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81.94% In Harry Potter with OTS System / Chapter 58: CHAPTER 56 – Meeting the Golden Trio

Chapitre 58: CHAPTER 56 – Meeting the Golden Trio

King's Cross Station, London.

Logan was currently inside platform 9¾. He was carrying his luggage towards the train while Muninn was perched on his shoulder.

"CAW! CAW!" The bird suddenly shouted and pointed in one direction with its cawing beak.

"Mm?" Logan turned to look, in time to see a group of red-haired students coming behind him, he recognized a few of them as Percy, Fred, and George, but there was another one that looked quite smaller. {Is that Ron?} Logan thought with a raised eyebrow, behind Ron, there was another student carrying his luggage with a snow-white owl inside a cage right at the top.

"CAW!" Muninn shouted again as it looked at the boy, an apparent scowl could be seen on its face.

"Chill, dude. It's just a new student." Logan said while rolling his eyes.


"Logan!" Suddenly a couple of voices came rushing toward him, completing each other's sentences as usual.

"Hey, guys." He answered back to the twins, who stretched their hands for a shake. Logan looked at both hands for a moment and then turned to look at their eyes.




All three of them looked at each other's eyes without blinking. An awkward atmosphere was hanging around them.

"Hello, Logan." At least until Percy came back. "How has the young prodigy of Ravenclaw been?"

"Oh, hey Percy. All great, how about you?" Logan asked, turning to look at Percy while the twins left their hands hanging.

"Everything's been good." Percy nodded with a nod and a polite smile. "I hope we can exchange pointers about charms."

"Yes, it would be a great learning experience." Logan nodded at him. Percy sometimes appeared during their practices for Protectors of Hogwarts, with the excuse of having to look over his brothers, Fred, George, and Charlie, even when the latter was already graduating.

"Well, if you don't mind me, I must reunite with the other prefects." Said Percy as he proudly showed his prefect badge.

"I must-"



"The other-"

"Prefects." Both twins mocked him as they imitated him, while Percy just snorted and went towards the train.

"How do you-"

"Tolerate him?" They asked Logan.

"I mean, he's just uptight, but not a bad person, you know? Just someone doing what he thing is right." Logan said with a shrug. "Not that paying attention to the rules and doing as they said is the wrong thing."

"But it is-"

"So boring."

"Yeah, I know." Logan chuckled. "By the way, will you drop your hands already?"

"Not until you-"

"Shake our hands." They answered with a smirk.

"Ha… You know Tonks and Tulip tried something like that on me last year, right?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We don't know-"

"What you're talking about."

""It's just a handshake.""

"Right." Logan nodded. "Well, good luck with your 'handshake', I must look somewhere to sit for the travel."

"Oh, come on-"

"You can't leave us with our hands-"


"I totally can." Logan said and left towards the train with his things, ignoring the twins completely. {Amateurs.} He thought while chuckling.

After getting on the train, Logan did the usual stuff. He went towards his section on the train and looked for a cabin, finding Lyra, who was reading a book on Magical Creatures. He knocked on the door, making Lyra turn up and smile at him, making a gesture for him to come inside. He opened the door and entered the place.

"Hey." He said as he put his stuff in the compartments of the cabin, while Muninn walked around the cabin. "Reading so soon?"

"Yeah." Lyra nodded. "I just find Magical Creatures to be amazing."

"I agree." Logan nodded. "They are really amazing." He sat down in front of her.

She smiled, closing her book. "Thankfully we'll be able to see a few of them during classes."

"Yeah, though that teacher, Kettleburn, he's kinda crazy." Logan said with an awkward smile, remembering the teacher that is in charge of the class.

"You think so?" Lyra tilted her head.

"He has more artificial body parts than real body parts." Logan sighed. "He DOES love his creatures, even the dangerous ones from what I've heard."

"Mm? Who did you hear that from?" Lyra asked as she leaned forward on her seat.

"Andrew, one of our upperclassmen." Logan shrugged. "Well, not exactly an upperclassman now, as he graduated last year."

"Oh, is that one of the older students you got acquainted with?"

"Yeah, he was friends with Tulip. So we can of ended up being friends too." Logan said as he nodded with a slightly lower tone.

"Are you sad she's not around anymore?" Lyra asked with a raised eyebrow and a somewhat expressionless face.

"Mm? I guess." He shrugged. "She was a really good friend, you know? I mean, even taking into account all the jokes and pranks she tried on me, unsuccessfully I must say, she was really supportive, and taught me a few interesting tricks." He smirked. "All of them did, actually. Sadly a lot of my friends already left the school." With a sigh he leaned back on the seat.

"I see…" Lyra nodded. "You're just sad that your friends, all of them, graduated already, huh?"

"Yeah, I mean, it's like I won't be able to see them anytime soon." Logan shrugged. "But it's okay. Everyone has to strive to be successful outside of school." He said with a renovated smile. "I'm pretty sure they're doing great right now."

Lyra also smiled. As time passed, more people joined them, William and Julie came into the room too, while Muninn had left the room and flew outside of the train, Logan just ignored it and told the others that it usually went out a lot, and came back on its own, as it was a really free bird. They all started to talk about what they have done during the vacations. The train was already departed from the station and was on its way to Hogwarts.

"I'll go take a walk." Logan said as he stood up, leaving some sweets that they've bought moments ago.

"Mm? Why?" William asked.

"I just want to stretch a little bit I guess." Logan said with a shrug. "I'll also take a look around and see if I find the others."

"Don't get into trouble." Lyra said.

"Oh, come on. I never get in trouble." He rolled his eyes back as he went outside of the room, leaving the others looking at him with skepticism. {Well, let's see around a little bit.} With that thought and an inward smile, he started walking through the corridors of the Hogwarts Express.

On his way he could see a small child asking on every compartment of the train, opening a door, asking, and then closing again the door only to repeat on the following door. Right before both of them encountered on the middle of their way, the girl looked at something that apparently picked her interest and went inside the last door she opened.

{Just like on canon.} Logan thought with a smirk. Before two persons patted his shoulders at the same. "Mm?"


"It did nothing?"

Turning around, Logan found the twins, who were looking at their hands incredulously. "Did you guys try that again? Seriously?" Logan raised an eyebrow.


"We had to-"

"Prank you." both of them finished at the same time. "But for some reason, it didn't work." Said one of the twins, who Logan assumed would be Fred.

"Yes. Maybe we somehow failed on working on them?" George asked while looking at this hand. On it, Logan could see a small trinket that he recognized.

"Oi. Isn't that the thing I gifted you guys last Christmas?"

"Yes!" George smirked.

"We were working on improving it, giving it a little magic touch." Fred also smiled.

"But it didn't work." George said with a sigh.

"Mm? Is that so?" Logan nodded.

"Anyways, where were you going?" Fred asked.

"I saw a freshman that was asking around for something, and got curious to see what was happening." Logan shrugged.

"Why are you always-"

"So curious about things? You always find-"

"Trouble because of that."

"Beats me." Logan shrugged. "But I wouldn't say anything about me when you guys don't stop bothering other people with your pranks, at least I don't mess around with others with my curiosity."

"Everyone loves a good prank!" George said with a smirk.

"Exactly, my curious friend." Fred also smirked.

"Whatever." Logan sighed and moved into the compartment, the twins following behind.

"Fred? George? What are you guys doing here?" Another redhead asked.

"Look at this Fred, it seems our little brother is here."

"That's true, George. Such a coincidence." George said with a smile. "We should greet him, right?"

"Huh?" Ron tilted his head.

"That's true." Fred smiled innocently and extended his hand toward Ron.

Ron looked at it suspiciously, before turning to look at his brother's eyes.

"Come on, Ron. It's just a handshake." Fred rolled his eyes. "It's normal courtesy. Right? George? Logan?"

"Exactly. Normal courtesy." George nodded, elbowing Logan.

"Right, normal courtesy. Just that." Logan also nodded with a smile, making George smirk.

"Huh…? Okay…?" Ron nodded and took his brother's hand, getting buzzed quite strongly. "Wha!?"

"It works?" George rubbed his chin. "Weird."

"Why it didn't work with you though?" Fred asked Logan.

"Ha…" Logan shook his head before smirking. "It's too early for you guys to try and prank me. Tonks and Tulip tried a lot last time. Even Peeves screams in frustration before me. Just accept it, you can't prank me."

"Tch. This isn't over, Mr. Taylor!" George said before turning to Ron. "Glad to see you are fine, little brother." He smirked before going outside.

"Right. Just you wait!" Fred also nodded. "Bye Ron, thanks for letting us test our new toy with you!"

"…" Ron just glared at the departing pair of brothers, before looking at Logan. "What? You're going to prank me too?"

"Me? Nah. I'm not really a prankster." Logan shook his head. "Though they did use something I gave them as a gift." He said with a shrug.

"Was that a buzzer?" The only girl there asked with confusion.

"Yeah." Logan nodded at her.

"Why would you gift them one?" She asked.

"Because I had no idea what to gift those two, so I thought a joy buzzer would be a good idea." He shrugged.

"But it shouldn't work here."

"It's not really an electrical device, you know? It's just that those guys somehow increased the effect while modifying it."

"Right." She nodded. "By the way, my name is Hermione Granger."

"Logan D. Taylor." Logan said as he nodded towards her, before turning towards Harry. "Harry, glad to see you again."

[Congratulations! You've completed a hidden quest! You've presented yourself to the Golden Trio. This marks the start of your involvement with their years of bad lu- great adventures! Well done!]

[500pts have been earned]

{Nice.} Logan smiled inwardly.

"Y-Yes. Good to see you too, Logan." Harry nodded.

Logan then turned towards Ron. "Ron Weasley, I assume?"

"Do you know me…?" Ron raised an eyebrow.

"Not really." Logan shrugged. "But I heard your brothers, and I do know her, so it's just matching name and last name together, isn't it?"

"Right…" Ron nodded.

"What are you doing here, Logan?" Harry asked with a tilted head.

"Oh, right. I heard Miss Granger here was asking around and I got curious as to what was happening." He said.

"Oh, right! I almost forgot." Hermione stood up. "I was looking for a toad, you wouldn't have seen it, right? It's called Trevor. Another first-year student lost it."

"Mm? Trevor?" Logan tilted his head. "No, I don't remember seeing him. But let me see what I can do." Logan said {I'm not sure if this will work, but let's see.} Taking out his wand. "Exiva Trevor." He muttered and he soon found the direction of the supposed toad. He turned around towards Hermione. "Follow me, I'll guide you to it."

"Did you use a charm?" Hermione asked with surprised eyes.

"Yes." Logan nodded "Now, come on. I'll guide you to it." He turned to look at Harry. "Also, Harry, see you in the castle. Have a good trip. You too, Ron, nice to meet you. And my condolences, it must be hard living with those two. Though your other brothers are mostly okay, I know the twins can be exhausting." He said to Ron with a smile.

"R-Right…" Ron nodded before widening his eyes. "You know my other brothers?"

"Yes." Logan nodded. "Charlie is a nice guy, quite adventurous, and Bill is well, he's really good with curse breaking. Percy is too uptight, but not a bad man."

"Wow… How do you know them all? Bill graduated a few years ago!" Ron asked.

"He visited the school a couple of times during my first year. I met him there." Logan said.

"We should go look for Trevor." Hermione said as she nodded towards the door.

"Right." Logan also nodded and bid the duo goodbye before guiding Hermione towards Trevor. It didn't take long for them to find it.

"You really found it!" Hermione shouted surprised. "It was the magic you used, right?"

[Congratulations! There's been an update on one of your Main Quests!]

[The quest 'Fuck you, J.K.! (Main Chain Quest.)' has been updated. You've made a change, albeit a really small one, to the original story. Thanks to you, Neville Longbottom won't ridicule, for the first time at least, before getting sorted.]

[100pts have been earned]

{This morning has been so productive!} He thought while smirking inwardly, before focusing on Hermione once again as the notification disappeared. "Well, yes." Logan nodded as he scratched the back of his head. {Though I honestly didn't know if it would work with a toad.} "Anyways, you should go bring it to the other student, and get ready, soon it will be time to arrive."

"Yes." Hermione nodded and started to walk back towards the other student, but stopped. She turned around and looked at Logan. "Could you teach me that magic?"

"Mm?" Logan tilted his head, before shaking his head. "No, sorry."

Hermione frowned for a moment, but then just turned around and left. Logan looked at her leaving back for a moment, before turning around to go back to his compartment. After all, soon it would be time for him to change to his robes.



There was a mistake in my previous chapter as one of my readers pointed out, and that is that I forgot to add 1 ML to the official count, which would be the one he got on his birthday. There's also a mistake on the weight he can put inside the inventory. When I get the chance, I'll go back and fix it, but for now, know that his current ML is 58 and his current inventory capacity is 970oz (this one really doesn't affect the story, but I still need to keep updating it.)

next chapter
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