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23.33% I Will Become Football Manager With My System / Chapter 7: Preparing for Brazil and Exploring the System

Chapitre 7: Preparing for Brazil and Exploring the System

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As James connected with his parents through Skype, their faces lit up on the screen, their love and curiosity evident.

"Hey Mom, Dad! How's everything back home?" James greeted them enthusiastically, eager to share his experiences.

His mother's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Oh, James! We've been eagerly waiting to hear about your time in Japan. Tell us everything!"

James launched into a vivid account of his adventures, his words painting a picture of the vibrant culture, the awe-inspiring landscapes, and the incredible people he had encountered. His father leaned closer to the screen, nodding attentively as James spoke, his eyes filled with pride.

"And then I met Hiroshi and Ayumi, my research partners. They're incredible individuals, Mom, Dad! We've become more than just colleagues; we've become close friends. We work together, explore Japan, and share unforgettable moments," James shared, a hint of excitement in his voice.

His mother's face softened with happiness. "Oh, it warms my heart to see you forming such deep connections, James. Friends are precious, especially when you're far from home."

James nodded, his eyes gleaming with gratitude. "Absolutely, Mom. I couldn't have asked for better friends. They've made my time here even more memorable."

As the call with his parents ended, James felt a surge of nostalgia and the desire to reconnect with his friends back home. He initiated another Skype call, this time with his mates.

Their faces popped up on the screen, a mix of curiosity and excitement evident. James couldn't help but chuckle at their eager expressions.

"Alright, lads, I've got something incredible to show you," he began, his mischievous grin widening.

His friends leaned closer, their eyes fixated on the screen, eager to see what James had in store. He skillfully selected and showcased the photos featuring him and Ren, highlighting their adventures and the stunning sights of Japan.

As the images appeared, his friends' jaws dropped, their eyes widening in awe. "No way, James! She's stunning!" one of his mates exclaimed, captivated by Ren's beauty.

James couldn't contain his laughter any longer. He broke the news, his voice filled with amusement. "Guys, guys! Guess what? That gorgeous woman is actually a guy!"

Their expressions shifted from admiration to shock and disbelief, followed by a roar of laughter. "You got us good, mate! We were completely fooled!" one of his friends exclaimed, wiping away tears of laughter.

James joined in the laughter, enjoying their reactions. "I couldn't resist, fellas. Had to give you a taste of the unexpected."

As the banter continued, they reminisced about their shared adventures and caught up on each other's lives. The virtual room echoed with laughter, bridging the distance between them.

Hours passed as they exchanged stories, jokes, and cherished the bond they had forged over the years. James felt a deep sense of connection and gratitude for his friends, knowing they were always there for him, no matter the distance.

As the Skype call drew to a close, James bid his friends farewell, promising to keep them updated on his adventures in Japan. Their faces filled the screen one last time, their smiles reflecting the genuine connection they shared.

With a contented smile, James closed his laptop, feeling the warmth of friendship surround him. The night was filled with thoughts of his experiences, the excitement of Brazil, and the knowledge that no matter where he went, his friends were there, supporting him every step of the way.

* * *

The small group gathered in Prof. Tanaka's cozy office, their excitement palpable as they prepared for their upcoming research trip to Brazil. Maps and documents were spread out across the table, showcasing the intricate details of their itinerary, while laptops displayed an array of information about Brazilian football clubs. Prof. Tanaka, known for his passion for the sport, initiated the discussion with a gleam of enthusiasm in his eyes.

"Alright, everyone, I've managed to secure visits to three renowned Brazilian clubs for our research trip: Flamengo, Palmeiras, and Santos," Prof. Tanaka announced, his voice brimming with anticipation.

James, Hiroshi, and Ayumi exchanged intrigued glances, their faces reflecting a mix of eagerness and curiosity. James leaned forward, ready to contribute his ideas to the planning process.

"We need to ensure that we make the most of our time in Brazil," James suggested, his voice resonating with enthusiasm. "Beyond simply observing their training methods and coaching philosophies, we should focus on gaining insight into their youth development systems. Brazil has long been known for producing some of the world's best players, and I'm particularly interested in understanding how their economic and social conditions contribute to their hunger for success."

Ayumi nodded thoughtfully, adding to James's suggestion. "Absolutely, James. In addition to studying the men's teams, it would be fascinating to delve into the women's football scene in Brazil as well. We can visit the women's teams within the clubs Prof. Tanaka has contacted and analyze their training methods, support systems, and the challenges they face in developing talent. It's important to understand why the women's football in Brazil hasn't reached the same level of success as their men's team."

Hiroshi, deeply engrossed in the conversation, listened attentively and then chimed in with her thoughts. "I completely agree, Ayumi. Exploring the disparities between the men's and women's teams will provide valuable insights into the factors that contribute to the strength of Japan's women's national team. By analyzing the cultural, social, and structural aspects that have shaped the development of women's football in both countries, we can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities for growth."

Prof. Tanaka, impressed by the depth of their insights, nodded in agreement, his eyes filled with admiration for their dedication to comprehensive research. "Excellent points, everyone. Our goal is to delve deep into every aspect of the football landscape in Brazil, from youth development to gender disparities, and understand how these factors shape the nation's footballing prowess."

As the discussion progressed, the group meticulously outlined a detailed plan for their research trip. They emphasized the importance of immersing themselves in the Brazilian football culture, gathering firsthand experiences, conducting interviews with players, coaches, and officials, and meticulously documenting their observations. Their aim was to gain a comprehensive understanding of Brazilian football, capturing the nuances and intricacies that contribute to the nation's footballing success.

With a clear plan in place, Prof. Tanaka stood up from his desk, his eyes shining with determination. "This trip to Brazil will be an incredible opportunity for all of us. As we explore the intricacies of Brazilian football, both in its men's and women's teams, we will unravel the factors that contribute to their success or challenges. Our research will shed light on the unique aspects of football development in Brazil, enriching our knowledge and broadening our perspective on the beautiful game."

The group exchanged excited smiles, their passion for football and thirst for knowledge fueling their anticipation for the journey that lay ahead. They knew that by immersing themselves in the football culture of Brazil, by interacting with players, coaches, and enthusiasts, they would gain invaluable insights that would shape their research findings and contribute to the wider understanding of the global football landscape.

As the meeting drew to a close, Prof. Tanaka took a moment to address the logistical details of their upcoming trip. He cleared his throat and began, "Before we conclude, there are a few practical matters we need to discuss. Due to our limited budget, we'll need to share accommodations to make the most of our resources. I've arranged for one room for two people at each location we'll be visiting. James and Ayumi, I hope you're comfortable sharing a room together."

James and Ayumi exchanged a knowing glance, a silent understanding passing between them. They had grown close during their research journey, and the prospect of sharing a room felt natural to both of them. They nodded in agreement, a shared sense of camaraderie evident.

Prof. Tanaka continued, "Now, let's talk about visas. I've already prepared the necessary documentation, and I'll assist each of you with the visa application process. Make sure to provide me with the required information as soon as possible so that we can avoid any delays."

He paused briefly, allowing the information to sink in before moving on. "In terms of clothing, Brazil's climate can vary depending on the region. It's advisable to pack light, breathable clothing suitable for warm weather. However, we'll be visiting the clubs, so it's important to dress appropriately and professionally during our interactions. We don't want to overlook any potential cultural sensitivities."

Prof. Tanaka's eyes scanned the room, meeting each person's gaze. "Additionally, it might be beneficial for us to learn some basic Brazilian Portuguese. While English is spoken to some extent, having a grasp of the local language will enhance our interactions and show respect for the culture. I encourage you all to take some time to familiarize yourselves with common phrases and greetings."

He paused again, this time to emphasize an important point. "Lastly, as we embark on this journey, it's essential to manage our personal budgets wisely. While our primary focus is research, if you wish to purchase any personal items or souvenirs, it's advisable to allocate a separate budget for that. Remember, our main objective is to learn and gather insights."

Prof. Tanaka concluded, "Before our departure, I will provide you with a list of questions and forms to prepare. This will ensure that we make the most of our interactions with the coaching teams at the clubs. We want to engage in meaningful discussions and gather valuable insights. So, if any of you have specific areas of interest or questions, please let me know, and we'll incorporate them into our preparations."

The group nodded attentively, appreciating Prof. Tanaka's guidance and thoroughness. They recognized the importance of being well-prepared for their research trip, not only in terms of knowledge but also in terms of practical considerations.

With the logistical details discussed and a clear plan in place, the group left the meeting room, their minds buzzing with anticipation. They knew that their journey to Brazil would be an enriching experience on multiple levels, and they were determined to make the most of it, both academically and personally.

As the meeting concluded, each member of the group began making preparations for the trip, fueled by their shared passion and a collective sense of purpose. The countdown to Brazil had officially begun, and they were ready to embrace a world of football passion, dedication, and discovery.

* * *

As James delved into the football manager system, he couldn't help but be fascinated by the array of features it offered. The user interface (UI) displayed a sleek design, with various tabs neatly organized for easy navigation. Eager to explore, James clicked on the "Scouting & Player Data" tab.

A wealth of information greeted him. Each player was listed with their attributes, including potential and current ability. The UI presented the attributes in visually appealing graphs, providing a comprehensive overview of each player's strengths and weaknesses. James could also access the players' personal biographies, complete with details such as age, height, weight, and nationality. Additionally, he could delve into their past club histories, gaining insights into their previous experiences.

James tried to look again for Keisuke Kaji data. It was his first real player data that he scrutinized and analyzed. As he clicked on Keisuke's profile, a wealth of information unfolded before him.

The UI displayed a comprehensive overview of Keisuke's attributes, divided into different categories. James's eyes scanned the visually appealing graphs that represented each attribute. He noticed that the system data was updated, it looked quite different from a few weeks ago, when he was still in Tokyo Verdy.

His attention focused on the attributes crucial for a winger—pace, dribbling, crossing, and agility. These attributes were significantly higher than the average for a player in that position. James was pleased to see that Keisuke possessed the necessary speed, technical skills, and agility to excel as a winger.

However, the attributes required for a defensive midfielder—tackling, marking, and positioning—were only at an average level. This reinforced James's belief that Keisuke's potential as a winger was more promising than his prospects as a defensive midfielder.

James realized that the coach really full into making Keisuke as winger, with this updated data. Intrigued to learn more about Keisuke's background, James accessed the player's personal biography. He discovered that Keisuke was a 19-year-old Japanese player with a height of 5'10" and a weight of 154 pounds. The biography also mentioned his nationality and provided a brief overview of his career up until that point.

As James delved deeper into Keisuke's profile, he came across his past club histories. He noticed that Keisuke had spent his early years in the Tokyo Verdy youth academy, honing his skills and working his way up through the ranks. The system displayed the progression of his career, highlighting the clubs he had played for during his development.

Excited by the insights he had gathered, James couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. It was his persuasive ability that convinced Keisuke to switch from being a defensive midfielder to a winger, and the data in front of him supported his decision. The football manager system had not only provided him with a comprehensive analysis of Keisuke's attributes but also validated his judgment regarding the player's position on the field.

Excited to understand the dynamics of the team, James eagerly clicked on the "Team Management" tab, only to be disappointed when he discovered that it was locked. Determined to find a way to access this feature, he decided to reach out to Essy, the knowledgeable assistant who guided him through the football manager system.

"Hey, Essy," James typed into the chat window. "I noticed that the 'Team Management' feature is locked. Is there a way for me to unlock it? I'm really curious about its capabilities and how it can help me analyze the team."

After a brief pause, Essy's response appeared on the screen. "Hi, James! The 'Team Management' feature is initially locked because it requires you to be working as a coach within the system. However, I can unlock it for you temporarily so that you can get a glimpse of its capabilities. Just keep in mind that you won't have full access to all the functions."

James couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as Essy granted him temporary access. He eagerly waited for the feature to unlock, his curiosity growing with each passing second. Soon, the "Team Management" tab transformed from a locked state to an unlocked one, revealing a multitude of information about the team.

Intrigued, James explored the feature, immersing himself in the wealth of data presented before him. The UI showcased a summary of each player's strengths and weaknesses within the team, offering valuable insights into their abilities and how they could fit into different roles. He could see their attributes and skills, as well as their preferred positions on the field.

As he scrolled through the list of players, James couldn't help but notice the team dynamics section. It displayed the interpersonal relationships among the players and illustrated how they worked together as a cohesive unit. He could see the connections and chemistry between certain players, as well as any potential conflicts or communication barriers.

Curiosity piqued, James turned to Essy once again. "This team dynamics section is fascinating. Can you tell me more about how it works? How does it affect the team's performance and what insights can I gain from it?"

Essy's response was quick and informative. "Certainly, James. Team dynamics play a crucial role in a team's success. Positive relationships and good communication between players can enhance teamwork, coordination, and morale on the field. It can lead to improved performance and results. On the other hand, conflicts or strained relationships can hinder team cohesion and affect overall performance. By analyzing the team dynamics, you can identify areas that need attention, such as fostering better understanding between certain players or addressing any issues that may arise."

Eager to delve deeper into the team dynamics, James requested an example to better understand the feature. Essy unlocked the data of Nagoya Grampus, a renowned Japanese football club, as a demonstration.

As the screen filled with the team's information, James couldn't help but be captivated by the intricate web of relationships. He could see how certain players formed strong connections, acting as key influencers within the team. Others had lesser interactions but still contributed to the overall harmony on and off the field.

"This is fascinating," James exclaimed. "By understanding the team dynamics, I can identify potential leaders and influencers within the team. It allows me to develop strategies that maximize the players' strengths and ensure effective communication on the field. This feature will be invaluable in creating a cohesive and high-performing team."

James's curiosity continued to drive him forward, eager to explore the remaining locked features of the football manager system. He couldn't help but be drawn to the "Tactic & Simulation" feature, yearning to experience the thrill of running simulations and fine-tuning tactics to outwit opponents on the virtual field. However, as he clicked on the tab, disappointment washed over him once again when he saw the locked interface.

Essy's prompt reply appeared on the screen. "Hi, James! The 'Tactic & Simulation' feature remains locked as it requires you to hold a coaching role within the system. However, I can give you a glimpse of its capabilities by temporarily unlocking it and granting you access as the coach of Nagoya Grampus. Please keep in mind that you won't be able to run simulations since it only a trial for now, you will need to work as real coach before that."

James's excitement reignited as Essy unlocked the feature for him, allowing him to explore the simulated world of football tactics. It displayed to him the Nagoya Grampus tactic and players in the first team, that he could change the position, roles, individual instructions and so on, which was really familiar to him. He also noticed how more involved and minute details some of the settings, even in set piece tactic. On the simulation menu, the UI displayed a wide array of teams from various leagues. However, James quickly noticed that each team had a different cost associated with it in Focoins, reflecting their overall strength and reputation.

"Essy, this is incredible!" James exclaimed. "I can simulate matches between any teams in the world and experiment with different tactics and strategies. But I see that each team has a cost in Focoins. How does that work?"

Essy's response appeared swiftly, providing the clarification James sought. "Indeed, James. The cost in Focoins for each team is based on their overall strength and reputation. More established and successful teams tend to have a higher cost, while smaller or lesser-known teams have a lower cost. The idea is to provide a balanced and realistic simulation experience. Each simulation you run will deduct a certain number of Focoins from your account, depending on the selected teams and their respective costs."

Although James couldn't run simulations with his own team just yet, he couldn't help but imagine the possibilities. Being able to simulate matches against different opponents would allow him to test various tactics, analyze their effectiveness, and make informed decisions to improve his team's performance in the future.

"Essy, I can't wait to dive into the 'Tactic & Simulation' feature fully," James expressed, his eagerness palpable. "The ability to experiment with different tactics and observe the simulated outcomes will be invaluable for my coaching journey. I'll definitely keep an eye on my Focoins balance and plan my simulations strategically."

Eager to explore the depths of the "Data Hub" feature, James clicked on the tab, only to be met with another locked interface.

Essy's understanding response quickly appeared on the screen. "James, while the 'Data Hub' feature is currently locked for you, I can grant you temporary access as the coach of Nagoya Grampus to give you a glimpse of its capabilities. I'll provide you with a sample set of data from Nagoya Grampus matches for analysis."

James's excitement resurfaced as Essy unlocked the feature for him, granting him access to a treasure trove of real data and statistics. The UI displayed a comprehensive range of player actions, including shots, passes, key passes, forward passes, and successful tackles. Each action was accompanied by corresponding statistics, mirroring those found in real football matches.

"Essy, this is fantastic!" James exclaimed. "I can analyze the performance of Nagoya Grampus players based on their actions during matches. This level of detail will allow me to gain valuable insights and identify areas of improvement. But what about this 3D camera view mentioned in the description? Can I access that as well?"

Essy's response appeared promptly, offering further clarification. "Absolutely, James! The 3D camera view is an integral part of the 'Data Hub' feature. With it, you can rewatch past matches from any angle, just like you were in the stadium yourself. It offers a unique perspective that traditional broadcast cameras may miss, enabling you to scrutinize every aspect of the game, refine strategies, and identify areas for improvement. While you won't be able to access your own team's matches at the moment, I've provided you with a sample set of Nagoya Grampus matches for you to explore."

James's excitement reached new heights as he realized the potential of the "Data Hub" feature. The ability to dive deep into match data, combined with the immersive 3D camera view, would undoubtedly enhance his understanding of his team's performance. He could now analyze the impact of each player's actions, identify patterns and trends, and make informed decisions to guide his coaching strategies.

"Essy, I can't wait to delve into the 'Data Hub' feature and explore the vast array of real match data," James expressed with enthusiasm. "Being able to rewatch matches from different angles and analyze every action will be invaluable for my coaching journey. Thank you for granting me this opportunity."

Curiosity piqued, James clicked on the "Training and Medical Data" tab, only to be met with the familiar sight of a locked feature. Determined not to miss out on its potential benefits, he turned to Essy once again, hoping for a way to unlock the feature and gain insights into player training and well-being.

Essy's understanding response appeared on the screen, offering a glimmer of hope. "James, although the 'Training and Medical Data' feature is currently locked for you, I can grant you a trial access as the coach of Nagoya Grampus. This will give you the opportunity to explore the feature's capabilities and understand its potential benefits. You'll be able to plan training sessions and see the predicted impact on player development. Furthermore, you can assess player responses, their performance after each session, and even gauge their injury risk based on their condition. Please keep in mind that this trial access will be limited to Nagoya Grampus players."

James's excitement reignited as Essy unlocked the feature, granting him a temporary glimpse into the world of player training and well-being. The UI presented him with a range of tools to plan training sessions and predict their effects on player development. He could set up different training regimens, adjust intensity levels, and assess the predicted outcomes.

"Essy, this is fantastic!" James exclaimed with enthusiasm. "I can now plan training sessions and analyze their potential impact on player development. This feature will be instrumental in optimizing training routines and ensuring the well-being of my players. But how can I gauge their responses and performance after each session? Is there a way to assess that within the feature?"

Essy's response appeared promptly, providing further clarity. "Absolutely, James! The 'Training and Medical Data' feature allows you to assess player responses and performance after each training session. It provides you with insights into their performance levels, their subjective feedback on the training, and even their mental and physical fatigue. By understanding how players respond to different training stimuli, you can fine-tune their routines and tailor them to individual needs. Additionally, you can assess injury risk based on players' conditions and take preventive measures to ensure their well-being."

James's excitement grew exponentially as he realized the potential of the "Training and Medical Data" feature. It would not only allow him to plan and optimize training sessions but also provide valuable insights into player responses, performance, and injury risk. Armed with this information, he could create personalized training programs that would push his players to their full potential while safeguarding their health.

"Essy, I can't express how thrilled I am to have this trial access to the 'Training and Medical Data' feature," James expressed with gratitude. "Being able to plan training sessions, analyze player responses, and manage their well-being will greatly enhance my coaching abilities. Thank you for providing me with this opportunity to delve deeper into the intricacies of player development."

With a newfound understanding of the feature and the ability to trial it with Nagoya Grampus players, James eagerly set out to explore the "Training and Medical Data" feature. He envisioned creating tailored training programs, monitoring player responses, and taking proactive measures to ensure the optimal performance and well-being of his team.

James glanced at his Focoins balance, noting that he had 175. As James contemplated his Focoins balance, he couldn't help but be drawn to the "Quick Language Comprehension" perk priced at 150 Focoins. Realizing the importance of effective communication during their research trip to Brazil, he felt compelled to invest in this language-learning tool. With determination in his voice, he turned to Essy, seeking her guidance and approval.

"Essy, I'm considering purchasing the 'Quick Language Comprehension' perk for 150 Focoins. I believe it's essential for me to grasp the basics of Brazilian Portuguese before our trip. This perk will enable me to quickly absorb the language and communicate effectively with the coaches and players we'll be interacting with in Brazil. It's important to me that I fully immerse myself in their culture and be able to understand and learn as much as possible during our time there. What do you think?"

Essy's response appeared on the screen, curious about James's reasoning. "James, that's an interesting choice. Why do you think it's necessary to invest in the 'Quick Language Comprehension' perk? Could you share your thought process with me?"

James took a moment to gather his thoughts before replying. "Essy, our research trip to Brazil is an incredible opportunity for us to learn from experienced coaches and players in a different footballing culture. By understanding Brazilian Portuguese, I can establish a deeper connection with the locals and gain a better understanding of their footballing philosophies. Effective communication is the key to building strong relationships and absorbing knowledge. I want to make the most of this experience, and being able to converse comfortably with the coaching team and players will open doors for valuable insights and discussions. It's an investment in my personal growth as a coach and in fostering meaningful connections with those we'll be working with."

Essy nodded in understanding. "James, I appreciate your reasoning. Effective communication is indeed crucial, especially when immersing yourself in a different culture. By purchasing the 'Quick Language Comprehension' perk, you'll be able to fast-track your language learning process and engage more deeply with the coaches and players in Brazil. It's a wise choice, and I fully support your decision to invest in this perk."

With Essy's encouragement, James proceeded to purchase the "Quick Language Comprehension" perk, utilizing 150 Focoins from his balance. As the transaction completed, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. He was now equipped with the tools to enhance his language skills and maximize his learning experience in Brazil.

As the football manager system unfolded its features and opportunities, James knew that every decision he made and every investment he pursued would contribute to his growth as a coach. With the "Quick Language Comprehension" perk secured, he eagerly looked forward to the challenges and adventures that awaited him in Brazil, confident that effective communication would be the gateway to absorbing invaluable knowledge and forming lasting connections.

As James continued to navigate through the football manager system, he couldn't help but notice the locked feature of "Financial and Club Management,", beside the already unlocked "Quests," and the "Perks Shop." Curiosity piqued, he turned to Essy once again, eager to understand the potential of these intriguing features.

"Essy, Could you provide a brief explanation of what this feature are all about? I want to have a better understanding of their capabilities and how they can contribute to my growth as a coach."

Essy, always ready to assist, responded promptly. "Certainly, James! Let me give you a brief overview of this feature."

She continued, "The 'Financial and Club Management' feature allows you to simulate the process of buying or transferring players to and from your team. By running these simulations, you can get a sense of the financial implications and make strategic decisions based on your club's budget. It also provides insights into club and supporter satisfaction, giving you a holistic view of your performance and job stability as a coach."

Curiosity sparked in James's eyes as he absorbed Essy's explanation. "That sounds fascinating. I can see how the 'Financial and Club Management' feature would offer valuable insights into the financial aspects of managing a team. It's essential to have a clear understanding of the financial implications when making player transfers or other club-related decisions. It adds another layer of realism to the simulation."

Essy nodded, appreciating James's enthusiasm. "Exactly, James. It's crucial to consider the financial aspects when making managerial decisions. Now, let's move on to the 'Quests' feature. This feature presents you with various quests to complete. Each quest comes with its own set of objectives and rewards. By accomplishing these quests, you can earn additional Focoins. But some quests are hidden and you will only know when you completed them, when I told you so."

Essy's eyes sparkled as she explained, "The 'Perks Shop' is where you can explore and purchase various perks that offer unique advantages within the football manager system. Each perk comes with its own price, and some perks may be locked until certain conditions are met. It's an opportunity to personalize and tailor your coaching experience based on your preferences and strategic approach."

With newfound clarity and a deeper understanding of the locked features, James felt invigorated. He was ready to embrace the challenges, quests, and strategic decisions that awaited him in the football manager system. With each feature offering unique opportunities for growth, he knew that this virtual realm would become his training ground, fueling his passion and expanding his knowledge of the world of football.

arnautovic arnautovic

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