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100% HP Marvel Aquaman / Chapter 14: First Year Start

Chapitre 14: First Year Start

After all 41 of us were sorted Dumbles stood again and said the 4 words and food appeared. I checked for additives wandlessly and finding none. I ate two medium-rare ribeyes and a pile of roasted potatoes. I had never broken my habit of eating quickly from my last life but never had issues with indigestion in this one thankfully.

I could tell that the first years in the puffs already had 3 different groups. Ernie, Justin, and Kevin were talking together. Megan, Lily, Sophie, and Roger were talking fashion. This left myself, Wayne, Susan, and Hannah.

When a natural lul in the conversation happened I asked "Hannah, is your dad Tom Abbott from the Leaky Cauldron?"

"Y-yes he is do you know him?" She asked  hesitation in her voice.

'Damn I know I'm intimidating but I should be too cute to be scared of.' "Yeah, he helped me out a lot when I first came back to London so if you need anything just ask. I'm pretty good in my studies, I'm kinda surprised I wasn't sorted to be a raven." I joke trying to reciprocate the good will I got from Tom.

Wayne laughs "So our mysterious savior is really a big nerd never would have guessed."

"Haha among other things I also like surfing working out and everything to do with magic. When we get to the common room I'll show everyone my photo album if you would like. What about you Wayne?" I asked the black haired boy that was nearly as tall as me.

"Well I mostly work on my parents farm. My dads a first generation wizard and grew up next to my mom whose a muggle. We raise horses mostly but I wish we could take care of magical creatures its all I ever wanted to do. My dad would show me his books with all the magical animals as a kid and I can't believe im finally going to be able to see them for real." Wayne spoke longingly.

"So we have a CoMC nerd as well." I joke and they laugh. "What about you two? It seems like you already knew each other before." I ask Susan and Hannah.

"We were both raised as witches. I'll probably end up running the pub like Da'. But Sue here, she wants to be the best dualist ever!" Hannah says getting a hit from the ginger at her side for embarrassing her.

"Thats a good goal." I say encouragingly. "Your aunt is head of the DMLE right? Tough lady. I admire her quite a bit." Which is true she fought Moldy in the books like a boss. He had to take her out himself.

"Really?! She always talks about how tough your dad was. Oh I'm so sorry I..."

"Its okay really. My dad was tough as nails and loyal to a fault. Even knowing that shitbag was hunting us he never stopped trying to save his friend." After seeing their faces I realized I just cussed in front of 11 year-olds. "Sorry I swear a lot, part of growing up around a chop shop." Wayne nods and the girls look confused.

"Whats a chop shop?" Hannah asks.

"Wow it really is two separate worlds. A chop shop is where... Well you know what cars are right?" I ask and I get an expression that I just insulted their intelligence. "Sorry I don't know the level of seclusion you guys had. But its where those cars get fixed or changed. Kinda like the no-maj version of an enchanting place to trick out a broom." There is the understanding I was looking for. "Remind me to give you a copy of a book I have in my trunk later should help clear some of this up." Dessert came but I wasn't interested in it.

After we 'sang' the school 'song' the upperclassmen left and we were taken on a short trip to the puff house.

The entrance to the common room was located in a nook on the right hand side of the kitchen corridor, concealed behind a stack of barrels. Which looked like a hobbit hole from Lord of the Rings. In order to reveal the entrance, no password was required. Instead, you must tap the barrel two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of "Helga Hufflepuff", which would make the lid swing open, exposing a passageway that would lead to the basement when passed through. However, if the wrong lid was tapped or the wrong rhythm was used, the intruder would be doused in vinegar and barred access.

The actual basement itself was round, earthy, low-ceilinged, welcoming, warm, and sunny. There were lots of yellow hangings, burnished copper, and overstuffed sofas and armchairs upholstered in yellow and black, and circular windows that provided a vista of rippling grass and dandelions. There was also a large, honey coloured, wooden mantelpiece with carvings of badgers on it. This was located underneath a unmoving portrait of the house's founder, Helga Hufflepuff. Many interesting plants were decorating the common room.

The Head of House, Pomona Sprout, who also taught Herbology was waiting for us sitting by the mantle. "I'm so happy to meet you lovely new badgers. I'm professor Sprout I teach herbology and am your head of house. I want you to know we puffs stick together and if you have any troubles to come to me. I have a office in the greenhouses and your older housemates would be happy to help you as well. Your dorms are right over there I'm sure you are all tired so find your spots and tuck in." She says with a lovely motherly smile.

There are three beds per dorm room in the tunnel with name plates on the center of the hobbit style doors. Ernie, Justin, and Kevin are roommates and Roger, Wayne, and myself are roommates as well. Getting to my room I text my family about being sorted and tell them I love them. I check my things and don't see any problems but I know I still need to get my wands.

I tell my roommates I'm going to the bathroom which is located at the beginning of the dorm corridor. I step into the common room and notice some older students. Recognizing the sparkling vampire I go up to him.

"Excuse me?" When he sees who is talking to him he is slightly surprised. "Professor Sprout said I could ask another puff if I had a question. Can you show me the way to the greenhouses?"

"Sure, but we will have to come back quickly before curfew. I'm Cedric Diggory welcome to Hufflepuff." Says sparkles with a charming smile.

Shaking his hand I say "Arthur Curry but my friends call me Ryan." We walk out of the common room.

He points to a picture of a bowl of fruit. "Thats the kitchens by the way if you ever miss a meal tickle the pear. So why did you want to go to the greenhouses?"

"I'm not used to going to sleep so early. And I figure if I know my way from the outside to my dorm I'll be able to not be too lost if I can find my way outside. Thanks for this by the way Cedric."

"No problem fellow puff." He smiles. "What are you most interested in studying Ryan?"

"Well I want to enchant a bunch of stuff to make it work like no-maj tech. So I'm thinking tons of runes and arthamancy plus charms and transfiguration. I'll probably read everything I can find on alchemy as well though."

He whistles "I don't know much about muggle stuff but it sounds like you have a good plan. Maybe talk to professor Flitwick he could probably give you a reading list that would help."

I nod "Thanks I'll do that probably save me a month in the library." We reach the greenhouses facing the back of the school. I nod and we turn around heading back to our common room.

When we get back I wait a few hours then, dressed in a black hoodie and black sweatpants I exit the common room. Entering the hallway I begin doing my impression of Spider-Man using the sticking charm and my super strength, I attach my fingers to the ceiling. I pull my body up and attach my tips of my sneakers as well. I begin retracing my earlier route humming spider-pig, spider-pig, does whatever a spider-pig does. Can he swing from a web? No he can't, he's a pig. Lookout here comes the spider-pig!

I make my way to the greenhouses and use telekinesis to push open the door to the outside quietly. Scanning and seeing no one I step out and super jump over the wall facing the lake. Landing silently I stay low and move towards the waters edge using HK I sense my frozen bubble and summon it to my hands dispersing the ice and catching both wands. Using my wand I cast a multitude of concealment charms.

Standing at the edge of the lake and looking at the black waters I think 'Fuck it'. I super jump into the black lake without disturbing the surface on entry. Floating in the first few feet of water I see perfectly into the lake noting the sea grass and grindylows and the merpeople village. I decide to meet the giant squid. Opening my marine telepathy I focus on the squid and with a light kick I swim at 20 knots to it.

I approach the sleeping cephalopod admiring the sheer size of the creature. 'This is no mundane giant squid. Its deep purple color, its ability to live in fresh water, its sheer size! Its mantle is the size of 2 double decker busses welded together. It has way more than 8 arms and 6 feeding tentacles. This thing is crazy! I'm going to ask it how it got here.'

<Hey, wake up.> I mentally probe.

The giant Squid's eye that is facing me pops open and focuses on me. <AAAHHH> Ink is shot in my direction and the squid zooms away. <Holy mackerel! What was that!>

<Uh. Hi sorry to scare you.> I say avoiding the ink and getting infront of it faster than it moved.

<Eep!> It looks at me. <Oh its its just a little student. Lets put you back on the land little one.> She thinks reaching out a tentacle to pick me up.

<No thanks I'm alright.> I say avoiding the appendage nimbly. <Sorry to wake you but I wanted to ask you a few questions.>

The squid stops and her eyes go wide again. <You understand me?>

<Yeah I can speak to all marine life. Do you have a name?> I had noticed all animals of a certain intelligence had names. Every dolphin had a name that was given by the elders in their pod. When translated they always came out funny I've met a pair of brothers one was named Flappy the other was Slappy there was also a Orca named Lake Skyswimmer.

<Oh my gosh! Yes! I'm Stormy I have never had a conversation with a student before!> She said excitedly.

<Nice to meet you Stormy. My name is Ryan. I was wondering how you came to be in this lake?>

<When I was real small, I was running from a sperm whale and found a hole it wouldn't fit through. I squeezed myself through and got attacked by the grindylows here after eating a few of them my body adjusted to the water here. I haven't been able to fit back through the hole since.>

<Hmm I wonder if you were magical before you ate the grindylows or if the magic saturated water and food helped with adapting. Would you mind if I visited you more?> I asked planning to ask about the hole she came through so I could get to the ocean later.

<Of course Ryan! The merpeople don't talk to me much I think they are scared of me but I only ever eat the grindylows... You're not afraid right?> She asks and I can feel the nervousness she is feeling rolling off her.

<Of course not. You seem very friendly. That and I don't think you could hurt me easily, I'm pretty tough.> I joke. <Well its getting late I'll visit soon bye Stormy.>

<Bye Ryan! It was nice meeting you!> She waves her tentacles goodbye.

I reapply my concealment charms and shoot back to the castle. Sneaking back in successfully I cast a plethora of charms around my bed then lay down. 'Today was a good day.'

Waking at 6 am I check my wards, getting the all clear, I hop up and start stretching. Finishing up I stand from my splits. I decide to go visit the house elves. Leaving the common room which was completely empty, I tickle the pear and see it pop out to be used as a door knob. Opening the picture I saw before me a room the size of the Great Hall above it there were over 100 house elves working which all paused when they saw the door open.

"Hi." I waved. "I just wanted to thank you guys for the meal last night." I smiled and the house elves went bananas.

One of the big eyed floppy-eared ugly but adorable servants ran up to me. In a squeaky voice it excitedly said "Oh! Oh! Mr Arthur Curry sir! What can we house elves be doings for you sir!"

'They are cute like pugs! Adorable but ugly I love it!' "Well it seems you know me? What's your name?"

"Every house elf be knowing the great Arthur Curry sir. House elves were treated worse when you-know-who was in power sir. I'm called Puffy sir. What can the Hogwarts house elves be doing for you sir!" Said Puffy with an excited smile.

"Well I'm glad I was able to help you all. My friends call me Ryan and I want you all to feel free to do the same." I speak loud enough for the crowd of elves to hear. After the cheers calmed down I furthered. "I was just coming down here to thank you and maybe see if you all had anything to eat from my homeland?"

"What you be wanting to eat we be getting it for you." The house elf said with determination.

"Well do you have any pineapples?" They looked left and right and I could tell that they did not. I never expected myself to crave these things. "I doubt you have even heard of spam." 10 years of living in Hawaii and I became a fried spam addict. "What kinds of fish do you serve for dinners?"

"We be having jellied eels, kipper and fried cod." He said happy to know something that I may want.

"I see that is very helpful thank you for letting me know. I'll see if I can get some pineapples to professor Sprout and you all. I should go now I hope you all enjoy your day!" I say before they start to push whatever 'Jellied Eels' are, on to me.

"Come back again Mr Ryan sir!" Puffy squeaks.

Exiting the kitchens I start to explore the castle. Im not worried about being lost I could still make my way to that lighthouse from the hospital I was born in. I explored for about 45 minutes and headed back to my dorm.

Waking up my roommates and telling them to get ready I text uncle Rock.

[This weekend can you have ready a crate of pineapples and a case of spam?]

When my friends were ready again I was sitting in the common room. Susan and Hannah walked out of their side right before my roommates. "Arthur! Are you headed to breakfast too?"

Face palming I say "I guess no one used my name at dinner last night. So my full name is Arthur Ryan Curry but I have always gone by Ryan with my friends. But yeah breakfast do you want to sit together? I want to say hi to my friends from the train."

They look surprised but move on and we head to the great hall. Its a short trip probably one of the biggest bonuses to being a puff.

There were few others in the Great Hall considering that a few hundred kids lived here. I first noticed Hermione was there sitting at the gryff table with 2 books open munching on bacon. "Hey Hermione. I'm surprised you didn't get sorted with Padma instead of Parvati." I joke.

"Hi Ryan, look what I got at the library. Its called An Anthology of Eighteenth Century Charms. The warming charm was created during the coldest winter in 500 years in 1709." Hermione gushes.

"Hmm it seems like Innovation in the Wizarding world is very dependent on circumstances and need. That and the few willful wizards who want to do crazy stuff. How was your first day as a gryff?."

"Its good Parvati is in my dorm." Hermione answers.

"Well when she gets up tell her I say hi. I see Padma walked in I'll catch you later maybe we will share some classes. Bye." Waving I talk to Padma for a moment then head back to the puff table.

At breakfast I have some juice, sausages, fried eggs, and toast with beans. The one meal in my opinion that brits do right but it could use some spam or blood sausage.

"So Roger, what are you most interested in studying?" I asked realizing I know nothing about one of my roommates. Roger was well put together for an 11 year old with me being the exception.

"I want to learn charms the most. They are so useful for every need there is a charm!" Roger said excitedly.

"Oh, is there some charms you already know?" Susan asked.

"The only ones I have practiced are the lighting charm and the levitating charm." Roger replied.

"Those are great starting charms. You should look up the colors changing charm. I heard you talking fashion with the other puffs last night its like getting an infinite wardrobe if you master it." I reply and continue chatting as more people trickle in.

One of the things Moody hammered into me is not to let my self get ambushed. I may not have a eye that can see in the back of my skull but I can basically pull a dare devil and have active sonar if I really focus. So when I sensed 3 pairs of small feet my immediate thought is how I could neutralize whomever is about to jump me. Turning my head I spot three first year Gryffindors headed to my table.

Seeing Harry Potter not looking malnourished or abused with dapper robes on I was happy he didn't lose his parents. If I could go back though there would be no way I would not pick my parents in this life over his. I assume this is why I wouldn't be suitable for Gryffindor. I'm not brave enough to do that again and I am to loyal to my new family. Its amazing how jaded I was about family because of my first life's parents.

With Harry were the ever present disloyal and jealous sidekick Ron Weasley, and the druid class knockoff Neville Longbottom.

A/N (This is all I have at this point. The hate I got for this doesn't make me want to keep writing. So, if someone else wants to pick it up I would be happy to read what you write. For those that enjoyed this do not expect any updates. But who knows I never thought I would post these latest chapters.)

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