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I woke up to the warm body of Ivan pressed against my naked back. I smiled as I placed my hand on his forearm that was wrapped possessively around my waist.

"Good morning." Ivan said in a gruff voice, his hot breath tickling my ear.

I let out a giggle as I nestled against him. "Good morning indeed, sleep well?"

"With your body tucked in my arms, I'd say it's the best sleep I've had." Ivan whispered trailing out kisses around my body, causing me to sigh in contentment. "Happy birthday."

I paused at that, then shifted so I was turning to look at Ivan. "Wh..what did you say to me?" I whispered, afraid I had misheard him.

Ivan smiled then inched closer to me. "Happy birthday to you my love." Ivan said than planted a kiss on my forehead and I felt tears well up my eyes.

"How? How did you..."

"Know?" Ivan completed my statement raising his eyebrows up at me. "Did you really think I would forget my wife's birthday?" He asked looking at me in disbelief while I chuckled dryly at him.

"It's not really something everyone wish me." I sniffed at him.

Ivan smiled wryly at me. "Cruzita told me before she passed." Ivan says watching my expression and he pulled me close to him when I sobbed.

Of course it should have been Cruzita who would have told him that. She was the only one who ever remembered my birthday. Well of course I'm sure my father does too but he doesn't really talk about it since that was when my mother died. No one spoke of my birthday they pretend it doesn't exist, except Cruzita.

She would bake me a bread because there was no way she could bake a cake without my father knowing so she would bake a bread and fill it with coconut and chocolate. No one questioned why we eat that kind of bread on my birthday, they just assumed it was any normal breakfast but only Cruzita knew that. And even though it wasn't cake or gifts, I was always grateful to her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." Ivan apologized pulling me close to him.

I shook my head and eased away from him to look at him. "No, no, this are happy tears." I sniffed at him while he arched a brow up at me, "I'm glad you remembered, it means a lot to me. I've never heard anyone wish me besides Cruzita, thank you."

"Well then get used to it, because I plan on wishing you a lot more in the future."

Ivan says with a smile and brought his head down about to kiss me when the door suddenly slammed open and Kiran, Aurora along with Yasmin entered carrying a cake!

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They chorused while I struggled to wrap myself in the satin sheet but thankfully Ivan already shielded me with his body.

"Well this is a wonderful sight to behold." I heard Kiran drawl his tone filled with amusement.

Ivan turned to look at his brother a growl already rumbling in his chest. "Have you ever heard of knocking?"

"Apologies my lord, I tried to stop them." I heard Yasmin say as I pulled my gown up to my waist.

"It's okay, I'm decent now." I told Ivan placing a hand on his chest soothingly. Ivan eased back and I turned to stare at my friends, "Hey guys!" I greeted smiling at them.

Aurora shook her head at me a look of amusement on her face. "You are so lucky we didn't call the musicians in to sing you a birthday song as part of our surprise."

"Not that they would mind the view though." Kiran commented sending a wink my way and I shook my head at him.

"Happy birthday your highness." Yasmin wished me and I grinned at her.

"Thank you Yasmin."

"Alright then, how about we leave this two so they can get dressed and join us for breakfast?" Aurora suggested looking at me and I grinned sheepishly.

Kiran scoffed at his sister. "If they can join us cause I'm sure they've got other plans, right brother?" Kiran asked Ivan who let out another growl but Kiran just waggled his brows at him, not fazed by Ivan's anger.

"Don't worry we will be there." I told them while placing a hand on Ivan's.

My friends nodded their heads at me before they left, shutting the door with Ivan giving them strict instructions not to allow anyone else in.

"Good gods, I thought they'd never leave." Ivan said with a loud sigh and I shoved him playfully.

"Be nice! They just came to greet me." I told him still smiling at the thought of people actually remembering my birthday.

Ivan noticed the smile on my face and leaned in for a kiss. I moaned when he deepened the kiss and his hands slid lower, pulling the dress away from my chest. His hand moved to palm my breast and when he tried to push me back onto the bed, I rolled away from him.

"Come on, let's go get ready." I told him laughing when he rolled his eyes.

"You really going to deny me the pleasure of seeing your beautiful body this morning huh?"

"Who says anything about denying you?" I asked arching a brow up at him as I let go of my dress, "Want to take a bath with me?" I said making my voice sultry as I looked at Ivan who was happily ogling my body on the bed, his eyes filled with desire.

I turned and headed towards the bathroom with Ivan right after me. It was a real challenge to be able to get out of the bathtub because of Ivan's wandering hands. I had told him I didn't want to be late to breakfast but Ivan said he was starving but not for food.

Ivan had fingered me inside the bathtub while I writhe in pleasure and even when I reached my climax, he didn't stop. He continued fingering me with two fingers this time till I had an orgasm for the second time. When I stepped out of the bathtub, my legs felt like jelly and Ivan had to carry me all the way to the bedroom.

He was also the one who dressed me. He picked out a gold shimmery dress for me to wear and he also placed a golden crown encrusted in diamonds on my head. When he had finished dressing and he was dressed himself we stepped out of our bedroom to head to the dining hall where our friends were waiting for us. But I noticed we weren't heading there, Ivan was taking me some place else.

"Where are we going to?" I asked looking at Ivan in confusion.

"You'll see!" Was all Ivan said as he led me towards a stairs I hadn't seen in the castle before.

Where is he taking me? I asked myself as I hiked my gown up to climb down the stairs. "It better not be a dungeon." I muttered under my breath but not surprising, Ivan heard me and he arched a brow up at me.

"Don't give me that look, you are the one leading me towards a dark stairs I haven't seen before!" I defended myself to which Ivan rolled his eyes at but he didn't say anything instead he just continued leading me till we stopped in front of a big door.

I arched a brow up at him but Ivan just pushed the door open and I could see nothing but darkness. I turned to look at him but he just nodded towards the door, encouraging me to enter. I gave Ivan a weary look before I took a deep breath and entered the dark room.

I couldn't see anything at all! The place was completely dark and I was starting to get scared. I instinctively took a step backwards but I collided against a hard chest.

"I'm right here." Ivan whispered and I could feel his hot breath on my neck which calmed me, a little.

"Ivan what's this place? Why am I here? Where..."

My words died down when suddenly bright lights filled the whole place, momentarily blinding me but when I got used to the light I let out a gasp at what I saw.

Right in front of me where tall shelves, shelves that contained books! Tons and tons of books! I left Ivan's side and walked deeper into the room, marveling at the books that were on the shelves.

"So?" Ivan asked from behind me, "Did you like it?" He asked and I could detect a note of uncertainty in his voice.

I turned to look at him feeling tears well up my eyes at the man in front of me. All my life, all my years no one had shown me this amount of love, but here I was receiving it from a man I once considered a beast, a monster!

"Arianne please say something." Ivan pleaded when I continued staring at him without saying anything, "Oh gods! Is it too much? Fuck! Cruzita mentioned you loved reading so I had this former ballroom converted into a library and filled it up with books! Gods maybe I did too much, maybe I..."

Instead of answering I ran towards Ivan and jumped into Ivan's arms, cutting off his rambling with a kiss. Ivan was stunned for a second but he wrapped his hands around me and kissed me deeply.

"I love it!" I declared easing away to look up at Ivan, "I love it so much!"

"And I love you." Ivan blurted out causing my eyes to widen, then my face morphed into a smile.

Instead of answering him, I brought Ivan's head down so I could kiss him which I did. I kissed him deeply pouring all my emotions into it and making sure he could feel the love I have for him in the kiss.

next chapter

Chapitre 32: I FOUND LOVE

I received a lot of gifts on my birthday. Aurora got me a set of lavender perfume oil, Kiran got me a pearl necklace, Yasmin gave me a box of chocolates which she told me the other maids also contributed money to buy it for me. Even Dahlia gave me a jewelry set, though she had sent her personal maid to give it to me not caring to get out of her chambers to wish me herself but still, the thought is what counts right?

Ivan was also the sweetest husband on my birthday. He had the chef bake me a bread filled with chocolates and coconut. Tears had welled up my eyes when the chef had wheeled in the bread for me to eat. It reminded me of my days with Cruzita and how happy she would be if she saw me celebrating my birthday now.

Ivan and my friends had consoled me and I was grateful for their support. To make things better Ivan promised he would escort me to Cruzita's resting place the next day and I couldn't wait.

We woke up at dawn to go to Cruzita's resting place. Ivan had got us horses, he rode a black horse while I rode a white one. Ivan led the way and I followed after him gently. The place where Cruzita was buried in the meadow.

Because of the summer the field was green and there wasn't a patch snow in sight. It was exactly what Cruzita loved, green fields without snow. I smiled as I got down from the horse and looked around while Ivan tied the horses to a tree branch.

Taking a deep breath I approached where Cruzita was buried. Little white flowers were already growing over the pile of rocks where she was buried. I smiled as I knelt down in front of the rock, trailing it with my fingers.

"Hello Cruzita." I greeted with a warm smile on my face as I looked at the rock, "Sorry it took me too long to visit you but this time, I didn't come alone. I came with my husband." I looked over to where Ivan was watching me with a smile on his face.

"I found love Cruzita." I said smiling at Ivan before I turned back to the gravestone. "I also became a queen and made friends Cruzita, with actual people and not animals." I say with a light chuckle, "So I hope you can rest well now, I finally found my happy place. I finally found a place I can call my home, so there's no need for you to worry about me anymore. It's a little hard without you here but I'll carry on, it's what you would have wanted anyway." I sniffed a little as I felt tears well up my eyes, "I promise I'll find whoever did this to you, I won't rest until I do. I'll find them and I'll make them pay. Until then you rest well, goodbye Cruzita." I finished, giving the rocks one last pat before I stood up to leave.

I headed towards Ivan where he was standing with the horses.

"You okay?" He asked me with concern.

I smiled at him in response then headed towards my horse, stroking her head. Tuck, that was her name. I heard her whisper in my mind. "Hello Tuck."

"Tuck? Who's Tuck?" Ivan asked and I could hear the confusion in his voice.

I smiled at that before pointing to my horse. "She's Tuck and that's Maximus." I gestured towards Ivan's black horse, "He's quite offended you don't know his name though, after he has been serving you for seven years."

Ivan turned to look back at his horse in disbelief. "What?" He asked looking at the horse who snorted in response while I laughed at the confusion on his face.

"So it's true, you talk to animals."

"I understand their language, yes." I affirmed still stroking Tuck who nuzzled my hand.

Ivan let out a small laugh. "You truly are a wonder Arianne." He says smiling at me and I returned it, "We should get going, I've got a meeting with the people of the court." Ivan informed me, loosening the rope he had tied to secure the horses.

I nodded my head and did the same before I mounted Tuck. Ivan and I began our ride back home to the castle. We rode in comfortable silence for a while before Ivan asked a question.

"How did you know you could understand animals?"

"It started when I was a child." I told him, "You see one night we were attacked by werewolves, everyone ran to hide while the men went out to go and fight them off. I went after my father because I was scared and alone in the house. My stepmother and Rissa already found a place to hide so I went after him. Along the way I realized I had ventured deep in the woods and I came face to face with a big dark werewolf with glowing amber eyes. I was so scared I almost pissed myself." I chuckled still remembering that night.

"But you didn't." Ivan say looking at me with a small smile.

I shook my head at him. "Yeah I didn't but it was not like he wanted to hurt me though, he was just hurt you see. He shifted back to his human form and I had to carry him back home to treat him. Gods he was the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen, it's not fair you werewolves are created to be more beautiful than us you know." I pointed out giving me a look.

Ivan threw his head back and laughed. "We are abundantly blessed by the moon goddess."

"As if." I scoffed but continued my story, "Anyway he was beautiful but also the most arrogant boy I've ever met! Gods I wanted to punch him in his face!"

"Told you you were going to regret saving me."

"What was that?" I asked looking at Ivan because I didn't hear what he said.

"Nothing." Ivan answered a little too quickly for an answer, "So you saved the boy and what happened?" He asked me and I eyed him warily before I continued.

"Well I saved him and ever since then I just could understand animals." I informed me, "Imagine my surprise the next morning when I found the butchers goats talking me. Telling me how they don't want to be brutally killed by the butcher's cutlass. I set them free and I swear the whole town gave me looks, one would think I committed high treason!" I said shooting Ivan a look of disbelief but Ivan was just howling with laughter probably finding my story funny.

"Well you did set their meal free, I mean if you continued to set all the goats free, humans won't have anything else to eat." Ivan pointed out, "You might as well turn the whole town into vegetarians."

"Well I almost became one, I couldn't eat goat meat for a week!" I pouted at him while Ivan just continued laughing and I rolled my eyes at him, "Fine, you can laugh all you want but you should know Maximus supports me and he thinks you are an ass!"

"What? Really?" Ivan asked jerking his horse to a stop so he could glare at him.

"Nope, that's just me." I smirked at Ivan who narrowed his eyes at me.

"Why you cunning little..."

"Oh save it, how about we have a race?" I suggested looking at Ivan who raised his brow up at me.

"Really now?" Ivan drawled assessing me with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, "You know you are going to lose right?"

"Less talking and let's see if you are can keep up, your majesty."

"Oh, I love a good challenge!" Ivan remarked but I was already riding into the woods.

I could hear Maximus hooves behind me and I snapped Tuck's reigns, urging her to go faster. I could feel the wind in my hair and on my face as I ran into the woods and it was the best feeling ever! I turned to look back at Ivan only to find him a few feet away from me. I smirked at him which he returned and I was about to say something when Ivan suddenly had a panic look on his face.

Wondering what had caused his panic, I turned to face the front narrowly missing the pointy head of an arrow and I heard it faint whoosh as it went past my ear, giving me a small cut on my face. The arrow startled Tuck, causing her to raise her hooves and toss me away from her back.

I fell off Tuck's back and hit the ground with my head!


I heard Ivan's muffled yell and I turned towards him with a groan but my vision was blurry. I could see Ivan running towards him and behind him armoured guards were coming out from the woods with swords and other weapons, that was the last thing I saw before my vision went dark.

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Uh oh, someone's in danger!

Load failed, please RETRY


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