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The link is also in the synopsis.
The elevator bell rang as the door opened.
Quinn stepped out into the inner corner of the Ministry central Atrium, ground floor. He stretched his legs on the very tip of his toes. The Ministry, like usual, was full of people coming in and out, going about their busy day among a crowd of similarly busy people.
He glanced back to see the elevator door close. He had just finished giving the last of his three-day NEWT period, conducted right in the heart of the Ministry— in the Department of Magical Education's office space redesigned to be an exam center.
He took out a piece of parchment from his pocket. It was the admit card to be shown to the security guard for visiting the Ministry for the three-day examination period. Quinn stared at the printed parchment. With this, he was finally over with his Hogwarts education. The seven-year leg of his life was over— the castle, AID, the Cursed Vaults, the Room of Requirements, AID, the classrooms, the grounds. . . everything had come to a full stop, period. The only thing that had remained was to receive his NEWT certificate and his graduate degree.
"Ah. . . Quinn, is that you?"
As he was putting the rolled-up parchment back into his pocket, Quinn heard the voice calling to him. He turned towards the source and saw James Potter, in the typical Auror clothing— a suit sans the accompanying overcoat/topcoat because it was the prime of summer.
". . . Auror Potter," said Quinn in greeting.
"You know," James pursed his lips and eyes, "I can count on one hand the people who call me Auror Potter or Auror James outside of the formal setting. I appreciate you using the proper title and all, but you can call me Mr. Potter or Mr. James if you'd like."
"It has become a habit," said Quinn with a polite smile, "I will keep it in mind moving forward."
James smiled. "So, what brings you to the Ministry today?"
"I just got finished with my NEWTs, actually. The last one."
"Oh, right! I remember hearing that they were conducting the OWLs and NEWTs in the Ministry. I saw the Education Department guys running around— those guys are only used to taking care of WOMBAT in the Ministry."
Quinn nodded. The theory examiners/proctors were really prickly and nervous around the Hogwarts students; they were clearly not used to handling school students.
"Harry was bouncing on his feet when he got the official letter that his exams had been canceled. Even Ivy was relieved about having to give exams— I think Hermione psyched her out about the exams," laughed James.
He smiled and looked Quinn up and down, "So, done with Hogwarts, that's a big deal. I heard from Lily that you got made Head Boy, which means Dumbledore is going to sign that recommendation for you, and believe me, that really opened the doors— it did to the Auror Office for me.
What are your plans for the future, son?"
Quinn held back a groan. He wasn't sure James would want to even think about the word — 'son' — while anywhere near him if he knew that he was dating his daughter. Especially if he heard the exact of the relationship.
"I have an apprenticeship lined up, starting next year." As Quinn said that, a dong banged up in his head. 'Ah, shit! I need to write to Mr. Alan. . . well, he can wait a couple days; he's on a beach anyway.'
"Oh, in what? Charms, Transfiguration, Defense, or maybe Potions."
"Mind magic."
James was visibly surprised by Quinn's choice of further study. "You want to become a mind-healer?"
"No, nothing like that," said Quinn. "I live at the top of a massive conglomerate and thus a very valuable asset for anyone who would want to get their hand on my family wealth. It is imperative that my mind is well-protected for the sake of not only my family but also a sizeable population of the world."
James finally showed an expression of understanding, but then Quinn knew what the initial surprise was all about.
Mind magic, or at least, Occlumency, was an extremely valuable skill for anyone wanting to protect that mind, and it was perfectly justifiable to learn that skill, even excel in it, and admirable to become progressively better at it. But the other side of mind magic, which didn't delve into the protecting part, came with an attached stigma. People were naturally averse to the individual they knew could read their minds.
"But even without that, I would love to learn more about mind magic," said Quinn with an apologetic smile. "Getting to know my way around the inside and out of the mind is the first step to better know myself, don't you think."
Despite the attached stigma, Quinn didn't have any qualms about letting people know about his intentions to learn mind magic. Even if it was the father of his girlfriend. . . especially if it was the father of this girlfriend.
There was a silence between the two, so Quinn decided to change the topic. "I heard about the attack on the prison transport. Last I heard, the investigation was still ongoing. Has there been any new leads on that front?"
James shook his head with pursed lips. "I can not divulge any information; the investigation is still ongoing."
Quinn didn't need any facts. The Senior Auror's expression gave the not so unfavorable truth of the situation. It seemed the night raid had been a little too successful.
"Did the Dark Lord at least make an appearance?"
This time he did get an answer in the form of a compact shake of the head. Quinn had many more questions to ask, but it seemed that if he asked anything else, it would only serve to dull the Auror's mood.
"You know. . . I think you'd be a great fit in the Aurors Office," said James suddenly, his eyes shining as he stared at Quinn. "You said you're going to your apprenticeship next year, right? How about you gave being an Auror until then," he stepped closer, "I am sure you'll find it right up your alley, I will even make myself your mentor— don't underestimate being under a Senior Auror like myself; it comes with its ample perks— how about it!"
Quinn took a step back. The sudden burst of excitement was a little too sudden. He was even sure that he heard a mutter about this being enough for a promotion.
"Err. . . "
Before Quinn could say a single word in reply, a growling voice spoke from behind him.
"What is this Potter! The Auror Office hasn't fallen enough that it needs to act like a girl peacock spreading its plume for mating."
Quinn turned back and was found himself staring at an electric blue artificial magic eye on a scar-riddled face staring at him. He stared at the man well-named as Alaster "Mad-Eye" Moody. The man had one good eye, grizzly scars, and a chunk of his nose missing. The veteran Auror even had his other trademark, the wooden leg that looked like a vicious animal's claw.
"It's actually the male who has the plume, not the peahen. . . or the girl-peacock."
Quinn turned his eye to the young woman beside Alastor Moody. She had a pale heart-shaped face and dark twinkling eyes with short, spiky pink bubblegum hair, which, as Moody spoke, turned into waist-length violet locks with red accents.
"Bah! Peacock-Peahen! Whatever," said Moody grumpily. "The Auror Office should be the aim, the top of the mountain peak— not some roadside wench that you could pick up for a night and forget about the next."
"You're making it sound like I'm a prostitute," said James.
"You might as well be."
Quinn listened to the two talking with one ear, but his attention was focused on Moody's companion.
"What?" she asked.
"I'm Quinn West," he said. "You're Nymphadora Tonks."
Tonks narrowed her eyes, her red accent growing darker. "I go by Tonks, only Tonks. You know my name, so you must know. . ."
"Well, you aren't particularly hiding it."
When Quinn was in his first year, Tonks was in her seventh. At that time, they were in two different worlds, so he never had any interaction with Tonks— the most were walking by her in passing.
"So what? You want me to someone?"
Quinn shrugged, "Not really. I was just wondering if you do it some other way than I do it." His hair which was jet black to its roots, suddenly became more voluminous and took on a royal shade of blue.
Tonk's eyes widened, and the two bickering Aurors went silent. All three pairs of eyes turned to Quinn as he spoke to Tonks.
"Natural talents like yourself are fascinating to me," Quinn matched Tonk's hair color and even her slightly brightening skin tone as he spoke. "Is the process the same? Or are the abilities granted by nature itself somehow better than the ones created by us. . . . if I could somehow find about how that instinctual magic of yours work, I would be able to elevate my abilities."
"A-Are you a Metamorphmagus?"
"Not at all. It's just that copying what you do is not as hard as you think. Though I have to say, unlike you, I can't do it instinctually without thinking."
Moody's wooden leg clicked against the Ministry floor as he limped towards Quinn. His magical eye swirled at Quinn, taking him from top to bottom.
"Lad, are you lying about not being like the lass," asked Moody.
"Why would there be a need for me to lie," said Quinn, the color draining from his hair as they returned to their original jet black. "It serves me no good to hide something like this."
Moody hummed. He peered at Quinn as if trying to see through his secrets. He then backed away, but his eyes were still focused on Quinn.
"Well," Quinn clapped, "as much as I would like to talk to you, very interesting people, believe me, I would like to have some long conversations with all of you, but I have to leave for today— maybe some other time."
He nodded to James and then to Moody and Tonks before walking away.
"I take it back, Potter," said Moody.
"If you can get that lad into the force, you can be a girl-peacock—"
"—just peacock."
"— I will whore myself out to the boy if I can get him to join the force."
Tonks and James looked surprised; they looked towards Quinn's shrinking back.
"That's surprising coming from you, Moody," said James.
"That lad never once took out his wand," said Moody, "and yet, he was able to do whatever Tonks could do— or at least a part of it. If he could do that without a wand, then just think what he could do with one. . . if what I am thinking is true, then we could be looking at a future Dumbledore—"
James sucked in a breath, and Tonks gasped.
"— or maybe another Dark Lord."
"Moody," James frowned, "isn't that too much?"
"He's a pureblood, correct?"
"So are both us, what does—"
"He's young and impressionable," Moody cut him off, "and unlike you, he wasn't part of a faction. He's a West, above from factions— but not detached from them— he could be pulled down into one. . . it's the question of which. . . . or maybe into something else."
Both of Moody's eyes stared at James, but there were no more words spoken. He turned to Tonks and grunted, "Come on, lass. We are going to the pits."
"Not the pits!"
James said a hasty goodbye to Moody and Tonks and ran to the Ministry entrance, and was lucky to catch up just at the entrance.
Quinn turned and saw James running towards him. "Yes?" he asked.
"Would you like to visit for dinner?"
". . . What?"
Quinn West - MC - Top commodity
James Potter - Senior Auror - An invitation could be a start.
Alaster "Mad-Eye" Moody - Captain Auror - Semi-retired from active duty. Mentor to a special asset.
Nymphadora Tonks - Junior Auror - Metamorphmagus.
If you have any ideas regarding the magic you want to see in this fiction or want to offer some ideas regarding the progression. Move onto the DISCORD Server and blast those ideas.
The link is in the synopsis!
Just like always,
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If you want to read ahead, you can check out my Patreón @
[ https://www.patreón.com/fictiononlyreader ]
The link is also in the synopsis.
The space twisted and distorted like an old hag's wrinkles. There was a pop, and Quinn appeared behind a tree near the township gate of the little community of Godric Hollow.
He glanced around for the presence of a non-magical residence of the hybrid township. Seeing that there was no one in sight, he stepped out of the tree's shade and walked towards the gate under the guise of an invisibility charm— it would be a bother to run into a non-magical resident and become part of a conversation that would go nowhere, ultimately ending in a confundus or obliviation charm.
The little township was the same as before, with the town church sandwiched between the town square and cemetery and half of the houses hidden from the sight of the unknowing residents who continued to live their lives in a town that looked to be nothing out of the ordinary.
But today, Quinn could see something out of the ordinary. He swept his eye on the paved street he was on. Quinn could make out several individuals that shouldn't be there usually. Some were hidden under an invisibility spell, and while Quinn couldn't tell who exactly they were, he could clearly pinpoint their positions. Then there were few physically hidden instead of magical invisibility, though these people did have Muggle-Repelling Charms cast over them.
Quinn made a mental of his surroundings with the people he spotted, and they seemed to be strategically placed around his destination.
Quinn reached his destination, the Potter House. He eyed the cozy house(much more spacious on the inside) from a few paces outside the property. He could feel a strong ward on the property— he could feel his warding, a type of Aegis, on the property— and seeing that the Potter House was protected by his ward was a relief to Quinn. He thought for a second if he should check if there was a Goblin ward (which he personally recommended to be set alongside Aegis) but decided against it in case he alerted the owners of 'tampering.'
Before stepping through the ward boundary, he softly patted the front of his sleeveless vest, and all of his clothes straightened out. He walked to the door and knocked on the door from the attached door knocker.
The wait between the knocking and the door opening wasn't anything lengthy, but to Quinn, it felt excruciatingly long and startlingly short, all at the same time. It reminded him of the time he had visited Daphne's house for the first time after they had started dating— he had been cornered by Sophie Greengrass (whom he was told won't be present during his visit.)
'No. . . I am prepared this time,' he thought and straightened himself. 'And they don't know that I'm dating their daughter.'
There was a faint sound of footsteps before the door swung open for Harry Potter to appear in view.
"Right on time, or. . ." Harry glanced back at a clock hung just beside the door, "oh, you're five minutes early. . . no wonder mum suddenly went mad."
"Should I return after a while? You can pretend it was the milkman or something."
"Or we can just wait here and talk until someone comes out looking for us."
"That's fine as well."
"Did you really expect anyone to buy the thing about the milkman?"
"Hey, I was being polite. It's the sentiment that matters."
"What kind of milkman comes in the evening?"
"The imaginary kind, of course."
"We get our milk in the morning through the owl."
"A mishap in delivery then. It happens, you know."
"We got milk today."
"An extra package for being such loyal patrons. A little customer appreciation can go a long way. Brand loyalty and all that jazz."
"But I don't have milk to show."
"You were thirsty and drank it."
"An entire bottle?"
"You're a growing boy; you can guzzle down a bottle. It might even go to your height."
"Hey! Me being shorter than you doesn't mean I am short. You are just really tall."
"Never said anything about you being short. That was all you, mate."
"You just don't want to admit that your suggestion was silly."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
As Quinn and Harry spoke to each other at the door, a voice from inside the Potter House interrupted them.
"What are you two doing goofing at the door? Come in and shut the door before the mosquitos come in."
Harry turned, and Quinn leaned to the side to get a look at Hermione Granger peeking out from a room.
"Oh, you're here as well," said Quinn
"I am staying over," said Hermione. "Ron is here as well."
"That's nice," said Quinn. Before he entered the house, he turned to the outside and waved over to the hidden people with a smile, who had clearly moved from their initial places when he had revealed himself on the doorstep of the Potter House.
"Who are you waving to?" asked Harry.
"To the milkman, of course."
". . . That's still going on?!"
Quinn followed after Harry and Hermione into the Potter House. They led him into what he remembered to be the lounge, where he found the other two of the golden squad waiting for him.
"Good evening, you two," he said, smiling.
Ron nodded in greeting. While Ivy responded with a "Good evening," accompanied with a bright smile.
Quinn continued to smile, keeping his brow from quirking. Had she forgotten the conversation they had?
When James had asked Quinn to come to dinner, he had immediately communicated with Ivy about it through MagiFax. But the problem was that after the Hogwarts attack and the looming threat of Voldemort, the Potter children weren't allowed out of their houses without adult supervision. This meant that Ivy and Quinn couldn't meet face-to-face, and they could get caught if they kept using MagiFax.
It was Ivy who remedied the problem before Quinn even brought it up. It turned out that she was thinking about how to communicate better with Quinn. She learned how to make the two-way mirrors James and Sirius used in their Hogwarts days. She charmed two hand mirrors— something she could do easily without getting pinged by the underage magic usage trace on her wand as she was inside a magical home and a heavily warded one at that. To keep the mirrors a secret, Ivy forwent owl-ing the mirror to Quinn and instead sneakily dropped the mirror in a marked corner of Godric Hollow, from where it was picked up by Polly, who transported it to Quinn, with only three people knowing of the twin mirrors existence.
"Your father asked me to come to your home for dinner," said Quinn, surprised to have a two-way mirror in his possession just after the day he got the invitation to the Potter House. He hadn't even told Ivy about it, that's until now.
"What?!" Ivy exclaimed and instantly sat up in her bed. "How? When did this happen?"
"Yesterday," said Quinn, ruffling the back of his head.
"I accepted."
"Oh," Ivy sounded surprised and lost at words simultaneously.
"Yeah," said Quinn. He could've politely refused the offer, but if he had done that, he would've not been able to meet Ivy for the summer. Sure, even if Ivy didn't take the initiative to send the two-way mirrors, he would've made something similar— but meeting face to face was something he wanted to do, even if it was just once.
"So, we need to talk about how to act in front of your family," he said, "that's if you want to keep it hidden."
Ivy nodded. She wasn't ready yet; they had just started going out.
"I say that we act normal, just like the last time I visited; I think that'd be fine."
"You mean, you coming unexpectedly and I pulling my hair wondering if you'd do something horrible."
". . . You and I have really different memories of that day. It was jolly fun for me."
"Well, it wasn't for me. But I do agree about acting as if we are friends."
"I concur."
"Then, it's decided."
That was how Quinn remembered the conversation between them went. But that smile on Ivy's face was definitely not something that would be classified as normal— she could smile, but that was a little too bright. . . and if he was being honest, he didn't mind it.
Harry and Hemione took a seat on a triple-seater. Ron was slumped on a single-seater with his feet on a footrest. He turned to the other single-seater in the room, but his eyes caught Ivy, who was lightly tapping the empty space beside her on the double-seater where she sat.
Quinn stared at her for a moment before taking the seat where she asked him to.
"Where's Ms. Potter; I would like to greet her," he said.
"Mum!" called Harry, "Quinn's here." He turned to Quinn, "She'll be here."
"Auror. . . Mr. Potter?"
"In the kitchen with mum, probably."
Quinn nodded. He watched as he saw Hermione and Harry get their feet up the sofa and snuggle with each other.
"I did hear about you two getting together," he said. "It looks like it was true." He had been occupied with his internal problems and keeping up with who was going out with who wasn't on the top of his priority list.
Quinn glanced at Ron and found him looking at the couple from the corner of his eye. He reached out with a feather-soft Legilimency probe, and the feeling of green jealousy echoed through the probe. It seemed that the resident Weasley wasn't psyched about his best friends getting together.
"How's life after Hogwarts?" asked Harry.
Quinn retrieved his magic and turned to answer. "I don't know. I have been at home, doing nothing special, to be honest. It just feels like any other summer break. I guess I will know when I don't board the Hogwarts Express on the First of September.
What about you guys? Any ideas for your final year?"
"We will be aiming for the Quidditch Cup," said Ron confidently.
Harry nodded, "Gryffindor is going to win, no doubt about it."
A smile appeared on Quinn as he dipped his head to hide it.
"What?" asked Ron.
Quinn shook his head, the smile still on his face.
"It's about Quidditch, so he most probably remembered something that Carmichael said," Ivy supplied as she peered at Quinn.
Both Ron and Harry leaned forward. Harry immediately asked, "What did he say?"
"Nothing, he said nothing, but he did do something that I did personally find hilarious."
Ron and Harry exchanged glances before turning to Quinn with a question in their eyes.
"The day Ravenclaw won the Quidditch Cup, Eddie sort of marked it. . . ."
"What do you mean?"
". . . he sort of engraved his name on the Quidditch Cup. . . well, to be precise, he wrote: Eddie Carmichael— The Real Champion," said Quinn and every pair of eyes in the room widened, "and I mean really engraved it. . . he made sure you can't undo the engraving."
"We have to get a new Quidditch Cup," said Harry immediately while Ron had his jaw hanging.
"You know it better than me that the Quidditch Cup is a tradition; it has a long legacy behind it. . . I don't think McGonagall would replace it, even with Eddie's name on it," said Quinn with a grin on his face. "He told me that he'd regret missing the expression on your face when you saw it— I guess I ruined your surprise, but at least now, I can tell Eddie my first-hand experience about it."
A chime bell sound tingled inside the house. It sounded like some sort of indicator as Quinn could feel that the sound was weaved with a hint of magic.
Quinn turned to Ivy, "That was. . . ?"
"Someone came through the floo," she said.
There were heavy footsteps in the corridor beside the lounge. The sound grew closer until the source entered the room in the form of Sirius Black. The Senior Auror directly focused in on Quinn and sighed,
"You really gave everyone a scare, kid."
Quinn West - MC - I am confused. . . just a bit.
Ivy Potter - Potter Princess - Had fun creating the two-way mirrors.
Harry Potter - Boy-Who-Lived - Likes to banter at the door.
If you have any ideas regarding the magic you want to see in this fiction or want to offer some ideas regarding the progression. Move onto the DISCORD Server and blast those ideas.
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