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40% HP: Tanja in Hogwarts / Chapter 1: A new Beginning

Chapitre 1: A new Beginning




 „Oh, hello Tanja. You are right on time." As unsightly as ever, a typical Hargrid. But what would one expect from a Half-Giant. I can see his last meal still in his massive Beard, ugh! But he is a good meat shield. Maybe I should…

 „It is a pleasure to meet you too, Hagrid. Although we have seen each other just some days ago." Since I live in Hogsmeade Village, the only pure Magical Settlement in all of Britain, I do see some staff from the nearby school. It's name is Hogwarts school for Witchraft and Wizardy and was founded in the year 993, by four of the arguably greatest Wizards to ever life. Their names are Helga Hufelpuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin.

 „But let's not let the other students wait any longer, Hagrid. They are already leaving the train." The students arrive in a magical train, it is old, almost antique, but it works. Since the Wizards are all over Britain and Hogwarts is the one School of all of Britain, some students have to travel very far, that is why they introduced a train, back then a modern one, and now it is a tradition to use the train. Even the purebloods are using it.

Purebloods are people with „pure blood", sounds like the bullshit that one European guy, the one with the mustache, spouted some generations ago, in my home country. Their ancestors are all Purebloods themselves, wich means that all of them were Wizards (not every human is a wizard) and there are no Muggles, people who do not wield magic, or half–Bloods, half–muggle half–wizard parents, in their lineage. Just some lunatics who somehow want to feel better than the rest, as per birthright. Fascism– idiots, all of them!

 „You are right! I hope you will have fun in the school, Tanja!" I hate waiting for others, because of their inefficency, I am being hold back. In the Imperial Army, no one had problems with deboarding a train.

I am 11 years old and today is the day for me to enter the Hogwarts school for Witchcaft and Wizardy and to, once again, become a student and learn about magic. To say I am pleased would be an understatement. I am practically beaming with happiness; I didn't have to Kill a company of trained, grown up mages by age 9; I wasn't strapped to a device that corrupts my mind and tortures me alive and gives me pleasure of serving a higher being, simultaneously. Life is good!

After gathering all the first year students, we embark on a trip to the lake through a path in a small forest, but the trees are just there to block the view from the train to the school. I know and have seen it numerous times already, but I have yet to enter it even once; that will change today.

I am at the head of the students, together with Hagrid, who is holding a magical Lantern to led the way, because it is getting dark already; Dämmerung. The train ride takes so long, the students drive almost half a day per train.

As we descent down to the lake that surrounds the school, the school unveils itself through the leaves, wich were obscuring the view.

A collective „Woah" and „Wow" escape the children's mouths, before Hagrid ushers them into small wooden boats, wich then move by itself once three or four students are seated.

A massive castle, even more massive than Schloss Neuschwanstein, comparable in its size to the Chåteau de Versailles and looks like the Kölner Dom, presents itself in all its glory. It is both awe-striking and intimidating, yet, contrary to the other students, my enthusiasm lies within those walls, it is not about them themselves.

School, a place of peace and tranquility. Boredom and Books, Paper and lectures from more knowledgeable people than me, about things I want, no, need to, learn. Anyone not appreciating these simple things, may switch place with my past self; it would appreaciate it, I promise.


Ascending the steps to the schools main entrance; two massive wooden door's, around ten meters in height and easily weighing around a ton or two each, build the Main entrance to the Castle. Hagrid bangs at them two times until they open soundlessly by themselves and Minerva McGonnagal, Professor for Transfiguration, appears between the two, still opening doors, centimeter for centimeter, until she can be fully seen.

A pointy hat, wand held in the right hand, and obscured by the other one. Some jewelry, possibly Magical Artifacts. She has been a transfiguration teacher for thirty years now and is therfore very capable and knowledgeable. A threat is what she is. She is old, between 55 and 95. Wizards age weird! The Headmaster of the school is almost a 100 years old. The one before him is now almost 200 years old. Most wizards usually die a lot sooner than by age 200. If they don't want to life anymore, or are at complete peace, they just perish in their sleep like normal people. I just hate the word Muggle! They are so capable and heard working; incredible Human Capital!

 „Welcome to Hogwarts. I am Deputy Headmistress and Professor for Transfiguration Minerva McGonnagal!" How strict and direct, I think we will work together just fine.

 „The banquet will begin in due time; before we will hold the sorting-ceremony. Contrary to the wild imagination of some students, you won't have to fight to the death or with any kind of Magical beast. That comes when you graduate…" What a Joker, but it did work to uplift the tense mood that is being spread from these children. I can feel it through the magic, strange.The magic concentration is off the charts in this school.

To compare it to my old world, it is as if I just used a spatial distortion spell with the help my fully loaded computation orb Typ 95 wich can hold four times my entire Magic-capacity from back then and I even received extra mana from Being X, around two times my entire capacity. All in all, the spell from back then did cost me around seven times my capacity of Magic.

And here is enough magic for me to cast it countless times. Couldn't have asked for more. But it makes me question where that much magic comes from. It is not like it is free. Nothing is or exists, just because!

Walking in pairs of two, we walk until we start to hear muffled noises through another thick door, just not as massive as the one in the main entrance. So this is going to be the main hall.

As we stop right infront of it, the professor turns around and makes sure that everyone is still present and no one wandered off. That's what I am assuming she is doing, atleast. I would do that, if I were her.

 „Are you ready?" and then she turns immediately around, the doors open, hundreds of eyes gaze upon our unprotected, small and innocent little bodies, and then she resumes walking, while we are getting drilled into with those gazes.

I do not hesitate and take the next step almost at the same time as the deputy Headmistress. Those little kids can't harm me, especially not with their gazes, but one can never be too safe and so I tighten my mental shields, somewhat.

It is called Occlumency. The Magic of protecting ones mind from mental attacks. Besides that, there are other uses as well.

Looking around in the main hall, its sheer size just now becomes apparent to me. It is around thirty meters tall, thirty meters wide and and eighty meters in length. There are four tables spanning from one end of the room to the other end and they are occupied by the mentioned students. At the head of the hall are the teachers with the Headmaster in the middle, also sitting at a table.

Coming to a stop between the students table's and before the teachers table, McGonnagal leaves us standing there and walks until she is next to a chair that has been placed before the teachers table and can be seen from anywhere in the room. On the chair is an old, dirty, pointy-leather-hat.

 „You will now be sorted into your houses; there are four different houses and they are called 'Gryffindor', 'Ravenclaw', 'Hufflepulf' and 'Slytherin'. These houses will be your families in this school; support each other! At the end of the school year the house with the most 'house points' will win the 'house championship'." So they use the ambition of the students to win, against the students themselves. They can appoint points for what they, the teachers, deem appropriate and deduct points as much as they want; they are conditioning the students.

Operant conditioning is a learning process where behavior is shaped by consequences. Actions followed by rewards are more likely to recur, while actions followed by punishments are less likely. B.F. Skinner is a key figure in this field, using reinforcements (positive and negative; not as in good or bad but there is and there isn't, an example would be the covid test) and punishments to influence behavior.

Classical conditioning, pioneered by Ivan Pavlov, involves learning through association. A neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus, eliciting a conditioned response. Pavlov's famous experiment involved dogs salivating at the sound of a bell, which had been paired with the presentation of food.


1. Mechanism: Operant conditioning involves reinforcement/punishment after behavior, while classical conditioning involves associating two stimuli before the behavior.

2. Focus: Operant conditioning focuses on voluntary behaviors, whereas classical conditioning deals with involuntary responses.

3. Key Figures: B.F. Skinner is associated with operant conditioning, and Ivan Pavlov with classical conditioning.

Both are fundamental in understanding behavior and are used in various applications, from education to therapy.

All in all, they use either the negative punishment or the positive reinforcement: taking away points or giving points for appropriate behavior. Smart. As a teacher I would do the same in a school full with children and teenager. This special way of conditioning is called „Cinditioning by Withdrawal" or „Aversive control" and every state/country uses it.




 „Good evening, young ladies and gentlemen! My name is Rian DeSantå and I am one of the Prefects from Ravenclaw. I know it is late but please bear with me, I will give you a quick tour of Hogwarts, a rundown of the courses / process' in this school and I will guide you all to our common room as well as your sleeping quarters." Black hair, styled like a Noble, Wand is in the wand-holster, wich is strapped to the left arm. This means he has combat experience or is paranoid; eitherway, he could be a possible threat or a valuable employee or employer. He wears the standard school robes, in Ravenclaw colors (blue-silver).

 „This here is the nearest toilet to the main hall, for the boys. Turn that corner, 20 meters on the right side, there is the toilet for the girls." Noted.

 „If you have any problem, you can always come to a fellow housemate or one of us Prefects, if it is about something you do not want a student to know about, talk with a teacher. Our head of house, Professor Flitwick is someone you can easily talk to; you will meet him once we get to the common room. Any other staff member is ok, too, but personally I would prefer someone else than Professor Snape to have a heart-to-heart talk; you will understand once you have met him." I have read something about that Snape, he is an accomplished Potion Master, held in high regard all over Britain. He is also a former Death Eater, but he has been excused, as far as I am concerned.

 „Behold! The moving stairs! These stairs change perioradically their floors, as well as the number of steps on them, sometimes there is even a hole or two in the stair; be careful!" there's no way that is TÜV verified. How many students have died or were injured here?! Murphy's Law! I will try to avoid them like the plague.

[TÜV: A (german) technical monitoring association (abbreviated TÜV, usually spoken [tyf]) refers to registered associations that carry out safety checks as a technical testing organization. Often these are safety checks, which are prescribed by state laws or regulations and are carried out on a private basis as an indirect state administration in the form of loans. The most well-known of these is the main examination for motor vehicles, which is also colloquially called "TÜV". (Wikipedia – TÜV)

It is arguably one the best and most strict monitoring associations there is; have you seen that video where a Freefalltower has a failure and one person gets thrown out, at a height of 10 meters? That can not happen in Germany; Hooray to the TÜV!

Murphy's Law: „Anything that can go wrong will go wrong" – Edward Aloysius Murphy Jr. (engineer). Murphy's Law, originated from aerospace engineering. In 1949, during a project to test human tolerance to acceleration at Edwards Air Force Base, engineer Edward A. Murphy Jr. discovered a transducer was incorrectly wired. Frustrated, he remarked that if a mistake could happen, it would. The project's lead, Colonel John Stapp, later popularized the phrase during a press conference, attributing the project's safety precautions to „Murphy's Law."]

 „This one there is the one that leads to our destination. Follow me, follow me!" Orders are orders. Although I am not a Soldier anymore, being a student is extremely similar. Maybe I should voice a complaint, just for the records, if something happens, or morelikely when. In that regard, Murphy and Heinrich go hand in hand.

[Heinrich: Heinrich's Law, formulated by safety pioneer Herbert William Heinrich, states that for every major injury or accident, there are 29 minor injuries and 300 near-misses or unsafe acts. This principle highlights the importance of addressing minor incidents and unsafe behaviors to prevent more serious accidents.

I.e: you do not correct your grammar mistakes after you get your exam back, you will do the same mistakes in the exam!]

 „Prefect DeSantå, maybe we should avoid them? From what I understood, given your explanation, these stairs are an unecessary danger. Isn't there a safer method of travel to the common room?" now there are multiple eyewitnesses that someone, in this case I, voiced a serious suggestion and pointed out apparent safety hazards.

 „What is your name, miss…?"

 „Regenduff. Tanja Regenduff!"

 „Miss Regenduff. Your concerns are noted, but let me reassure you, no student has died because of these stairs, at least as far as the last three or four hundred Years go… besides that, the teachers and the headmasters wouldn't have allowed something dangerous to be in Hogwarts. I will follow you up the stairs, if you are scared, you can hold my hand if you want." wha– WHAT! That's not what this was about! How dare he? Calm down, take a calm, deep and quiet breath. Let's not make them think that I am some impulsive brat.

 „Hahahahhahhha" Of course they had to laugh. They are children, what did I expect. They think that, since DeSantå is in a position of power, he is right. The weak will follow the strong and from their view, I am scared over stairs, and he is trying to help me and is being considerate.

 „Prefect DeSantå, I am neither scared or reluctant to use these stairs. I was merely concerned for my fellow students health and well being. I will not die, even if I were to fall from the Ravenclaw tower, because I know enough spells to keep myself from dying. If you deem this safe, so be it, but be aware that if something happens, you have been informed about potential, more like apparent, safety hazards." I was thinking about making it clear that my housemates could die, but anyone who can not read between the lines, shouldn't be in Ravenclaw. Flexing my knowledge a bit with the fact, that I already am able to cast spells, will strengthen my position as someone capable and cement the idea that I belong in Ravenclaw.

Furthermore, through my eloquence, the Prefect will know that I can defend myself by talking logically and using constructive arguments. If he does not understand that, I just have to bear with it, but I am certain the professors would not have appointed someone so ignorant and arrogant for the position of 'Prefect'. This whole thing will uplift my standing with the teachers and the students.

I just used the needle to calmly and precisely inject poison. The poison being the doubt of the students. How valid is that girls concern? Could we really die, just after entering the wizarding world? I still want to do so much! Questioning the integrity of the Prefect called Rian DeSantå.

I just riled the students up a bit, that won't lead to reasonable consequences for my person. I just pointed out a concern, regarding my future classmates! I did not want anything bad to happen to them, you know…? I do not know what Prefect DeSantå means with „scaring the students". Is what I am going to say.

 „You will bear the full repercussions for your actions, and what they lead to. I just wanted to help you, so please do not make fun of me again. There's that saying „Don't bite the hand that feeds you". But trying to be friendly is apparently appreciated by being made fun of, in Ravenclaw?" This will be the Hammer, a personal attack. This fight will play out in-between the lines. Not only am I further instrumentalising my fellow housemates, but am also attacking the honor of house Racenclaw. It is for him to prove me wrong.

 „Is it possible to change houses after the sorting? Did this happen already, is it a normal occurrence? It has to be, right? You wouldn't make fun of someone if it isn't normal, right? Or else it would be frowned upon, I guess…" It is normally very stupid to criticize people in superior positions, but the position of Prefect is, from my perspective just a formality.

I am leading this situation by any leaps and bounds. Because I am defining the circumstances and making it sound like something everyone agrees to, as it does sound like what has happened and the students bore witness to, so it becomes the truth.

If he defends himself, it is as if he agrees to my explanation regarding what happened, he has lost. If he agrees to my terms, he has lost. In case he sees his own fault, he could only apologiese, to milder the repercussions, nonetheless he would lose. In any case, wherever he somehow accepts my laid-out and booby-trapped battlefield, he loses.

He would have to plain out call me a liar and say that I am wrong, but that is socially not acceptable; not only is he in a position of higher power but that would also socially be considered rude. It depends on how he would say it, I guess. Then he could draw me to a tie or even win. 

In this World, I will not compromise, when it concerns my feelings and beliefs, ambitions and goals, atleast most of the time…

The thing is, I am not aiming to win this argument, or to make DeSantå lose, no. I am about to gather information and maybe even a… mercenary, sounds better than „Person-I-am-blackmailing".




We ended up using the stair, regardless. The Ravenclaw tower is a lot more spacious than I anticipated. Probably through spatial expansion, I bet on runes wich use the surrounding Magic to function.

 „I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?" Did this Door just ask a question? And why is the Prefect not saying anything? Not so smart, it seems. I might as well answer…

„Echo. The Answer is: I am an Echo!" Wow, this door opened by itself. So, when one answers the riddle, the door opens? Well, it fits to the house that is associated with knowledge and intelligence.

 „Welcome to Ravenclaw! My name is Filius Flitwick, the head of house Ravenclaw and Hogwarts' Charms teacher. As you can see, I am small and not a 'pure human', I am half-human and half-goblin." Dark-Brown slicked-back waivy hair. Wand is in the holster, wich is strapped to the right side of his belt. He is very small, even smaller than us first years; although all of us are already eleven. His age is unknown, but it is rumored that he did go to school when the headmaster himself was a student, too.

Yet he is not to be trifled with. He is a world renown duellist and has won countless Duells; Combat experience – check. He is, if the rumors are to be believed, an easygoing and approachable but competent teacher. Capable – check. Result – a potential threat, morelikely a good employee. I will not forget him in the future, if the need arises for such human capital.

 „As some of you may know, the house Ravenclaw stems from Rowena Ravenclaw, a witch renown for her Wisdom and intelligence. As such, those traits became associated with the house itself, and that is the critirium the sorting hat decides by. The other houses traits are Hufflepuff – loyality and companionship, Gryffindor – a sense of right and a thick head and finally Slytherin – ambition. This stone statue behind me– can anyone tell me who this Lady is?"

 „Yes, you there, boy with waivy-hair."

 „That is Miss Ravenclaw, Professor. And my name is Jack, Jack Winston"

 „You are correct, Mister Winston. This Statue depicts Miss Rowena Ravenclaw. It is beautiful, is it not?" how eccentric. But this is nothing important. Let's get him back on track.

 „Professor Flitwick, with all due respect, it is late and I beliefe some may have had a long day and want to rest. Would you be so kind, as to…?"

 „Oh yes, the rooms! How could I forget? The boys go to that door over there, and the girls to that one, over there! There are rooms for two, three and four people. Choose however and whatever you want. I will be in my Office; it is 2-E and also is my classroom. So, if something is up, you can just pop by and ask me, in that regards, sleep well, little hatchlings. Tomorrow it's time to grow up and practice spreading your wings; you all are going to be such fine wizards, haaaah…" Yup, eccentric. Well, time to get a room for two– that sounds wrong. I prefer being alone, if two is the best the situation allows, so be it.

In my military past, I always got preferential treatment because I was but a mere child-girl, sent to being slaughtered or someone took pity on me and wanted to provide some sort of support, more than K-Brot and fake-coffe as on the frontlines, atleast. I will never forget you, Captain Treizel!

Now, in this life, my parents are really great and everything I could have asked for; they are giving me a lot of space and are not that present in my life, apparently they are working in different parts of the world for different clients and are traveling a lot, but are taking care of all my costs. And up until now, I was not able to spend my allowance.

It is like this: I got a card, basically a bank card, with wich I can spend as much as my parents deem alright. And up until now, it never declined-on-me; such a reliable helper! Hooray to cards!

I am taking the third room, I can just use a charm or runes to get rid of sourrounding sounds and noises. This is the first room designed for two; lets see who will be my roomate. It would be a real bother if it is some gossipy-girly like… girl.




The school is sourrounded by a forest and a lake. The forest is home to countless magical animals, from harmless to outright terrific; there are Werewolf's and Unicorns, centaur and there is a rumor that a magical Spider once killed a student, it then fled into the forest and now there is a whole colony of them, somewhere deep in the forest.

Despite me not being arachnophobic, I would prefer not to meet them, in case they do exist.

The lake is a whole other matter. It is being dominated by a squid; I assume a Kraken, actually. It, of course, is a magical one. It brings students back to the shore of the lake, when they try to swim in the lake or go diving. It is extremely powerful. I doubt it could be killed by most aurors.

In the magical world, there is no 'police', per se. Aurors are like the FBI and also handle some regular police-ish tasks, but no one cares about a loud party or if you physically abuse someone. Things become interesting when Magic is involved, though.

Another, but definetly smaller force, would be the hit Wizards. They are like the SWAT; shoot before ask and destroy what needs to be destroyed. And the last thing is the Department of Mysterys; there is actually known next to nothing about them. But I am assuming that you do not want to mess with those guys; I am comparing them to the CIA and the NARA as well as the NSF.

[CIA: The Central Intelligence Agency is the main foreign intelligence agency of the United States. Until the establishment of the Director of National Intelligence in 2005, the CIA also coordinated the cooperation of all intelligence agencies.

NARA: The National Archives and Records Administration is the federal archive that houses government and parliamentary records and maintains a large database of images on the Internet.

NSF: The National Science Foundation supports research and teaching in science and technology in the United States through grants, contracts and other agreements with universities, colleges, non-profit institutions, and small businesses. The NSF encourages collaboration between universities, industry, and government and promotes international collaboration in the fields of science and technology. (All sources are: Wikipedia – independent US government agencies]

It surely would be ones end, if one is stupid enough to do so. Back on track, this morning is very beautiful. The lake is reflecting the sun rays, it looks as if the water is just camly swaying from the left to the right. Disappearing and then appearing as a white reflector, only disappear once again. Peace is beautiful!

There are only some birds, disrupting the quiet morning with their chirps as well as the Owls hooting, in another tower.

 „Mhn, ugh, uahh! It's morning? Have I overslept? Darn it, SCHOOL!"

 „Woah, calm down, Emma! Today are classes, but later in the day. We still have to meet up at 0800– sorry, at eight o'clock for breakfast, in the Great hall. So, if I were you, I'd get up and running, go make yourself look presentable!" This girl, Emma Winston, is my Roomate. She has black hair, almost like vantablack, but not that extrem. Some freckles, a cute small and round nose. If I could not see her clear European facial structure, I would have assumed her to be from Asia.

[Vantablack is a material known for being one of the darkest substances ever created. It is composed of vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays that absorb 99.965% of visible light. This extreme light absorption gives Vantablack its distinctive black appearance, making it appear almost like a void, as it reflects virtually no light.]

Apparently she is someone who likes to sleep long and does not get easily woken up. Well, neither do I dislike sleeping long hours and do not get woken easily up, myself. What would one expect after having lived through the hell some people called the Rhine Front.

But I do wake up when I know I have to do so. And School is a reason to wake up on time, especially if it is something you have looked forward to.

I, of course, am already done with my hygiene and stuff. I will not wear make up, ever! That one time was a… necessity I would prefer to forget, no, would prefer to never have happened in the first place!

Wearing my school robes in Ravenclaw colors (bronze and blue), I make my way to the main hall to eat breakfast. A couple of students, mainly upperclassmen are present. So, just like yesterday, after the sorting ceremony.

 „Chicken filet stripes, fried; boiled green vegetables; mashed potates; Zaziki and Ketchup; Water to drink, carbonated, cooled, no ice!; tea, boiling, two sugar, taste: red fruits." This is so convenient! Where does the food come from? It just appears on the table?!

 „You sure about eating all of that?" What do these girls want? Let me eat in peace!

 „Yes, I am growing, and this is more healthy than one might expect. Wizards use a lot of calories when using their magic. But I do understand what you mean; I am properly eating. That means, besides using proper etiquette, I chew proplerly and carefully and therefore there is more usable place in my stomach."

 „God, I wish I could eat such stuff and not get pimples or something, like, one second later. Well, what is you name, sweetie?" argh-k

 „Definetly not sweetie! Please refrain from calling me that? My name is Tanja Regenduff. I am a first year at Hogwarts, in case your didn't realise. However, I cannot help but point out that you're rude: asking for my name but not introducing yourself."

 „Oh, yeah. Your're right" Of course I am. Atleast statistically speaking. Even more so, when we compare the probability to be wrong, of each other.

 „Elra, Elra Winston. That is my name! It is nice to make your acquaintance, Tanja Regenduff" There are three of them? Oh, Being I, help me!

 „And I am Lise Meinhardt. It is also nice to make your acquaintance!" Insecure and a loyal follower of Elra, it seems. Well, both do look quite normal. Elra has bright, blonde hair, reaching down to the middle of her back. Lise has dark blonde, almost brunette hair, reaching her shoulders.

 „Say, have you heard of the girl that stood up to DeSantå and embarrassed him? Do you know how she looks?" Oh no! Please do not let me be that person who is new to the school and unknowingly defeated the school bully, no one dared to do something against because of the zero-tolerance-policy?!!

[Zero-tolerance-policy: The zero-tolerance policy in American schools is a strict enforcement strategy that mandates predetermined consequences, often severe, for specific offenses, including bullying. This policy can worsen bullying situations because it discourages victims from defending themselves or reporting incidents. Fearful of facing harsh punishments themselves, victims might refrain from standing up to bullies or seeking help, which can perpetuate the cycle of bullying and leave them feeling helpless and unsupported.]

 „Ehm, no, not really. I was at the back of the cr–" they will find out, once they ask DeSantå or one of my housemates…

 „Y-Yeah, it was me actually." Shit!

 „Cool! So, what did he do to upset you? And what did you do to upset him so much, that he actually went to Professor Flitwick?" huh? He actually went to a teacher? Oh no, today is my first day of School and I am already in trouble! This will not look good on my portfolio.

„Well, after pointing out to him that I am concerned about that Guerilla-like trap you call the 'moving stairs' and my housemates health, he made fun of me. I, then, merely asked him not to do so again and he was just being not so smart." I am hungry, let me eat in peace!

„So, that's how it is! Well, we are gonna get ready to meet up at the class. See ya' Tanja!" How noisy. Let's dig in!




Hello, dear readers!

This is the first chapter of my first (real) Fanfiction!

I am so proud and hope that you liked my intellectual shtiposting!? Anyways, this is a test chapter to see if even one person is interested in this fanfiction.

I am also uploading on Wattpad, its just the same content.

If you like it so far, give me your Rocks!

And stay tuned for the next (test) chapter! So far, I have planned two test chapter; I will upload the second one at the end of the week!

Till' next time, Ladies and Gentleman!

Ka1serMax Ka1serMax

Hello, dear readers!

This is the first chapter of my first (real) Fanfiction!

I am so proud and hope that you liked my intellectual shtiposting!? Anyways, this is a test chapter to see if even one person is interested in this fanfiction.

I am also uploading on Wattpad, its just the same content.

If you like it so far, give me your Rocks!

And stay tuned for the next (test) chapter! So far, I have planned two test chapter; I will upload the second one at the end of the week!

Till' next time, Ladies and Gentleman!

next chapter
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