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100% I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD) / Chapter 35: Chapter 33

Chapitre 35: Chapter 33

After experimenting a bit with my newest power, I returned to the bedroom and dropped on the bed with a thud before quickly logging in to personally check how things were going in the virtual reality. 

Humanity was eating it all up like starved beasts, calling virtual reality the future of entertainment, and I agreed with that statement. Though I was honestly a bit surprised when I took a look at what most were doing. 

Quite a few among the older people seemed to be greatly enjoying those games that could teach various life skills. Nothing that out of the ordinary there, but they were designed in a way to mimic real life jobs. 

The surprising part was that those people that spent a third of their day working, jumped into the virtual reality to work some more, for free at that. Truly, this was mind boggling to me, but hey, they could do whatever they wanted to do. 

Still, a majority of them were having a lot more fun driving tanks or flying planes while wrecking other people. They were lucky pain was disabled for them, else they would've had to personally experience getting blown up by a missile. 

The younger generation also enjoyed playing this, but most of them were focused on the League of Legends clone, queuing up game after game as they got the chance to live some of their fantasies of having superpowers. The game had received many praises, but there were also plenty of complaints, mainly about how the skins were separated by outfits and weapons, and the low chances of getting them from a loot box.

"Heh. You didn't get the skin you wanted? Then buy more loot boxes! Heh."

The game was free, and the skins didn't even grant any buffs, so this was perfectly okay in my eyes. You want to be vain about it and make your character look good? Then fork over the money!

That aside, I noticed that quite a few companies had reached over for collaborations and the potential to port their own games to our system. Even a few movie producers had contacted us, asking what exactly we could offer to them as they tried to figure out how much they could save on money by using the virtual reality to film their movies. 

"Meh." Frankly, I didn't care about all of that. I didn't think I could even enjoy movies since my life was now far more interesting than any action film. Helel could take care of all of this, and I moved on to the more interesting topic, Sacred Gears. 

We had discovered a surprising number of those little things in the past few days. The few of them that had theirs awakened were contacted and informed they could switch to the supernatural version of the pod for free. We were doing this only for appearance's sake since the machines were virtually the same.

As for those with unawakened Sacred Gears? We were taking a wait and see approach for the time being. I mean, sure, we could contact them and inform them of their situation since they were bound to learn about the supernatural at some point, but I wanted to give them another choice as well.

Currently, we could only tell them about our world and let them make a decision of their own. However, I wanted to give them the chance to back out by removing their Sacred Gear. 

Unfortunately, I wasn't completely confident I could do so without killing them in the process. I just needed some actual experience before I could give them that option. Hopefully, we would soon locate Cao Cao and his group, so I could get some practice with them.

I admit that I might get tempted to try stealing a Sacred Gear if we discovered someone with an unawaked Longinus, but we had no such luck so far. In fact, the majority we had discovered had been really weak, with only a single one that I would call mid tier. 

Most so far had been on the level of giving their user a perfect memory. Sure, it wasn't that bad, and I could see how it would be useful for a Magician, but it wasn't anything impressive. The best one was a gun that could shoot fireballs. 

That specific Sacred Gear was another reason why I still suspected that God had respawned at some point. Otherwise… why the fuck was in the form of a gun when he had died over a thousand years ago? It made no fucking sense!

Regardless, to my dislike, the supernatural weren't picking up the new technology as fast as humanity. Sure, a few had quickly jumped in like the Youkai and the Norse, but the rest were dragging their feet. At least those two groups were having fun and providing us with so much data due to the small tournament they had ended up making.

Of course, not all of them were interested in fighting. A few of them were enjoying the other available options, though one of them was being a… nuisance.

He hopped on, looked around for a bit, then proceeded to spam the help desk for an hour. His issue? There weren't any places to enjoy some boobs and vagana. Yes, that was exactly his complaint, word for word.

"Helel… are you sure that Odin was the one…"


I wasn't sure how to respond to that. Odin… he was this mighty figure in my mind, the pillar of the Norse that proudly carried his Pantheon on his shoulders. That was how I envisioned the old God. Instead… he was nothing more than a lecherous old man. 

Why? Odin was supposed to be a bloodthirsty War God that made the Geneva Convention into the Geneva checklist. Or if he had grown past that stage, he should've been a wise leader as a God of Wisdom. So why? Why must this world ruin the image of one of the cooler Gods and turn him into… this?

Thankfully, I was distracted by a whole group of supernatural logging in at the same time. They appeared together in what was the only town, though a small settlement might be a better way to describe it. Currently, there were only a bunch of buildings you could use to access the various options even if you could just as easily do the same through a voice command. 

In the future, we would perhaps need more of those settlements, and it probably would be a good idea to separate the various races and Pantheons. Of course, we would keep the shared space and even expand it since I was certain that they would find it useful as it was the perfect location to set up deals with other factions. In fact, I could even see them all setting up a sort of embassy due to its usefulness.

Anyway, the people that appeared were from the Grigori since I recognized two of them. Vali seemed a bit lost, judging by how he was looking around in confusion. The guy was probably used to immediately jumping into fighting from the few times he used it with me.

One of the Fallen Angels raised his hand and tried attacking one of the people that was walking around and exploring the place. He clicked his tongue when nothing happened and turned to Vali with a sour face.

"You said we can fight all we want here."

"You can simply go to the arena over there." Azazel pointed in the direction of the coliseum while he was fiddling with the menu. "Or you can use a voice command to teleport there. Screaming loudly in your mind also seems to work."

The Fallen Angel, Kokabiel, did just that, and he teleported to the arena, immediately queuing up for a fight, only to end up facing the currently undefeated Baldr. Without hesitation, he charged the Norse God with a spear of light in his hands. 

As expected, Kokabiel was annihilated with a single hit. However, that didn't seem to discourage him one bit. He queued up again and let out a war cry before charging Baldr. Kokabiel repeated this again and again, doing the same thing over and over as if the outcome would somehow change.

Baldr quickly got tired of that and left the arena, only to be replaced by Magni. Kokabiel continued with his reckless strategy, which was just as effective against the son of Thor. Though Magni did sometimes need two hits to kill him, so there was that. 

I observed all of this, feeling like an omnipotent God as I watched them all without any of them even realizing. Unfortunately, that feeling quickly evaporated due to what happened next.

"No femboy bars, no brothels, and not even strip clubs? This is disappointing. How do I make a complaint?" Azazel asked out loud before the complaint menu popped up for him. 

"No…" A part of me died inside as I listened to him voicing out his complaints. 

I understood that they were all long lived beings and that they had developed quirks over the years. Maybe those quirks were what even kept them sane? 

Either way, I had some experience with this already due to being close to the Satans. Ajuka only wanted to make fun and new things, barely caring about anything else. Serafall was obsessed with magical girls and her sister to some extent. Asmodeus was extremely lazy from what I heard, sleeping for days unless something important came up.

Chuckles was the only normal one among them. He was a family man that greatly cared about his relatives. His only hobby seemed to be music from what I had seen so far since I had caught him logging in for ten to twenty minutes every now and then during the day, just to play an instrument or two. 

I could accept their quirks and even understood them to an extent. But Odin and Azazel? My image of them was completely ruined. With a sigh, I logged out and simply sat on the bed, staring at the wall contemplatively. 

'Those are the rulers of major factions?' I was disappointed, to say the least. Helel informed me that two of the Grigori's Longinus users had just logged in, but I currently couldn't be bothered with that and simply asked him to record their footage if they entered the arena. 

Cori entered the room after a few minutes, her eyes blinking in confusion after seeing me. "What's wrong?"

"The more I learn about the supernatural… the more I get disappointed." Although that wasn't exactly true, that was how I felt at the moment. 

"What happened?" She asked as she sat next to me before pulling me down, so I could lay in her lap. I buried my face in her thighs before I explained the situation to Cori. She quietly listened while gently running her fingers through my hair, scratching my head lightly and almost luring me to sleep. 

'When was the last time I actually slept?' I idly thought just as I finished speaking. It might be a good idea to take an actual nap every now and then even though I could completely avoid sleeping by switching between which side of my brain rested. 

"Is this that surprising?" Cori asked with a hum.

"Yes? No? I don't know," I said as I exhaled slowly. "I mean, there are plenty of myths about Gods being absolute perverts, and I'm honestly not that surprised by Azazel. But knowing that Odin is like this? I feel really disappointed."

At least I knew what I could trade for some Golden Apples. I only had to add a strip bar to the virtual reality in exchange for those legendary fruits. People were bound to find a way to insert porn into it, so I might as well get a head start. 

"Well…" I said as I got up with a bit of struggle. Her thighs felt so nice, but I didn't want to mope much longer. "They do say, "never meet your heroes," for a reason, I guess."

"Odin is one of your heroes?" Cori asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not really, but I did envision him as this mighty God King," I said with a sigh before taking a deep breath. "Anyway, I want to show you something."

"Hmm?" Cori raised her eyebrow as I stood up. 

"Don't resist," I told her after grabbing her hand. Cori nodded in response.

I then pulled us both to my… inner world, the one I gained from my newest Perk. There were two ways I could teleport to it. 

One was by creating a physical gate, which allowed people to freely enter and exit it. The other was by teleporting right into it just like I did not. The only issue with the second method was that it set my exit point in the same location I entered through, so it wasn't exactly a perfect technique for running away. 

"Woah," she exclaimed softly as we appeared amidst tall and lush trees. 

"Welcome to my Sanctum, my own inner world," I said with a bit of pride in my voice since I designed it all on my own… Okay, maybe I had some help from Ajuka and Helel, but I still had to create it on my own!

"Did you get your hands on Innovate Clear?" Cori asked as she looked around in wonder, her eyes landing on the towering castle located on top of a mountain in the distance.

"I wish," I said wistfully. That was one of the Sacred Gears I really wanted to obtain due to its potential. Especially now since I wanted to check if I could combine it with my Perk. 

"This is a pale imitation of what Innovate Clear can do." It really was. This world was somewhat limited in what it could actually do. Plus, I didn't gain any actual powers inside it and could only redesign its structure. 

"I see." She nodded as she continued looking around. "This place does feel a bit off. Like… it isn't really real."

"You're not wrong," I said before leading her to one of the trees and lightly knocked on it. "They all look real, but they are nothing more than very realistic physical illusions. At least for now."

None of the things I created here had a soul, and they also weren't connected to the life stream. However, living beings could safely live here as we found out, so I planned to slowly replace all the illusionary vegetation with real ones in the near future before slowly filling it up with all kinds of animals. It wasn't a true world yet, but it definitely had the potential to become one. 

"Let's go check out the castle," I said in a moment, looking forward to this part since I had prepared something for her.

"Alright." She nodded before summoning her fire birb. "But maybe we can circle around while flying on Mizu first? I want to see what you've made so far."

"Sure," I agreed. There were still many things I wanted to do, but I didn't mind looking around for a bit.

We hopped on the birb, and I pulled Cori in my lap while her summon took flight. She leaned back, pushing herself against me while I pointed out some of the things I had made.

"See that big lake? I'm thinking of building a cottage over there next to it. A castle is cool and all, but a homey lakeside house will be the perfect spot to relax, I feel."

"That's just a big plain for now, though I want to populate it with various animals."

"That beach? It's a nudist one. You aren't allowed to wear clothes there. That's a rule you have to follow." 

Cori chuckled at the last one. "And here you were moping and complaining about Odin and Azazel earlier."

"This is different," I huffed. "You and I are the only ones that will use it. Well, unless…"

"How's that going, by the way?" Cori asked as she turned to look me in the eyes.

"It's… going," I replied awkwardly.

"We talked about it already, and I told you I wouldn't mind if you got into a relationship with someone else." She kept her eyes on mine, trying to convey that she truly meant that. "And I know you've been hanging around with Serafall, and you told me about the few times you met with Yasaka."

Cori shook her head with a chuckle. "You know… I really didn't anticipate you going after women like them after we spoke about it."

"It's not like I purposely went out of my way for that," I replied with a chuckle of my own. "But, well… I'm not sure about Serafall in all honesty. Not that there's anything wrong with her. It's just that she's harder to read since we are mostly joking around."

"Hmm." Cori leaned back and placed her hands over mine. "And Yasaka?"

"Yasaka is pretty forward about it. She doesn't miss a chance to flirt and act seductive, yet she always gets flustered when I flirt back."

"Do you think she'll be a good fit? That we can get along together?" 

"Maybe? I'll have to bring you with me one of those days to see if you two can click together," I said after thinking it over for a moment. There was no other way to confirm whether they could get along. "Though she does come with a package, one named Kunou."

"Is that a problem?" Cori asked as she lightly squeezed my hands. 

"I don't think so?" I replied a bit uncertain about it. Taking care of a kid wasn't a simple matter, though I did get along well with Kunou. "What do you think?"

"I don't mind it at all," Cori replied, her voice filled with warmth. "Kunou isn't even that young, so I don't think it will be a problem, and I believe I can be like a big sister to her."

"Well, that settles that, and I'll be taking you with me next time I visit them."

"And Leviathan?" 

"She will be visiting in a few days for dinner, and I'd like if you can participate as well."


"And depending on how it goes… we may end up double teaming her and breaking down her defenses, heh."

Cori snapped her head back, staring me in the eyes. "Double teaming a Satan…" She licked her lips with a hungry look. "I really like the sound of that."

"Maybe it will even come true? Who knows," I said with a shrug just as Mizu landed in front of the castle. The birb disappeared in a burst of fire, returning back to her soul.

"Shall we?" I asked as I offered her my hand. 

"We shall." Cori took it with a smile, and we stepped inside, only to immediately say. "This place looks empty considering how big it is."

"That's true," I completely agreed with her. "However, I was thinking maybe we can decorate with our paintings?"

"Our paintings?" She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Since when can you paint?"

"I can't, but you can teach me, and we can make them together, filling up the entire castle. I even set up a room here with all the supplies we'll ever need."

"That… sounds really nice. We can paint them all together…" Cori squeezed my hand as she looked around the big hallways. "But I don't think that will be enough."

"I'm aware. The rest we can fill with your ice sculptures, making the place more lively."

Cori instantly snapped in my direction, eyes slightly quivering. I squeezed her hand, knowing that this was a sore subject for her since she hadn't fully inherited her Clan's Trait. She has been making some progress as of late with her Ice Magic, but it was still a pale imitation to the real thing.

"Cori… just because your sculptures are static, doesn't mean they aren't full of life. You pour your soul, your entire being into every single one of your creations, making them look no different than real beings in my eyes."

"Michael…" Cori trailed off in a whisper. "There is a bedroom here, right?"

"Mhm." There were plenty of them around.

"Take me there?"

"As you wish." I leaned down to place a soft kiss on her lips before lifting her up like a princess. She buried her face into my neck as I carried her up, lovingly kissing every inch of my skin.

I kicked open the door to the closest bedroom I could reach. She yelped as I displaced her dress and my own clothes, leaving her only in her underwear. Her bra was unclicked and thrown away just before we reached the bed, where I gently dropped her off.

"You are sinfully beautiful," I whispered in her ear before gently nibbling on it.

"Mhm!" She moaned throatily as she grabbed onto my head, pushing me against her. 

I moved onto her neck, trailing kisses down her neck, slowly moving onto her large breasts, taking my time with each one, ensuring that they both received some proper love. Cori mewled and moaned, her fingers intertwined with my hair as she continued pushing my head against her body.

As much as I enjoyed showering her breasts with love, I knew I had to move on, and I continued my path down, trailing kisses alongside her toned stomach until I reached my destination. I pulled down her panties in one go, revealing her trembling and moist slit. 

"You are soaking wet," I chucked as I leaned in, giving it a light kiss before sticking out my tongue, licking her pink opening.

"Haah!" Cori moaned while pushing my head against her slit. "Can you… blame me? You just had to… mhm… say all those things. Nagh!"

I smirked as I pushed a finger in her hot insides while I continued working my tongue, not stopping even for a moment. She whimpered and wrapped her legs around my head while I continued pleasing her, her cries getting louder and louder once I pushed my thumb against her little button, skillfully circling and rubbing in just the right ways. 

"NGAH!" Her entire body shook, her toes curled up, and her fingers tightened her grasp on my hair. She quivered for a moment longer while I eased up, just lightly pushing my fingers inside her while she experienced her first orgasm. 

Slowly, I moved up, trailing the path I had taken down, making sure I kissed every inch of her skin. 

"Michael," Cori said with a throaty voice, eyes beggingly staring at me. "I need you inside me… right now."

I still took my time despite her words, making sure to appreciate every part of her seductive figure. 

"Please… ahh." She moaned as I reached her first and silenced her with a kiss, my tongue pushing past her lips to entangle with hers. 

One of my hands took hers, intertwining our fingers together while I lined up myself with my free one. Then I slowly pushed in, her hot insides clenching around my erection.

"Haaa!" Cori moaned against my mouth while I took her other hand as I slowly moved my hips. 

In and out. My movements were slow and purposeful, filled with emotions and passion. We didn't stop kissing the entire time, and her legs wrapped around my waist, pulling me even closer to her. 

"Haa… Haa… Haa." She was close. I could tell from the way her body tensed. 

"Don't resist," I whispered as I pulled back, casting a simple spell that would speed up her thoughts just before she orgasmed. 

"AHHHH!" Cori let out a moan that shook the room. Her body clamped up around me for a moment before she went slack, her eyes rolling back as she got to experience an orgasm that lasted dozens of minutes. I slowed down my movements even more, giving her a chance to recover. 

"Satans…" She whispered after a minute. "That was… intense."

"Did you like it?" I asked while speeding up slightly.

"I loved it…" Cori replied and took a deep breath before she pushed me over, climbing on top of me. "You have to do it again."

Then she started bouncing on my shaft, her large breasts rhythmically jumped up and down with her movements. Naturally, my hands found their way to them, squeezing those sinfully beautiful pieces of flesh and pinching her erect nipples, making her mewl loudly. 

I felt my climax approaching, and I tried out the spell myself. My toes curled up as my orgasm exploded in my mind while I filled her with my seed. She dropped down, hands cupping my face as she took my lips, entangling her tongue with mine. My hands went to her ass, grabbing and squeezing while she continued moving her hips. 

We continued on and on, changing various positions while greatly prolonging our orgasm with this spell. This lasted until she was too tired to go on. Cori weakly dropped on top of me, pushing her face against the crook of my neck while she wrapped her limbs around me.

We stayed like that for a long moment, just enjoying the presence and warmth of the other person, though I moved her slightly to the side while still tightly holding on to her. Cori placed a soft kiss on my lips before I felt her Demonic Power pulse out. 

"Michael…" Cori softly spoke with wonder in her voice. Her eyes were quivering and full with tears as she stared behind me. "Look."

I turned around, knowing exactly what I would find there, a small bird made of ice flapping its wings as it slowly flew around. It landed on the window and chirped, acting as if it was a living being. 

"I did it," Cori quietly said with disbelief in her tone, finding this surreal. 

"You did it." I smiled lovingly at her, happy for her success. 

"I really did it," she continued, tears dropping from her eyes, though her lips were stretched into a smile full of joy.

"Mhm." I cupped her cheeks and brushed them off with my thumbs. 

Cori gently placed her hands on my own cheeks before leaning in, kissing me with uncontrolled emotions. Her gesture was filled with joy and warmth, and she pulled back in a moment, staring me in the eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed her with just as much passion before pulling back, both of us watching the ice bird flying around the room while chirping in happiness until we both fell asleep while it sang us a song.

Beta'd by Gerald of Revea.


Elden Ring's DLC is out. I can't wait until I can take this cast off and play the shit out of it. 

Anyway, as per Echi rules, someone must advance after an Echi scene, and Cori fully unlocked her family Trait here*. I do like to point out that having a sentient Sacred Gear helped out here. Funny how that turned out since I hadn't actually planned for it. 

*Hi! Gerald here, and this was totally my doing. Having Michael use thought acceleration to prolong a moment of pleasure? One of my better ideas, and to any writers reading this? Feel free to use it, kek

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