"Yes, everyone! Its a legendary egg that is very rarely found in every corner of the world. It's an AMBER PHOENIX EGG!" The violet host said. "AMBER PHOENIX EGG also known as the Fire Phoenix Egg, it is one of the legendary egg that cannot be found anywhere, its an egg that you can't tame easily, it needs more extra care, more extra guide and has a deep relationship to it. This egg has a FIRE element! That also means it loves fire. So fire elementals, summoners or a person with a related or similar to fire is suitable and be a lucky one to have it. And you also have the advantage if you can tame this kind of fire type egg. Not only that, but it will also share its power to its owner and protect them until the day the creature or the tamed Beast of the owner dies. But in the past, some few people attempted to tame the fire phoenix, in the end, it swallows its owner's whole body for they can't easily be swayed on."
"So you must be very careful to tame this kind of legendary egg because legendary Beast have somewhat intelligence Brain-like us and they are very wicked." The pink host gave some information about the Legendary Beast, "The price to this treasure starts at 10,000 GoldCard!" The violet host opened up the price for bidding. The people on the ground were murmuring and chitchatting about the price for they don't have that high MoneyCard with them And then suddenly the screen pop up. (Ding!) "20,000 GoldCard! It's from the guest room 205!" The violet woman shouted, "Father, is it okay for me to bid that big amount of MoneyCard? I think Mother will not be pleased about this matter." A voice of a young boy from the guest room 205, "Then brother, what are we doing here if we can't get what we want? Huh?" A voice of a young girl replied, "If you want to get that egg, then pay it with your owned SavingCard sister, so that I can use my MoneyCard to buy my stuff!"
The young boy replied again giving her an attitude, "I wish I could but I don't want to spend my SavingCard and I also need MoneyCard to buy something from my SavingCard, so Father must pay that Legendary Egg just for today." The young girl was eager to request for her Father, "Can both of you shut up?! Just do what I just tell you to do and don't talk if I don't allow you to talk, do you both understand?!" The man shouted. "Yes Father." Both of them obeyed what the man says.
The young girl and the young boy in room 205 are twins with an appearance of 10 years old kid, and their outfit is kinda from a royal family from a human species. PRINCE NATHAN MCGARDEN and PRINCESS ANDREA MCGARDEN were from the KINGDOM of GOLDEN SUN ruled by their father, KING FRANKLIN MCGARDEN whose age was likely a 50 years old king. The family was having a fancy and very modernize high-technology outfit matching with a few pieces of jewelry and royal kinds of stuff. The twins have the same light brown hair and the same yellow eyes. The Prince's royal dressed were all white with a little gold color on its edges and sideways, having items and pieces of jewelry. The Princess's royal dressed were of the all yellow with a little white color on its edges and stripes, having pieces of jewelry and other stuff. While the King has a white royal dress and a red cape, matching with gold on its edges and items and pieces of jewelry.
"Gulp, awhile ago I was just playing around by these fool guests, It's really fun playing people and creatures around, but it's more fun if I have them and I will be dissecting their body gulp. But for now, since I saw that Amber Egg, I will now going to get serious and bring that egg into my laboratory hahaha! Gulp.." His outfit was very similar to a laboratory gown but having a different style. Which gave him a look of a scientist with formal attire. He has green skin like a frog but his body is of a human. He also has a human face, with a purple short hair, an eye of a frog and violet tongue, and the rest are of human structures, which means his full appearance is a Hybrid Demi-Human.
(Ding!) "30,000 GoldCard! Bid from the guest in room 201!" The violet host shouted. "Tsk, what a nuisance! who's that from Room 201?! Why did that person bid?! Nathan make it higher! I want to get that egg and bring it with us!" The king got a little mad, "Yes father.." Nathan responded. (Ding!) "40,000 GoldCard! From the guest room 205!" The violet host shouted again, "What are the other guest think about the Amber Egg? Will, they bid or will they just surrender?" The pink woman wants audience cooperation. "Nah, I don't want to bid, I don't like birds, they are so mean and wanted to eat me. Let us just surrender for now." A 20 years old lady from room 204 who has a hybrid of a Demi-Human Mouse. A human body with mouse ears, mouse teeth and having plenty of fur on her back and a tail. Her clothes were quite seductive and cute, which gave her the appearance of a cute teenage girl, having a big chest, her sexy body, and her long legs even though she is quite short. "Yes ma'am." An old man with the same hybrid but has so many furs on his back and front. And his clothes were like a half butler half waiter style.
"Please tell them, I don't want to bid." A beautiful voice of a lady from room 207, she wore a red cloak and a pink thin Silky Veil Face Mask that hides her beautiful face. "Yes my lady." The guard man responded. No comment From room 202 and the rest just keep quiet. (Ding!) "50,000 GoldCard! From the guest room 2... 212!" The pink host got surprised for she knew that it was the room where Jiana is. "Young master? What are you doing? Do you want to have that legendary and very dangerous egg?" Jiana asked with a very shocking feeling. "Big sis Jiana, somebody told me that it's very dangerous and it's not fit by my Insignia Power, but if I will have that egg, I know how to tame and have a contracted legendary beast in a very easy way. But since I'm still too very young, I don't want to tame any beast first, I am just going to play with our guests since they are playing with me earlier. So I'm just paying them back after what they did to me and have a fun fighting game, I think it's very enjoyable. Right?" Blaike gave her the answer with a very enjoyment look.
<Affirmative Sire! Gie is very thankful for sire is following what Gie just informed earlier. GIE is very grateful!> Gie was very happy about it and changed its form into a Chibi fire Phoenix. *No need Gie, your information is what I want and for now we need to focus on our training.* Blaike thanked Gie. "Young master Blaike is truly a genius! Just like GreatCaptain Kathie!" Jiana praised Blaike. "hehehe" Blaike felt flattered. on the other side, "Urrggh that annoying guest!? that guest room 212 is going to bid again?! Gulp. I need to bid more and get that Amber egg no matter what!?" The ToadDoctor in guest room 201 got very mad. (Ding!) "55,000 GoldCard! From the guest room 201!" The violet host shouted with excitement, the people on the ground were chitchatting about the guests.
"The guest room 212 is going to bid again?! Who is that guest who has so a lot of MoneyCard?! And that freaking ToadDoctor in room 201! We can't give up now, lets bid more!" The King was furious. "Your majesty, I can't get any information from room 212, somebody is interrupting my detecting ability." Another person with a black hood covering her face while using her detecting ability. "Tsk, that person is very powerful and very rich?! Could it be-" The king got furious even more.
"Father! Father! I have to inform you that, we only have plenty of money left so please be patient and don't make a fuss for we don't want to pay our MoneyCard if this building collapse." Nathan informed his father to calmed down while getting nervous. "Yes Yes! I won't do anything today, I just want to get what I want And laugh about it." The king replied with a calmed sound. (Ding!) "70,000 GoldCard! From the guest in room 205!" The violet host shouted again. (Ding!) "80,000 GoldCard! From guest room 212!" Blaike was just smiling and made a yawn. (Ding!) "90,0000 GoldCard! From guest room 201!" The ToadDoctor got very very angry.
(Ding!) "100,000 GoldCard! Wow! It's from guest room 205!" The King wanted to get it. "Going once?" the pink host asked. "Shit! I don't have MoneyCard left?! Gulp. Shit! Why did I forget to bring a lot of money before coming here?! Urrgghh! Gulp" the TaodDoctor got panicked and regretted what he did. "Going twice?" The violet host asked, "Young master? What are you still doing?" Jiana asked him, "It's okay, I'm getting bored now playing with them anyways and we have a lot of money now right? I wish it help the druids clan a lot of that money." Blaike was always thinking about the druids' clan all along. *Young Master is so very kind and genuine, he is different than GreatCaptain... Such a good kid.*
"Please, just please don't bid anymore." The King prayed. (Ring5x) "Sold! From guest room 205! Congratulations!" Both the violet and the pink host shout excitingly. "Yes! We got it!" The Princess was so happy. "Yes, but it's not for you, it's for father!" The Prince spoiled her happiness. "But father will give that to me anyway." The Princess replied. "No father will give it to me because I'm the only one who helps him bid that item." The Prince gave her an intense glare. "No! It's mine!" The Princess stared and make an angry attitude. "Wuhahaha wuhahaha! It's mine now! Wuhahaha! Now let us wait and prepare to leave!" The king was very happy and excited to get the sapphire egg.
"Let's go, young master, the headmaster is waiting for us in his house." Jiana requested for Blaike. "Oh yes yes big sis, let's go and I also need to call my Auntie and report that I have arrived in the City." Blaike and Jiana walked out in the VIP room. "Everyone! The Auction has ended, thank you for coming and enjoying the event!" "See you next time!" The hosts ended the show. For about a minute, the guests were all walking out in orderly but Blaike and Jiana already left.
*Gie! What time is it?" Blaike asked, < It's already 7:30 pm sire.> *What?! Are you sure?! Auntie is mad right now, what should I do? Should I call her after the meeting or should I just call her tomorrow and tell her that I forgot?* Blaike got so confused and quite doubt about it. <Sire, if Gie were to answer that, Gie think its better to call her for she will get even madder if Sire will not report today.> "Okay okay, uurrrggghh I will just gonna call her." Blaike doesn't have a choice. "Young master? What are you talking about?" Jiana got startled a bit. "Oh? Oh nothing big sis, I'm just thinking about something." Blaike responded. "Oh is that so? Anyways, we're here, Please go inside young master Blaike, the HeadMaster is waiting for you."
As Jiana opened the door in front of them, Blaike saw a room that looks like an apartment filled with a pale yellow wall and orange color furniture, where every space of the house was all inside in one big room. The living area has a complete set of sofa with a small TV and a glass wall where it connects to the small balcony area, a dining room to the left side that connects to a small kitchen and the right side were having 4 rooms which are 1 comfort room and 3 bedrooms. And there's a stair next to the main entrance door that connects through the attic area. Blaike saw a young man standing on the balcony, dresses a Laboratory gown while looking at the stars in the sky, Blaike then walked towards the young man.
Hey Buddies!
I just wanna have a one request! Can anyone make me a TITLE COVER so that i could change it into a more attractive and tempting to read. If you have some time please do. I will be waiting for it. Thanks a lot! ?
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