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9.09% I Cast Fist / Chapter 1: I CAST FIST !!!
I Cast Fist I Cast Fist original

I Cast Fist

Auteur: BigToFu

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: I CAST FIST !!!

I Cast Fist!

By: BigToFu

Sebastian Wild

My heart jumped into my throat as I fell out of bed and smashed my face into the ground. With a groan, I rolled over onto my back and then groaned some more as the sun decided to slap his vitamin D in my face.

Holding a hand over my face to block the sun, I noticed that I was wearing a long sleeve plaid shirt. That was interesting since I didn't go to sleep in a redshirt last night. Blinking a few times as I stood up and checked myself over. My mind came to a screeching halt as I noticed the floating sticky note even as I came to the realization that this wasn't my bedroom either.

Forcibly pushing those thoughts out of my mind, I slowly reached out for the floating note, but stopped halfway as I noticed the ring on my index finger. On the top was a green gem and it was set inside what was clearly platinum. And of course, after a few tries, I learned that I couldn't take the damn ring off. What I did notice though was the glow that it gave off.

Sighing in frustration, I snatched the note out of the air, looked at it, and had a slight panic attack.

Dear Sabastian.

The Avengers shall assemble in 72 hours or less. If you choose not to show up, your second chance in life shall be forfeit and I will repo that body.

Love ROB

PS. Enjoy being an Archmage… Remember 72 hours…

Shit, shit, shitty shit shit, I was soooooo fucked. Honestly, I freaked out for a good half hour until I stopped being a gibbering fool and noticed that the ring on my finger was actually feeding me knowledge.

From what I could understand, the ring was telling me that being an archmage was all about visualizing what I wanted from magic and using my intent and will power to not only build but also bring forth my creations into the world. Well, that was a lot easier said than done; but I had a lot going for me when I broke it down to the brass tacks.

One, there was no way I was gonna let some two-bit Rob take my life after being given this grand opportunity. Two, I was a fucking Weeb with the power of not only rock and roll but also anime on my motherfucking side.

Squaring my shoulders, I visualized what I wanted as I punched forward. "I CAST FIST!"

The world shifted and warped as a hole appeared before a giant FIST came out and punched another hole, damnit. I sprang forward causing the spell to cancel itself out as I grimaced at the destruction of the wall to the little apartment.

With a shake of my head, I took two steps backward, putting both hands together palms facing each other. Then imagining green mandala rings around my wrist, I then did a half-turn one hand clockwise and the other counter-clockwise. For a moment nothing happened, I was half frustrated and half disappointed in myself before all that changed when one of the blocks wiggled.

My excitement overrode my focus and the green mandalas vanished and that was how I realized I had actually done something grand. If my spell had failed then no mandala would have formed of course. Instead of focusing on that, it was time to put in some work, but first I had to find out my current location.

Jersey City…..

Fuck shit damnit, that ROB had to be fucking with my New York sensibilities. Urgh, I would either have to take the 108 Metro or figure something out since I refuse to take a Greyhound.

[Scene Break]

36 Hours remaining…..

After fixing the wall and figuring out a few minor spells, it was time to work on a project that I hoped would be the real game-changer. I was a fucking Archmage and I refused to show up at the very first Avengers meeting after a five-hour ride on a godless bus. That, and I had awesome superpowers that I plan to not only min/max but also abuse to hell and back.

I had figured out how to enchant, I knew the basics of molecular decay. I also knew that during molecular decay the separation of electrons and protons creates a burst of energy. Of course, that's basic since the nuke burned such basic principles into people's minds.

The plan was not to kill myself splitting atoms, but to harness the energy that was given off during natural decay. Take that same energy and convert it into something that I can use since I might be an archmage, but I sure as hell didn't have the mana reserves to do half the shit in my head. That was something I found out the hard way. *Shiver* There was no way to erase the memories of that naked granny due to my failed x-ray vision spell. Even now that glimpse flashes before my eyes when I blink.

Anyway, if I can build myself a mana tap, then I can enchant a cloak of levitation. With a cloak of levitation, I could show up at the battle in style. I could only chuckle at Steve and Tony's reaction when they hear a hentai series spell: Your struggles only make me harder: Tentacle Senpai for all.

With a shake of my head to clear such images, I checked the clock, noted that I was running out of time, and got to work.

[Scene Break]

29 Hours remaining….

Okay, my cloak of levitation is bad-fucking-ass. She is midnight blue and twinkles with little bright dots like stars in the night sky. Depending on how the light hit it and how you view my badass cape, you might be able to see a shooting star flying across the sky.

Once the style of my cape was established, I decided to go the extra mile because if you're not cheating you're not trying of course.

Taking some of the lead that I was working on, I covered it in jade and then did some gold inlays to give it that added mystic effect. Then once that was finished I twisted it into two pieces, one side looking like the waxing moon and the other looking as if it was the waning moon.

Sitting the moons on the table, I then picked up some of the gems I had transmuted this morning from my table salt. For the sapphires, I enchanted them with kinetic force shields. The emeralds had all the healing which also included self-repair of course and the ruby's carried the flight and animation enchantments.

I couldn't lie and say that I wasn't super giddy as I sat there at my little table with tweezers placing each of the gems in their slots. With the final gem slotted I then linked it to my mana tap talisman before activating its own mana tap enchantment embedded inside of the lead buried underneath the jade.

Once everything clicked, my cloak sprang to life and that bastard of a cloak started to wiggle at me.

*wiggle* *Wiggle*….. *Wiggle*

I gasped and put a hand on my chest, "Have you no shame man!?" I was shocked. "I would never!"

*Wiggle* *Wiggle*

"Of course, I'll take you to pick up some babes," Was my shocked reply. "I am your creator not your jailor."

*Wiggle* *Wiggle* Wiggle* *wiggle*

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I let out a huff and then chuckled at my cloak, "Yeah, yeah, just be happy that I am no jock that will treat you like a sock."

*Wiggle* *Wiggle*

Shaking my head with a chuckle, I couldn't help myself. "You're an inanimate object, you don't need a companion," I replied with a roll of my eyes.


"Okay, that's a good point, sure why the hell not." I spoke as a mad idea came to mind. If my cloak wanted a companion, then I was going to make one of the best companions that I knew about. It was time to make a flying carpet like Alladin's.

12 Hours remaining….

With time rapidly counting down and all of my things finally packed up, I ignored the antics of my creations as I donned my cloak. Putting a fedora on, because the classics never go out of style, I threw what little baggage I had accumulated while staying in the little apartment over to my flying carpet to catch. Giving the place one final look, I gave my starting place one final nod of acknowledgment before stepping out onto the fire escape.

My hand formed a claw as a purple spell circle formed, then once all the parameters of the spell aligned, I rotated my hand clockwise. Hair fibers, skin cells, and any genetic material that I might have left over during my stay here all vanished due to instant magical immolation. Ain't no one about to create a clone baby of me due to some sick perversion of yandere styled misplaced love. Yeah, I'm talking about you Lex Luthor, just because Superman wasn't strictly dickly doesn't mean you should create a mad clone love baby by mixing both of your DNA's.

The average person couldn't really fathom how obsessed the man truly was to actually go that far. It's one of those things that put Luthor's intellect on display since the man had to crack Kryptonian genetics of all things in his quest for his mad clone baby.

Honestly, none of that was good and since Marvel had super-geniuses that were not only a dime a dozen but a lot more prone to go off the deep end, I just didn't want to take any chances.


Yeah, no mad clone baby in my future at all if I could help it. Turning around, I wrapped myself in a minor invisibility field before flying towards the big apple. Using two of my allocated hours to do a flyby of Manhattan, I came across an old run-down bowling alley which wasn't actually that far from the Sanctum Sanctorum.

Flying past that place gave me heart palpitations because I could feel the magic radiate from the walls and the eyes. Ohh my god, I could feel the eyes on me and I didn't even step into the damn place. At first, I didn't notice the bowling alley but right as I flew past, my cloak decided to tap me on the shoulder.

*Tap* *tap*

Blinking at how sudden the tap was, I floated there. "Yes?"


I blinked some while looking around.

*Tap* *Point*

"Huh, okay, yeah that place could work," I muttered as I lowered myself closer and closer to the roof of the bowling alley. If I was going to be honest with myself, I didn't really like the outside look of the building since it had so many gang tags more than a few overlapped. As I inspected the outside some more, I found a little parking lot around the back and could see one of the reasons for the place closing down. Granted, this was New York and most of us don't drive, but lack of parking would be an issue for big spenders.

Taking a quick look around, I checked my surroundings to see if anyone was looking in my direction. Raising two fingers, I then drew them in a circle in the middle of the door as I channeled some magic. Once I was finished the door rippled as if it was made of water. Smiling at a job well done, I checked over my shoulder one more time before strolling through the door as if I owned the place. Actually, I should start thinking as if I owned the place. I didn't have much time left and if this works out; then this bowling alley would be my new place of residence even if I had to magic the hell out of everything. Also as a side note, living out of a place like this would be far better than living out of a magical trunk, even if I wanted to make one for traveling.

Once I was inside, I look around and was not surprised at there only being five lanes. Another thing that I noticed is that the smell wasn't too bad. Ohh some places still smell of mold, but I had actually expected that of everything to be honest. After checking the concession stand I then found the basement, gave the heater and boiler a once over before hitting the far stairs and going upwards.

The middle floors were of course the pin collection and ball sorting machines, those of course had to go. My mind was already supplying ways to just magic the whole bowling alley so that I may have a free second floor to do with as I may.

Heading up to the next floor I could only shake my head because of course it would be mini apartments, because of course this was New York. Space would always be at a premium in Manhattan. Pressing my hands together, I channeled some magic forming a spell circle before spreading them outwards to my side. Then with a push, I sent my magic out to check the entire place.

Even if I hadn't run into any squatters, the place still needed a proper once over just to be on the safe side. Luckily, I found no humans, but there were rats, a lot of rats, and a few cats. Not too happy with what I found, I checked my wrist-watch. I found that I only had ten hours left and I tried not to shiver at the not so metaphorical sword of Damocles hanging over my head.

Suppressing a grimace, I twisted the spell that I used for the scanning to find people and turned it into an illusion-styled hologram of the building. Checking it over and noting the points of failure. I then went back down to the first floor since it had an alley and would be more or less unchanged with my improvements. I decided to use that as my little base of operations.

Hovering over the pins at the end of the bowling lane, I pressed a hand against the bricks in the wall and pushed. The brick slowly turned to lead under the instructions of my transmutation magic. With that finished, I then included all of the little enchantments that I had figured out over the last forty-two hours and counting. Then once all of the enchantments were layered properly, I linked everything to the eye of Magnus that I had created not too long ago that hung around my neck.

I wasn't mad enough to hit the sorcerer supreme and take the eye of Agamoto, nor was I dumb enough to walk around with an infinity gem on my neck. Although, I was crazy enough to hang my own custom-made mana tap of near-infinite magic around my neck.

My eye of Magnus opened, linked with the bowling alley's ward stone before a wave of force rippled outwards. Invisible to normal sight but clear to my magical sight, a ward bubble pushed outwards and anchored itself over what was going to be my new home.

With the wards up, I instantly started on not only cleaning but also repairing everything inside of the warded dome. Another hour passed from my life's finite countdown, but at least I was able to remove the mold from the water system. Then with the price of another hour, I started mass transmutation of the top two floors.

The pin and ball recovery was gutted, turned into aluminum, steel, and bronze bricks, and stacked in a corner as the floor was transmuted into a high gloss sheet of marble. With the flooring finished, I went about creating shelves for the vast amount of books I would try and stock later if given the chance. To start and not leave it bare, I went about creating books on what I knew of enchanting, transmutation, and all the mad little things that I have come up with.

Once my library was finished, I gave it another flourish, then a little dash of magic by enchanting the ceiling. It warped as arches appeared with a beautiful sky with the sun shining down at just the right angle. I added a dash of breeze and then tied all of the enchantments in with the light switch. The off function of course would put a full moon up with nice bright and twinkling stars.

Moving upwards, I zeroed out the six rooms since it was an easy undertaking since whoever had built the place decided that three on the left and right were a smart way to use the space. With the rooms swiped away, I then rearranged everything into one massive living space with at least two guest rooms and an office that could double as my magic room. Each of the guest rooms had its own bathrooms and there was even an added bathroom in one of my halls in case I had guests. With the full bathroom finished, I turned my attention back to my master bedroom, in the corner next to the window. I made a stand with bronze hands at the top to hold my cloak once I took it off. Of course underneath the stand, I gave it space for a duster with a spot for my flying carpet.

Happy with that, I then created two green gems and had them embedded into the headboard of my bed. Once they were embedded, I then enchanted them for teleportation, the destination was of course the basement. All it would take was someone to break my wards, I would then give either of the gems a pulse of magic and I would get relocated to the basement. That same basement which I had renovated, cleaned up, and added what I felt a proper magical armory should have.

My wrist buzzed and I couldn't help but grimace at the alarm going off and letting me know that I only had eight hours left. With a sigh, I lightly landed on the ground and made my way up the stairs. At the top, I reached up and took my cloak off. Instantly he came alive and started to wiggle at me.


I waved a hand at it, "Yes, yes, nice pick."

*Wiggle* *Wiggle* *Wiggle*

Shaking my head, I waved a hand to send what little I had into its rightful place with a nudge of magic, "No, you will not be getting your own room. I made a special rack for you and the lovely rug."

The beautiful Persian rug that I had turned into my flying carpet floated over and spun around to wave at me. *Shimmy* Shimmy*

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't forget the brush or the shampoo," I grumbled before turning away from both of them. As I walked through my bedroom, I made a motion pointing to the rack and ignored them both as they flew over and got themselves cleaned up. With the way the magical bronze hands work, it would hold both of them, clean, magical wash and repair while doing any little pampering that they might like.

Divesting myself of all clothing, I staggered into the bathroom even as I felt my refresh spell starting to lose its effect. From the way I felt, I had thirty minutes on the clock to take a quick shower and find myself in bed, or I would be sleeping in the tub once the spell finally wore off.

I barely made it out of the bath once the hot water hit my back, my eyes drooped and I was instantly at the fuck it stages as I magiced the rest of my body clean. Since I was clean, I took ten minutes to just luxuriate inside of the shower for a bit and enjoyed the water. While standing underneath the water, the weight of everything finally settled onto my shoulders.

First, I wanted to rage; then I wanted to cry, then I got angry, then once I had run the full gambit of emotions, I deflated because I had already made my choice, and I would have to live with it. At the end of the day, I wasn't doing this because people were going to die, fuck them. I was doing this for me and not because of some bullshite about with great power comes great responsibility. No, I was doing this because the other choice would be to die and just accept my death.

Muscles flex as I pushed off the shower wall, with my mind made up, it was time for bed.

1 Hour remaining….

With a jolt, I awoke sitting up swiftly as a magic circle appeared around each of my fists. For a moment, I didn't recognize any of my surroundings until I noticed my cloak waving at me. Slowly I waved a hand back at my levitating cloak, and that was when things clicked back into place and I jumped out of bed as if my ass was on fire.

I had taken the chance to get some sleep since I was up almost the whole seventy-two hours with the help of magic. If I had kept going the way that I did, I wouldn't have made it through the invasion and all of my preparations would have been for naught.

My personal alarm spell jolted me once more, forcing me to raise a hand to dismiss it.

*Shimmy* *Shimmy*

"Yeah, I'm alright," I replied with a shake of my head to my flying carpet.


"Oi, I am manning up." I huffed with a glare at my levitating cloak. Then to my face that sassy little shit rolled his lapels as if he was sticking his nose up in the air. Ignoring the sassy little shit, I got out of bed and shuffled over to the bathroom to complete my ablutions.

Stepping out of the bathroom with forty-five minutes spinning on the clock, I stood in front of my full-length mirror and got to work. Since I had no issues with my height, I left that alone. What I did do was fix my nose since it was never set right since I got it broken from my very first bar scrap when I was twenty-two.

With my nose fixed, I went about cleaning up a scar on my right thigh from a snowboard crash, with that done, I went about giving myself a general check-up and proper tuning with flesh crafting. Since I was an arch-mage, massive muscles didn't make the man, but I wasn't about to look like a string bean when I could give myself a nice little pump.

With a flourish of the wrist, my hair not only grew out but twisted and tied itself together as little silvers and bells appeared inside of my dreads. Then with another wave of my hands, I shaved the sides low, giving me a badass Viking look. At the tips of my dreads little kunai's appeared tied into the tips, a thought sent my hair rearing up ready to strike.

A hand then went to my chin as a neat little salt and pepper beard grew, then as I pulled my hand down my new sexy beard. The edges fell away as I got a proper line from my sideburns all the way down. Then with another movement of the hand, my beard glistened as natural oil was applied. Nice and thick but not too far down my neck, damn that was a fine beard.

Gotta say I was happy that with a little bit of magic, I went from looking like the pool boy to even your momma calling me daddy.

20 Minutes remaining….

Now that I was fully dressed in a simple pair of combat pants enchanted to have bottomless pockets and temperature control. I wore a nice loose flannel shirt with the top two buttons down showing a hint of chiseled chest. With the sleeves rolled up because if I was going to look like a badass Viking lumber-jack, then you bet I was going to bring the sexy.

My steel-toe boots had not only temperature enchantments, but also my own creation called all-surface so I could walk on anything which included the vertical and horizontal planes, plus the X&Y for added benefits. Levitating cloak or not, no one ever expects the wizard to just walk on the ceiling before blasting you in the face with an ice spell.

Dressed to impress, I walked into my armory and ignored the flaming anime sword, the oversized anime axe, and was very tempted to take the bushmaster chain gun that was frosting over the case it sat inside of.

Instead, I walked to the back, pushed aside a painting, and took out a pair of white gloves. Underneath the painting, was the name Colonel Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist. With a slight push of magic, the sigils on the back of the gloves glowed an ominous red illuminating the room.

Heading back upstairs, I settled on my flying carpet with my legs folded. Taking a deep breath, I held it as I settled down for some meditation. Before I went out there to face the great beyond, I had to settle my heart and mind. Slowly breathing out once more, I repeated this sequence a few more times before my entire life changed when a roar shook the city.

My eyes opened blazing with power as I looked out my giant window and saw a blue beam shoot into the sky. Letting out the breath that I was holding, I stood, snapped and my fingers to summon my cloak of levitation, then raised into the air and out of my window into the city proper.

Before getting too far from my new home, I activated the war functions of my wards. Then after placing my flying carpet in my left bottomless pocket, I took off towards Stark Tower with purpose shining in my eyes.

My cloak flapped in the wind as I crossed the span of multiple blocks within seconds, twisting around in the air. I ignored the sounds of rockets from up above as I came down hard in the Stark Plaza before the tower.

Slapping my hands together, I created a magical circle between my palms, gathered some energy then pointed my hands upwards.

"SHIELD OF THE SERAPHIM!" With my shout, circles of golden sparks flared to life as a massive one appeared above my head before forming all along the street and around a few corners.


Looking up, I noticed the lightning and the falling letters from Stark Tower. Rolling my eyes, I snapped my fingers twice. Sparks flared to life before the falling debris immolated in a flare of alchemical fire.

"MY CAR!" Some dude screamed and I ignored him as I shifted my shielding spells from covering the entire street to only covering the sidewalks. And of course, since this was the time of the cell phone and Twitter, there were a few idiots standing around taking pictures.

There was a roar and scream from above and I turned just in time to take a few blasts to the chest. Luckily, I was only pushed back a few feet as the lasers stopped cold against my personal shields.

Glaring at the Chitauri bastards, I ran a hand across my face. Original Spell: Gaze of Darkseid:

With the final syllables out of my mouth, a burning red spell mandala formed before my face. Then with a push of intent, lasers flew forth turning up, down, horizontal, and vertical striking at least fourteen of the alien invaders within my sightline.


Okay, that was all of the nope, and I was honestly upset that the movies really didn't do that massive fucking thing any justice. The leviathan because what else could it be was easily the size of a few yachts. Leaving my shield spell in place because there were plenty of civilians running around Stark Tower, I flew up and started to work my way into the city proper.

Any and all aliens that I came across got either lasers to blow their asses up or a snap to warm them up by alchemical immolation. As I worked my way down one particular street, I knew that someone had to have had a guiding hand in this shit because at the end of a block was Captain America, talking with a few cops.

Then that iconic scene from the movies happens, of course, Cap being well, Captain America the super-soldier, he worked over the aliens like they were toddlers. Landing, I threw up a few more shields to cover everyone as I eyed the man before me.

Captain America never even blinked as I looked him over. Light shone down from my shields and he raised his hand while giving me a queer look.

To that I shrugged, "Holy light Captain, had to be sure you were not resurrected by a mad necromancer."

Cap shifted his shield from one hand to the other, "So you're friendly?"

In reply, I shifted the spell and all that was underneath it started to heal, wounds large and small started to close as a few gasped in surprise.

"As an Arch-Mage of the realm, one of my duties is to protect the realm from invaders of the beyond." I waved a hand upwards. "That does also cover hostile invaders from the ocean of stars."

He gave me a nod, "Thanks for the assist, Steve Rogers."

I had to dig mighty fucking deep not to fangirl all over the good Captain as he held his hand out for me to shake. Landing lightly on the ground, I shook his hand and made my own introductions.

"Sebastian Wild, Arch-Mage, at your service," I replied as I gave the good Captain a firm farmer's handshake.

Captain America made a motion over his shoulders ready to take off in a westerly direction. "We should regroup with my team."

The Captain gave me a smile, but I raised a hand to stop him from running off as I reached into a pocket and pulled out my flying carpet.

*Shimmy* *shimmy*

"That is Captain America, would you please be a dear and give him a ride," I answered my flying carpet while levitating back into the air. My flying carpet hovered next to the Captain and I had to do a little hand motion to get the man to hop on. "Lead the way Captain, just hold the tassels like a horse and she will follow your directions."

That was all the information that he needed as he did a few attempts before getting it extremely quickly as we flew. That serum really was cheating, but I had magic and that made me a badass, so I was of course not super jelly at all.

As I followed behind the Captain, I put up shields and blasted Aliens, as we landed on the bridge. I summoned one of the dead aliens over and took a small sample of its blood. While the good ole Cap was cleaning things up with his merry band of misfits, I took my blood sample and linked it with my Shield of Seraphim spell.

Ignoring the look Natasha and Clint gave me as I hovered in the air with my legs crossed, I made my spell modifications. Then as I landed on the ground, I compressed the spell before kneeling down and slamming the spell into the earth. Gold flowed out of my location like waves and I suppressed a flinch as the Black Widow put her gun in my face.

Rolling my eyes at her and pushing down my fear, I looked the sexy little murder hobo over before raising an eyebrow at the Captain. "Sorry, but I don't swing that way. So I don't think I'll be playing switch hitter for any of you tonight."

Clint chuckled and The Black Widow gave me a once over. Captain America of course was lost as a kid in the mall during holidays. "I don't understand that reference."

Before I could hit with a follow-up of Black Widow wanting me to play bottom and swallow her gun, we were interrupted by Banner riding up on his bike. The good doctor talked with the Cap as Tony decided that he also wanted to join the party. This then had Bruce show off his own party trick.

Rolling my eyes, I crafted another spell, a double-layered one this time. As soon as Tony came around to hover and his rocket blew up, I raised both hands. "SHIELD OF THE SERAPHIM!"

Golden bands flew up and out creating a dome of magical energy, and as that formed, I brought my hands together, fingers splayed out, pulling them apart green lines appeared. Then with a flick of the wrist. The green combined with the golden glow of my shield.

"Sands of Persia, I offer you my magic for time is all that I need," I said, hands lifted upwards as green was interwoven with gold. An hourglass appeared in the middle of everyone even as everything outside of the bubble slowed to a crawl. Letting out a sigh, I turned to the Captain. "Now that we have regrouped with your cohorts and have some time to discuss, now would be a good time to help me understand why my city is under siege Captain."

"Wizard, what have you done?" Thor questioned as he looked up and around, outside the dome aliens fell in slow motion even as some of the stuff Stark blew up froze solid in the air. Even the lightning that was striking a chitauri chariot at a distance was moving slowly.

Standing straight, I looked them over, "I invoked the sands of time." I waved a hand at the floating green hourglass that was slowly running out.

"That's not possible." Was Tony's instant reply. My own reply in return was to wave a hand outside the dome.

"Captain?" I intoned, sadly, this was the way it had to be even if I already knew what was happening. By flexing some powers now, the super spies would take me seriously and so will their boss later if we met.

The good Captain looked around before releasing a sigh, "We have an invasion force inbound with no real intel on the numbers. What we do know is that the portal is above stark towers."

"Correct and the power source that's powering the portal is impenetrable, I tried, but it didn't work," Tony spoke even as he turned one way and the other to get a really good look outside of the dome. "You wanna pull out a rabbit or do you have anything in that magic bag of holding to solve this?"

The grimace that I showed was very visible for all to see, "I might have something that will forcefully close the portal." I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. "But using something like that in the center of a civilian population would have the Sorcerer Supreme knocking on my door to have words."

Clint and Natasha shared a look and I could see Thor reevaluating me along with the Captain.

"I really don't want to end up in a deep dark hole or maybe the nine levels of hell for a hundred or so years." I finished with a shrug.

"Hells not real," Tony snorts before turning to look at me. "Also she sounds like the wicked witch of the west."

"Vampires, Werewolves, Heaven, Hell, and so much more are all real Stark, but that's besides the point," I replied with a shake of my head.

Cap nodded his head at me, "He's right, we need to clean this up so we can stop Loki and have him close that portal."

"Exactly," I said with a motion towards the Captain. "I would rather us be able to sort this out without me having to use one of my oh god! oh god! we're all gonna die type spells, please."

"Aye, I would rather the Wizard also not use such a spell," Thor spoke and it was clear that he was also fully healed. They all were since I had that effect going with my shields cast overhead, if you weren't cheating, you weren't trying to win.

"We can work with this," Captain America spoke as he turned to Natasha, "Romanoff, I need you to sneak into the tower and find Dr. Selvig. Stark, I need you to hold the perimeter. Thor, bottleneck that portal, Hawkeye, I need you on that roof, call out stragglers and keep an eye out. Hulk…"

Everyone turned and noticed that the big guy was outside the portal and slowed with the rest of the world. They turned and gave me a look, my reply was to shrug because I wasn't fucking dumb enough to pull a rage monster inside of a dome like this one.

"Before we all break and follow the good Captain's orders, let me give you guys a boost." Then with a wave of my hand. Magic wrapped around Clint's quiver and bow, the two handguns Natasha carried, Caps shield, and then Tony's armor.

Circling my left hand once, I then followed it up with a flare of purple from the right.

"Captain, you can now summon your shield from anywhere in the world. It also applies a healing effect along with projecting outwards to cover more in case you are in need." I then turned to Tony. "Your suit now self-repairs along with full ammo replenish, only lasting until night.

Clint, you may also summon your bow and quiver if you are separated, same with the unlimited ammo. Romanoff, your weapons have been upgraded to what I call the element guns, wind, fire, electric and water. The same abilities to summon them back to your hands if they happen to get misplaced." I let out a sigh as I could already tell that I was dealing with a true A team of badasses. It took them each less than a minute to understand and divine ways of using the minor upgrades that I had given them.

It was honestly a good thing then that I didn't point out that both Clint and Natasha wouldn't really need me to power their weapons after today since they were clearly magical in some way. It was easy to tell with Clint since he was at least 3rd generation magical and Nat was at least 2nd gen from what my shields wards were telling me. The captain on the other hand was using Ki, but it was also clear that he wasn't in the know and Tony was just a damn cheat. The man had a high probability on his side.

The bastard wasn't just smart, he was also incredibly lucky. Another thing that my wards were telling me was how powerful Thor really was. He clearly didn't know, but damn he had all of that power just bubbling underneath the surface.

"Are we ready?" I asked as I raised both hands, one glowed green and the other gold.

"I am ready Wizard." Thor boomed as he twirled his hammer.

"Sorry, but we never got your name?" Black Widow called while batting those pretty long lashes of hers at me. She was so lucky I didn't hit her with a bind and breeder spell, plant my seed for all of mankind. I could admit that she definitely had the honey trap thing going for her because that booty was juicy and thicc. Yeah, I said it was thicc with the double C's because damn she made me horny like a teenager.

Then everything that I knew about her slammed back into my brain and I no longer wanted to stick my dick in those sweet cheeks. Granted, I could look past the numerous bodies she piled up with her seduction techniques, but I was also man enough to admit I was also the jealous type. Being that way with magic made me a man of means and commitment, the world just not ready for a guy like myself out on a rampage to kill some old lover of the Black Widow.

Granted, I might just knock her up to take her off the market and witness the face of those who know of her.

Without showing any of what I was thinking, I glided over to her all smooth like, took her hand, locked eyes with her. Raised that same hand to apply a kiss to the back of it as if I was a proper gentleman.

"My name is Sebastian, Sebastian Wild, Miss Romanoff." My tone was smooth and even, I of course cheated with a bit of magic. The first chance I got, Widow was coming off the board, Fury can go suck an egg. Black Widow did a micro shiver and Clint looked at her with a raised brow even as she tried to force down a blush that was clear for all to see.

Stepping back, I raised both hands again, "Now shall we start?"

"Cap, you mind?" Natasha asked the Captain as she motioned towards my flying carpet.

"Ohh, I'm not ahh," Steve never got to finish as my carpet flew from his side over towards Natasha. She smiled at Clint as they then both hopped on and hunkered down.

"LET US BEGIN!" With a swift motion, I swung both hands together and then down. The world slammed back into focus with all of its sound and noise.

"HULK! SMASH!" Captain America commanded and the big guy gave a savage grin before launching himself high into the air. With everyone off to do what the good Captain asked of them, I went back to clearing out civilians and trying to keep the destruction down to a minimum at least.

Nat and Clint blasted out of the huddle with mad grins on their faces as they rode my magic carpet, and everyone else took off right after them. Lucky for me, I actually thought of making a copy of the Captain's earpiece. Throwing a copy to Thor, I put my own in while also taking off upwards.

"By the Powers of the East and skill immemorial, I cast upon myself which shall aid me in these turbulent times." :Kage Bunshin No Jutsu: The shadow below my feet twisted and wrapped around before folding upon itself. All around me, a deep pool of black formed for all to see and even the aliens backed away in fear.

Then with me as the epicenter, ten clones of myself with all that I wore erupted out of the ground. Everyone already knew what they had to do, but when I turned around, I saw the giant leviathan racing towards me. I really wish I could trade with those clone bastards right now.

Yeah, there was just no way I was about to face this straight on with a one v. one type mentality. My hand came together as I started to write seals into the air with magic. With the final seal formed, I placed my hand outward and said the magic words.

Summoning Jutsu:Gate of Shoggoth!:

Before my magic burned itself into the air and I had to forcibly shut down my eye of Magnus in case the beast behind the doors decided it wanted to stay. Lucky for me, the beast in front didn't know what it was dealing with as it flew right inside.

There was a massive boom, and I had to double-check what was happening before I dismissed the gate. A good thing too because out came a red comet with a long black tentacle wrapped around his leg.

"Bad touch, bad touch, very bad touch," Tony screamed and I could hear him over the coms channel. Jumping up and with a slash, I cut the one tentacle that had worked its way past Tony's boots and into his suit right off. Then with a little application of force, okay, it was enough force to fold a seven twenty-seven in half, but the point was. The door was closed after and Tony was already hightailing it to the far side of the city.

"J, file that one under nightmares, please."

Deciding to ignore that and to vacate the area, I continued my little personal mission to save as many civilians as I could, and somehow I had made it to the front of Grand Central terminal. And of course, Thor and the Hulk was on a collision course with a leviathan, fuck me.

Forming the iconic Texas longhorns with both hands, I pulled an iconic Doctor Fate move.

Original Spell: Thousand Hands of Buddha:

I didn't have you pull a weeb move and yell the spell, but everyone behind me saw when the tips of my fingers lit with golden arcane energies. Then before their very eyes, thousands of hands appeared all around me in a swirl of power. Standing in front of the terminal, I set myself like a catcher would and braced.

Timing it perfectly, thousands of hands shot out as Thor struck down with his hammer. Lightning blasted down from the sky and if I didn't have magic to shield my eyes. The sockets that carried my most important organs would have burned from the feedback. The ground around me cracked even with the magic I had pumped in to reinforce it all, damn this bastard was fucking heavy.

My cloak flared out behind me as we kept the leviathan from crashing into the terminal, people screamed, cars exploded, aliens exploded and I think that I might have also screamed. Honestly, it was all a blur of adrenaline and insanity, so I wasn't too sure.

After that ordeal, I found myself bent over catching my breath as sweat poured down my face. I could honestly say that I had never channeled so much magic before. My eye of Magnus came in as a complete clutch with that one because if not, I would have been out of magic and died from trying to hero it up.

Giant green legs landed next to me along with a pair of Warrior's boots, standing straight, I looked over and noticed the look of complete jubilation on Thor's face. Hulk on the other hand expressed his approval in another very painful way. A giant meaty green hand came around and gave me one solid pat on the back. Half a split second, I feared that he had knocked my soul clear out of my body.

My soul blue screened for a moment before my body fully rebooted, looking around, I found that Hulk had already taken off. Okay, that was for the best because I honestly don't think I can survive affection from the Incredible Hulk. My attempt at shaking off the Hulk's attempt at a back slap was interrupted by one of the stupidest things I could have ever imagined.

Some fool alien thought that he could actually sneak up on me and catch me with a bear hug. Well, he could since I was distracted and my meaty human arms weren't made to fight ugly cyborgs. What he didn't know though was that I lived the Weeb life and had more than 1 trick up my sleeve.

The magical enchantments on my dreads flared to life as I swung my head one way then the other. My hair snaked out as if it was alive like the enchantments namesake Medusa's Mane. The chitauri that was on my back was ripped away with a dreadlock wrapped around its throat. Then with a mighty stomp, I swung my head to the side smashing him into his cohorts. Gritting my teeth, I released him as I did a rendition of my first ever visit to a concert's mosh pit.

Honestly, with the way things work out Jiraiya would be proud with my copy of his needle jizoo jutsu. With all the aliens in my immediate vicinity killed, I stood straight, puffed my collar, and then swiped a hand through my hair like a badass movie character.

With a flick of the wrist, all of the blood and viscera flowed down to the tips and across the kunai's that dangled at the edges of my dreads. The blood and matter of my alien attackers pool in the air a good five feet from my location as I hovered along smoothly. Then with a snap of my fingers, what remained of my assailants went up in a nice conflagration.

As I walked away from the scene like a magical badass, the excitement in my chest was smothered like a baby in the crib. It was one thing to think about it in the movies and it was pants shittingly terrifying that I was here in the middle of it all while it was going down.

"Stark, there is a missile incoming with a payload that can wipe out Manhattan."

The moment Fury said those words, I wanted to vomit. Being stupid in the movies was one thing, this was real life and there was no way that they would be that fucking stupid…. High in the air, I looked over and noticed the vapor trail showing that the nuke fired was an air to surface missile.

Ignoring the screams, the destruction, and the flashing lights of attacks, I flew to the front of Starks tower and took a deep breath. "Stark just guides it up the middle and I will take care of the rest."

"Magic man, you do know what this is right?" Tony asked and it was clear he was serious, there wasn't an ounce of snark to be found in his voice.

"Yeah," Was my solemn reply, "And I believe it's time for one of those oh god, oh god, we're all gonna die spells."

Sigh, okay so today was really shaping up into one of those days, alright, I got it. Was I talking to myself, damn right I was because the major spell work I was about to do was going to draw some major attention. During my 72 hours of living in this brand new reality, I had deceived a scanning spell because only a fool wouldn't create such a thing of vital importance.

The spell was to create a map of the city and then show me hot spots by picking up negative emotions or odd things that stick out. Of course, this being Marvel and me being the total jackass that I was with unlimited magic at my fingertips. I created a spell that scanned the entire planet and showed it to me on a hovering globe. I discovered not only the Sanctum Sanctorum locations but also pockets of magic that turned out to be New Salem, Atlantis, and a few other pocket dimensions.

The look in Los Angeles actually had me wanting to go say high and party with dear ole Luci, but I really couldn't with such a deadline hanging over my head. One of the more interesting things that I did pick up was the glowing blood-red spot in Transylvania and dotted around the globe. The other was the blue-green spots also in New York and around the world.

Okay, I'll be upfront and say that it didn't take me long to figure it out. Magic users, Vampires, and Lycans, hot fucking was bad enough living in the same world as the cult leaders Magneto and Xavier, now I had to deal with Vampire bullshite.

That meant that the moment I pulled this spell off in the Sorcerer Supremes backyard, she would be on my case like white on rice. Then my fame would trickle around the rest of the supernatural world because it was clear that my magical signature would saturate the entire city. Hell, if my shields were anything to believe. I had already saved a few Lycans in human form with a couple of other supernatural beings.

Hovering in front of Stark tower, my hands came together before me one hand above the other. One hand palm was facing down as the other palm faced upwards and between them were stacks of magical spell circles. This was one of my more than over-the-top type spells and would have put me in the all-time magical badass book of records if anyone was actually keeping score.

This spell was based on Susanoo from Naruto but the body was split and put together like Exodia the Forbidden One from Yu-Gi-Oh, one of my childhood card games. Each of the magical spell circles would build and maintain a part of the construct while also linking together through an overlayer of magic making it a whole being.

My hands blazed with blue azure light as I pushed more and more magic into my hands and out of my body. If I was going to die today, then I was going to die on my feet and die trying.

"RRRRAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!" With a roar, I ripped my hands apart and held them up and outwards. The magical circles that I was powering circled around me once before flying outwards. Minor magical circles appeared at my joints to mimic the larger variants that settled into place. Two for the ankles, two for the knees, one for the hips, chest, and neck to head, then another few sets to make out the arms and hands.

All around me a magical construct took form, fifty feet, one hundred feet, two hundred, and continued upwards before capping out somewhere away over a thousand feet in height. Within moments, I went from being underneath the A of Stark tower to being able to look into Tony's penthouse at eye level.

I kept growing and growing as I went past eye level with the penthouse to standing before the balcony with my chest. Settling into a classic kai stance, with one hand out in a loose claw to catch the incoming nuke that was riding on top of Tony. My other hand was balled into a fist and rested by my hips, a certain calm came over me as my mind settled and I pushed a mental image outwards.

Wings flare on the back of my construct, lines, lights and multiple facets of my construct made themselves known. The iconic golden wings upon my helm flared to life, blue washed across my chest and red made itself known on my shoulder pauldrons. Anyone who was anyone would know what my construct had taken the form of. It was a classic when I was growing up, one of the real delights of my teenage years.

The nuke and Tony made contact with my palm as my magical form solidified for the world to see. Burning Gundam standing tall and proud over my city, ready to defend against all comers. With the nearest of thoughts, Tony and the nuke were separated as I smoothly shifted stances. Tony came to a hover, but I was already lost to the wonderful feel of magic.

"This hand of mine burning red, its loud roar tells me to grasp victory," I said, my hand burning brightly casting shadows all around. The wings on my back flared outwards, a halo of magical flames hung behind me, a halo shining over the city. Shooting upwards over the city, I circled around one with the nuke trapped in the palm of my hands. The signal that they sent to fire the damn thing cut off from the actions I was performing.

More magical constructs formed the Dragon Claw that was the Burning Gundam's ultimate attack as I pumped more and more magic into my actions.

"By the grace of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, By my name, and the powers invested in me to protect this world…


My body moved with grace and fluidity as I shifted from a stance to throwing a punch. It sounds so simple but in reality, it was far from being such a thing. My body was horizontal to the city below so when my hand went forward in a fluid motion to punch, to all below, I was punching outwards towards space. It was a very good thing too because everything before me got with the classic ONE-PUNCH MAN's fuck you style destruction of power.

Clouds parted and the scent of ozone reached my nose, but all of that was ignored as I poured more power into my punch. First, the clouds parted, then the blue of the sky cleared away as my punch went clear beyond the stratosphere.

Space warped and buckled, but I pushed forward and through, my fist doubling before tripling in size as I struck forward. Multiple copies of my fist went into and beyond the bounds of the portal hanging in the sky.

Everything before my fist was eviscerated, aliens, levitations, chariots that carried aliens and their ships. Nothing stood a chance as my One Punch destroyed them all, I felt like All Might and Saitama, damn was it glorious.

Hanging in the air to live in the moment, I gave it a minute, not even realizing that Nat had already figured out how to close the portal. Her help was unfortunately not needed as my punch and thoroughly destroyed the portal, its link to the earth, and fired the machine from the feedback.

Lucky for Selvig, Nat was there to save his ass from the resulting explosion. Slowly letting out a breath that I didn't even know that I was holding, my little moment of victory was interrupted as everything shifted from twilight back into a clear and sunny afternoon, this time without any clouds in sight.

"Really, the big spell is I cast fist," Tony snarked from over my shoulder sending a jolt of adrenaline through my system from the minor scare. "What are you a muscled barbarian from D&D?"

With a wave of my hand, I shrunk down the magical Gundam as I lowered us to Tony's penthouse, "What was your big plan, fly through the portal with a nuke on your back?"

Tony raised a hand, index finger poised for a comeback, which was interrupted and made me happy to not have to trade japes.

"I'm telling you, Steve, I can show you the world."

"Yeah, Cap, a whole new world."

"A dazzling place, you never knew."

"With new horizons to pursue."

Landing, we were met by Clint, Steve, and Natasha as they decided that doing the twin thing with Captain America lost in the middle was the most enjoyable thing in the world. I didn't include Eric Selvig in that because the poor man was down on his knees clearly trying not to throw up on my flying carpet.

"Wait, are you guys doing Aladdin right now?" Tony asked with the face of his helmet up.

"Yep," Clint replied, popping the P of that answer. Then he shifted his attention towards me. "I cast fist. Really?"

Letting out a sigh, I palmed my face, "Can we ignore the naming conventions of my spell for a moment, we do still have a rogue god to deal with."

That was when Thor decided to drop in along with Hulk, Thor gave me a firm nod and the grin Hulk gave me was clearly an attempt on his part.

"Hulk stops puny god," Hulk grunted, walking by as if he owned the place. "Puny god-talk too much, Hulk strongest."

Tony and Clint blinked while Natasha took a spot behind Clint and Cap, easy for her to watch both of their backs. I could already see the gears working in her head every time she ran her gaze over my location. I gotta hand it to her, she knew how to look without looking because she acted as if just looking in my general direction was the same as checking our surroundings.

We all walked into Tony's living room to find Loki barely crawling out of the hole that Hulk put him in. Everyone gathered around to do that hero pose off bullshite.

Loki rolled onto his back, ran his gaze over our forms and stances ready to kick his teeth in, then he spoke. "If it's alright with you, I'll have that drink now."

Tony snorted while Thor reached down and hauled his brother up to stand on his feet. Thinking quick, I summoned over the cuffs that Nat had stashed away on her person. With a flick, they were enchanted and then around Loki's wrist.

Then with another flick of my wrist, I summoned over a piece of rubble, transmuted it into a small remote with two buttons. The red could teleport Loki back to the side of the remote holder. While the blue button put Loki underneath a magical form of mute if his voice got too annoying for the remote holder. Then I realized that this was Loki or all people. Another casting locked away his magic and placed it underneath the remote holder's control and because I knew the little shit could be vindictive, I gave the remote holder a levitation function.

"What are you doing Wizard," Thor asked as he loomed, and damn, can I say that he is fucking massive. I was pretty ripped but it was clear that Thor was just made different.

Looking up, I smiled and shrugged at him, then I held out the remote and pressed the mute button silencing Loki mid-rant, "Thought that you might like a little help controlling your brother."

I then went into explaining the functions of the remote, and I might have banged Loki's head against the ceiling a little too hard. Honestly, it really wasn't my fault nor was it my fault that Clint had also been able to try the remote and Loki happened to smash his head into a metal beam. I am very innocent of any charges that anyone could levy against me for such things.

Thor grinned as he pressed the button that made his brother speak, and then goes silent a few times with glee. While Thor and the others were doing that, I decided to be a bro and clean up some of the mess, repair at least half of the tower before Captain America finally cleared his throat. It's funny that as he did that Natasha had finally finished some of her prelim report over her communicator.

"Alright guys, let's get Loki put away safely," Captain America spoke, but was interrupted with Natasha clearing her throat.

"Cap, we need to get some food and debrief," Black Widow inserted and I could already see where this was going. That natural stance and easy smile weren't going to escape my notice of them wanting me to come in and speak with Fury and whoever else.

"Shawarma," Tony instantly piped up.

"Ohh that sounds delightful, but I would like to speak with mister 'I Cast Fist first," A new voice interjected. Everyone transformed from relaxed and into battle mode instantly, but they had no fucking clue how out-matched and out-gunned they were against this individual.

Even if she could kill me, I just finished one hell of a murder world gauntlet and I was more than a little beyond caring right now. Letting out a sigh, I waved them down while also conjuring a table.

"How about a little tea," I said, my attention directed at the Ancient One. "With maybe a little honey?"

She returned my question with a smile and I felt that just maybe, I wasn't going to die today.

Burning Gundam

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