/ เกม / In Genshin Impact with genshin's account
Atlas, a young man from Earth got tranmigrated to Genshin Impact's world with his old account.
With his account's item and talents he got, he started his long journey that will never ends
English is not my first languange and this is my first fan-fiction.
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Écrire un avisi am giving 5 stars because i love genshin and your story is great i hope this story wont drop cause i really like it
I would never say no to genshin impact story and I give this story a good rating hoping that the author will update more frequently so that more people will be read this story. Good work author
Auteur Nothing_is_right
Synopsis: "he started his long journey that will never end." Chapters: 3 Last Updated: 1 year ago So that was a fuqking lie.