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90.9% I Cast Fist / Chapter 10: Fist 10

Chapitre 10: Fist 10

I Cast Fist

Chapter 10

By: BigToFu

Shadow clone #47

Sebastian - Might Guy - Wild

"YOUTH!" I called as our fists clashed, the power of chi flaring out from around us. With a smile on his face, Iron Fist jumped up and away from my location, his arms coming forward in a dragon claw-style grip. I knew this because of the massive Dragon illusion formed around his body from the excess chi he was producing. "HA!HA! ACCEPT MY GLORIOUS MORNING: PEACOCK!"

My chi bubbled and flowed as I started to punch the air rapidly. Back and forth my arms went before sparks flared to life as a thousand and one fireballs all shot out from each punch as my fist struck the air.

Iron Fist smiled at me as he moved with a powerful purpose one hand went back as the other shot forward with power. "DRAGON FIST!"

Crouching low, I launched myself from the training grounds cracking the floor behind me with a shout of, "YOUTH!"

Sébastien Wild

The Original Doctor Fate

The rays of the morning sun shone over the building, touching me with its warmth as I enjoyed the first meal of the day. This morning, I found myself sitting on the balcony of my bowling alley enjoying the company of a beautiful dame after vigorously rearranging her innards for the entire night. A breath hitched at my side and I smiled at her as she extended her hands out and allowed the sun to run across her fingers. I watched as her hands shook in a little tremor, then moved up and down her spine as she experienced the morning light for the first time in hundreds of years.

Seeing no damage in sight. I shook my head, the shaggy mane around my frame shaking out as my silky locks shimmered and flowed around me. Balancing my cup of green tea between my very large hand paws, I took a long drag as I enjoyed the morning. At my side Alcina basking in the rays of the local star, magic, so much fun. With a cup of green tea in hand, I was enjoying the peace until the doors to the balcony opened and this flamboyant ass strolled right out with a smile and one of those little bags of blue-berries in hand.

Tony strolled out with a bag of blueberries in hand and dark bags underneath his eyes, "Huh, didn't know you were going to let out your inner furry magic-man."

Leave it to Tony to not be intimidated by the massive eleven foot tall and very muscular Ware-Lion sitting at a table and wearing a very expensive suit. Peering at him over my mug, I placed it down and gave my glasses a single tug with a clawed finger, "If I can be anything I want with a snap of my finger why wouldn't I be?" I rumbled, my voice nice and smooth for all who heard it.

Alcina placed a hand on top of my own, "How about you let him live out the day in the life of a penguin, I heard they are very distinguished animals."

Tony snorted and went to reply but was also run over by my companion.

"Aria, Aria, unlike you, I think that he looks rather dashing to me, and that tongue." Lady Dimitrescu replied as one of her hands went to my ear and started to scratch the sweet spot behind it. I did not purr, grown Lycans don't purr.

Tony blinked then choked on a blue-berry as he took in the sight of the very bodacious vampire mommy sitting at the table at my side. Poor guy didn't know if he wanted to look at her tits, fangs, or the glass of blood in her tea-cup.

Tony took two steps to the left and I pretended that I wasn't suddenly between him and Alcina, "You're a vampire 300 years and counting well that's good and all but I'm not tasty."

"I would agree, not many of us enjoy the taste of heavy metals," Alcina replied smoothly.

I muffled a laugh as Tony pouted. I had to shake that away as I made a motion for him to take a seat, "It's good that you're here. I have a few things to update you on."

Tony pulled out a chair, sat down and giggled as he pointed at one of the magical plates as he got served by levitating foodstuffs. "Well, don't keep me in suspense, magic-man, hit me."

Rolling my eyes at him, I made a flicking motion with my wrist twice. One was to summon my avengers card and the other was to cast a projection above the table. "Well, for starters, I got in contact with that school for super powered kids and came to a couple agreements."

Before I could talk more, Tony was already shaking his head, "Nope, sorry, no can do."

Now, it was my turn to pout at him, "You didn't even let me finish or even try to bribe you."

Tony snorted, finished his bite, swallowed and looked at me, "Alright, let's hear what you have to bribe the richest, most dashing, most handsome man alive with to be a teacher with some brats?"

Chuckling at that, I flicked my card towards the middle of the table, a rotating ring appeared with a masked ninja face in the middle of it for Tony to see.

"Okay, what am I looking at?" Tony asked with narrowed eyes as he inspected the hologram.

"That Tony, is a copy of my Shadow Clone magic spell," I replied to him with a smirk on my features. "I can't be everywhere at once and I know there are things that are gonna need two of someone so I hit the grindstone with my clones and figured out how to let others use the magic."

With that, I could already see the sparkle in Tony's eyes and I really hoped that I didn't make the wrong decision.

"What powers it?" Tony questionrd as he tried to hide how giddy he was.

"Hmm, a combination of a vampire tap and bio electricity." I returned while scratching my chin. "It will gradually absorb the free mana in the air to power itself, but it's the bio-electrical side of things that are the most important. One of the things my shadow clone spell does is bring back memories and experiences after they vanish."

That brought him up short, "So you're telling me that you're getting all the memories back from the magic man down at the hospital healing people right now?"

My head tilted to the side as I was not expecting him to bring that up actually, "Yeah, all of them."

"Damn… alright hook me up, how do we do this?" Tony asked while pushing aside the somber mood that he had started.

I shook my head at him, "Well, first you gotta confirm to me that you will actually help out with the school. I plan to put it under absolute magical protections and whatever tech you would like to add. I gave my word to the Dean that I won't influence the kids, but I also know the world is gonna look for supers and the last thing I want to see happen is for the powers that be to come down on the place like a pack of vultures."

With a grimace, Tony gave me a nod of the head, "That's actually not a bad idea, I can also see if any of them would fit in with a Stark Internship. I'll have Pepper look into it."

Now, that was all I needed to hear to understand that he was in. Holding up my card, I made a motion for Tony to take out his own Avengers card. I made with a quick take and update of his Avenger's Card. I Prayed to all that was holy as Tony grinned like a big kid. Before I could say anything, Tony had already vacated his seat at the table and activated his new card feature.

"Hello, Handsome."

"Oohh, hello to you, too."

"Who are you and are you free tonight?"

"Ohh, I don't know, I might be able to arrange something."

Ohh sweet mother of Mary, what have I done…

In unison, all four Tony's turned towards me, "Hey, any chance I can get one of these for Pepper?"

"Nope, nope, nahh, nope, hell no," I was calling on all that was holy as I made the cross symbol in front of my body. Then I performed a full body shiver, "Never do that again."

They all smirked at me and shared a look and it was at that moment 'I knew that I fucked up'. Before they could launch into a well-coordinated series of bullshit, I clicked my fingers twice, then rotated my left hand and swiped it before my body. The Shadow Clones of Tony glowed blue briefly, before popping and leaving behind the real body.

"Hey, why'd you…" Tony spoke up but was then cut off as the initial flux of memories hit him fully.


Bringing my hands together, I hit Tony with a minor healing and stamina-replenishing spell, then flicked my wrist and brought up a set of holograms.

"Before I send you back, I have a new crystal matrix upgrade for Jarvis, a hard-light hologram of the highest order. An Avengers Card for Pepper….. Ohh and you volunteered for two hours a week at the super-powered high school." I finished while sending the rest to his Avengers card.

Alcina shuffled a bit then poked me in the side with a pointed finger."And what about my super secret Avengers mission?"

Stopping from what I was about to say to Tony, I turned to look at the big Gothic Vampire Mommy Milf, "Yeah, unless you have a supernatural issue, I don't think the vampire nation can really assist, unless….."

She gave me a look with a raised eyebrow then made a go-on motion with her hands, "Unless?"

"Those girls of yours are willing to open a nightclub that's on the up and up?" I asked a mad idea spinning in my head. "Guarantees from the church of course."

"Well, for something like that, I might be able to point out a goblin or two collecting souls or maybe point you in the direction of the warlock working out of Central Park."

"Dibs." Tony called both his hands clapping down on the table.

I looked at him, sighed, and pinched the bridge of my nose, "You can't call dibs on supernatural situations Tony." Then I turned towards Alcina, "I'll take care of the situation, and in return, you will be the face of the Vampire nation. Might as well bring things to the forefront while the world is still reeling from aliens and all the other mess floating around."

For a moment, she thought about it then did a half bow of the head, "A portal please, I do believe that I have things to arrange."

With a smile, I got up from my seat, offered a hand, and kissed the knuckles before opening a portal so she may be home and get about her business. Before she left, Alcina grabbed me by my mane, pulled me in close, and left a blazing kiss on my lips. Behind me, Tony let out a light chuckle while I watched as Alcina sauntered through the portal.

"Well, I have a meeting with a dragon to get to, and you have a date to play with yourself," I replied with a chuckle as I made a clap of my hands.

Tony stuttered at me, but I ignored it as I underhand tossed him a stamina potion. His health was not in danger, but he sure as shit didn't have the proper staying power right now to sustain all of those shadow clones, magic playing a major role or not.

Tony held it up and looked at me, "What's this?"

"Stamina potion," I replied with a shrug, "I doubt you are going to listen to me about taking it easy with that Shadow Clone spell."

Oh," Tony replied even as his face split into a massive grin. Saying nothing, I just shook my head as he dashed off to do who knows what, poor Pepper.

Well, guess it was about time I got up and stopped being lazy. With a thought, the fur, claws, and even the basic garments I wore vanished only to be replaced with my Doctor Fate gear. With the snap of my fingers and the turn of a wrist, liquid gold flowed down my arms and legs. Across my by breathable leather, spandex, and a kevlar blend wrap around my form. Across my body, liquid sudo muscles and nerves connect all over as my suit completed its final form.

The gold that was flowing down my limbs solidified into gloves, greaves, and even knee-high boots. Along the forearm of my left hand were gems that I had no enchantments for along with the same along my right. Golden shoulder guards, elbow pads, and even knee pads because fuck that table, and the hellfire it's going to burn in. With an added flex of will, I sent stars shooting across my black body suit as I waited for my cloak to float over to my side. Flexing my fingers a little, I smiled as I enjoyed the sensations being transmitted to my nerves.

*Shimmy* Shimmy*

With a snort, I rolled my eyes at my cloak, "Don't give me that, you have already been steam cleaned, dry cleaned, pressed, cold folded, and all manner of pampered."

*shimmy* *Shimmy* *shim*

With a roll of my eyes, my right hand shot out like a viper as I grabbed my cloak at the collar. With a twist and a flourish, I donned my cloak and finally took on the iconic look of Doctor Fate.

With my cloak turned cape settled into place, I summoned a mirror and gave myself one last once over before turning to fly through a port off the balcony. Only to stop mid-levitation as someone called for me.

"Sébastien!" A voice called and I turned around to find that it was Cap calling my name while in his full battle gear. "Okay, I'm ready." He stated while shifting the shield to his back and giving his straps one last tug.

I couldn't help but blink at him confused, "Ready for what, Cap?"

"Rescuing Bucky," Steve replied as he whipped out his Avengers card. "I received a notification an hour ago that you found his location."

"Huh, I didn't," I started to say before stopping as I also pulled out my Avengers card and found that my shadow clone had indeed sent me a notification. Turns out that one of them did find Bucky's location not too long ago. From what I could tell, they sent me information on Bucky's location about an hour ago. Looking at Steve, I sighed, "Well alright, but I kinda have a sudden important supernatural situation I have to take care of."

At his side, I noticed one of Steve's hands slightly tighten into a fist but I ignored it as he spoke. "That's fine, I'll go with you and we can rescue Bucky right after."

I shrugged at him, "Alright, but I would rather we not fight the dragon. Just keep in mind that the Dragon hasn't done anything. No need to fight in the middle of Central Park. "

Turning around I stepped all the way through the portal as Steve followed right behind with a confused look on his face. "Dragon?"

"Yeah, an old ancient thing that was here long before humans," I replied as I directed us up a set of stairs then followed the same stairs that had us walking inside down to the door we came in through. "I got word that it will wake up soon and will be looking for food."

As we walked up a pathway that was set on the right wall, at least four stories up from where we started, I could tell Steve had stopped while processing what I said, "Do we need to evacuate the city?"

With a chuckle, I shook my head. "Nah, I just plan to feed it and maybe see if he or she doesn't mind either a relocation to far-off lands, or just a portal so it can come and go so it can stretch its legs or wings."

Steve nodded his head at me, "Then bucky after?"

I gave a nod along with a shrug, "I don't see why not."

After a little bit more, we finally arrived at our destination which was at least ten stories up. The funny part was that those who had vertigo or any type of gravity or flat earth issue, well, it would have been a totally bad time for them. For me though, it was all good because magic goes brr…

Opening the door I was looking for, Steve and I walked into what was clearly a meat locker. Checking over the tags, I grabbed a flank of Brontosaurus meat along with a massive Tyrannosaurus tail. With a nod, I waved my hand towards a special baggie before turning towards open space and willing a portal into reality. Steve and I stepped out on 7th and 2nd facing the butcher shop that I had one of the clones contact not too long ago.

People made way for us as Steve and I entered the butcher shop, looking around. I was about to take one of the number tags when I thought better of it and checked my Avengers card. Scrolling through the email, I found the QR-coded tag and an appointment set for ten minutes from now which showed my Clone really was taking initiative. Steve and I stood in line and waited for our number to be called while enjoying the nice cool breeze. A couple phone's came out and took pictures of us, but luckily no one came forward to ask for an autograph.

Someone had finally gathered their courage and came to ask for one, but it was already too late as the digital counting machine behind the butcher counter-changed. The intercom beeped two times, then an electronic voice rang out.

"Now serving, B35."

Double-checking the number in the email, I flashed it at Steve before the both of us walked to the front.

"Ahh, the Avengers, welcome, come, come, I have exactly what you asked for." The big guy behind the counter stated with a lot of excitement in his voice. The butcher made a hand motion to follow him and I did just that. When I turned towards Steve, I found that he was somehow captured by a little grandma and was taking a picture as one of her grandkids was holding a phone up.

With a chuckle, I asked the Butcher to wait while I asked the kid to hand me the phone. It didn't take long for me to take a picture of the three of them in multiple poses before I made an excuse so Steve could leave with me. A few smiles and a couple of waves later and Steve and I made it to the back of the shop with the butcher.

"Boom, two full cows, and four pigs," The butcher stated with a very Italian hand gesture. "All above board, no problem."

After taking a bit to inspect the meat, all types of light illuminated the back as magic circles of various types floated around before I was happy with it. "Thanks again, and for the rushed order, it's kind of a desperate situation," I spoke as I pulled a little over six thousand out of a portal.

The butcher watched as the money was counted, but he and his partner looked at me with curious looks, "Might I ask why?"

I couldn't stop myself from shrugging, "Dragon offering." I quipped in my reply. Then handed over the cash. "I doubled it since you had everything on such short notice, tip your team for me." Then with a wave of my hand, all of the beef and pork were shunted into the pocket dimension with the other meats.

The butchers, were clearly Italian because I finally noticed the flag over the door along with the gold chains and ham hock arms with hairy knuckles.

"Dragons?" The butcher asked, then rapidly began firing Italian words to the others.

With a chuckle, I waved a hand at him, "Don't worry about it, I'll give the Cap a sword." I said as I opened a portal to Central Park.

Cap did a double take looking at me, one foot through the portal and the other planted firmly inside of the butcher shop. With a roll of my eyes, I made a motion for Cap to go, then I followed right behind him. Stepping out behind Cap, I took a little bit to enjoy the breeze as I looked around the place. With just that action alone, I could already sense the magic in the air.

"Sooo, hmm, where is this dragon?" Cap asked while also looking around.

"Give me a moment," I replied to Cap as I brought my hands together, and created a large spell circle.

Original Spell : Sight's of Planer Existence

I wasn't that foolish clone and I was ready for the influx of information that was coming my way. Exactly why I created a spell circle first, it would absorb that information feedback from the spell and then allow me to review it all at my leisure. Steve stepped close to my left-hand shoulder as he also looked through the magical spell circle. We both looked around until we found a bridge with a glowing red rift hovering about five feet off the ground by the bridge. Standing in front of the dimensional riff, I gave Cap a look, and he returned the same.

The spell circle that I was using shifted colors as I brought both index fingers together, rotated my hands sixty degrees then pulled them apart.

Original Spell : Planer Existence Stabilization

With those words leaving my lips, magic flowed out of the circle and into the rift. Before I could do more, Cap tapped me on my shoulder and I had to look up and around to notice that a small crowd had gathered around. Yeah, that wasn't going to end well for anyone, so with a flex of magic and a little application of will. A small magical barrier sprang up to surround and protect the local area. It was a nice flexible membrane of green hexagons that flexed as a person pushed on it. More than capable of holding a couple hundred tons. With things in place, I gave Cap a look before jumping through the rift. We both came out in what appeared to be a cave, with bedrock underneath our feet. Strangely we were able to see, but I shrugged that off as I noticed the red glow of light coming from the distance.

Bending down, I swiped two fingers across the floor and found volcanic ash, "Ohh, that can't be good." I muttered.

Cap stopped to take a look at me and I held my hand up for him to inspect. The moment after he did, Steve pulled the shield from his back and turned to face the light with a grim expression on his face. Standing back up, I waved my hand over Cap and cast an environmental charm so that he wouldn't be bothered by the location before walking forward at a rapid pace.

After about five hundred feet of easy walking, we both came out of the cave along the side of a massive Volcano easily the size of Everest. That wasn't the issue, no, what was the issue was the massive fuck off dragon sleeping halfway down the mountainside in a pool of lava, its head was just lazing there to the side. The Dragon was clearly asleep, okay, maybe he hasn't been sleeping for long because I doubt that a dragon could just sleep in a lava pool for hundreds if not thousands of years.

There was a snort and a puff of blackish smoke poured from the dragon's snout as Steve and I shared a look. Things changed the moment we made our way down the volcano mountain towards the dragon. Steve led the way down, and the moment his feet dislodged some of the smaller gravel, the dragon's eyes opened. The dragon did a lazy blink, then focused right at us. Steve froze in motion, but I was already moving and forming shields to protect us even more.

The dragon grunted but did nothing as neither Steve nor I had decided to attack it. Seconds passed, yet they each felt like hours hammered into our souls before the dam broke as massive dark red wings swept upwards out of the lava. The dragon was on the move and as I fell into a defensive stance, the dragon shifted, its body spun like it was made from cotton candy before taking on a humanoid form.

Ohh, that was a big woman, me like, but no. So I shook those thoughts away as I opened a portal to the dimension I was holding all of the meats I had procured. "Ohh great dragon of the northern plains, we come to bargain…."

It took about twenty minutes, but the negotiation was easy if you have someone to push in the front and let them deal with the situation. Well, I wasn't that much of an asshole since Cap didn't know about all that I could offer the clearly newly awakened ancient dragonkin. While Cap was talking with a super sexy dragon, I was roasting up the meat so we could have a little BBQ party. With his shy reactions and very earnest attitude, we were able to negotiate a portal to the Savage Lands since the Ancient Dragon was not going back to sleep anytime soon and she got a taste for Brontosaurus meat. With that solved, I stepped out of the portal behind Steve and into what appeared to be a police cordon-off the area with plenty of civilians standing around and taking pictures.

Steve and I shared a look, then he went over to meet the Cops who had set a small blockade around the barrier that I had put in place. I had no time for that shit, turning around, I raised my hands, spell circles already snapping into reality.

Original Spell : Planer Clouser

With those words said, a giant hand made of fluorescent purple reached forward, a zipper forming along the rift in reality. Then it was pulled upwards, the rift closing as if someone closed it with a zipper. With my work completed, I dusted my hands and turned around to find Cap taking pictures with some of the cops because of course he is. With a shake of the head, I walked over, took a few pictures, and made sure the cops were updated on the situation of the rift not going to open again any time soon.

There was no way around it since they of course already put the damn paperwork in by triplicates at least. With everything double-checked and prepared, Steve and I found ourselves in one of the side rooms of my medical wing.

Turning towards Steve, I gave him one last look, "Ready?" I asked even as I ignored the tightening of the jaw and fist.

"More than I could say," Steve replied and I almost shivered with goosebumps because Cap was about to lay the smackdown on some fools.

With a swipe of my hand, a tear in reality opened connecting this room to the Bank in DC where they were holding Bucky Barnes on ice. Cap was off like a shot not even waiting for my signal.

Thirty Minutes Later…

Steve had demolished that base in record time in his pursuit of rescuing Bucky. With my kinetic redistribution spell, Steve had been turned into a Juggernaut and very much used it to his advantage. The crazy part was that he didn't even bat an eye when the so-called heavy hitter stepped to face him. Man got his head blown off by an angry Cap shield punching him brutally with a hundred times of normal force. Pop went his head like a water balloon.

The man was on such a mission that he didn't even stop to talk with Bucky to snap him out of whatever mental control they had him under. Since I had given Steve a stasis puck to capture Bucky and transport him back to the medical wing. Cap demolished him in a fight, dropped the puck onto his chest and then went on to destroy the rest of the Hydra base.

I didn't even feel sorry for them in the slightest, I just stayed out of Cap's way and made sure to double-tap any bodies that survived his fist because of armor plating.

That was nearly an hour ago, now though, the team and I were in my medical wing and I was looking Bucky over with Bruce at my side.

"Well, I'm not that kind of doctor but in my medical opinion, he is in peak health Steve," Bruce said to Cap while he took a step back and put away his penlight and stethoscope.

Steve gave Bruce a grim nod then turned towards my direction as I had a few spell circles hovering around.

"Whatever they did to his mind is deeply ingrained Steve," I replied while I felt everyone's eyes on me.

"Is there anything you can do?" Steve questioned and everyone could hear the worry in his voice.

With a grimace, I lowered my hands and tilted my head to the side, "Yeah, but I'm not really happy with these spells."

"What will it do and will it be able to pull what they did out of his head," Steve asked once more as he stood over the bed where Bucky Barnes lay in a stasis field.

"It's a series of spells that's going to disconnect the trauma and emotions from the time he fell off the train and compress it all into a ball," I replied with a sigh. "It's a patch job, not a fix and he will need to see a therapist about it or the spell will just have the trauma follow him around.

Steve gave me a nod of the head, "Then do it."

With a nod, I summoned two new spell circles and held them over my hand, and waited for them to conform into little paws. Again, I had taken more inspiration from my love of anime as I recreated the Paw Paw Fruit that Kuma used in One Piece. I placed a hand against Bucky's side. Breathing out, I then focused on the push. It started out as small motes of black light, then red and poison green because it started to pour out of the man in droves. From how long it was taking, it was clear that Bucky had gone through alot of shit over the years.

Honestly, this was untested magic and I was more than happy that no images or faces floated around in the sphere of misery and corruption that floated towards the side of the room. Once I had it stabilized, I also removed the red star from Bucky's shoulder and added it to the floating mass of bad time.

Steve stepped forward, and I snapped my fingers waking Bucky up.

His eyes shot open as he sat up straight in the bed looking around with wild eyes. "Steve? The hell?"

There was no time to say anything from anyone because of course Tony was here and I forgot to secure the spell out of his reach.

"Ohh new magic!" Came the voice of Tony.

My head whipped around, "No don't!" I called out but it was too late.

"Aaaggghhh!" Tony screamed as he went down on a knee before Clint pulled him backward. The arm he pushed into the bubble twitched at odd angles and had a nasty look to its flesh.

Well, guess I now gotta cleanse a dose of concentrated corruption.

With a twirl of my arm, I coated Tony's hand in blue flames that chased the corruption towards the tips of his fingers. Then with a flick of the wrist, I sent it all back into the sphere of bad juju I pulled out of Bucky. "Don't just stick your hand into every magical shiny thing you see Tony."

"What the hell is that thing?" Natasha asked with a healthy dose of distance between it and her.

"All the compressed pain, rage, emotions, torture of the year's Bucky has been under the control of HYDRA, I said this at the start before I pulled the damn thing out of him," I grumbled as I compressed it all into a marble, then put that into its own pocket space.

"Yeah, well you didn't say anything about it being able to spread," Clint replied as he glared at the spatial bag the trauma marble was inside of.

"Well, it's not going anywhere until he is able to process the majority of the thing," I replied then stopped as I felt my Avengers card buzzed. Pulling it out, I found that one of my clones was in a complete panic and had dispelled himself forcefully and had shunted the memories into the card and sent it over. With a roll of my eyes, I accepted the memories and was locked up by the flood of information.

"THAT MOTHER FUCKER!" I snarled out as the memories slotted into place and I came to the realization I would need to chase down the COSMIC GHOST RIDER because my Shadow Clone said nope and fucking ran away.

"Aye, language," Steve called out, then the room went silent as we all turned to look at him, then his head dropped. "I'm never going to live that down, am I?"

Note : I hate being sick.

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