building

Within the largest building of the village I, Ranga, the elders, Rimuru, and other hobgoblins sat around a large table with a mess of papers strung about everywhere. Some of them were snoring, clearly in deep sleep while others are trying to stay awake but failing horribly. The only one still writing on the paper is me, trying to complete it before tomorrow comes.

Despite never having really used paper before, the people in this village must've seen it since they didn't ask any questions when I had Rimuru make the white sheets.

"DONE!" I yelled out, hands up high in celebration, with excitement clear as day in my tone. After all, it's not every day you get to build your own nation. And what's more, today also marks the start of this world's version of the American Experiment. The 'Tempest Experiment', a nation built upon the principles of liberty, equality, and justice, where the worth of a person is based entirely on how much work they can do.

It took the entire day, but placing all 5 charges into [Political Science] and [Law] helped me immensely in this endeavor.

Even if those that participated slept through some of them.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. Most of them sleeping just means there'll be fewer eyes on the paper and allows me to input more leeway and grey areas into the Constitution and Laws.

For example, hidden within the labyrinth of wording and technicalities lies the equivalent of a political nuclear bomb. As, in the event of an attempted assassination, I have the right to perform extrajudicial and extralegal things to find the assassins and their backers.

I could even wage war if I wanted to, completely independent of the government.

I will not be bound by bureaucracy when my own life is on the line.

Those who were sleeping were jolted awake by my proclamation.

"The Constitution of The Jura Tempest Republic."

Despite my idolization of the American Founding Fathers, I had originally advocated for an autocracy, like an absolute monarchy or a totalitarian state since most of the nations out there are probably like that. I mean, even the term 'democracy' is foreign to the goblins in this village.

Yet nonetheless, Rimuru wanted to be inclusive to every race instead of just goblins, not realizing that equality doesn't exist if the people themselves aren't equal, just look at the power difference between Rimuru and the average goblin.

I mean seriously, what's a rebel army going to do against someone that can vaporize entire mountains? There's no equalizing force between the ruler and the ruled.

So we settled on a compromise and created a modified Presidential Republic similar to that of the United States, except way more efficient and complicated than even Byzantine Bureaucracy, so much so that to the outsider, trying to understand how everything function is like trying to understand Theoretical Physics with a major in Digital Arts. Hell, the intricateness and details alone can take someone decades to figure out, and even then they still may find small surprises later on.

And then there's the "The Charter of Rights and Freedoms", most of them were confused by the wording I used, with the elder, "Rigurd" I think their name was, asking me what every clause and law meant, clearly worried about his tribesman.

My respect for the goblins rose by a few degrees. If there's one thing I can respect, it's someone thinking critically.

Thus, even if I'm just likely wasting my time, I spend a few hours explaining to him what a Right is and what each of the Freedoms entails. I can see doubts in his eyes since, from the eyes of a primitive society, these things were alien, it's like telling someone from the 1500s about the Internet or smartphones.

They won't stop at not believing you, they'll call you crazy before reporting you to the authorities for daring to say such blasphemous things. I don't need [Psychology] to know that the only reason he's not objecting to these new laws was due to me and Rimuru, who can annihilate the entire village in seconds, drafting this new constitution. Had it been anyone else, like perhaps one of the villagers, I don't think they'll even get an audience much less a chance.

Today also marked the beginning of the first two political parties of the new nation, the Modern Progressive Party (MPP), led by Rimuru, and the Conservative Party led by Rigurd. The day had ended with Rimuru becoming President and appointing Rigurd as Vice President.

Well more like he'll be after he's sworn in on Inauguration Day... which will also need to be set. Damn, so many things, building a nation is hard work, who knew?

"Now we need to deal with the next issue, that being our incomplete knowledge based on magic and other races, as well as the outside world like other nations." Rimuru, said, surprisingly logical for once. The part about how this village has no mages went unsaid but is quite obvious.

Placing a hand above my chin, I realized that I do need an encyclopedia of this world's flora and fauna as well as the pecking order. If my world were any indication, our Republic would need legitimacy through being recognized by the international community.

According to [Politics], Polarity in international relations determines how power is distributed within the international system. If the world I've been reborn in is a unipolar world like Rome during the height of its power or America right after the Cold War, I'd just need to suck up to the sole superpower until we're comfortable (powerful) enough for the world to become a bipolar world.

Now if the world is already a bipolar world like during the Cold War, that's when things get a bit complicated. You see, assuming that wars weren't being fought between the two, I can't just suck up to one of the superpowers without worrying about the others trying to sabotage my newly forming nation. Constant coups are not conducive to stability. Thus, I'll need to play both sides against each other like North Korea with China and the Soviets until our nation become a new superpower.

However, multipolarity is probably the most useful out of all of them. With unipolarity, there's bound to be a lot of nations vying for the superpower's attention, but with many superpowers in play, we can stay mostly in the shadow of our nearest superpower before we've risen to power.

On a more immediate note, clothing and housing would also be an issue but I can solve those through a combination of [Sewing] and [Resource Extraction], and for housing issues, I can supplement through [Interlocking Design].

"Well, we have been trading with some people before the disappearance of our Deity Veldora. I don't see why they wouldn't have any magical tomes we can buy from." Rigurd helpfully said, completely ignoring the fact that I highly doubt we can buy a magic tome with what few pieces of gold we have. "Rather, I'm referring to these dwarves from Dwargon."

It's confirmed, I am definitely in some kind of Tolkien knockoff. Meaning that they have no concept of a centralized bank... maybe even capitalism? I mean, capitalism only flourished after the Black Death due to peasants being more valuable.

"This is basically post-war America, where fertile lands are everywhere, where one can pay off their college tuition with just a summer job..." I said quietly in deep realization. So many things I could do! But god damn it, I don't have any charges left for the day!

"Well, it's been decided! I, alongside some of my compatriots, shall head north to Dwargon and see if they have any books concerning the subject matter," Rimuru said as he turned to me as if asking for me to come with him.

I rebuked his offer.

Waving my hand, "I need to start working to industrialize our nation, including creating a proper military that can stand up against other races." I said while thinking about AI-operated armies, Iron Man armors, aircraft, and even Orbital Kinetic Bombardments. "Since you are our President, it would be improper for you to visit a country unannounced," Rimuru let an 'eek!' at that, "however, that's not the case until Inauguration Day," I said matter-of-a-factly

"I'll make some tools and other weapons for you to sell-" only to stop upon a realization, "you...do have the ores you ate right?"

Please tell me I don't have to go to the mines and grab some of those magic ores myself.

[Silenced Emotion: 40%]

"I have some, but not a lot," Rimuru said as he spat out some metallic ores. Looking at those metallic-colored rough stones, [Primitive Weapons] gave me a stream of different ideas for weapons that can be auctioned off for a small fortune in my old world.

"WORKBENCH!" I yelled out as the door suddenly opened and the modified flesh golem came forth. Many of the goblins including the wolves recoiled in disgust at the sight of Workbench.

Looking at Workbench, [Psychology] gave me the reason they are afraid. After all, something with half of its head gone should not be able to move. I grabbed some of the ores given to me and pulled out Dasher from a hidden pouch within my clothing. Stabbing Dasher into one of the ports on the body of Workbench caused its sides to open, revealing a multitude of different tools from recognizable ones like knives, screwdrivers, and hammers to more esoteric ones that looked like they shouldn't exist anywhere in the world.

Many of the wolves now snarled at Workbench while the hobgoblins backed away in horror, Rimuru quickly dismissing the constitutional meeting by signing The Charter of Rights and Freedom.

Seconds later, I was alone with Workbench and the ores I begin to tinker with.


It took half the day and a broken furnace but I was able to create a multitude of swords said by Rigurd to be worth more than the entire village.

I guess that's what happens with so many charges into [Primitive Weapons].

It was at dusk when they set off, taking Ranga, five of the wolves, and five other goblins.

Opening the map on the table in the middle of the village, I started planning.

The goblins around me begin to shiver when they saw the smile I had on my face.


The next day

[Silenced Emotion: 50%]

"Alright, everyone! Since your President-to-be elected me to be in charge, I am going to turn this small insignificant Village into the world's center of commerce and technological advancement!" I declared on top of a chair in the center of the town where every villager had gathered, my uniform completely changed to reflect my change in attitude.

Four odd covered piles stood behind me, causing much curiosity if the way those hobgoblins stared at it is any indication

Instead of the old rags, I spend last night sewing more fanciful and military-orientated clothing. I now wear clothes that seemingly came out of a 20th-century army officer's uniform, with a cap and all. The main color is dark green with red outlines that covered the seams. Black boots covered my feet and a cold look of superiority in my eyes.

"Split into four even lines, children and goblin riders create your own lines now!" I commanded like a drill instructor. Crossing my arms as I waited, I had this pissed-off look on my face, "It took you all 23 seconds to get organized into 6 lines, UNACCEPTABLE!" Commanding others seemed so easy that it's second nature to me, even without much of [Acting].

"All of you, 50 push-ups now! Children 25 push-ups." I began to walk around and examine the group before turning around and stepping towards the four piles, "since we do not have any automation (that will come soon enough I assure you) we need to build it ourselves."

I then pulled the tarp that covered the left-most pile and revealed tools, all types of shovels and pickaxes, all made by me with Workbench. It was rather tedious and repetitively to create over a dozen shovels and pickaxes, but at least the village had plenty of those baskets one wears on their back.

"Group 1," I pointed to one of the groups, my eyes narrowed, causing Group 1 to gulp, "You will all address me as 'YES COMMANDER', do you hear me?" I emphasized the latter part.

"YES, COMMANDER." They all stood at attention, and a smile bloomed on my face. I will instill loyalty into them soon enough. "Group 1, you lot will be responsible for mining out valuable ores from the caves I've selected on this map," I said as I pulled out a rolled-up piece of paper from my hand. I discovered this gem when I sift through the elder's house. With permission, of course.

Looking at each of them and judging which one is best at leadership with [Psychology], I picked out the one that is recommended. "You there," I pointed at a rather tall goblin wearing a light brown rag over its body. "What's your name?"

"Rugurd, Commander Scientia," I hummed upon hearing the title, narrowing my eyes and causing Rugurd to sweat a little.

"You will lead Group 1 in mining out the ores," I said while handing him the map and another instruction manual I wrote this morning right before the job assignment. "The pamphlet- the small paper will tell you what to do in the event of certain emergencies. But overall protect that map with your life, it's the only one we got."

He stood at attention, "YES, COMMANDER, I will not disappoint you!"

My gut feeling seemed to agree with me on this one.

Turning to the rest of Group 1, "There's a sandwich stand by the gate of the village for each of you, pick one out as you head to the mine, that will be your lunch. Come back before sundown, I expect each of you to have a full basket by then, those who do before sundown are allowed to rest for the remainder of their time there."

I find it a bit humorous [Human Resources] helping me manage this entire village, despite it being made out of goblins.

After group one left, I turned the remaining lines and pointed at the line that was right beside Group 1.

"Group 2, half of you will be responsible for foraging, the remaining goblins will cook the food we got every day per my directives." I lifted the veil to the second pile, showing knives and tools that can be used to harvest plants and fruits, alongside the tools are backpacks smaller than the ones Group 1 had. "Just as with Group 1, you lot will harvest enough to fill the backpack, those who finish early get to rest until sundown before heading back."

[Great Sage] had told me that my technology was only creatable with my hands or my creations, however, the cavitate being indirect ones like having someone execute a plan I made with [Planning] or [Strategy].

Thusly, I combined [Cooking] and [Planning] to create a step-by-step process for making nutritious food that, as long as someone follows the instructions, anyone can make and are equally delicious.

Turning towards the goblin on wolves, "You lot will be responsible for hunting," I said while handing one of them a folded piece of paper, "Your daily quota is to hunt enough food to supplement 40% of our diet."


"Group 3!" the remaining two lines and the kids stood at attention. "You lot will be responsible to excavate the foundations for the factory lab where I will build my miracles at."

I lifted the tarp covering the 3rd pile, revealing something similar to what I had to Group 1, only this time I included a ruler for how deep the excavated area is to be. "You all after taking the tool you desired will stay here and await further instructions."

"YES, COMMANDER" They all yelled and moved to grab the tools.

"Group 4!"

"YES, COMMANDER!" They stood at attention. Even if the attention of this world isn't the same as the one in mine, they still stood extra tall with their stomach tucked in. I'll teach the military branch to salute in due time with a single charge in [Military Drills]

"Your group shall be the temporary guard of this place, I hereby name you all: Security Detail." Looking around the group, I pointed to a female goblin with purple hair. "You! What's your name?" I was answered with a shriek and shuttering "Answer clearer, I can barely understand you!"

"R-Ririna, Commander!" she softly said. I had half expected one of the more gentlemanly goblins would come out to white knight for her...

It seemed no one picked up the bait, oh well [Psychology] with a single glance that this girl is the way to go, then I'll listen to it.

"Ririna, you shall be in charge of training these rabbles into proper security until President-to-be Rimuru comes back, if you fail you alone will bear the burden of the failure of your entire group." Handing her some sheets of documents, "within here are details on how to train them and what punishment to give them in the event of a mistake, it is up to you to uphold the punishments. You will speak with my voice and possess my authority. Your will is backed up with my own force. Do you understand what I'm tasking you here?"

"Y-yes" she timidly said, if she is going to be my security command, I'm going to need to train the timidness out of her.

"Yes, what?"

"Ye-yes c-"



"Good!" Revealing the last pile to be full of wooden swords, shields, as well as muskets (not that they would know what the last one was until I finish the Factory) "your training ground is already marked within the paper, now go!" wasting no time, Group 4 collected all the things and headed outside the village, right underneath the hill that majority of the dire wolves died on.

Turning to face the last group, "KIDS! You shall be part of something called: The Youth League, your responsibility is, until we can set up a proper printing machine, to be on the lookout for trouble both internally and externally; if you see something even remotely suspicious or treasonous, are to report directly to me. You are essentially the eyes of the village." I'm going to need to foster a sense of patriotism in the youth, it'll be extremely useful with kids that won't reject modern ideologies, technologies, and ideas.

And thus, the first step of truly legitimizing the Jura Tempest Republic was taken, not with steel or blood, but with sweat and tears as I built the capital at the base of this hill.


[Aristocratic Dignity]- A perfect lifeform should act as a superior; with dignity and gracefulness that others look on in wonder, with pride and confidence that others look on and admire, with beauty and elegance that others look on in envy, with charisma and power that others look on and follow, with intelligence and wisdom that others look on and listen. Acting like that is only too natural for a lifeform as perfect as a Perfect Homunculus.

unit_201 unit_201

a shorter chapter than usual. Here's the first change to the timeline! also, a more realistic approach when dealing with enforcing modernity to someone that lives in a primitive society

also if your seeing parallels between the Youth League and Hitler's Youth, you aren't wrong, I'm showing just how much Scientia's paranoia is subconsciously driving their actions despite good intentions and how much they'll need to grow to trust people.

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