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18.64% HP: The Secret Heir. / Chapter 9: Ch. 09 Do you have time to talk about our lord and saviour Voldemort

Chapitre 9: Ch. 09 Do you have time to talk about our lord and saviour Voldemort

Hermione, Victoria and I were sitting in the library after the end of the classes doing our homework.

The study group was the idea of Victoria so that we both could make friends who might have the same interests as ours or at least we could rope someone who was just looking for help with their homework.

We had put flyers everywhere and put details as to what the goals of the group were and who could join there were no restrictions like Houses and which year students could join.

For the teachers signature, we got it from Snape after a lot of begging, well, not a lot when Victoria asked he agreed immediately. I was kind of hurt but we got the permission that was the main thing.

The first person to take the bait was Hermione Granger. Well, I kind of knew she would join if there was a study group and in the first few weeks she really didn't have many friends.

All three of us were sitting on a big table that was close to the windows and was relatively non-populated. I had finished my Potions assignment and Transfiguration assignment and was basically theorising about the Rune that I had gotten from the ROR.

Both the girls were doing their assignments and that is when I hear "Excuse me Can we join your study group?" It was Daphne and Olivia.

Well I get Olivia she does alright and a study group will help her to make things easier. But how did she manage to drag Daphne here?

I was just shocked and then Daphne asked with an annoyed face "What we can't join?"

I got up from my seat and said "No, of course, you can there is no restrictions as to who could join."

I gave them the form, they signed up and that is how our study group started to grow. But I had a concern from the outside it looked like a girls group in which I was the only guy.

In my deep thought, I said out loud "I need to find another dude to join."

Victoria asked, "Did you say something?"

I nodded and said, "No, nope, nothing I said nothing."

Victoria gave a confused look and continued to do her work. Hermione was teaching Daphne and Olivia and they were very impressed with her knowledge.


In DADA class at night in a darkly lit room, Quirrel was kneeling in front of a mirror.

Voldy asked, "Did I found something about the boy?"

Quirrel was shaking when he answered, "Master, I found that the boy had taken an inheritance test."


Quirrel answered, "Master, the information was not disclosed they tried to bribe the bank manager but he clearly refused."

Voldy was furious and asked, "When I return to power I will also eradicate the goblins with the muggle. But in the meantime, we need to put more effort into finding who he is "

Quirrel answered, "Yes, My lord."


Today was Halloween today was the day when Voldy would try to steal the stone. Well, the day started pretty well but then it kind of went downhill. After many days of listening to theory and the proper incantaion and wand movement, we were today going to practice the charm first hand.

Prof. got up and said: "One of the most rudimentary and important skills is levitation or making objects fly, do you have your feathers?. now the incantaion of the charms is 'win gar dium levi ohhh sa' and the wand movement is a Swish and a Flick."

I did it with proper incantation just so that I can say I have done it properly. Prof Flitwick looked at my feather in the air and said "Excellent Mr Jonathan 10 points to Slytherin."

Many Slytherin looked happy and I was thinking 'You bitches hate me and now you are making faces like that.

This was the thing that I didn't like about them they didn't like me but would take the points for their house that were made by me. We were in the first position because of me and Victoria.

Victoria and Daphne did it next they both earned 5 points. They both looked disgusted when Draco looked at them. It was 'EW' look the look really hurt the little guy.

I also noticed Hermione trying to teach Ron and Ron being a dick. And Sheamus miraculously didn't miss fired the charm.

I was walking with the Girls when we heard.

"It's Leviooosa, not Leviosour, she is a nightmare no wonder she has no friends."

Hermione walked past him and all the Girls gave Ron a Death glare even Daphne the Ice Queen.

I then walked towards Ron and punched him in the guts and said "You should not have said that very hurtful" Ron rolled on the floor like a wet mop.

Harry pulled out his wand I looked him in the eyes and I said "What are you going to do?"

Harry said "you shouldn't have done that" and let out a stinging curse.

I dodged that sucker and asked "You really are going to protect your lousy friend huh? Well I am going to protect mine as well"

He let out a tickling charm I moved fast and dodged that one as well and I was ducking down low and moving in a zig-zag pattern and moved close to him he let out a slippery jinx but I was fast when I got close to him I punched him in the gut and an uppercut and he was down.

I then looked at Sheamus and said "Hey Sheamus"

He looked at me with a surprised look and said "What did you do man?"

I was like 'what do you mean?' "I just knocked him out he will be up in a few. Hey man can you get Madam Pomfrey for me?"

He looked at me all confused and just nodded and went off. I stood there Madam Pomfrey came to get both the boys to the Hospital Wing and I was then summoned to Dep. Headmistress McGonagall and the person who came to get me was Snape.

"What did you do this time?" Snape asked

I smiled and said"Bit of self-defence and a bit of standing up for a friend,"

Snape said, "Don't be soo Glib and wipe that smirk off your face." He looked at me and asked with curiosity "And who was the friend?"

"Hermione," I said. He gave me a look that might be like 'Oh, for god's sake'

We reached the office of the headmaster, McGonagall was already there. The office was amazing but the thing that was the most interesting was the books that were in his possession.

Headmaster looked at me and asked "lemon drop?" I took some Snape gave me a look and I said "What? it's free." Headmaster had a chuckle.

He then asked, "May I ask you name young boy?"

I smiled and said, "It's Jonathan sir."

Headmaster asked, "Can I ask what caused the fight between you, Harry and Ron?"

I said, "Well, they kind of hurt my friend's feeling telling her she had no friends and that she was insufferable so I punched Ron then Harry shot spells at me which I dodged and then gave him a body shot and an uppercut."

When I said that McGonagall was angry at first but then kind of understood what I did was not completely right but was not that wrong either. She said, "Well, I get what you did but that was not appropriate for you to get in a fistfight."

Snape cut her "As appose to what a magic duel between them?"

McGonagall and Snape then got into an argument. Headmaster then shouted "That would be enough! the both of you, as for you Mr Jonathan what you did was not good so I will be deducted 50 points from Slytherin and 60 points from Griffindor for use of magic against a student. Mr Jonathan, please try to get along with people."

I said, "Understood sir, and I am sorry sir and madam." I looked at Snape and McGonagall.

After that was done I was hungry but I couldn't find any of the girls at the Library where they usually are then I asked one person who was on talking terms with me Nott.

I walked up to Nott and asked "Hey, Theodore have you seen Victoria and other girls?"

He said, "Yeah, they are in the common room with that Griffindor student."

I was then relieved then I asked "Are you going to the great hall for dinner?" he nodded "Let me come with you."

We then went to the great hall together and ate dinner. I then talked to Theodore about his studies and interests, he said he was interested in potions and wanted to become an Alchemist. I also found that he was also a kind of a loner so I offered him to join the study group and he said he will think about it.

Then we heard a noise Quirrel barged through the door and shouted "TROLLS! TROLLS! IN THE DUNGEON! thought you ought to know."

Everyone panicked Draco was screaming like a Bitch as was everyone so I guess it is okay.

Headmaster shouted "SILENCE! now if you all just calmed down and the prefects would lead you all to your common rooms."

I shouted, "Sir, our common room is in the dungeon!"

When I say everyone I mean everyone turned around and looked at me but they did think I was stupid they were like 'Yeah this dude is right'.

Snape said to Dumbledor "Perhaps it would be better if the prefects hunkered down here since all the students are here and it would be easy to protect them."

Dumbledor looked at me and nodded at Snape's advice and announced "Everyone stay here the prefects can guard this place easily and the teachers will go around to take a look at the Troll problem."

After the announcement, all the teachers went out hagrid took Quirrel to the hospital wing. Voldemort might not be able to get that stone now.

Both Theodore and I were sitting having a conversation about potions I found that he has been learning that art from a very young age. Draco came towards us and said, "What are doing talking to a Mudblood Nott?"

I said, "Oh, hey look blondie is here join us we were talking about potions come and sit."

He said, "I don't want to talk to you about potions."

I said "Oh, come on I get good grades in class and I know you are very good at potions to come on" I took his hand and pulled him to sit with us. I had my arms around him.

He said, "Let go of me you mudblood."

I smiled and said, "Oh, I know you don't mean that and by now you should understand that word mean nothing to me."

Theodore laughed at me and I also laughed. Draco sat down and I let go of him and he asked Theodore "What are you doing sitting with him you know how your father is." his voice had a concern.

Theodore said in a cold tone "I don't care what that bastard thinks."

Draco then asked me "It's not like you to sit with guys you always sit with girls."

I said, "Well, those girls are my only friends in Slytherin and Griffindor I am running low on friends just like Theodore and You."

Draco slammed his hand on the table and said, "I have plenty of friends."

Theodore and I laughed and I said "Who like Crabbe and Goyle? They are more like your goons than your friends. And Parkinson is like your girlfriend right?"

He said, "She is not my girlfriend... she just likes to follow me around."

Theodore teasingly said, "Oh come on now Draco you are breaking that poor girl's heart now, you know that she likes you.~"

Draco then got up and said, "I'm leaving!"

I laughed and said, "Look what you did Theodore you've upset our friend now."

After that, he went away to Crabbe and Goyle and after a few minutes, we got some hot chocolate and marshmallows and we started to talk about how he got an early education in potions and everything. It was after an hour that Dumbledore cleared us to go but not before giving Slytherin 50 points.

Theodore then said, "It seems that Dumbledor is getting old."

I laughed and said, "So it would seem."

After that we went to our common room we saw all the girls hanging out with Hermione. All of them were surprised that I was with Draco and Theodore.

Victoria asked me pointing at Nott. "What are you doing with him?"

I smiled and said, "I am kind of trying to get some guy friends because people are starting some rumours about me." Victoria and the other girls glared at me and Theodore was having a hard time controlling his laugh.

Hermione looked confused and asked, "What happened why are you all so late?"

Theodore looked serious and answered, "There was a troll in the dungeon so that is why all of us are late." All of them were in shock knowing that a monster was soo close to them.

I clapped my hands and said "Now that being said Hermione I think you could share a room with the girls for today it is late. I will inform our prefect about it, okay." Hermione nodded and went with the girls

After that, we all went to sleep. The tool was taken care of by Prof. Flitwick. I suppose Voldy was unsuccessful in getting the stone.


"Master it was that mudblood who foiled your plans" Quirrel said with great pain in his voice and with anger in his eyes.

"Yes, it was him but did you notice how he remained calm and gave excellent advice to Dumbledore. He is something different from the other we must get him to join we can nurture him to become something great." His voice had a weird concern in his voice and he had a proud face.

Quirrel was flabbergasted when he heard his master it was not like his master who hated mudbloods now wanted a mudblood to join his side. He gathered courage and asked "Master but isn't he a mudblood?"

Voldy snapped and said, "Don't question my methods, you are only supposed to follow my orders not to question them and if my theory is correct he is of a noble birth and he knows it as well."

Quirrel was shaking and said, "It shall be done, master."


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetings readers, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

Most of the young wizards from prominent families are taught subjects like Potions, Occlumency and some duelling. It is also authorised by the ministry but to teach the young wizard magic an instructor or a parent must always be present.

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leonel, Joshua, Sheta, kyuu, Orchid, Akagami, Kyle, madscientist, avarret, Theabsolution, Matthew, Druid priest, Shadow, Nashz, Darkseid, Alef, Hades, Footballhero, Comfycartel, Lastp, JouB, hallowind, drakull, LostDay, Darek, Fernando, justchilling, Balisticbunny, Lily, Skipper, Novadead, Gotha, ketogod, mike1b, Jacopo, SillyElk8, DaoistBlanket, Anderson, Mussicl0ver, Ilovepussycat, Andrew, Eternald, InkyFox, Coolguy, lazyemporer, BYY, Norticerdo, Schlufti, Shiro, Melantios, Lostday, dantalian, 97126205, Aknok, Schlufti, master chef, Rochirush, bikramjeetsingh, VL98, Mateus, DaoistMetalhead, NoghtDeNihil, Cheko, salzgurkE, RemuruT, rf, Nabushise, Haruto, Nikels, Eiviend, watchdonghua, himailsatish, Neil, itaymars.

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