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100% I'm just here (Miraculous ladybug) / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: How long can you go without WIFI?!!!

Chapitre 4: Chapter 4: How long can you go without WIFI?!!!

Collège Françoise Dupont. Adrien, Chloé, Ivan, Alya, Juleka, Mylène, Max, Alix, Nathaniel, Nino, Rose, Kim, Sabrina and Edgar are in their classroom with Miss Bustier, while Alya cuts out a picture of Ladybug. Alya then uses that Ladybug cutout, and puts it over her classmates faces.

Miss Bustier announces "I'm very pleased with how you all did on your last assignment. Some of you have really stepped up, and I do appreciate it. Now it's time to move on to our next assignment." Alya sees Chloé, pointing at Miss Bustier. Miss Bustier looks at Alya "Is Marinette still in the girl's room?"

Alya, unsure how to respond, just gives her honest answer "Uh, I don't know, miss." The bell rings, and the students prepare to leave the classroom.

Miss Bustier frowning slightly continues anyway "Tonight I want you all to read chapter three of "The Breathtaking France, the First Thousand Years." Then, answer this simple questionnaire." knowing that Marinette is friends with Alya she gives Alya two questionnaires "See to it that Marinette receives her homework."

As this was all happening Edgar was watching while being immersed on his phone texting someone.

Outside the classroom. Alya tries to call Marinette again, but gets her voicemail instead. "It's Marinette, leave a message. Beep! He he."

In the bathroom Alya is searching for Marinette wondering where she is. "Marinette?" Alya asks while knocking on the door there was no reply.

Outside the classroom. Alya sees Rose and Juleka, Alya decides to ask them "Uhh, have you guys seen Marinette anywhere?" Rose and Juleka shake their heads.

Frowning Alya enters the locker rooms, where she sees Chloé taking something from her locker. It's a Ladybug costume and yo-yo and it seems to be expertly made.

Alya whispered but also in a state of shock "Chloé's Ladybug?" Shaking her head to clear the shock as Chloe was getting away.

Outside the school. Chloé boards her limousine, Alya follows her behind but is unable to follow the fast moving car.

Alya, trying her luck again, calls Marinette "Hey, Marinette. Ring me ASAP. We gotta talk." Sees Nino and decides to ask him for help "Nino, wait!" Nino confused "Yeah?"

Alya impatiently tells Nino "Come with me, I need your help!" Before Nino can even agree "So–" Alya shushes him and Alya tries to call Marinette again, but…

"It's Marinette, leave a message. Beep! He he."

"Ughh. I hate when she goes AWOL. She's not calling me back! Where is that girl?!" Nino, knowing how she feels, says "Seriously. My man Adrien's the exact same way. But I guess you gotta be sly when Mr. Control Freak is your daddy-o."

Alya's phone rings and shows the news site that she has subscribed to. Nadja the show's news presenter says "Once again, Ladybug and Cat Noir have saved Paris from the clutches of a menacing villain."Alya sees Ladybug's yo-yo.

Boldly stating "Hey! I think I've just sniffed out who the real Ladybug is!" leans in and whispers to Nino "Chloé."

Nino laughs hearing the joke "Chloé? Seriously? She's too self-absorbed to think of anyone but herself, much less save the world. You are cray-cray, Alya!" "I am so not! You'll see!" Alya yells not knowing Chloe as well as the others.

Around Paris Ladybug is jumping above ceilings. She reaches a billboard and de-transforms back into Marinette. Tikki tired comments "Time flies fast when you're saving the world. The day's already over!"

"Tell me about it. I missed an entire half day of school at this rate I'll fail!" Tikki, trying to make the mood lighter jokes "Whoever's behind all of this sure is keeping us on our toes!"

Marinette laughs at the joke and says "But you don't have any toes!" Marinette then walks into the bakery.

Sabine Marinette's mum comments "Alya brought your school bag home for you, Marinette." Marinette, unsure if her mum knows she's missed half the day hesitantly says "Hey mom…"

Sabine, knowing Marinette wouldn't miss school without a good reason, simply says "You seem so forgetful these days. Maybe you just need some fresh air and extra exercise for that growing brain of yours!"

Marinette, thankful that her mum didn't ask why, simply agrees "Good idea, mom. I'll start tomorrow." Sabine kisses her head and Marinette leaves.

As Marinette goes into her room she brings out the homework from her school bag. Joking Marinette comments "Ladybug saved Paris from destruction once again, but who's gonna save Marinette from her homework?" she then sees a sticky note that was left by Alya "What's this? "Call me. I know who the real Ladybug is!""

"No way! You think she knows?" Tikki asked worriedly for her holder. Marinette however was calm "I doubt it. Alya's always jumping to conclusions before she has her facts straight."

Tikki however was not so easily calmed "But just in case…" Marinette simply says "No worries Tikki. I got it covered." Marinette then tries to call Alya, but there is no signal. "Dang. No signal and I have no data left."

She goes to the balcony to see if there is any signal, but sees a man working on the cell tower. "Sorry, miss. Cell tower maintenance. The whole neighbourhood's down. No signal for the next hour!"

Once down and sitting at the desk Tikki says "Come on, Marinette. We can try again later. Let's get your head down and finish this homework."

In College. Chloé and Sabrina enter the school, and some students are watching her, including Nino and Alya.

Chloé makes absolutely annoying comments about everyone's fashion sense "Hey there! Hi! You look totally fab! Uh, no, not you. Hey, is it still a month from Halloween, or is that you face?"

Nino expecting this from Chloe sarcastically says "You need to have your head examined. If she's a superhero, then I'm the Wizard of Oz."

Alya, still stubborn about everything she thinks is true, says "I'm telling you, she's Ladybug!" Nino, wondering why she is so Sure asks "Can you prove it?"

On the second floor Edgar simply records the conversation along with making sure things go the same as in the show so he will be able to try and steal the miraculous box when everyone is focused on who Ladybug's true identity is when she's fighting Lady WiFi.

In Marinette's room, Marinette and Tikki just woke up after being bored about doing homework and fell asleep. Tikki, confused, asks' "Uh... what time is it?"

Marinette mainly focused on when school is as she's already missed half a day yesterday and says "Uhh, school's in…" checks her phone "An hour ago?!

In the locker room Alya talks to Nino about the plan he has made along with telling him a few lines that could work to distract Chloe thinking she knows better.

Alya, ready to enact her plan, tells Nino "Now don't mess up your lines." pushes Nino to the lockers ring next to Sabrina Chloe's so-called best friend.

Nino, seeing Chloé quickly thinks of something to say, yells "Oh, uhhh... Ladybug! Look over there!"

Chloé knows all the tricks since she's a bully. "Uhh, what kind of lame joke is this?" She says while looking directly at Nino practically saying he's the joke.

Nino insulted but forced himself to calm down "Uhh, well, that was... Did you see Ladybug yesterday? Isn't she amazing? I wonder who she really is."

Chloé treated this as a lame joke "Uhh... up too late DJ-ing, Nino? Obviously you didn't get your smarts back from the dream." Cruelty joking about Nino since it shows that he's not a true fan of Ladybug after all secret identities are meant to keep Hidden.

Alya, sneaking behind Chloe while she was distracted, proceeds to take a photo of Chloé's locker. Sabrina being the closest to Nino had to look towards Chloe making her see Alya "Uh... Chloé! Alya's looking in your locker!"

Alya panicked, moved back and calmly yelled "Uhh... that's a lie! I was not!" Kim, seeing all this, steals Alya's phone thinking he could gain some trust with Chloe.

Alya panicked and yelled "Hey! Give it back!" Not liking it when people go through her phone after all it has important information.

Chloé, seeing the panic smirked and started going through Alyas phone once Kim gives it to her then she sees the photos "Who's the little liar now?"

In the Principal's office there can be loud screaming and accusations being thrown around. Chloé acts more intensely since she knows it's true"She's guilty of invasion of privacy! I have proof!"

Alya, not knowing that Chloe's family has a noble status exclaim "What?! Seriously! All I did was take a measly photo!"

Denis Damocles treated this more seriously as there were a lot of important families in his school. Mr. Damocles seriously asks "Nothing was stolen right?"

Chloé acting all dramatic "Only my very soul! My locker is my secret garden! He who enters uninvited burglarizes my inner being, steals my life force! There was also very important information in there." she then sobs.

Mr. Damocles, seeing that Alya could just delete the photo, says "Right. An hour of detention every day this week and next week for you, Alya."

Chloé not being satisfied with this punishment "Are my ears failing me? Did I hear you're giving one miserable hour of detention to a... a heinous criminal? Sabrina!"

Sabrina, ever the loyal friend, quotes"The school rules clearly state that any student guilty of theft should be suspended for one full week."

Mr. Damocles, trying to play as the peacekeeper, asks' Yes, but she's hardly stolen anything and she could always delete the photo."

Chloé, having talked to many nobles before, knows exactly what to say "I'm not sure that my father would share your point of view after all there was very important information." taking out her phone to prepare to call her father.

Mr. Damocles, still trying to be peaceful mutters "Uhhh, well, now, Chloé, let's not bother your father, I mean, the honourable Mayor with a minor locker situation…"

Chloé starts calling her father when in actuality it was simply the sound of a phone calling giving the sense of a real call.

Mr. Damocles, seeing that there's no longer a peaceful way clears his throat "what I mean is, you're suspended for a week, Alya." Chloé hangs up the call.

Alya angrily complaints "What?! That is so unfair! I am going to protest this on the school blog!"

Mr. Damocles, seeing Chloé who's smugly shaking her phone, sighs "The school blog is hereby suspended as well."

Alya looks at Chloé angrily now, understanding that this is what Chloé really is thinks 'She's no superhero, she's a super-psycho!'

In Hawk Tuah's secret lair. (Sorry not sorry) The window opens. Hawk Moth feeling intense emotions coming from the Collège Françoise Dupont area "Ahhh... School life. Such a science experiment. A petri dish of cultivating secrets, lies and betrayal, the thriving vivarium for my evil Akumas." turns a butterfly into an Akuma "Fly away, my little Akuma, and evilize her!"

In Collège Françoise Dupont. Marinette runs to the front door. Marinette panicked mutters "I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm so, so late!" Miraculously not falling at all. As Marinette runs upstairs, Alya walks downstairs, running away from the school and tries to call Marinette. 

Marinette being unable to answer makes Alya hear the same annoying voice message that she's heard for practically 2 days now "It's Marinette, leave a message. Beep! He he!"

The Akuma taking this opportunity and the sudden burst of more anger enters her cell phone, evilizing her.

Hawk Moth now more used to evilizing people simply has to say a sentence and will be able to Akumatized people easily "Lady Wifi, I heard through the grapevine that you're seeking to unmask Ladybug... I'd like to help you if you agree to help me too."

Alya, unable to resist, just obeys "I'll expose the lies of anyone who covers up the truth! Sign me up!" turning her into Lady Wifi.

In the Literature classroom. Marinette enters, and sees Adrien and Nino.

Marinette, not seeing Alya and not wanting to sit alone, looks around and sees an empty seat next to Edgar walks over and sits next to him, he takes his left headphones off.

"Wanna listen, I think you'll like it?" He offers, Marinette shrugs and accepts putting it in her left ear to bring the two of them closer. (The song is https://open.spotify.com/track/4CYQ3A7OdQe2PxuXdWvMhL?si=5e58d544530e47dd or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acd434QjvVM&t=0s)

After the song is finished and the talk about the song is finished Marinette asks "So where's Alya?" After thinking of a plan Edgar says "Impatiently Alya thinks Ladybug is a cruel, horrible and sadistic person."


Miss Bustier is annoyed but the interruption comments "Marinette, if you're going to come late, would you please do it discreetly? Edgar also please take the headphones out, you as well Marinette."

Marinette, not wanting trouble, says "Sorry…" sheepishly then whispers to Edgar again "What happened to her? I thought she loves Ladybug?"

Edgar sarcastically "loves, she's more obsessed! Anyway the reason I say that Alya thinks Ladybug's cruel, horrible and sadistic is because she's accused of breaking into Chloé's locker thinking that Chloé is Ladybug."

Genuinely shocked and without thinking Marinette shouts what she was thinking "WHAT?!?"

Miss Bustier having enough of the interruption and disrespect "That's it, Edgar, Marinette! Go to the principal's office!"

Marinette and Edgar take their bag and leave the classroom however not before Edgar answered the question on the board that she was just starting to explain.

Adrien whispers to Nino wanting to know what he thinks "What do you think they're talking about?"

Nino after remembering that Marinette is friends with Alya says "I think they're talking about Alya and how Alya thinks Chloé is Ladybug! She is crazy!"

Adrien sees Chloé; she winks at him and he is confused so he turns his head towards his tablet and slams it, after he remembers that Ladybug has said before that she likes someone else 'what if Chloé really is Ladybug and her being mean is just an act'.

Marinette and Edgar arrive at the principal's office "Mr. Damocles?" Marinette asks before opening the door "Sir?" Edgar asks next but they both see that Denis Damocles is frozen, and a pink stop icon is in front of him "Huh?!"

The computer screen lights up, revealing Lady Wifi after 10 seconds of looking around the room.

"I'm Lady Wifi, revealer of the truth! For our first exposé, your principal would like to share a little tidbit with you. So, Denis Damocles, is it true you wrongly suspended a student named Alya today?" Mr. Damocles on the computer screen feeling ashamed says "Uh... yes, it is."

Lady Wifi getting angrier after every word "So, you were biassed? Unfair? Totally unjust?!" By the end of it she was just yelling.

Mr. Damocles, as if accepting his fate plainly said "Yes, I was." Marinette notices the phone Lady Wifi is holding and the ladybug charm on it.

Marinette, unsure how to feel, still chose to rescue Alya and was about to transform "Oh, no! Alya! Tikki…" She then remembered that Edgar was here and hoped that he didn't hear anything thankfully he has his headphones in and seems to be focused on the video

Marinette thinking of a way to leave quickly says "I-I HAVETOGOTOTHETOILETBEY!" Then she was gone before Edgar could even say anything not even giving Edgar his left headphones unknown to Marinette was that he heard everything since his left ear doesn't have the headphones in.

Marinette while in the bathroom yells "Tikki, spots on! Yeah!" Marinette transforms into Ladybug.

Lady Wifi on the screen says "For my next scoop, I'll be taking you to meet the girl who's been hiding behind the Ladybug mask!" puts a pink stop icon on Denis Damocles, freezing him "Stay connected!" The screen then turns off leaving Edgar in the silent room with Mr Damocles frozen on the chair.

Smirking then quickly leaving Edgar makes his way towards his house getting ready to enact his plan.

In the classroom the screen also turns off causing Miss Bustier to yell "Everyone, for your own safety, go directly home right now! And don't forget to read chapters four and five!" The students run out.

In a different bathroom, Adrien talks to Plagg about his plan "If Chloé is Ladybug like Alya said, then Lady Wifi's gonna head straight for her house!"

Plagg teasing "And it also means you must have a crush on Chloé!" laughs, Adrien grunts in protest.

Adrien, not wanting Plagg to tease him anymore, orders "Plagg, claws out!" making Adrien transform into Cat Noir.

In the city Cat Noir runs to the ceiling and sees the hotel Chloé is in; he then takes his staff and uses it as a telescope seeing Chloé getting dressed as Ladybug revealing her wearing blue panties and no bra showing her soft pink nipples.

Cat Noir seeing Chloé getting dressed as Ladybug along with her practically naked form exclaimed "What? This can't be! B-But if-f it is t-true th-than damn… that ass." Whispering the last part so only he can hear.

Ladybug knew who Alya would go for considering she suspected Alya was Ladybug but it seemed Cat Noir was deeply interested in something so sneaking behind him she comments "Who's being a sneaky kitty."

Jumping up like a scared cat with his soul leaving him, Cat Noir frantically says "I wasn't spying I promise and definitely didn't see anything lady-" he turns around only to see "LADYBUG WHA-BU… HUUUU"

Ladybug smirking from how Cat Noir acted comments "Come on, you don't actually believe she's the real Ladybug." Chloé who's now fully dressed playing with her yo-yo and ends up tying herself up.

Cat Noir still with a red face as the only thing in his mind are those thick round shiny as- shakeing his head as to get the horny out, "Yeah, of course not." While secretly thinking of how bad she was when they first met.

Ladybug slightly angry at being compared to Chloé comments "And besides, who would believe that she's the original Ladybug? She's obviously just a die-hard fan. A copycat!"

Cat Noir, not wanting her to be any more angry simply agrees "Right!"

In the room, Chloé, dressed as Ladybug, is trying to untie herself, when her cell phone rings.

Chloé struggles to answer the phone but eventually doing so hesitantly asks "Hello this better not be a scam caller do you know who my fart–?" The phone starts to emit a bright pink glow and Lady Wifi appears standing above Chloé.

Lady Wifi looking down sarcastically comments "Well, hello there, Ladybug!" Chloé tries to worm away, but Lady Wifi puts a pink pause icon on Chloé, stopping her with the ass stuck in the air.

Lady Wifi puts a camera icon above Chloé revealing her in this embarrassing position "Well, well... So my hunch was correct." she then starts addressing the screen "Everyone thinks the girl beneath the Ladybug costume is a little angel. Think again, people! The real Ladybug is…" she tears off her mask "Chloé Bourgeois, everyone!" Just as everyone was starting to believe the real Ladybug along with Cat Noir enter the hotel making Ladybug WiFi ask "Who are you?!"

Cat Noir being distracted stupidly says "Uhh…" as he sees the poses Chloé is in and begins to imagine the real Ladybug being in that position.

After a pause Lady Wifi looks at Chloé and states "But I thought you were Ladybug!"

Cat Noir finally snapped out of it "Sorry, about your news story. Next time, double-check your facts."

Lady Wifi angered at the trick "You'll be sorry." then uses her cellphone to delete the pink icons, releasing Chloé making her continue doing the worm before then face planning making Cat Noir distracted again.

Ladybug trying to see if she can talk this out says "Alya?"

Lady Wifi angry and speaking as if she's the hulk says "Alya's gone only Lady Wifi! News flash! Ladybug, let's find out who you really are!"

Ladybug dodging the attacks tells Cat Noir to "Follow me!"

Snapping out of the daze, Cat Noir asks "So what's the plan?"

Ladybug stating her observation says "She gets her powers from her phone, so let's lead her to the basement, where there isn't any service!"

Cat Noir, starting to understand the plan, quickly says matter-of-factly "No service, no power. Nice one, my lady!"

Lady Wifi continues her attacks with a pink pause while Ladybug dodges it and Cat Noir blocks with his staff.

Ladybug serious and focused "We've gotta go lower!" Lady Wifi continues then laughs "I've got you now, Ladybug!" Ladybug fully focused orders "Get ready!" Cat Noir, easily defending, asks "So, what do you do when you're not Ladybug?"

Ladybug is shocked, causing her to nearly be hit by the pause; luckily she recovers in time but is even more angry "Can't you see we're a little bit busy right now?" once the barrage has stopped she sees that Lady Wifi is no longer with them "She's gone back into the hotel!"

Cat Noir seeing that pink lock icons have been put on all the doors states "She locked all the doors!" Then went back to flirting "Hey, you realise we might actually know each other in normal life."

Ladybug trying to focus snapped a Cat Noir "Doubt it." She then tries testing the doors even though it probably won't work."It's locked!" They reach the top door, which doesn't have a pink lock on it.

Cat Noir stating the obvious "She's left this one open." Ladybug having a gut feeling says "Get ready for an ambush on 3. 1, 2, 3!" They burst through the door to the dining room, only to find that Lady Wifi is nowhere to be found. Phones were the only thing and they were scattered all over the tables.

Cat Noir teasing says "Ahhh... So much for the ambush." Then I started to walk around a lot more relaxed.

Ladybug ignoring the teasing as something felt off "Follow me. Where is she hiding? And what's up with all these phones?" A pink light comes out from a phone, and Lady Wifi appears. She attacks them and aims at Cat Noir first.

Cat Noir "How now, brown cow? I thought it was you she was after!" This is actually what he says in the show. I'm as surprised as you.

Ladybug ties Lady Wifi with her yo-yo, but she disappears, re-appearing above one phone after another.

Lady Wifi mockingly "Ha! You can't get me!" Ladybug quickly thought of a plan "Yes I can." and starts breaking all the phones with her yo-yo. Lady Wifi runs into the kitchen. Ladybug follows her in, Lady Wifi locks the door behind her.

Cat Noir "No, no, no... Hold on in there, Ladybug!" checks the hotel map in his staff because he just has that. "Of course! The service elevator!"

Back in the kitchen, Ladybug dodges Lady Wifi's attacks until her hands get pinned to the wall by two lock icons. Lady Wifi puts a camera icon in front of her ready to reveal Ladybugs true identity.

Lady Wifi from a projection in the sky "Who is Ladybug? Is she a superhero or a super-weirdo? How can we trust the girl when we have no idea who she really is? We have the right to know!" tries to remove Ladybug's mask, but it won't come off "Why doesn't it come off?"

Ladybug sarcastically with a smirk on her lips "Uhhh... it's magic you really should double check your facts?"

The service elevator door opens, and Cat Noir comes through. Cat Noir "You're out of minutes, Lady Wifi!"

Lady Wifi annoyed matter of factly said "Oh, how romantic. Tomcat's come to save his love bug."

Ladybug's annoyed shout's "I am not his love bug! Besides, I already like someone else!"

Cat Noir shocked states "We'll come back to that later."

Lady Wifi taking the chance attacks him, knocking him into the freezer room. His ring comes off, releasing Plagg, and Cat Noir turns into Adrien.

Plagg being a magical destruction god does not shiver however Adrien does considering that he's out of his cat outfit "M-M-My ring! Ooh... It's so c-c-chilly-y-y in h-here."

Lady Wifi mockingly "Well, well... what am I gonna do with both of you?" Hawk Moth from his lair "Get her to use her Lucky Charm! It'll force her to switch back, and her true identity will be revealed, and her Miraculous will be mine." Not realising that he could just take her miraculously now.

"If you don't get him outta fast, your crush will soon be slush. Ha ha ha!" removes the locks from Ladybug's hands. "Good luck with your cat popsicle! I have other news to cover!" disappeared Ladybug, absolutely confused, could only release her thoughts "Huh?"

Outside in an alleyway Edgar is currently looking at a simple massage parlor making sure his outfit is fully in place and everything is proper he starts walking to the parlor.

Edgar is wearing a bald cap and a blond wig on top so that way he has a chance if his wig gets exposed his eyes also instead of the typical brown are now blue resembling that of sky his shirt is a simple black long sleeve button up along with a grey blazer over his shirt he is also wearing black stretchy jeans and fancy running shoes.

When he finally arrives the news shows Ladybug having her face stretched as if the mask was glued on "Quite fascinating it's almost as if it's magic isn't it Mr Smith?" The person who asked this was none other than Fu the master of the Miraculous box.

"Ahhh mister Fu, it is indeed quite fascinating the way that it seems to magically stay on her face… Anyway, we're not here to talk about that. Lewis Smith, her for that massage?"

"Of course it's simply right through here but if you could take that blazer off I'll simply put it over here."

Lewis taking the blazer off and heading it to Fu simply continued to walk to the massage mat while Fu walked towards the coat hanger and that was also when everything started… started with an explosion.

Lewis putting his hand in his pockets activated the strong but light explosive in his Blazer giving Fu no time to comprehend as he was launched flying being somewhat severely injured the explosion also sent Lewis stumbling forward towards the Hidden Miraculous box.

Steading himself and recollectioning about what he has to do to access the Box he presses the eyes of the two dragons and they turn red showing an eight button code.

Putting the code in a sideways zig-zag it probably didn't help that there were marks on the most used buttons, as the record player opens up and reveals the Miraculous box I quickly grab the box and then check if there was anything else in the record player seeing nothing Lewis quickly left.

Lewis left just in time as from the TV screen Lady WiFi appears and vlogs about the massage place explosion also showing Fu laying on the grass bleeding from his hands and a little bit everywhere.

The police, seeing the news Lady WiFi shows, quickly Rush to help Fu as they don't want a death that could've been saved shown forcefully on TV.

Alya feeling nothing simply looks at Fu before leaving, not noticing the bracket Miraculous on his wrist however soon a hand grabs that bracelet and also attacks Fu with something as his body freezes and it was as if Fu was paused in time.

Outside Le Grand Paris. The mayor and two police cars are there.

André urgently "Come on…" Chloé exits the hotel and hugs her father. She checks her phone, but Lady Wifi comes out from it and flies into the sky. She begins broadcasting herself.

"What's up, peeps! Listen everyone! I present you with the award-winning news story you've all been waiting for!"

In the kitchen, Ladybug is trying to break down the door to the freezer room. "I'll get you out of there, Cat Noir!" Adrien is shivering while he is trapped. Adrien, still not having found the ring, yells "Take your time!"

Lady Wifi broadcasting on all of Frances Screens stopping some people from doing their job however some did their job even faster when they saw Lady WiFi, "Don't blink, 'cause Ladybug's about to drop the bomb on her real identity!"

Ladybug, using her superpower, yells "Lucky Charm!" resulting in a box appearing, confused she mumbles "This better be some lucky box... Of course, the microwaves!" she puts the mystery box in the microwave, and uses it to melt the lock icon… somehow.

Adrien finally finds his ring thanks to Plagg knowing where the ring is at all times "Gotcha! Gotcha! Thanks Plagg!"

Ladybug and her crazy plan mumbles "Come on, micro-thingies, jam this signal…" I'm apparently her plan was to turn the microwave on resulting in microwaves being released causing interference in the surrounding microwaves.

The freezer door opens and Adrien, transformed as Cat Noir is shivering as he still feels the cold he falls and Ladybug catches him just in time.

Ladybug concerned asks "You okay, Cat Noir?" the Miraculous beeps making the cameras work properly catching then in this intermediate position.

"You could try kissing me better?" Was his reply before becoming serious "You used your Lucky Charm...there's not much time left."

Lady Wifi, seeing her plan work yells "Exactly and soon the whole of Paris would know who you are!"

Knowing that she wouldn't have much time left, Ladybug tells Cat Noir her plan causing him to giggle while he puts a pan over the top of the camera icon, blocking Lady Wifi's screen.

Hawk Moth, shearing the same vision as Lady WiFi, orders "Don't let my Miraculous get away!" and Lady Wifi, not being able to resist, says "Right!"

Cat Noir gets in the service elevator that transports food to all the halls in the hotel as they need to be able to resupply fresh food "I'll go and jam the wi-fi antenna."

Lady Wifi runs to the roof, while Cat Noir rushes to reach the top floor of the hotel then the roof.

Cat Noir looking around on the roof sees the wi-fi antenna "There you are!" Cat Noir yells "Cataclysm!" Activating his superpowers.

"Nice idea, kitty cat, but I'm not gonna let you cut me off so easily!" Shouts Lady WiFi who was standing on top of the stairs roof and starts firing pink pause symbols at him.

Meanwhile Ladybug Miraculous beeps again showing she only has two minutes left "Hurry, Cat Noir…"

Lady Wifi keeps attacking Cat Noir, but he dodges her. He uses his staff to attack her, but she dodges. The staff enlarges but she dodges by leaning under but she sees Cat Noir is about to destroy the antenna. "Nooooo!"

Cat Noir destroys the antenna, and Lady Wifi's WiFi falls off, her pink symbols disappear, and Ladybug exits the kitchen.

Cat Noir tries to take the phone away from Lady WiFi, but she dodges. Cat Noir continues to attack, but Ladybug appears and takes the phone away from Lady WiFi.

Ladybug throws the phone to Cat Noir who breaks the phone using his Cataclysm, releasing the Akuma "No more evil-doing for you, little Akuma. Time to de-evilize!" She captures the Akuma" Gotcha!" and releases the purified butterfly. "Bye bye, little butterfly."

Somehow getting her box back Ladybug yells "Miraculous Ladybug!" then throws the Lucky Charm into the air, its energy repairs all the damage, and turns everything back to normal.

Lady Wifi turns back into a confused Alya "What? Happened?" Ladybug and Cat Noir exclaiming their usual thing yells "Pound it!" In unison.

Alya fangirling asks "Ladybug! Wow! And Cat Noir! Can I get a quick interview? Just let me grab my phone!"

Cat Noir's Miraculous beeps "Uhh... gotta go. I've only got a minute." he says lying as he actually has 3 minutes.

Alya, distracted in finding her phone didn't hear him "So-- oh, no! Where did they go?"

Ladybug is about to enter a room as she has less than a minute, but Cat Noir stops her from really wanting to know who she really is.

"Stay! Please!" his Miraculous beeps but he continues to beg "I won't tell anyone who you are I promise. Cat's honour."

"Nobody must know who we really are. Not even us." She closes the door giving him the cold shoulder. Cat Noir tries to open it, but Ladybug blocks it before transforming.

Cat Noir hearing the sound of transformation knew that this was his chance however before he could open it he hesitated knowing that whoever was Ladybug would hate him forever if he opened that door… then the sound of his ring beeping could be heard showing that he only has 2 minutes left, leaving as he doesn't want to be hated by Ladybug and he's about to transform.

Tikki flying through the door looks around and sees that it's clear and tells Marinette "Phew, that was too close for comfort! Luckily nobody is around."

Agreeing Marinette sarcastically in a joking manner says "Tell me about it." opening the door and seeing nobody outside Marinette makes a run for it.

After transforming, Adrien is leaving the hotel Plagg curious asks "That was the chance to find out who the love of your life really is! What were you thinking?"

Adrien angrily says "That's the thing, Plagg. I wasn't thinking! I was following my heart and almost made her hate me! One rule my mum told me was to ALWAYS ask for consent AND I ALMOST BROKE IT! If my mum was here she'd be so disappointed…"

Meanwhile in Hawk Moth's secret lair he was monologue like usual "Your mask will fall one day, Ladybug. You'll have no choice then but to hand over your precious Miracu-" he was however attacked from behind causing him to freeze in place were the last thing he saw was a invisible hand coming from behind and grabbing his Miraculous, that was the last thing he saw before his mind froze as well.

In a safe behind the painting of Adrien's mother lies the peacock Miraculous but soon it disappears as a hand reaches through a glowing blue portal grabs the Miraculous and then returns into the Portal.

In Dupain-Cheng House. Marinette is on the balcony with Tikki. "Is that true? You're gonna tell him? Is that what your heart's saying?" Tikki asks just to make sure.

"Sometimes your heart tells you one thing, but a great superhero always listens to her head." Says Marinette as she's now unsure what to listen to, her heart or head… 

(It's time for you to choose if she should listen to her head or her heart. The vote will end on 10th October 2024 then on the 14th October 2024 a new chapter will be posted.)

"Got it!" Yelled Alya after finally being able to open the hatch on Marinette's Trap door.

Marinette, not expecting this, screams "Waaahhh!" Turning around and seeing Alya's phone shoved In Front of her face.

Excellently Alya asks "Wanna see my new smartphone? It puts my old phone to shame! Just look at these pics!"

"Huh? What's with all these photos of Adrien?" 'Does she actually likes Adrien and has just been using me!'

Alya answered her question while looking away "Well... with a mask and a costume, don't you think he looks a little bit like Cat Noir?"

Marinette remembering how Cat noir almost forced himself to open the door just to know who she truly is yelled "Are you out of your mind? He's tons more legit than Cat Noir!"

Giveing a knowing look Alya decides to change the subject before Marinette does something stupid and steals her new phone "Anyway did you hear the new song that came out…"

End of this chapter remember to say what you think Marinette should listen to her head or her heart also what would you all think If I used my rubbish drawing skills to draw some sevens that are hard to describe. Thanks for all your support even if there hasn't been a chapter in nearly what felt like a month. So thank you :D

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