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71.42% HOTD: Targaryen Requiem / Chapter 8: Wildling Invasion(1)

Chapitre 8: Wildling Invasion(1)

-Location: Kings Landing, Crownlands-

-Date: Early 114 AC- 

-POV: Narrator- 

King Viserys had called for a small council meeting. He had received a raven from Lord Stark asking for assistance from the crown. 

"I've called the lords here today because there seems to be a problem in the north. Wildlings have formed an army, and are trying to breach the wall. Lord Stark has asked for assistance." Said King Viserys. 

"Those northerners have one job and they can't even do that correctly." Said Lord Beesbury. 

"The Nights of watch has been protecting the realm for thousands of years. Since even before the conqueror. So I suggest you give them some respect my lord." Said Viserys as he flexed his historical knowledge. 

"Apologies your grace." Said Lord Beesbury. 

"I think we should send help. The north is a crucial part of the realm. Without them, the north and the rest of Westeros would be stormed by those savages." Said Lord Strong. 

"Your majesty, Prince Daemon is in the north attending to his lady wife. Caraxes is also there. I'm sure Prince Daemon would have fun killing some wildlings." Said Otto Hightower. 

"My brother is worrying about lady Lyanna. So I'll send 5,000 men with Ser Gerald and my son leading them." Said Viserys. 

Otto just looked at Viserys and nodded in agreement. Viserys dismissed the meeting, but told his son to stay. 

"I know you've been unhappy with me Rhaegar. But please be careful when fighting these wildlings." Said Viserys. 

"I know father, I have a family to go back to." Said Rhaegar as he walked away. 

Viserys just sighed and sat back in his chair. He thought of all the things that happened after Aemma left. 

After the feast a few days ago, he and his wife had a chance to speak to each other. 


Viserys was in the throne room, which was now clear of all tables from the feast. He sat on the iron throne and waited for his wife to come. 

As if she heard his call, the kings guard let Aemma walk into the Throne room. Viserys stood up and walked towards her. 

He tried to hug her but was stopped but her hand. She gave him an expression of anger and resentment. 

He was about to speak but was slapped across the face. This shocked him but he knew that it was deserved. 

"How could you Viserys? You betray me all for what? A dream? You're not the man i married." Said Aemma. 

"I know, Rhaegar and Rhaenyra gave me a an ear full the day you left. Rhaegar still speaks to me, but Rhaenyra ignores me. She only speaks to me in public." Said Viserys. 

"Are you not the cause of your own problems? If you can explain why, maybe I'll come back to kings landing." Said Aemma. 

Viserys is eyes widened. This was all he ever wanted. His love life with Alicent was bare bones. They had nothing in common, and he only spoke to her when they were in public. 

When they are alone they just have sex. He could tell that Alicent didn't like it, but he had a "duty" to fulfill. 

"I know you don't want to hear the same answer. So I'll give you a different one. The reason is because of Aegon's dream." Said Viserys as he looked at Aemma. 

Aemma was confused and waited for him to continue. 

"Through his line, the prince that was promised will save the world from the others. As you know, I'am of his line. I also had a dream that my sons will be the ones to unite the realm under house Targaryen, with Rhaegar at the head." Said Viserys. 

Aemma stood there surprised but began to have a look of understanding. She understood why her husband did what he did, but that doesn't mean she has to like it. 

"I will stay, but only for our children. I do not want anything to do with that womans children. Keep them far away from me." Said Aemma as she walked away. 

(A/n: She won't turn into Catelyn and despise Alicent's children, but she will keep her distance from them.) 

-Flashback end- 

Viserys finally mustered up the strength to leave. He had a long day ahead of him. 

-POV: Rhaegar Targaryen- 

Currently I'am with my wife. Laena wanted to spend some time together before I head off. The north seems to be in danger. 

Uncle Daemon is there but Lyanna is currently sick. She isn't super ill, but the coughing has gotten worse. I think she has tuberculosis. 

I asked her to explain her symptoms and she said that she has lost some weight, and that she wakes up at night drenched in sweat. 

She also had a fever but got over it. I may need to stay in winterfell for an extended period of time. 

"My love, do you think I can fight with you?" Asked Laena. 

I stopped drinking my wine and looked at her. This is a surprise, Laena has never expressed the desire to fight before. 

She's a true dragon rider, but has never asked if she could fight. 

"I don't see the problem, but why?" I asked. I was curious. 

"Because it's my duty as your wife and the next Queen. Plus I have a big ass grandma dragon that's lazy. I want to dust off Vhagar's wings." Said Laena as she told me her reason. 

I have no problem with it. She knows how to fight with a sword. I taught her when we were children, so she can defend herself. 

But with Vhagar this battle to an easy win. My only concern is the weather. It's been snowing in the north for about a year now. 

(A/n: For some reason, winter last a very long time. I can't imagine living in the snow for almost 2 years.) 

I can handle harsh climates but Laena can't. Especially if she's going to be on dragon back. All that wind and snow will have her sick. 

"You can come. Just make sure you buy some furs. It's cold up there." I said as I sat down next to her on our bed. 

"Of course my love." Said Laena as she climbed on top of me. 

Well it's seems I'll have some fun time now. See ya. 

-POV: End- 

-Later that day- 

Rhaegar, Laena, and Gerald were ready to leave for the north. It would take Gerald and the army two weeks to a month to get to Winterfell. On dragon back it takes about three days. 

Haedes and Vhagar waited for Rhaegar and Laena. Rhaenyra and Laenor were the ones to see them off. 

"I'll try to make it back before the wedding. I don't want to miss that." Said Rhaegar as he hugged his sister. 

"Be careful sister, you know an arrow can take you out. Mother wanted me to tell you that." Said Laenor. 

"Yes I know, mother herself fought in wars. I know I can do the same." Said Laena. 

Her and Rhaegar left and mounted their dragons. They buckled themselves to their saddles and took off. 

For the next 3 days, Rhaegar and Laena flew towards the north. They obviously took breaks because Laena was tired. 

They had made it in threes days. Currently they were about to land their dragons outside of the gates of Winterfell. 

Lord Stark and his family were at the gate waiting. Rhaegar and Laena landed their dragons and got off of them. 

They both had some warm clothing that kept them warm in this snow. As they walked towards Winterfell, Rhaegar seen that the children had wolves standing next to them. 

'Daemon did say he found some Dire wolves. It was last year. I had totally forgotten about them.' Thought Rhaegar. 

"I welcome Prince Rhaegar, and Lady Laena to Winterfell. We have prepared a feast for you and your lady wife." Said Lord Stark. 

"Thank you lord Stark. Me and Laena are hungry." Said Rhaegar. 

He walked towards his cousin Vaelor and put his arm around his shoulder. 

"How have you been Vaelor?" Asked Rhaegar. 

"I've been fine. Father has been making my training harder. It seems he's very upset about mother's sickness." Said Vaelor as he clenched his fist. 

"Don't worry, Daemon is many things and sometimes he does things that seem cruel. He cares for you and your sister deeply. This is how he copes." Said Rhaegar. 

"I seen you got a little follower." Said Rhaegar as he looked at Vaelor's dire wolf. 

"His name is Ash. We found him last year. He's gotten super big, but mother says this isn't their full size yet." Said Vaelor. 

Ash was the size of a regular Wolf currently. If he eats more and continues to grow, he'll be as big as a horse. 

"Okay, let's go eat. I starving. And tell me how Winter is doing, I haven't seen that little trouble maker yet." Said Rhaegar. 

-Next Day- 

In the courtyard of Winterfell, a small army of Stark Men got ready to leave for the wall. Lord Commander Locke had asked for some assistance from beyond the wall. 

Apparently the King Beyond the wall wants to meet with Lord Stark. He asked for him by name too. Meaning that this "King" was rather intelligent. 

Rhaegar, Laena, and Daemon Mounted their dragons and flew towards the wall. 

Rhaegar wanted to test something when he got there. He remembers that his grandmothers Dragon, Silverwing wouldn't fly over the wall. 

He wanted to see if Haedes had that problem. On Dragon back, it would take about 40 minutes to get to the wall. 

A raven could make it in a day, but on horse back it takes at least ten hours going at full speed. With rest it takes about sixteen hours. 


-POV: Rhaegar Targaryen- 

The wall looks beautiful from above. Bran the builder really did a good job with this design. I can practically feel the magic coming off of the wall. 

Haedes seems to be uncomfortable. She's been making a lot of noise ever since we came near the wall. And like my Grandmother, she won't fly over it. 

It's like a magical barrier keeping things out. I'm guessing they used some type of spell to keep magical creatures from passing through or over the wall. 

Seems like I'll have to go on foot. I began to descend from the sky. I looked at Castle Black and seen that it looked bigger than I thought. In the show it looked so different. 

After landing Haedes I got off of her and she flew away in the opposite direction of the wall. She really didn't like whatever spell that was keeping her from going over the wall. 

Well I'll see her soon, now i have to greet the lord commander, Ser Olyver Locke. He was the one who sent the raven to lord stark. 

I walked inside of Castle black and seen the men of the Nights Watch. There were some young, and some old men here. 

All of them looked like they've seen some fucked up things. This is what wildlings will do to you. 

"My prince, it's an honor to meet you. And I thank you for your assistance." Said Lord Commander Locke. 

"Think nothing of it. It's the crowns duty to protect our kingdom. You men of the nights watch have the most important job in the seven kingdoms." I said as he shook Ser Olyver's hand. 

The men seem to brighten up at my statement. Well it's true, they do have one of the most important jobs in the kingdom. 

They need some appreciation, and thanks to my grandmother they get funding every year. 

"Now, let's go meet this king beyond the wall." I said as they open the gate that leads to the other side of the wall. 

"Oh, and bring a table, chairs and some wine. I would like to drink while talking to a "king". " I said as I walked out. 

Daemon, and the lord commander are next to me. It will only be us three. 

We can see this "king" and his guards. It's that a giant? Damn, they look even more intimidating in person. 

The "king" though, he is a big man, maybe a few inches taller than me. But it's his attire that caught my eye. 

White fur with a bears head draped over his head. This man seems to be the real deal. It looks like he killed a Snow Bear. 

I can see a scar going from his left eye to his right cheek. His left eye was pure bluish white. He also had two axes at his side. 

We stopped and stood before them and looked at each other. Daemon looked at the giant with a grin. The giant was at least 12ft tall(365cm). 

"So southerner, are you here to listen to my demands?" Asked this fake King. 

"Sure, but how about we sit and introduce ourselves. My name is Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, first of his name and future king of the seven kingdoms." I said as the table and chairs were placed down. 

"My name is Thorren the White Bear, but my real name is Harron Karstark." Said this Fake King.

"Karstark? What's a northmen doing beyond the wall?" I asked. 

Now that I look at him, he looks like Bennards wife. They have the same color eyes. 

"I ran away from Karhold when I was a child. I bet Margaret is still looking for me. Our elder brother was the heir, and me? I was to be sent to the wall, as I duty to the north. I didn't want that, I just wanted to stay by my brother's side, but father sent me away." Said Thorren. 

"So when I spent my first night at Castle black, I left. Now here I am. A king." Said Thorren. 

"You are no king you wild dog. This little battle you want to start isn't going to end how you think it will." Said Daemon as he sipped his wine. 

"Oh don't worry Targaryen, I know all about your dragons. They can't go over the wall can they?" He said with a smile. 

"My father was there when Queen Alysanne came to the wall all those years ago. He witnessed it first hand. He returned home and wouldn't shut up about the beautiful Targaryen Queen and her dragon." Said Thorren. 

"You're right our dragons can't cross the wall. But that doesn't mean we need them. Me and my army will be enough." I said as I stood up and walked away. 

"Our battle will begin tomorrow, make sure you prepare well southerner." Said Thorren as he laughed. 

"No White Bear, you better prepare. Because you and your men will see hell tomorrow. And I personally will remove your head." I said Rhaegar as his Haki burst from his body. 

Thorren felt the weight of the world on his shoulders and looked at Rhaegar with a bloody smile. This man in front of him may give him a fight. 

Rhaegar returned to the wall and went to inform Lord Commander Locke.

-To Be Continued- 


The Invasion starts next chapter. Rhaegar will not be able to use his dragons this time around. So he'll be forced to battle himself, a "challenge" he welcomes. 

If the wildlings do make it over and around the wall. Then they are fucked. Because Vhagar, Haedes, and Caraxes will be waiting. 

Thanks for Reading. 

next chapter
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