AN: May or may not have had this chapter sitting around for over a week.
Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself, the Golden Princess. Known for her beautiful, but delicate nature, the policies she's passed and her kindness.
She was not one to go to outings like this, at least not very often. But with all the information flowing through the castle about this shop and the fact that Lakyus and her precious pup- Climb go here.
She wanted to find how this place works. From the information she gathered, it has nothing to do with Eight Fingers. Why would Eight Fingers not make this place a priority?
Getting a meeting with Pandora was almost impossible with how busy she was, and it wasn't her style to get so directly involved. However, to get information about Pandora, Renner simply has to target those close to her.
For the first time in years, Renner found a mystery she wasn't able to solve instantly. Now this noble girl from the Empire, personally invited by Lady Pandora herself, shows up.
She didn't lower herself.
It didn't bother Renner herself, but why would she do that? It was disrespectful to royalty, if Lakyus face that went from beaming smile to slight frown was any indication, everyone noticed.
Fortunately, this can be made an opportunity.
"You are Lady Solution, right? I'm so glad I can get to meet you. Please join me." Renner walked. She made a command and this Solution girl will have to follow it or her reputation will take quite the nasty hit.
She led them to one of the side rooms, big open and showing off various dresses on human shaped golems that could move. Various poses and twirls, being the best display and attraction for the dresses.
Renner led from the front, Solution only a step behind her and Lakyus following from a slight distance.
"Please excuse my curiosity, but how do you know Lady Pandora?" Information gathering is the game here.
Solution tilted her head, giving her the perfect serene smile that she could tell was practised and fake. "Our parents knew each other, that's all." A connection, but not much information.
Normally, nobles love to brag about the people they know. They would tell stories, most greatly exaggerated. But picking out the truths and what they mean is how Renner operates.
"I see. This is all very impressive. Her parents must be rather proud." Renner said, inspecting a blue dress on the golem.
As the Princess, she was expected to get an extravagant dress in order to maintain some level of prestige. After all, if the Princess doesn't buy one, it could only mean two things.
That Renner couldn't afford it or that she doesn't like them.
Since the first option is impossible, the second option would naturally be assumed, which would give her a reputation for disrespecting and snubbing Pandora. So she had to get something as a show of support and interest in order to stay on the new economic powerhouse's good side.
A problem that only exists among the higher of nobility and royalty. Lower-class nobility won't have such a problem simply because no one would care.
"Yes, her father is very proud of Lady Pandora's vast accomplishments. In fact, the reason Lady Pandora opened her doors to rowdy adventures was out of respect to her father." Solution said, her voice getting more vibrant. Something Renner noticed and filed away.
Possible affair? Something to potentially use.
"Was Lady Pandora's Father an adventure" Lakyus chirped in her interest, peaked by the sudden information.
"Yes. A very strong one. In fact, I believe they promoted him to adamantium rank." Solution finished with a giggle.
Renner and Lakyus' gaze met. This got a lot more intriguing. To Lakyus, Pandora completely separating herself from Eight Fingers was a positive sign. Another adamantium ranked adventurer. Maybe he could join them for the raid. It would help. The raid stretches them so thin that it's worrying in itself.
To Renner, the mystery grew even bigger. Now there's an adamantium ranked adventurer involved? Something bigger was going on here. Renner felt excitement run through her. She kept her face in the practiced smile, but on the inside she was grinning like mad and puzzle pieces slotting together in her mind.
Yet the puzzle was incomplete.
"If you want, I could organise a meeting," Solution offered, a stray thought of Lord Momonga talking about wanting to meet the other adamantium ranked parties coming to mind.
Renner and Lakyus shared another look. Looks like they're getting a lot more than they intended out of this party.
Halisha Ankara is a proud King. The Stone Eaters are a powerful race. Among the strongest in the hills, he felt no fear. No one in his tribe can take his place and no one outside was capable of destroying the stone eaters.
Was, being the thing that changed.
The White Elder, a fearsome title bestowed upon him in honour of his might. The tribes respected the name, the humans feared it, for it signified their deaths to become his feasts. It showed his marvellous pure white cloak, remaining clean no matter how much blood got onto it. It showed his age, his experience, he made it to old age unlike so many before him. That, more than anything, was a sign of strength.
But everything changed when the Frozen Emperor attacked.
He swept through the tribes, taking over and training the rest that remained. Those that caught his attention that he recognised as warriors got special attention.
It's how he's in this position now. A low class Bafolk, one he vaguely remembered leaving alive while he ate his family, yes their screams were coming back to him now.
When the Frozen Emperor emerged on the horizon, The White Elder knew the Stone Eaters couldn't take an army that size and challenged the Emperor to a duel. Only this Bafolk interfered, and the Emperor allowed it.
But then again, so did he. It was a low class Bafolk, nothing worth attention. An easy victory.
So why is this so difficult? The Bafolk leaned back, dodging his blow. With a swift kick, he felt his stomach collapse. He tumbled across the ground.
Getting up, he knew he had little left in him. Charging in, he focused, putting his all in on this punch.
"[Crushing Blow]" his fist grew red, the stone eaters, smile grew wicked, finally it's time for this to be over with.
Time to show the Frozen Emperor not to mess with the King of Stone Eaters. They stood around them making a wide circle for the White Elder to fight his opponent, Stone Eaters on one side and invaders on the other.
The Bafolk, used the side of his broadsword to blow the blow, the metal shattering under his power. Yet, instead of retreating, the Bafolk charged. His blow landed on the body, yet instead of dieing, he stood. Not even moving back a step, the Bafolk took his blow and retaliated the fist, knocking him to the ground.
The White Elder looked up in terror. The Bafolk brought out another blade. It glowed red, and he saw the look of hatred and satisfaction in the Bafolk's eyes.
He was going to die here.
The thought thundered through his head, and in a last ditch effort the White Elder, fearsome King of the Stone Eaters fled.
Rushing towards his own people, who looked at him with shock and shame. Fleeing from a battle for the tribe, how disgusting. The Bafolk's powerful leap took him off guard. He was on the ground in a second; the Bafolk straddling his back; the sword raised.
The White Elder looked up, seeing the people he ruled over for so long, look down on him. "Please." He begged, but there was no response, no rescue, just staring.
The sword came down and the White Elder knew no more.
"Lord Cocytus, I thank you for allowing me this,"
"It would be dishonourable for me to stand between a personal duel,"
The Bafolk kneeled, the satisfaction and gratitude radiating off him. "Even so, it is because of you that my family can rest in peace now."
Cocytus accepted the thanks, looking around as the Frozen Army absorbed the remaining Stone Eaters. Cocytus dealt with those who resisted, leaving only those who could join the Frozen Army and those who could not fight.
He'll have to keep an eye out for any worthy warriors. Those are the ones he helps train, the ones that get promoted to higher positions. As long as they have the will, he can improve their strength to acceptable levels.
With his eyes on the horizon, he saw that his conquest was nearly finished. Only a few more tribes to go before everything in the Albion Hills answers to him.
AN: I'm not sure if I'll ever continue this, maybe I'll get bored and write another chapter. Who knows?
I'm looking into writing something else, some stuff smut, some not. I got ideas for a Pokemon and Harry Potter fic that follow OCs rather than SI. Also got a ton of half written original stuff.
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