"SO yeah, they are my grandmothers and your aunts, I guess?"
Mom half-smiled half grimaced. "My mom is dead though." She stared at the ground.
I sighed. "I want to apologize but apologizing won't bring them back. They died for what they believed in. And we should respect them."
I actually got a lot of stares for saying that.
Mom stared at me. "Wait, which one are you?" She was confused.
"All of them. We've merged."
She blinked twice. "What?"
"What?" Elsa parroted her.
The talk kind of just went on and on.
We'd come just before evening but we'd talked past midnight. And by that time most of my family members were either sleeping on the floor or in their rooms.
I went to the bathroom and when I came back- it was too damn quiet.
Mom also kind of fell asleep on the sofa. I didn't see Marg, Elsa, or Enira anywhere. They were probably plotting something.
Hi. How you doing?
I hope you're doing great- really.
Anyway, this is the end- for real this time.
You believe me, right?
Jokes aside, This has been quite the journey. I learned a lot, and maybe even improved slightly (wishful thinking?). Since you're here, I'm assuming you like this. Which would make you one of my three readers who stuck around till the end- congratulations! (Wish I could give you a badge)
If you have some free time, then perhaps give me a review on how this sucked and how I can improve? I'm cool with death threats too. I actually never got one, so genuinely curious.
I really, really appreciate you guys.
Thanks and I mean it.
Take a look at my other stuff if you like my writing and see you in another one (Just trying to sell myself, don't mind me).
Good luck and have a nice day.
— La fin — Écrire un avis