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64.7% Honkai Impact: Invictus. / Chapter 173: Chapter 144: Reborn

Chapitre 173: Chapter 144: Reborn

The meeting for the operation was adjourned and the two groups separated for their separate roles. Adelheid's team would be the assault team that would pierce through Schicksal while Anti-Entropy will be the evac support.

Adelheid, Cecilia, and Siegfried were going in and Addy would be buying them time in order for the others to find the clone and dip immediately. While Anti-Entropy would be the back up and let them escape as they hold Schicksal down.

"Adelheid. We're going now, we'll count on you to give us enough time to break the clone out of the facility she is in." Cecilia said to her sister as she hugged her tightly for good luck.

"Leave it to me... They won't know what hit them." Adelheid gripped abyss flower tightly and loaded her battle suit with honkai energy. She spawned wings of blood and condensed them to the max.

"Addy. Don't let your guard down. Grandma isn't so simple that she would be taken down by a surprise attack. I don't know a lot and she might already be prepared for us to come." Theresa said with anxiousness as her gut was telling her that this would be a hard fought battle.

Adelheid nodded and the 3 boarded a VTOL while Addy was left behind and she cracked her knuckles and neck. She breathed in deep and tensed up, her legs released all their tension and she launched herself at breakneck speeds. Glowing an ominous crimson as she flew to the location of their target that Cheng told them about.

And Tilie, the ever suspicious and on guard woman. Noticed that a pretty big honkai signature was coming their way at mach 10.

"Hmm, only Adelheid or Welt could reach those speeds. But it is glowing red, Adelheid huh? A shame, I wanted to use these for the sovereign of anti-entropy as he is much harder to deal with than the simple minded Adelheid. But beggars can't be choosers." The blonde shrugged as she admired three mechs in front of her.

One was jet black and had golden horns on the top of its head. Looking intimidating even though it isn't activated yet.

The other two had wings, one was like an angel that had white metallic wings imitating feathers. And the other had large, metal ones that were actually thrusters and compound weapons.

"Gundams, these are very interesting. Even one of these things could've killed Sirin immediately or Welt Joyce. I wonder how fierce the struggle really was back then at the previous era if these machines that are for absolute annihilation and anti-honkai were not enough to win the war." Tilie imagined and thought they would lose immediately.

The gundams, according to their scans and observations about the mechs were piloted by extremely talented individuals only that needed exo suits that had massive processing power. Just to pilot the damned thing.

And it was lost to time as the Gundams have neural links via the black carapace implants for the exo suit of the pilot and the cockpit. Tilie didn't even want to enter the thing as she was sure her brain would implode from all the processing power it will jam into your head. And there was already one unlucky bastard that had their brain got fried to oblivion.

Tilie then started up the machines and they whirred. Using the AI and auto pilot of the gundams. But she would be giving simple orders for the mechs to accomplish and they would do the rest. As they are programmed for war.

"Hmm, I wonder how will Addy fair with these war machines? Let us test them shall we?" She then put them on standby and waited for the assailants to arrive at the base.


Addy arrived first before Siegfried and the others. She floated above the base as she gripped abyss flower tightly. Wanting to break in and create a path, she chanted and raised the divine lance in the air.

"Ich bin das Schwarz auch das Weiβ, Vor dem Beginn und zwar nach der Ende. Banish Bloom!" Abyss flower shone with a black and white light. Vibrating violently, filled with immense amounts of honkai energy.

Adelheid threw it like a javelin and it pierced through the air as it flew like a bullet. Creating shockwaves through the air as it went on a beeline for the base.

But a black gundam suddenly flew at the trajectory of the lance and it glowed a bright orange. The vents on its body looked like veins and its red eyes shone as the horn on its head split. Making a golden crown like accessory on its head.

And while it was preparing, a wide beam hit the lance. The angel like gundam holding a cannon with two barrels. The twin buster rifle, abyss flower slowed down immensely.

The black mech then clashed with it head on with a huge tower shield as it bashed the lance to the side. The shockwave destroyed every single glass pane in the surroundings and abyss flower detonated lamely a few kilometers away from the base. The mech then lost its glow and both of it stared at her menacingly.

"W-what in the fuck? U-unicorn Banshee!? Wing Gundam Zero!?" Adelheid willed her lance back to her with telekinesis and her draw almost went unhinged at how the mechs handled one of her strongest attacks easily.

"Fuck, this isn't good. Those things are from the previous era... God damnit Ein-san, those things are very dangerous!" Unicorn Banshee took out its beam sword and beam magnum.

While Wing Gundam Zero angled itself in the air, intent on sniping her down if she lost her focus for even a second.


Welt and the Anti-Entropy group sailed with their own ship and was a hundred kilometers away from the base to give fire support when they have taken the target. Erwin, Lieserl, and Tesla came with.

As they patiently waited for the signal for them to appear for a surprise attack. "They're starting the battle now, abyss flower just released a large burst of honkai energy. Though they countered it with that huge ass beam earlier. But something ain't right, why did it steer off course for kilometers like that?" Tesla analyzed the energy signatures for the battle and Welt suddenly perked up, putting them on guard even though they were confused.

"Brace for impact!" Joachim went out of the ship and immediately created a shield. He made it just in time too as a beam hit them and their vessel violently shaked.

"Ow! Fuck! What the hell's happening!? Where did the attack come from!?" Tesla fumed and thought they got ambushed, but she saw the gundam floating in front of them and she fixed her glasses to see if she wasn't dreaming.

"Blyat, this is not going to end well." They were shocked for a solid minute and Strike freedom opened its waist as it aimed its waist mounted rail guns at them.

"Damnit! Tesla! Quickly, kill the engines!" Joachim noticed the arcs of lightning at the rail guns and they would have a bad time if it hit them, with shield or not.

Joachim used star of eden and made their ship dip just in time before strike freedom's guns fired.

It sailed just above their ship by a hair's breadth and when it hit the ocean below them. It pierced all the way to rock bottom as it continued drilling its way.

The scientists started sweating and Lieserl took in a mouthful of air as she wiped her brow that was filled with sweat.

"What a terrifying mech. Ein-nii's creations are really ridiculous." Erwin was ready to use her quantum powers and teleport them out of there immediately.

Meanwhile, Kiana was thrown all over the armory because of the sudden movement of the ship.

"Ugh, what's happening? Are we landing and the mission is starting!?" She stood up and went outside the armory. Kiana roamed around and eventually found the cabin. She saw unfamiliar people and entered, wanting to ask them if the mission is starting.

"Hello! I'm Kiana, can I know where Aunt Adelheid, Siegfried Kaslana, and Cecilia Kaslana are?" She greeted them and Lieserl gasped. While Erwin started to sweat heavily and Tesla was busy monitoring the situation.

"JOACHIM! WE HAVE A SITUATION ON OUR HANDS!" Erwin shouted with urgency and Welt gave a look at the cockpit. And he saw one Kiana Kaslana inside.

"Are you bullshitting me right now?" He froze and his mind raced a mile a second. Strike freedom then took out a beam sword and its abdomen opened up. Revealing a cannon that was aimed right at them.

It then fired without warning and Joachim had to use the 0th power of star of Eden. He needed to create a big one as a shield and he strained as the attacks were relentless.


Adelheid prepared for battle and she looked at Unicorn that aimed right at her with the ominous looking beam magnum.

Adelheid remembered that the weapon was extremely strong even though it wasn't a rifle. But Unicorn dashed at her with surprising speed and slashed with its beam sword.

And she couldn't dodge because wing zero was eyeing her like a hawk with its arms not even shaking even a little bit, aiming at her with pinpoint accuracy.

Adelheid blocked with abyss flower. They clashed violently as Addy's lance started to overheat and her arms went numb as the 50 metric ton mech bearing down on her overpowered her greatly.

She was then sent flying as Banshee increased the pressure by sheathing its beam magnum and used two hands.

Adelheid crashed to the ground with an explosion and she skipped like a pebble thrown at a lake. Before she could gain her bearings. Wing zero shot its buster rifle at her and she had to use her wings as spawning plant life to block is too slow.

The buster rifle eviscerated her location and the heat rose to unbearable levels as Adelheid got cooked inside her sphere of blood. And worst of all, the buster rifle uses Selene's technology and her honkai energy levels plummeted almost instantly.

"Arghhh!" Adelheid screamed in agony as she received 3rd degree burns all over her body. She burrowed underground with abyss flower's vines and hid there to heal up. She panted heavily as she received tons of damage.

"Oh my god... These gundams are fucking insane. And they don't even have pilots." Adelheid remembered that Lieserl and Tesla was still researching about gundams and nobody in the current era could pilot them.

She healed herself with abyss flower and was wary to the max. Preparing a surprise attack, she would rain down her blood on them. Hoping they would malfunction as they were surely powered by honkai energy.

Addy gathered a dense sphere of her blood and leaped from her hiding hole with as much strength as she could. "Megiddo!" The sphere turned into dense shards and were launched at the gundams. Wing zero, with its lithe frame and lighter weight. Immediately hid behind Banshee and the latter raised its shield.

Addy thought it was a success as the shards of blood exploded and rained on the mechs. Making them look even more intimidating.

She waited for their response and she did not like what she saw next. Banshee started to whir and it glowed a bright orange. Entering destroy mode and steam went out of the vents of its armor.

It then took out two of its beam swords and turned them into tonfas. "Fuck." Addy swore as she released 5 gates immediately. Her skin turning pink as her honkai energy reserves skyrocketed.

Wing zero pelted Adelheid with its 60 mm vulcan guns and she dodged them with all her might. As the bullets were Soulium tipped, special AP rounds that had explosives inside, enough to demolish buildings with one hit.

The oversized rounds rained down on the battle field and a myriad of explosions destroyed the place. Tearing the earth asunder as it dug deep and exploded.

She zipped around and thought she had the speed advantage. But Banshee activated its smart targeting system with its psycho frame. Reading Adelheid's energy signatures and every twitch of a muscle like an eagle watching fish swim in the ocean.

And all of those data are fed to the beam polarizers on its forearm. It fired suddenly and predicted her movement. She was read like a book and the undulating motion of the beam made it extra tricky to dodge.

She had to evade with an awkward pose every time as Banshee tried slicing her apart. The things hit by the beam were sliced cleanly and Adelheid sweated heavily at her predicament.

Wing zero didn't make things any better and sniped her as she stumbled in the air and lost control of her flight for a split second.

The buster rifle's beam compressed and blew her arm off from the shoulder. She screamed in pain and Banshee immediately activated its anti-honkai microwaves. Rushing to her, intent on flattening her to a paste.

"Lilieum Sanguineum!" She opened her cauterized wound from her shoulder and immediately threw abyss flower with her off hand to stop Banshee.

It succeeded for a moment as Banshee's clawed hand when entering destroy mode grasped the lance and focused its anti honkai microwaves on it. Along with super vibrations that made the blood coating it crack with ease.

Banshee then threw it away and Adelheid was hard pressed. "I won't lose to some mechs that have no pilots!" she released the 6th gate and with a burst of speed, kicked away Banshee on its chest.

But as it backed off from the attack, its other hand took the beam magnum that was holstered and fired at her dead center. Adelheid saw her life flash before her eyes before she dodged haphazardly and her leg got taken by the beam magnum's grazing blow.

"Insane... These fuckers are goddamned insane." Adelheid slowly grew back her arm as the 2nd gate healed her. But her mobility was very limited on the ground and she would be played with at the air with their extreme cooperation and versatility.

She activated the gate of wonder and got abyss flower on her hands immediately, healing up her leg with white flower.

She then ran towards Banshee as it was a greater threat than wing zero. "Hirudora!" She enhanced herself to the max and threw a punch with immense air pressure at Banshee.

Unicorn started to glow a menacing dark violet as its honkai reactors activated to the maximum. It then stood its ground with the shield and a thick hexagonal energy shield appeared in front of it.

Addy's attack caused a hurricane. As wing zero made a slight error and missed its shot.

When the dust settled, Adelheid's bones and muscles were either torn apart, or broken. Banshee entered cooling mode and released coolants all over itself as a cloud of steam got released from the mech and the vents it has.

Adelheid hid herself once again with the small time window wing zero lost her in the confusion and healed herself. Biting on her gauntlet as she experienced immense pain while white flower corrected all the positions of her fractures and then healed them.

"Hah, hah, hah. I'm going to die the next round, I fucking will, I'm sure of it. God fucking damn it team. I'm dying over here." She gave a comm to the retrieval team with a tired voice and prayed that Banshee couldn't use destroy mode again for a long time.


Siegfried and the others felt tremors at the lab and they quickly upped their pace. "Damn, the battle outside must be fierce as hell." Siegfried commented and the other two nodded.

"Let's go, Adelheid might be in trouble. Just based on the tremors and frequency of it. She might not be doing so hot." Cecilia frowned and thanked Addy that she would delay Schicksal forces by her lonesome.

"But this place is really quiet. Too quiet even, I can smell a trap coming from a mile away." Theresa got suspicious and thought her grandmother would never let them enter the base for free, even if she wasn't even there.

"Enough talk, we'll deal with it when the time comes. Cecilia is here, we have 2 divine keys. We could bulldoze through." Siegfried said and they separated.

Cecilia then noticed that there was a weird room that didn't emit any honkai energy whatsoever. And it stood out as the place was filled with ambient honkai energy. Even if it was safe for normal humans.

She busted down the door open and gasped. Seeing a little girl that looked just like her daughter made her tear up. And she was locked inside a Soulium lined room.

"Mom? Are you here to pick me up? This blonde lady told me to wait here." K423's fake memories influenced her and she was happy that Cecilia was there now.

"Y-yes, Kiana. We're coming home now." Cecilia's voice cracked and she hugged K423 tightly.

She then received Adelheid's message and carried the child on her back immediately. "Target secured, go to evac point ASAP." Cecilia talked to the other two and really hoped that her sister was okay. As she heard her spoke with exasperation and extreme fatigue.

The trio along with K423 immediately went to their vehicle and escaped. Adelheid saw them and she stopped her desperate evasion tactics. Fleeing with them and contacted Joachim for immediate back up.

Unicorn and Wing zero gave chase and tried shooting them down. Siegfried gave cover fire as much as he could. But Shamash's pistol forms only tickled the mechs, if his shots even hit in the 1st place. As they have the aerial advantage by a long shot.

Cecilia used her battle suit and made shields with her blood with all that she could. So they wouldn't get shot down.

K423 was getting really anxious and scared. Making Theresa try and soothe her while Addy drove, trying to recover from her beat down from the two gundams.

"Welt, come in. Welt! Come in! Damn it, why the hell aren't they responding!?" Adelheid got more anxious by the minute. And they were suddenly hit by some shrapnel. Their ship almost spiralled out of control and they were hanging by a thread.

"Shut up! I can fucking hear you! We have a situation over here!" Tesla shouted at their comms and they immediately frowned heavily at her words.


Strike freedom zipped around Joachim's weaponry as he spawned more of them using his herrscher powers. "Tch, it's more slippery than an eel. I can't pin it down with star of Eden."

Joachim tried using gravity to weigh down the mech. But he can't pinpoint it because it was flying through the air like a high speed dragon fly and evaded every single one of his attacks like it was child's play.

He created more mechs so they would target it with their systems and give it more chances for a mistake. Creating some room for him to use star of Eden.

The mechs fired a myriad of seeking missiles and strike freedom was like a fighter jet being chased by them. It then aimed its guns located at the head and destroyed the missiles with ease. It just stood midair and let the smoke from the missiles pass it.

Strike freedom drew two beam swords and the wings on its back released a blue aurora as it activated the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system.

It nose dived right at Joachim's army of weaponry and mechs. Slicing and dicing it apart, he couldn't even launch a counter attack as it destroyed everything he created as soon as it appeared.

"You're tough huh? How about this?" He raised star of Eden above his head and it rained down black bolts of energy randomly.

Strike freedom then detached something from its wings. Turning the super DRAGOON system. Some turned to beam swords and some were cannons. Striking down every bolt with pinpoint accuracy and it even protected itself by slicing the attacks with its two swords.

"Gundams are so damned overpowered it's not even funny." Tesla gritted her teeth and they could only watch Joachim try to delay it from destroying their ship. As they were sure Joachim would lose if they don't escape.

Strike freedom stopped for a moment and faced their ship. Multiple parts of it opened up and it aimed all the long range weapons at them as it prepared for full burst mode.

"Oh no, that's really bad." Joachim noticed the dangerous amounts of energy coming from the mech and immediately strained to make a big black hole.

Their ship started to even get sucked into it and they had to get back by putting the thrusters in overdrive.

Erwin, with her good eyesight. Saw a ship that was being covered in blood and knew it was the retrieval team.

"Adelheid, do you copy? Kiana Kaslana is on board at our ship! Yours isn't doing too good either, board ours immediately! We could escape much faster!" Erwin barked orders and they were stunned by the revelation.

"How in the hell did that happen!?" Adelheid shouted and rushed to their side. Siegfried tried to shoot like a madman and Theresa could only wait. As using Judah at their ship would bring them down in an instant.

Joachim's face was grim upon seeing the other two mechs giving chase. Especially Banshee that was specialized in dealing with honkai, based from their information.

Joachim used a wide range attack and drained his honkai energy by a lot. Similar to a Chibaku Tensei and tried putting three mechs together with all his might so the retrieval team could get in their ship.

"Go! Quickly!" He gritted his teeth as honkai corruption started to encroach his body by controlling too much of it at once. As the gundams struggled violently.

"Hug her and Theresa tightly Cecilia, quickly!" Adelheid left the steering to auto pilot and ordered Cecilia with urgency.

Cecilia was confused, but she hugged them both and looked at her. "Theresa, you know what to do with Judah. Oi! Open a hatch right this instant!" Adelheid then put Cecilia above her shoulders and held her on the bottom of her feet and abdomen.

They instantly knew what she was going to do and they winced. Adelheid then threw them like a javelin at a small opening that the AE group opened at a short notice.

Adelheid then handled Siegfried by the neck like a cat and she flew to the other ship with haste. "Welt! Conserve your condition and we'll escape right now!" Adelheid shouted at him and he stopped his stalling when they entered the ship. Entering it as well as he kneeled down on the floor and panted heavily.

The mechs didn't let up and they started preparing for their strongest attacks. Strike freedom prepared for another full burst while wing zero was going to use the twin buster rifles. Banshee took out both of its beam magnums and they aimed at their ship.

"Cecilia! Defend with me! Our lives depend on it!" Adelheid and Cecilia made a fortress of their blood while Welt layered the inside with an energy shield and Lieserl activated their ship's shield at full power.

The gundams rained down their attacks on them and their defense held, but the three reloaded and gave another volley. And again, chipping large chunks at their shielding every volley.

Banshee entered destroy mode and took strike freedom's beam swords. Combining it to make a large great sword. It then rushed at them, intent on cutting them down to ribbons.

But they all suddenly stopped, Banshee's sword only a few inches away from clashing with Adelheid's abyss flower. As they slowly lumber through the air, their ship using the majority of its power for shields.

Adelheid lost strength on her legs and thought that was the end of her and she didn't notice that she is holding her breath. Taking in huge gulps of it as she tried to calm down her body.

The gundams then went away, confusing them. As it turns out, Vill-v had them covered and thought they were a pain in the ass.

"Ein, I'm not helping them anymore than this. They just stormed the base with reckless abandon, thinking that they could surprise blondie." Vill-v huffed and thought it was really stupid of them to go in just like that. Thinking that their divine keys, along with their strongest combatants, Adelheid and Welt would do the trick.

"Hah, I know. Adelheid has no new tricks up her sleeve. Cecilia stopped training when she had a kid. Siegfried did not even try to control his honkai form to capitalize on the most destructive divine key. It's sad really, I can't even be bothered to care." Ein sighed and was disappointed once again. Their plan was fine, but their skills weren't.

He believed in them, especially Cecilia and Adelheid. As he trained them personally once. Even showed Adelheid the pinnacle, but she was still using honkai energy as a crutch. And Banshee gave her a royal beating.

"They're supposed to be earth's finest warriors. That was pathetic honestly, they do not show much improvement. You've wasted your precious time on them Ein." SAKURA commented and he pouted at her.

"You don't have to rub it in. Hah... Besides, it's human nature to not push yourself to the limit and just be satisfied when you think you're good enough. Anyways, let's see what Tilie has in store for them yeah?" Ein just continued to watch and his disappointment was immeasurable, especially with Cecilia. Kindness does not mean you don't fight, it means you fight for you to remain kind in this type of world.


Tilie was confused why the gundams stopped, but she quickly acted and launched a honkai warhead at their position.

"Hmm, they could reroute it still. But I hope you like my little gift." Tilie then launched a cruise missile from the other side and waited, limit testing the new vessel if it would awaken from the stress and danger.

The operatives for the mission were starting to relax and they thought that was close. But Joachim felt the honkai in the warhead coming to their location quickly and stood up. Staggering to get off the ship.

"Damn! The overseer just launched a honkai warhead at our ship! Cecilia, Adelheid, you think you can do that again? I'll take care of the warhead." Joachim quickly acted and the twins nodded.

They made a shield using their blood and the two were drained, especially Adelheid. She was running on fumes and was about to go unconscious.

Joachim created missiles of his own and tried shooting down the warhead. But it suddenly split into smaller packages and they spread out. His mind raced a mile a minute as he couldn't use his earlier attack anymore. So he used telekinesis to reroute the missiles to the ocean with great effort. Running on fumes as well.

The shockwave gave their ship some turbulence and Joachim passed out on the ship after he surveyed the surroundings if it was clear.

"Joachim! You idiot... Always putting yourself in danger like that." Tesla quickly diagnosed him and sighed in relief that he would recover after a few weeks of treatment by her estimations.

"Mission... Complete." Adelheid's body went limp and she went unconscious. Terribly pale as her blood was getting dangerously low.

"Get a hold of yourself Addy! We're going to treat you after this." Cecilia tried waking her up, but she did not respond.

"Here, use this. It's a portable stim pack, it would put her out of harm's wa-" Erwin and Lieserl checked up on her, but before Lieserl could hand Cecilia the stim pack. The side of their ship was hit by a stealth missile.

It was a subsonic turbo fan powered missile that they did not notice upon their relief of escaping. It blew off the side of the ship and they were shook violently.

The ship didn't receive too much damage as the hull was pretty thick, but it opened a pretty sizeable hole. But they were fine.

"Everybody all right? Damned overseer even sent out a stealth missile to try and shoot us down." Siegfried grumbled.

Cecilia looked over their group and noticed that Kiana wasn't there. As her hair was braided, unlike K423.

"W-where's Kiana?" Her voice cracked and the clone tilted her head as she looked at her. "I'm right here mom?" The clone said innocently and Cecilia was horrified.

"K-kiana, dear. Did you see y-your twin? Just like me and Aunt Adelheid?" Cecilia grasped at the clone tightly and she got scared.

"S-she flew away from that hole... Mom, it hurts." Cecilia immediately ran to the hole and jumped out of it.

"Cecilia! God damn it. Fuck!" Siegfried followed her and they braved the icy cold waters that had massive waves due to the warhead.

"Kiana! Baby!? Where are you! Answer me!" Cecilia frantically tried to find her, but nobody answered of course.

Siegfried dived and tried to look for her underwater, but there was 0 visibility and he could not see anything.

"Kiana! Come to mom this instant! I'm not kidding!" Cecilia kept on shouting to no avail.

Back at the ship. Lieserl, Erwin, and Tesla had grim expressions on their faces. "HQ, come in! We need a search party at our location ASAP!" Tesla contacted Yellowstone and she looked at Theresa.

"K-Kiana went overboard? W-what should we do?" She didn't knew what to think of it and was still in shock.

"Goodnight for now little one." Lieserl injected a sleeping agent for the clone as she didn't need to know that she was just a clone.

"Damn it. It's night time right now and it's impossible to search the waters." Erwin frowned heavily and they checked up on Cecilia and Siegfried that was still franticly swimming around.


"Hmm, so they lost their daughter huh? A result of their reckless plan I see." Mobius commented and they observed Kiana being washed away by the huge waves back to the shores of Schicksal's base.

Ein made her able to breathe under water and he sighed. "Hua, you made a deal with Tilie back at the 2nd honkai war, right? Request for the girl, she did ask for something extra. It's only fair. Just wait for Schicksal to heal her up first."

Hua nodded and went to observe what they would do to the girl.

"If they didn't get the message that we aren't always there to save the day. Then might as well let them learn the hard way." Ein shrugged.

"Ooh, your real punishments are soul breaking as ever. They won't recover from this, Kukuku~" Vill-v's sadistic persona said with a laugh.

"Oof, you're very scary when you get angry. And they'll learn alright." MEI remembered him burning half of Australia to the ground.

The others thought they would not be having a good time and offered a prayer.

"Well, they did stop getting stronger and stagnated. This would either make them, or break them. Sheesh, you're brutal. That's a wake up call from hell." Eden drank some wine and hoped they would pull through.

"We aren't heroes that makes everybody happy though. We're protectors of humanity. But you will give her back later right?" Kallen asked and thought he wasn't that heartless.

"Yes, yes, I will. I'm not a monster you know? But that will be much later down the line. If they can't watch their kid properly, then we will. But I thought you'd be the one opposed to this the most Kallen?" Ein shrugged and asked Kallen why she agreed.

"I've lived for hundreds of years Ein. And I understood a lot, maybe that's why Tilie was so opposed for me sacrificing myself. Because I didn't owe the people happiness and I'm not a magical problem solver, I'm just a regular human with certain skills. Cecilia and Kiana are my descendants, but if we return their daughter back to them. What will they do? They will have a nice happy little life until an unsolvable problem comes again. And they'll sit around and twiddle their thumbs, then the cycle starts again. It's vicious." Kallen explained and he clapped.

"That's my girl." He patted her head and Kallen beamed. They then waited for someone to find Kiana at the shore.


Ragna Lothbrok, an A-rank valkyrie that was the captain of the assault squad patrolled the outskirts of the base as Schicksal was in high alert.

She then saw a little white haired girl with multiple injuries on the beach. "Oh my goodness, what's a kid doing here!?" Ragna immediately went up to the child and observed her injuries.

"Cecilia-san and Siegfried's daughter?" She was confused, but she gained her wits and carried the girl. "You're lucky, we can still save you." She ran to the base as quickly as she could and dropped Kiana at the med bay.

Ragna went to the overseer immediately and she reported. "Overseer, you'd want to see this. I saw a wounded Kiana Kaslana at the shores, she's critical. But our medics and doctors are stabilizing her as we speak."

Tilie was dumbfounded and did not expect that news at all. "Thank you for your report Ragna, run along now." She used Fenghuang down on her and deleted her memory of finding Kiana.

"What in the world? Did they really bring their daughter for their operation? I hope not, or the vessel would surely die before it matures." Tilie thought Siegfried was an idiot, but not retarded bring your daughter to a nigh suicide mission kind of idiot.

"Interesting, no matter. The vessel is with them now, this has no consequences for my plan." She then stood up and visited the girl.

They still couldn't stabilize her and she took over for her operation. She used Soulium to repair her damaged organs as the kid has enough honkai resistance to take it. Though it had the effect of changing her hair blonde as the Soulium seeped into her body.

Tilie then thought of what to do to the girl. But Hua appeared and sat in front of her. "Ahh, old friend. What can I do for you?" Tilie greeted and Hua pointed at the med bay's position.

"Approximately 312 yards from here at that location. I want that girl, it's only fair right? You did ask for Soulium locations when the time comes." Hua pin pointed Kiana and Tilie was not surprised she could do that.

"Hmm, I see. Yes, you are correct. Then she's all yours. But I do have a question, why?" Tilie thought that it doesn't matter if she had the girl anyway. But she was curious what Hua wanted with her.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." She then went to the med bay and carried Kiana. She disappeared instantly and Tilie raised a brow.

"No matter, what's important is that K423 is now at their hands. It is only a matter of time now." The blonde raised her glass and smirked.


Hua put Kiana on a bed and Ein entered. He then stimulated her to wake her up with a cheese burger. He waved it around the blonde's nose and she twitched. (pic here)

With a vicious bite, she woke up and gobbled it up. As she was hungry, repairing her body needed nutrients after all.

"W-where am I? Wait, who am I?" Kiana was confused and her head hurt, not remembering anything.

Hua was surprised he even managed to wake her up with a cheese burger and she deadpanned at him.

"You, you're the chosen one. You have no name, how about we come up with one?" He smiled and Hua pinched his cheek.

"Stop messing with her Ein." Hua chided him and he pouted at her. "Tch, such a party pooper you are Hua."

Kiana was still confused and she looked around. "Who are you people?" She asked and was getting anxious.

"Relax, kid. How about I give you this so you can calm down." He gave her a bag of treats and an extra large milkshake.

It did the trick and the girl ate them like she hasn't ate for weeks. "Wait, this... I know this. This is the best food in the world, only Ein-nii could make this..." She got a head splitting migraine, groaning from the memory loss and pain.

"Hmm, it seems she has lost her memories. Very convenient isn't it?" Hua sighed and was thankful she didn't have to delete her memories.

"Ohh, you remember me? I guess I had a pretty good impression on you huh?" He patted her head and soothed her headache.

She then stared at him. "What's my name?" Asking the difficult question right out of the bat.

"Your name huh? Actually, you can't know that. How about we give you a new one? I'll give you more treats if you agree." He waved another bag in front of her and she was hypnotized by the smell.

"Un, that's fine." She abandoned her identity quickly and Hua was gobsmacked at his skills to read her like a book.

"Okay, how about I give you a surname. And you think of your name? Ataegina sounds nice. She is the goddess of the underworld that gets reborn every year. Fitting, no?" He patted her head and Kiana nodded.

She then thought about what her new name should be. Getting an idea because of her predicament. She thought she was a blank state, pure, a canvas. "Bianka. That's my name."

"Italian for pure or white? You're a pretty smart little thing." He smiled at her and she beamed. Happy with the praise.

But she then got depressed, not knowing who she was and thought she would be baggage. Starting all over again as she builds her identity.

"B-but what should I do now? I don't know." She looked down and he gave her a goal.

"I know, how about you become the best valkyrie ever? I'll even help you, and the best valkyrie deserves the best treats you know?" He enticed her and she immediately nodded, not even knowing what a valkyrie was. But deep inside, she knew.

"Ein-nii... I know you at least. What's a valkyrie?" She still asked and he sat down beside her.

"Valkyries huh? They're the strongest warriors of humanity. They have super cool powers and are strong too." He explained simply and she nodded.

"I want to be super cool. Have those powers, relax, and eat." She stated her wishes and he chuckled.

"Then you're all set little lady. Dreams don't have to be big, what really matters is how you reach it." He smiled at her and gave her another cheeseburger.

"Now how about you enjoy that for now and have a good night's sleep? Valkyries train, I'll prepare you a nice breakfast tomorrow." He gave her motivation and she nodded with a smile.

"Un, I'll be the greatest valkyrie ever Ein-nii. Don't forget your words okay? The best valkyrie gets the best food. And I'll be super awesome with cool powers too." She beamed and started to get sleepy.

"Can you stay here until I sleep?" She asked innocently and he nodded. "How about I tell you a little story too? Of the greatest warriors humans have ever seen in this world." He started telling the story of the MOTHs that was child friendly and reached until their fight with the 4th herrscher. She was already asleep and Hua looked at him tenderly.

"You'd be a great father." Hua commented and he smirked. "Hoh? Are you asking to be a mother? Is that what I'm hearing? Little Hua is growing up so fast. It's like it was yesterday when you were asking to be in the soldier program. They grow up so fast." He shed a tear and Hua blushed heavily.

"No! You know what? I'll just shut up." She huffed and glared at him.


Hello everyone, you know. I never thought many people liked my story. And I just couldn't resist continuing it. It doesn't matter that the ending is known anyway. It isn't really specific.

And I just can't continue with his bizarre adventures when he interacts with the others who aren't developed yet. It feels flat and weird. So I guess that's that. Anyways ciao.

next chapter
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