A company is a group of talented individuals who come together to form a common objective. In a company, many people fail to see that wasting their skills leads to numerous setbacks. However, with a proactive approach, everything can change for the better.
In the hallways of Lux Animation, a five-story building, the approved application from Stanford University for a master's degree in business administration and management, a doctoral program, lay on her desk.
-Your son sent you here, - Anne questioned Thomas Carson.
-He sent me here to inform you that the company will pay for your doctorate. Here's a new employment contract with the new guy from the legal department. He's a bit green, but it seems you still have a good eye for people, - Thomas commented.
-How considerate of him, - Anne remarked.
-Well, in defense of my son's interests, he values your work capacity. With Jim Gianopulus gone, the entertainment department is empty. Now you have more time to pursue your doctorate. I believe you'll be received with red carpet treatment. My son has several business dealings with companies there and with the professors. That's why he wants you to sign here and here. The payment of your tuition helps with taxes. I'll fill it with Mr. Gorman, - Thomas said.
Reading the contract gently, Anne waited until the silence settled, unable to resist adding: Thomas was so similar to Billy in some ways that Anne could only sigh.
-Are you going to ask, Thomas? I don't have all day. I have a meeting in an hour with the directors who are returning from their business trips, - Anne commented, raising her head to observe the difference: Thomas had a longer beard compared to Billy's always clean-shaven face, a slightly more pronounced belly, and a more robust physique.
-You misunderstand, Anne. I'm just amazed by how much this company has grown in two years. Everything looks different to me: the people at the entrance, the ongoing construction... It's all different. Some time ago, Billy mentioned that these were just the beginning stages, and his company would grow so much that by 2000, the market share competition would intensify. Well... I'm still a father, and I'm glad to have you here, -Thomas commented.
Anne blushed out of decency and simply signed the contract. She was also happy to work in a company like this, betting on the future and herself. She would never forget that. She spent months without a job, attended a public university that wasn't among the best and continued studying. Anne had no experience and had been working for six years, and even though Raimon, the enthusiastic one, was better, Billy still believed in Anne as his right hand.
-I'm just doing my job, - Anne said.
-We'll see each other later, Anne, - Thomas said, taking the contract. According to Billy's words, Anne needed formalities to back up her statements, although the contract was unnecessary; the solemnity of signing it was something Anne appreciated.
She continued with her activities, marking the reports and pointing out the errors she saw or consisted of in some programs. For example, the animation team of "The Iron Giant" was in its final stages, and they had already started casting for the voices of the film. The budget for "The Iron Giant" was $19 million, but the actual budget was $11 million. If we add $3 million more for technology expenses, it is expected that with $10 million more, the film will finish production two months ahead of schedule, possibly premiering in March or late March.
Reporting $31 million is possible for a film that didn't cost more than twenty million dollars.
Jim Gianpulus also noted that the script for "Lilo and Stitch" was already in the works, and they would likely start working on the film next month. He also assumed that by December, another film would be scheduled for the 1995 period. A complete madness! Two films in one year.
-Madam President, you have a meeting in the boardroom, - Margot commented over the phone.
-Thank you, Margot, I'll be there in a moment, - Anne replied.
Taking her agenda in her hands, the list was clear:
Purchase of Transformers.
Acquisition of Akom Productions.
Purchase of My Little Pony.
Report from ID Software: acquisition of companies (new series of Doom 2, Forza Horizon, Resident Evil, Wolfenstein 2, Crash Bandicoot)
A small smile spread across her face; the contract was a long document, more like a letter than a contract... feeling appreciated was good.
Hurrying through the streets of Philadelphia, the cameras seemed relentless. How did they find out he would arrive in the city a day early? What a mess. Taking a quick breath, he took shelter at the entrance to the recording studio, his bodyguards by his side. To his surprise, he saw Gwyneth.
-You look good with that beard. You should keep it now and then, - the blonde commented, hugging Billy.
-I have to play my part; the presentation comes first, - he replied. He was wearing a white shirt along with an old black tie and a simple, unadorned leather jacket.
-How long have you been here? - Billy asked, still in the blonde's embrace.
-I arrived this morning. I came with David; he knows my dad. Well, they brought me on the production's private plane, a loan from my father, - the young woman explained, approaching a little closer. -The production decided to change the ending of the movie. Turns out, it's not satisfying for David; he wants to give it a more closed and ironic ending. As you know, the script ends with your death in a final fight against the killer. Now it's an open ending. They slightly modified the ending to give it a result... I'm not happy with the ending; it takes away many lines from my character. What are you going to do? I could talk to the press and complain... but? - Gwyneth laughed.
-The press will only respond a bit; maybe they'll say you're good in bed, just to leave them surprised, - she added.
-We'll review the script, although I think the movie itself will be a hit. You need to find roles that fit female protagonists. I heard there's a production of 'Sense and Sensibility,' a novel by Jane Austen, - Billy suggested.
-Who told you that? - Gwyneth inquired.
-At the festival. The whole process is more British than anything else. Pay attention to the scripts. But if you have nothing else to do, you can gain some popularity in voice acting. We pay $500,000 for dubbing; we don't have more resources. Your skills are acceptable; we have auditions for the lead role, - Billy explained.
She playfully punched him in the chest. - It's not all about business, but I appreciate you caring about me. Come on, let's see what those directors want, - Gwyneth said.
-It's not that; it's just that we don't have power in the production, and, regrettably, they're cutting your scenes. It's my concern for you - Billy clarified.
-Silly! - the girl exclaimed, laughing.
Morgan Freeman was watching him. Nerves invaded Billy! "Se7en" is his path to success. He'll improve, and improve, and improve. It was time to finalize the script; the production was a breeze to be reduced to three weeks. They were shooting at record speed, and it was said that David learned shooting from Robert Zemeckis, who, in turn, learned from Steven Spielberg.
Well, we continue with the course of history, on Patreon we are at chapter 328, but I have written until 331, good day everyone, and happy week
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!
Different shots began to be taken, at least eighteen shots were taken from different angles, including wide shots or establishing shots used to provide context to a scene to the viewer, without the need for words, describing a location in the landscape or environment of the protagonists. Typically, they are seen walking, a shadow, not focusing on any subject; their grace lies in distinguishing the place where the events may or may not take place.
For example, Woody Allen is known for quickly shooting all the locations at the beginning of the film, a wide shot that captures the essence of the city he is filming in.
David Fincher uses both wide shots and the ¾ shot or American shot, highlighted by a framing of the setting, where the actor is only seen from the waist up, which began to gain recognition because Western movies narrated different stories in the 1960s and 70s.
One scene is set in a church, and the second one focuses on Morgan Freeman, the detective of the case, from a different perspective, a ¾ shot, with a voice-over narrating the intricacies of the crime, more than just a crime, but the ins and outs of the crime, in a colloquial tone, as if narrated by an ordinary person recounting a situation, already beginning to create a suspenseful atmosphere.
Morgan Freeman, or Somerset, walks towards a wall where the current wallpaper is peeled off to reveal a floral wallpaper underneath. He runs his finger over one of the pale red roses decorating the older wallpaper. He brushes off the dirt and highlights the rose more clearly. He pulls the edge of the wallpaper, carefully tearing off a roughly square section with the rose in the center.
Cut to the next shot.
The scene changes; they are in an old, ruined house, while Somerset is captured, this time in another shot observing a crime scene, again using a ¾ shot, and a close-up focusing on Morgan Freeman.
-The neighbors heard them arguing for 2 hours; it was nothing new, a crime of passion. Look at all that passion on the wall. -
-It's a closed case, nothing else to discuss for me, - a detective commented loudly as if that were all that mattered to him.
-The kid saw it, - Morgan Freeman asked carefully.
-What? - the detective, his partner, asked, stunned.
-The kid saw it, - Somerset asked again.
-What kind of question is that? We'll all be glad when you leave. Who cares what happens? He's dead, his wife killed him, the rest doesn't matter to us, - he seemed annoyed, just a little, the irritation of someone who just wants to close a case and go to sleep.
Billy entered in his uniform, which he had been wearing for five days.
-Detective Somerset, I'm Detective Mills, - Billy commented, going up the stairs quickly, ready and combing.
-I arrived 20 minutes ago, and they sent me here. Right to the scene, - Billy/David Mills commented, facing an impressed Somerset, who just looks at him with a pause.
-Come with me, - Somerset/Morgan commented.
The shot changes; both are leaving the crime scene, but the cameras are set up, they just have to fill them in.
-Listen, Mills, what if we find a bar and sit down to talk, - Somerset/Morgan Freeman responded, immersed in his role, not flashy in gestures, but giving off a deep vibe of being the detective, no other, tired.
-I'd like to go to the office if you don't mind. I haven't had time for the transition, - Billy/Mills commented, just as defined as a loudmouth; the fact that he interrupted Freeman's line only added to Billy's awkwardness, and Freeman didn't react.
-I wanted to ask you something when we talked on the phone. -
-Yes? -
-Why here? -
-I don't understand, - Billy said almost arrogantly; the image of a young Mills is clearer in his mind every day he performs more scenes and gets more involved in the role.
-All that effort to get transferred here is beyond me, - Somerset commented.
-I have the same reasons you resigned. -
-Listen, you had to fight to get transferred here. I haven't seen anyone here asking to be transferred. -
-It's not important. Listen, it would be good if we got to know each other a little. Today, you give the orders, lieutenant, - David Mills commented.
-I want you to listen, understood? - He calms Mills' mule-like eagerness, but he presses on.
-Today, I'm not here to stand guard in a café. I've been working in homicides for 5 years. -
-Not today, not here. In the next 5 days, you'll do me a favor by remembering this. I want you to observe, I want you to listen, I want you to play a role. You need to know, - Somerset interrupted.
-Cut, - David Fincher said powerfully.
A great scene, all the shots were perfect. We can continue with a few more shots, but I think it's better to head to the police station, - looking at the clock. - We have time; the next shots will be in the studio! - David Fincher commented with a sharp voice.
Billy passed by sighing for the end of the shot, there were many, and he was greeted by a closer Gwyneth, who smiled at him.
-Great job, Carson, - a guy from the studio commented, patting Billy's shoulder forcefully.
-It was wonderful how you performed; in such a short time, you caught the rhythm. Morgan is an actor with an impeccable career, he's among the best stage actors, and it's said that his last movie was great. By the way, what should I call you, Darwin or Carson? Haha, it's funny that you have an alias; lately, you've been making waves in the media, - Gwyneth said, jokingly.
-Darwin, I adopted it for two reasons: taxes, I don't want to mix my salaries into one account, and secondly, to prevent those who read my name from making judgments. Darwin avoids or confuses; not many know it's my alias. And they don't care much. You, you can call me 'my lord', - said Billy, poking the girl's nose, surprising the blonde, who rarely hears jokes from Billy.
-Oh, be careful, there are cameras everywhere. Tomorrow, I have a scene with you; I hope you'll allow me to breathe. Julie mentioned that you're very intense with your shots, - Gwyneth commented.
-You must strive; those awards won't come by themselves, - said Billy, following the blonde to a small truck that would take them to the police station a few streets from here. If they were shooting outdoors, it's said that if no more than three people are projecting, there can be a recording in any public space. Well, David Fincher takes advantage of that clause to make quick shots with almost unpredictable skill.
-Miss Rachel, this is Shoji Ota, the shareholder of Olm Inc., who will carry out the incorporation process, for now, he has the domain celebrated by the entrepreneurs over the animation rights, - commented Iwu Tomashi, acting as a translator between both parties.
Rachel bowed and performed all the formalities offered. They shook hands, gently squeezing.
-Can you tell him that my boss, the owner, and director of Lux Animation, has ordered numerous agendas for the company? - said, Rachel.
The rules in the company are clear, both Gaimax and Olm Inc. brought flagship projects. On one hand, Gaimax will focus on the Evangelion project, fully, and later on Cowboy Bebop, while Olm Inc. will take care of the Fate series, Pokémon, Berserk, and Detective Conan "Metentei Conan," which still doesn't have its name translated.
-Excuse me, Miss Rachel! - said Iwu perplexed.
-I want to send him the orders from my boss, they're not intrusive, they're the future of the company, - commented Rachel.
-Don't worry, Miss Rachel, I'll tell Mr. Shoji everything you tell me, - said Iwu.
-Very well, the first thing is a thank you for working with Lux Animation. We are a company that wants to bring the world of animation to broader projects and enrich the world of cartoons, -Rachel replied.
Iwu translated.
-He thanks you for the welcome, he says he also extends his invitations to fulfill your dreams, - commented Iwu.
-I will give him this folder containing Billy's plans for the next three years already translated. Likewise, the guiding principles highlighted in the header are as described; we want a series that endures over time. Quality is our general rule, from the script, drawing, direction, and everything that composes it. Billy Carson sent scripts for the Pokémon series, along with a small manga and storyboard of the characters, - Rachel commented...
Again Iwu translated, this time Mr. Shoji's eyes widened, series with very high budgets, permission to hire talented animators, hire musical artists for Japanese and American songs, money to purchase film rights, fixed salaries, 35% higher than the Japanese rule, although still lower than in the United States, and the possibility of projects chosen by all members of the company, as long as they meet the quality and visions of the company.
-America just throws money! - thought Shoji Ota.
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!
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