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18.57% I am Rimuru Tempest (Rewrite Version) / Chapter 9: The Conqueror of Flames

Chapitre 9: The Conqueror of Flames

As they maneuvered through the forest, Shizu and her group were troubled by relentless attacks from a swarm of giant ants. 

At the moment, Shizu was debating in her head whether or not she should use her fire skills. She was already starting to become unstable, and Ifrit inside of her was fighting for control as hard as he could. One more slip-up and she would lose to him.

Since she could feel herself dying, she decided to go on one final desperate mission. It was a last-ditch effort to find a way to cure her students. Otherworlders like her who were snatched away as children.

The burden of awakening skills was too big for kids, so that meant that they probably would not make it to adulthood unless a miracle or curse fell upon them. For her, the curse was Ifrit, placed inside of her by the Demon Lord who had brought her to this world, Leon Cromwell. A man for whom she had nothing but spite.

As she ran, she suddenly saw a large wolf with pitch-black fur jump in their direction.

"This is it, isn't it?" She muttered as she grabbed her sword, preparing to unleash her flames. However, she froze as she heard the young voice of the person riding the wolf shouting.

— — —

"Yeeeeee-haw!" Rimuru shouted as he launched countless threads in all directions, capturing all the ants. "Howdy, ya'll look like you were in a bit of a pickle." He added, putting on a Southern accent. 

He didn't want to kill the ants since they could be useful workers in the future, so he would send a Tempest Wolf to follow them in their shadow until they returned to their nest. After which, he would name the Queen and add her to his village. He already had the perfect name, Marie Antoinette. Well, maybe it was still a work in progress. It was already hard enough to come up with serious names.

As the group of adventurers froze, seeing this strange child riding a wolf, Shizu couldn't help but snort a little. She held back her laughter while the rest of the group around her stood in amazement.

[Notice. The subject Shizue Izawa has been analyzed. The estimate for her time until collapse is 4 hours, 37 minutes, and 50 seconds.]

Jumping down from Ranga, he gave a small vow to them before introducing himself.

"I am Rimuru Tempest, welcome to my forest."

The group of adventurers exchanged confused looks before the blonde girl stepped forward.

"Hello, Ellen here. Um, these two are Kaval and Gido. Thanks for saving us." she managed, her gaze darting between Rimuru and the gigantic wolf, Ranga. After a brief pause, she added. "Oh, yeah, and this is Shizu."

They all greeted Rimuru and then turned their attention to the gigantic wolf by his side, who wagged his tail happily as Rimuru petted his head.

"Come on, everyone. You all look tired. We've got food and accommodations back at my town. It's still a work in progress, but it has its charm," Rimuru said with a welcoming smile, leading the group towards his town.

He had chosen to walk around in his combat mode to meet the group since it was both more friendly and nicer to move around in. Though he was enjoying using his older body, the slight delay in his movements was starting to get with him after spending so much time practicing with Hakuro.

He just had to keep telling himself that once he ate more, he would grow more, so it was only a matter of time until his older form became his combat form.

The adventurers exchanged a few looks as they began to ask countless questions, from who he was to how he had tamed the wolf. After giving a mental apology to the dragon in his stomach, he answered with the lie he had begun his life with.

"I am Veldora's Prophet."

Hopefully, the lie wouldn't come to bite him in the ass when he ran out of future knowledge, but he hoped that by then, he would be strong enough to play stupid and get away with it. In the worst-case scenario, he already had an excuse set up.

'Who knows, maybe I will awaken an actual prophet skill in the future. What do you think, Sage.' Rimuru mused internally.

[The probability of obtaining a time-related skill is currently set at 0.00000004305090803793%] Sage answered with her usual monotone voice.

'I like those odds.' Rimuru chuckled to himself just as Kaval's voice cut through his thoughts.

"Wait, Veldora? Like the Storm Dragon, Veldora? The one who was supposed to be trapped in a cave, Veldora?" Kaval asked, wide-eyed with surprise.

"Do you know what happened to him? We spent two weeks in that stupid cave and didn't find anything," Ellen jumped in, her curiosity evident. The barrage of questions continued until Rimuru decided to give them a straightforward answer.

"Veldora is gone, but he will be back. The Forest of Jura is still under his protection. Don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't go around causing a mess. But remember, I can only hold him back if no one attacks him or his people first. So inform that guild master of yours to spread the word that Jura is still off-limits."

As they arrived in the town, the group of adventurers got distracted by the countless monsters running around in harmony, which gave Shizu a chance to pull Rimuru away to ask him a question in private. She had been curious ever since she heard his title as a prophet, so after hesitating a moment, she asked.

"Rimuru, do you know what I am looking for?" she asked, a trace of hope in her voice.

With a slight smirk, Rimuru looked at her before answering.

"Leon Cromwell and someone who can save your students. Which would be Ramiris, the Fairy Queen."

Shizu was taken aback, excitement and confusion mixing in her voice as she continued.

"So does that mean that I-" She began before being interrupted by him.

"No, you die. In fact, you are going to die in about three and a half hours. Ifrit will take control of your body." Rimuru stated plainly. 

"That…." Shizu faltered, the weight of his words sinking in. She knew she was close to death, but hearing it so bluntly was jarring. "So I fail? Huh…" she muttered, surprisingly calm.

"I should probably leave then… before I die. I don't want to hurt anyone," Shizu said, turning to walk away, but Rimuru stopped her.

"I promise you won't hurt anyone. Just follow me."

Shizu followed Rimuru, curiosity, and resignation blending in her heart. They arrived at his office, where a black mist surrounded him, transforming him into an adult Kijin. He sat down as an ogre served tea to both of them.

"I prefer to discuss important things like this." Rimuru spoke, his tone more serious and authoritative. Shizu looked at him with some surprise at his sudden change, but after a moment, she decided to simply accept it. After all, magic and unique skills were something that existed.

After a few moments of silence, Shizu let out a bitter chuckle.

"You know… it's kind of funny. To tell you the truth, I have nothing but spite for this world. When you told me I was going to die, I felt relieved. I can't bring myself to hate it, but I still spite it. Both the world and the man who brought me to it. The only thing that kept me going were my students. So, Rimuru…"

"You want me to take care of your students," he finished for her, causing her to nod.

"Yes. I don't know if there is anything I can do to repay you, but—"

"Wouldn't you rather take care of your students yourself? Teach Leon a lesson with your own hands?" Rimuru asked, a smile appearing on his face as he extended his hand towards her.

Shizu hesitated for a moment, lowering her head before admitting.

"I'm tired… I'm old… I'm honestly fine with dying if I know my students will be safe. I don't know what you have planned, but…" She reached for her mask, carefully moving it to the side to reveal her face while still suppressing Ifrit.

She was beautiful, even with the small burn scars that covered the bottom left side of her face. Her eyes looked tired, as if she had been fighting for countless years. Though she had a smile, it was tinged with resignation.

"I'm tired… Rimuru, if you can help my students-" Shizu began again, but Rimuru interrupted.

"One year."

"Huh?" Shizu asked, taken aback.

"I will give you a new chance at life, and you will serve me for one year. After that, if you still decide that you want to die, I will kill you myself. But in this one year, I will make sure that your students are safe. What do you say?" Rimuru offered.

To be honest, Rimuru had many reasons for helping her. She could keep Hinata from becoming a problem, serve as a strong ally, and her status as the Conqueror of Flames could help him gain influence with humans. 

And well… he also felt a bit sorry for her. He wanted to keep his emotions in check when making decisions, but he was willing to make an exception for someone who could be so beneficial to his plans.

Shizu looked at him, processing his words. The offer was tempting: a chance to see her students one last time and ensure their safety personally. Her resolve wavered as she considered his offer. After being silent for a few more moments, she asked.

"Rimuru Tempest, the Prophet of Veldora. Do you see me defeating Leon Cromwell?" There was a glimmer of hope in her voice.

A devilish smile appeared on Rimuru's face as he answered.

"I see one thing for the future. If you work with me, you will be strong enough to wipe the floor with him in time. I swear that on Veldora's name."

Rimuru's smile wavered slightly as he felt a slight discomfort in his stomach, but he maintained it. He mentally apologized to his buddy, pal, friend, fellow brother, and amigo.

Shizu chuckled slightly before falling silent. 

"One year… huh," she muttered, considering her options. "How much time do I have left?"

"One hour, twenty-two minutes, and forty-four seconds. Moving your mask to the side actually lowered the time you had left," Rimuru explained, causing her to chuckle slightly as she stood up.

"One hour…" she muttered, pacing slightly across the room. "I was ready to die just a few hours ago, but now I am hesitating… isn't that a bit stupid?" She chuckled to herself.

"Can we take a walk? I want you to tell me when there are ten minutes left," Shizu requested, placing the mask back on her face to gain as much time as possible.

Nodding, Rimuru stood up and joined her. 

They began to walk through the city, observing the countless monsters working in unison to build the town. They all had happy smiles on their faces as they waved at the pair. Shizu began to notice just how many people were working nonstop while looking happier than ever.

As they walked, a little ogre girl excitedly ran up to them, holding a basket. 

"Lord Rimuru, look at the potatoes we were able to grow! My mom brought some home, and they are delicious! So I wanted to give you one as a gift!" The little ogre beamed as she handed a small potato to him.

Rimuru ruffled her hair, causing her to giggle before turning to Shizu. 

"Here, you can have one too!" The little girl handed a potato to Shizu before running off with a smile to explore the village.

Holding the potato in her hand, Shizu looked lost in thought. As they continued walking, countless people ran up to them to share something new that had made them happy, giving their thanks before returning to work. The pair eventually arrived at a small hill overlooking the progress.

Shizu gazed down at the bustling town, her expression softening behind the mask. 

"Everyone here seems so happy… You've created something amazing, Rimuru."

Rimuru glanced at her then reminded her of the time she had.

"Thirteen minutes left."

Shizu fell silent, contemplating her decision. Finally, she looked up at Rimuru with resolve in her eyes. 

"Okay, I'll make the deal. I will work under you for a year, and you will help me save my students." She lowered herself to one knee, a gesture of loyalty and trust. "After seeing how happy everyone in your town is, I'm deciding to put my trust in you, Rimuru."

Rimuru placed a hand on her shoulder, nodding. 

"In that case, just close your eyes and relax."

Shizu hesitated for a moment before closing her eyes. Rimuru activated his skill, feeling a surge of power as he prepared to save her.

[Activating the skill Predator.]

In an instant, Rimuru's body shifted back to that of a slime, enveloping Shizu and placing her in his stomach. They had practiced this countless times with various creatures, so now it was up to Sage to handle the intricate process.


[Notice. The unique skill Degenerate has been obtained after completing an analysis of the subject Shizu.]

[Notice. Improvement has been discovered in the body-rebuilding process. Beginning implementation... Implementation complete. Unique skill Degenerate will now be used to improve the process.]

[Activating Degenerate to separate Shizu's soul and consciousness from the body.]

[Activating Predator to consume the body.]

[Analysis complete. After consuming the body and the Greater Fire Spirit Ifrit, you have obtained the following skills:

Summon Greater Fire Spirit: Ifrit, Summon Medium Fire Spirit: Salamander, Control Flame, Replication, Flame Transform, Ranged Barrier, Fire Spirit Magic.]

[Notice. Activating the new skill Degenerate and Predator to synthesize a new body.]

[Using Shizu's old body to synthesize a new one... Using the consumed Ifrit to synthesize a new spirit. Operation complete.]

[Utilizing the skill Degenerate to synthesize the consciousness and soul with the newly created body.]

In the next moment, Rimuru felt his form return to that of a slime before spitting out Shizu's unconscious body. She was naked, revealing her beautiful body. The burn scars that had covered most of her body had vanished, revealing smooth skin like that of a newborn baby because, well, she technically had been reborn. She looked full of vitality as her blood began to flow, her once slightly pale skin gaining a healthy glow. 

As her eyes fluttered open, Shizu rose, looking at her body with some surprise as she moved her arms.

She felt young again, full of life. The exhaustion that had plagued her for years had vanished, replaced by a serene energy. The oppressive presence of Ifrit was gone, replaced with the comforting warmth of a new fire spirit that responded to her will. It felt as though the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders.

As she ran her fingers over her smooth skin, she couldn't help but let tears of joy spill from her eyes. The scars that had haunted her for so long were no more. Her hands moved to her face, confirming the absence of the burns under her left eye. Overwhelmed by emotion, she sobbed quietly, her tears falling freely.

Rimuru returned to his Kijin form as she was starting to cry. As Shizu noticed him, she didn't hesitate. With tears still streaming down her face, she leaped towards him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. Her naked body pressed against his, but she didn't care.

"Thank you, Rimuru," she whispered, her voice trembling with gratitude. "Thank you for giving me a new life."

She had been so tired for so long that she had forgotten what it felt like to truly live. Now, she felt a vitality she hadn't experienced since before coming to this world.

As Rimuru returned the hug to comfort her, he felt her begin to cry even harder, releasing years of pent-up pressure and sorrow. After a few minutes, she stepped back, realizing for the first time that she had been naked the entire time.

A blush crept up her face, and she quickly covered her body. Suddenly, she felt the soft touch of a silk kimono land on her. She quickly put it on, hiding her embarrassment by looking away. Instinctively, she reached for her mask to cover her face, but realizing it wasn't there, she turned to meet Rimuru's gaze.

"Welcome back, Shizue Izawa." Rimuru said, before suddenly collapsing and reverting into his slime form, entering sleep mode for the first time since he had been reborn.

Shizu stood there, stunned. She had become a magic-born the moment she fused with Ifrit countless years ago, and now, being reborn, her old name no longer applied. With this simple act, Rimuru had named her again, reaffirming her identity as Shizu and creating an unbreakable bond between them.

"Rimuru!" she shouted as she saw him collapse, hesitating for a moment as she looked at the small slime. "Rimuru?"

In her heart, she could feel the connection to him, a clear indication that the slime was indeed Rimuru. It was strange, but after another second of hesitation, she picked him up, cradling him carefully yet affectionately.

Holding Rimuru, Shizu felt a profound sense of relief and hope. The connection between them was strong and comforting. She realized that not only had Rimuru saved her when she had given up in life, but he had also given her a new purpose.

As she looked around the bustling town from the small hill, Shizu felt a renewed sense of determination. She had a second chance at life, and she would make the most of it by serving Rimuru and protecting her students. She would keep her promise.

Gently cradling the slime form of Rimuru, she made her way back to the town. The sun had fully set by now, casting a tranquil glow over the settlement. The sight of the happy, industrious residents filled her with a sense of belonging she hadn't felt in a long time. It was a strange feeling that only those named by the same person could feel.

"Rest well, Rimuru," she whispered, a small smile forming on her lips. "I'll take care of things until you wake up."


In the light novel, Shizu is described as having burn scars that never healed all over her body because of Ifrit. The anime and manga didn't really show it, but when in doubt, I will defer to the light novel.

Beta Readers: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord) and @Kiyan Tribe ( FF.net/AO3/QQ) | kiyan_tribe( Discord)

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