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14.28% I Am Energy In Dc / Chapter 22: Chapter 22 War Of The Bounty Hunters 6

Chapitre 22: Chapter 22 War Of The Bounty Hunters 6

United States.

In A Certain Military Base.

In a secluded area similar to the last one.

"And this... Red Queen is the reason you were able to find the league's traces?".

A councilman asked with interest at the man standing a distance away who, unlike the others in the room, was not a hologram.

However, although he was asking the middle-aged man, a larger part of his attention was on the female next to him.

If it could even be called a female to begin with.

The other councilmen had similar expressions. Half of their attention was on the man while the other, much greater half was on the red colored, less than four foot tall loli whose features looked no older than ten years old.

The fact that this wasn't even human, but the holographic representation of advanced Artificial Intelligence was intriguing enough. The fact that it could detect the league's break-ins, something that the United States Government had never been able to detect previously, only further deepened their interests.

After all, everyone in the room was a figure in high positions. The concept of artificial intelligence was not new to them.

Sam Lane nodded expressionlessly at the question. The Red Queen was something he had specifically requested from Amari.

Well, not specifically. What he had in mind was an incredibly advanced AI capable of solving his needs at the time... but he wasn't a Lolicon.

Why the AI even came in this form was something he couldn't understand. If he didn't know that Amari was a rather apathetic being, Sam would have thought this was the work of his terrible sense of humor at play.

Of course, that was just his complaints about the Red Queen's display look.

"As I'm sure you already know. A member of the Justice League, Cyborg I believe, hacked into our satellites to prevent us from taking further investigations into their secret identities. Due to our limited capabilities, I requested the alien, Amari, to provide us with a suitable option capable of turning the tables. And he gave me her". Sam said as he turned his gaze to the red girl while moving to pace around the room.

"While she may not look like much, I assure you that her appearance is just an appetizing front, made to house her true capabilities". Sam said firmly, a solemn look appeared on his face.

"My team of researchers, specially made up of the best people the military has to offer, have thoroughly studied her capabilities and come to a final evaluation".

"And what might that be, General?" A councilman asked.

"That save for one place, she is the most advanced AI that can be found on the face of the earth. A scientific creation more than seventy years ahead of its time". Lane replied.

"That's a rather bold claim, General".

"A bold claim indeed. Yet, one that I fully agree with". Sam replied indifferently.

"Amari's words specifically stated that she is several times better than the best system Luther uses to encrypt his personal database".

His words were enough to silence everyone.

Each one of them was an influential bastard with status and authority many times higher than an influential state governor.

They constituted the World Council. A governmental body that even the President of the United States had to bow his head to.

And therefore, they had certainly dealt with the infamous owner of Lexcorp, Lex Luthor. Their understanding of this figure was just as high, if not higher, than the Justice League, who held him as a high-priority enemy on their watch list.

Lex was many things.

Cunning, Ruthless, scheming, rich, but most importantly, smart. He was a villainous character alright, but he was also an intellectual genius whose brain was capable of pioneering the technological industry.

How could they not know when they secretly funded his Cadmus Operations? The world council funded the military, while the military funded Cadmus.

The three sides had a very cooperative relationship. How else would Cadmus be able to get away with dangerous experimentation even after being caught by the Justice League on several occasions?

Lane had seen the biological weapons that Luther created. Let's forget about things like cloning technology, just the high-end tech they provided was enough for Lane to have a rough understanding of how brilliant Lex Luthor was.

Amari stated that the Red Queen was something several times better than what Lex could currently achieve. It was unbelievable just thinking about it.

Yet, after what his researchers had told him....

"And do you agree with his statement, General Lane?" A middle-aged woman asked curiously. For someone like that alien who couldn't be judged with common sense, they wouldn't just sit up and start yelling words like 'Impossible'.

"With all I've been informed, I find no reason not to". Sam responded as he continued with his report fluently.

The Red Queen was something provided by Amari, and so must be treated with the highest level of scrutiny.

To put it in simpler terms, he would rather not take the blame in case something went wrong with it.

Amari was an extraterrestrial that had come to an agreement with the World Council due to a sense of mutual understanding as well as mutual benefits. But everyone knew that the so-called understanding all lay in the fact that the former was too strong for the latter to handle.

If not, Lane would probably be the first to send out all the forces under his command to apprehend him.

However, as an otherworlder, no number of benefits presented would make them less wary of him.

This was and would likely forever remain the case.

"You said 'save for one place'. Where do you refer to General Lane".

"Superman's fortress".

"In the Arctic?"

"Yes. Understandable since it's guarded by Kryptonian tech. The Red Queen informs me that the Leagues' database is guarded by similar technology".

Sam reported his team's findings. Apart from being unable to hack into the Justice League Watchtower without going unnoticed and countered, the Red Queen was several times better than what human civilization could currently offer.

Thinking of the capabilities of the Red Queen, his heart also felt a burning desire. Just Integrating her into a country's systems would raise its national security to a whole new level.

Things like foreign infiltrations, assassinations and hidden spies would basically become history.

Intel gathering capabilities would skyrocket.

Hidden country secrets would actually remain secrets, instead of Mission Impossible repeatedly replaying itself.

Security of weapons, missile bases, nuclear bombs would be basically guaranteed.

Professor Albert Gillian had explained it all in one sentence. With the Red Queen, they could literally monitor the entire world.

That wasn't even mentioning the economical boost. If a small country obtained the Red Queen, they could become a powerhouse, surpassing the United States in less than eight years.

All these functions made him almost salivate. Of course, while the benefits were enormous, the risk was also tantamount.

Silence reigned in the room after Lane finished his report, as the councilmen were left deep in thought.

After a while, someone finally broke the silence.

"Is it safe to make full use of the Red Queen?"

The person asked exactly what the rest of the councilmen were thinking. The problem wasn't the commodity itself. No, the commodity was too wonderful. The issue lay with the original owner of this commodity.

"I cannot give a definite answer to that question". Sam shook his head and replied. "The Red Queen is technology many years ahead of its time. The current technological level of the earth is not enough to fully analyze it, much less replicate it. I'm afraid that my team is barely scratching the surface".

The knowledge of earth's best researchers were several levels lacking. It was similar to a ten-year-old child and a TV remote.

They could use it easily, but they couldn't understand its inner workings. Without understanding the inner workings, how would you know if it's rigged with an explosive?

The Red Queen was a double-edged sword. If Amari could control the Red Queen, which they were certain he could, what would stop him from using it against them whenever he wanted?

If she was integrated into the system of a country, whoever held control of the Red Queen held control of the whole country. If all the nations of the world used it, then the whole world would practically be at his fingertips.

The thought alone subconsciously frightened them while leaving them helpless.

The Red girl could bring them massive benefits, but they didn't dare to fully take advantage of it.

"Put your team to work on deciphering the technology around the AI. Make it around the clock if you have to, it would be best if she can be replicated for our use". The head councilman said solemnly.

The silence was a clear representation of zero objections. Sure enough, they still wouldn't take such a big risk.

Sam didn't object and was internally happy with it.

However, whether they could produce any results was something that he seriously doubted.

Like he said, the AI was just too advanced. Even if they could study her ahead of time, the conservative estimate given to him was a period of twenty to forty years before there were any conclusive results.

That was unless, of course, it was given to Lex Luthor. But there was no way that was going to happen.

They all knew how ambitious Lex was. With his wisdom, if he was granted access to the Red Queen, only God knows what would happen. The benefits and risks involving this were too great, and the council would never involve Luther in this large cake.

Lane wouldn't either.

"Moving on. Now that the matter of the AI has been decided on, I would like us to concentrate on what did it cost us to acquire this". The Head councilman said.

His words instantly earned several nods. Indeed, what they had obtained this time was too valuable. The nature of their agreement with Amari was an equal exchange.

Looking at the little Red Loli, the council was worried whether the resources in their possessions had been emptied completely to attain her.

"Gotham Plains". General Lane said in a deep voice. The slight twitch on his face was captured by the council members.

Sam turned his gaze to the AI. The latter didn't reply, but a hologram appeared in the room showing a rather outstanding scene.

The council's eyes widened inexplicably at the scene before them. What was once a large area made up of grass and trees was gone, and in its place stood what they could only describe as a small city.

The large pastures of grass were reduced to small areas with little grass patches, while the rest of the land was clearly leveled in solid rock.

The uneven landscape had been brought to equal level with several futuristic looking buildings as well as several elevated platforms spread out on the land, while at the center stood a massive tower like structure that represented the main HQ.

Alongside it were various technological marvels. Flying ships, levitating platforms, the whole place looked like a city countless years ahead of its time.

What they were currently seeing was what they could barely observe through satellite imaging. Any drone that came close to the area to observe would immediately go out of control the moment it approached.

The pin drop silence was enough to show how awed they were at this scene. Sam was no different.

The Red Queen had shown it to him thirty minutes ago, precisely seven minutes after his call with Amari ended. The next door Gotham neighbors didn't even realize that this place existed yet.

How the hell did he build such a thing in a matter of minutes?

"He said he intended to make the area his base of operations. It's no surprise how all of... this happened". Lane said candidly.

"... but the worth of the AI far surpasses the area itself. Does it not?" Someone asked in puzzlement.

No one bothered to question how this place even came to creation.

"I agree. What is so valuable about this piece of land that could make him trade her for it?" Another asked.

"He said that something would be landing in that area soon. I believe whatever that may be, it's something precious, even for someone like him".

The hearts of the councilmen moved. Something that even the alien would want.

Desire burned within them just thinking about it. But when they recalled that this alien could see the future, that burning fire was extinguished with a tsunami of fear.

"This... Well, forget it".

Amari stated it out clearly to show its importance. They were smart enough to see the warning laced within it.

No matter how greedy they were, they weren't greedy enough to gamble with their lives.

"Well.... put the area under satellite surveillance. We have no interest in fighting him for it, but it's on earth soil. We should at least know what this thing is. After all, he is still a potential threat. There's nothing wrong with a little monitoring'. The head councilman said seriously as he twirled the glass of whiskey in his hand.

He had no plans to go to war with the alien. Forgetting the fact that they couldn't beat him, they hadn't suffered any losses in this exchange.

They were all rich bastards, after all. The worth of the land outside Gotham wasn't worth much in their eyes. And they obtained an even more valuable product.

In business, there were no eternal enemies. Only eternal interests.

Two more minutes passed and the meeting ended.

Sam still held his expressionless face as he turned around to leave.

At that moment, the motionless red Queen uttered a sentence.

"Forgive my interruption, General Lane, but there is an ongoing action I feel the need to report".

"Red Queen? What is it". Sam asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Someone is attempting to hack my systems". She replied nonchalantly.

Sam's face turned dark.

"Worry not, General Lane, this attempt is centuries away from posing an actual threat. An insignificant attempt at best". She continued to speak to allay the worries of the General.

"Who is it". The same wasn't truly worried. Although he was wary of Amari, he had a certain degree of understanding with the latter. If the Red Queen could be hacked by any random tom, dick and harry, then she wouldn't be worthy of her evaluation.

Ignore the fact that not just anyone could access this military base, unless they were on the level of the Justice League and lex Luther, they would still be grouped under that label.

A screen appeared in front of his eyes, showing the military room he had stepped out of several minutes ago.

The screen zoomed in to show a certain military personnel at his computer station. A small drive was attached to the USB port, going almost unnoticed.

Sam's face grew even darker. The leak was actually someone within his base.

"What do they want?"

"I've analyzed the drive. It's made to silently download all available data on any server it's connected to, leaving almost zero traces. However, the download range has been reduced to a minimum to search for all information stored within the last one hour".

The Red Queen replied.

Lane immediately understood.

As someone in the military, his senses were sharper than an average man and could immediately guess what the culprit was after.

The Justice League's Proteges secret identities. This was the only thing they had been investigating for the past few hours.

The only thing he had used the Red Queen for since he got her was the Café incident relating to the Justice League proteges.

Someone was trying to obtain the League's secret identities through him.

In a matter of seconds, numerous thoughts passed through his mind.

"Bring up the file on this person". Lane demanded solemnly. The last thing he would tolerate was traitors within his base.

Relevant information quickly appeared in front of him.

"Filter out anything that isn't of use". He ordered again. The Red Queen did as she was told.

Thirty seconds later.

"Luthor!" Sam's eyes narrowed. The gloomy aura surrounding him intensified as he looked at the report.

Apparently, this particular personnel was introduced into his base under the influence of Cadmus.

And he wasn't the only one.

Although the possibility existed that this may not be the work of lex Luther, after all, Cadmus had many people involved in it. Even some council members could be included.

Yet, Lex was definitely the first person to come to mind.

"Can you find out if Luther is the mastermind behind this?" Lane asked darkly.

"The access I have is limited to this base only and is restricted even within it. My capabilities are therefore restrained". The words calmly flew into Sam's ears, making him frown.

That's right, the Red Queen didn't have complete access to the systems of the base. Do to their fear of what might happen, the Red Queens' access was restricted to this military base as well as one single satellite.

All important information was also wiped clean before her integration. If not, just based on what she was capable of, the Red Queen could find out the identities of all Justice League members as soon as she was given total control of all satellites in the United States in a matter of seconds.

Lane turned around and walked out the exit, his mind filled with countless thoughts.

Lex Luthor was one of the few people that Sam was genuinely wary of. Now that he had set his sights on him, Lane had to plan his next course of action carefully.

Lex's connections ran deep. He wasn't someone he could casually deal with.

But first thing first. A certain unlucky mole is about to get the torture of a lifetime.


Meanwhile, outside earth's atmosphere.

A portal was ripped open in the void of space. A singular spaceship flew out of the portal thousands of miles away and rapidly advanced forwards.


Sorry for the long delay on updates. My cousin got seriously sick. Also, I opened up a Patron account so I had to stock up on chapters.


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