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100% High School of Dead: New Evil / Chapter 13: Chapter 7: The Dead Spear

Chapitre 13: Chapter 7: The Dead Spear

The sun rays through the scarlet curtains and onto a king-size bed. Movement reveals to be, Marcus.

Marcus: "Ah!" He touches his face and his body and sighs happily. Marcus rubs his eyes and noticed movement beside him. "Huh?" He pulled the covers revealing sleeping Saeko in her bra. Marcus blush and quickly covered her. 'When in the hell did she get in my room?!"

Marcus gets up and enters the bathroom only for him to get out minutes later refreshed. He wore a black t-shirt and tan cargo pants with slippers revealing his bulk and lean body with scars in his previous fights. He gazed at a nearby mirror gazing at his greek god build.

Marcus: 'Huh, who knew running and fighting Z's give you a workout.' He walks out the door and closes it.

Shizuka: "Oh, uh good morning." He gazed to blushing Shizuka walking down the hall to Marcus.

"Morning. Let me guess, you're getting breakfast?" He questioned walking by Shizuka's side.

"Yeah. It's best not to go out with an empty stomach." Marcus nods yet quickly gazed at her once more.

"Has Kohta taught you to shoot yet?" Shizuka presses her fingers together. "That's a no?" He raised a brow.

Shizuka: "Yeah, I was busy." She nervously smiled while they climbed down the stairs. "Can you?"

"Sure, let's grab a bite." Their nose wink. "Is someone cooking?"

"Is that so." She smiled yet gave curious look following the scent with Marcus in tow. They entered the opened living room and exit to the kitchen. Revealing Yuriko in a robe cooking pancakes. She noticed and smiled at the two.

Yuriko: "Good morning! Care for a bite?" Marcus and Shizuka gazed dumbfounded.

Marcus and Shizuka: "Seriously?" She smirks.

"You did a lot, especially you Knight. Come, enjoy." She places two snow glass plates in front of her cook station setting it up: four pancakes each. They sat down while Yuriko pulling syrup from the fridge sitting in-between Marcus and Shizuka. "Have fun, last night?" She focuses on the pan.

Shizuka: "It's great!" She takes a bite while Marcus drowns his stacks in syrup. "I haven't had this much fun before the break."

Yuriko: "Glad, you did. We won't have them for a while now. Safety reasons." The two nod getting a bite. "Ah, my husband waiting to see you." Marcus goes to get up. "But, the deadline is today so take your time. Do you remember his dojo?"

Marcus: "Is it the shack on the left of the Mansion: near a Koi pond?" He questioned while Yuriko set two pancakes onto fifteen more.

"Right on the money." She smirks.

"Well, thank you for the food, Ms.Takagi." He looks to Shizuka. "I have a promise to make."

"Oh, please. Thank you for clearing a totem, you made our jobs less stressful than it is and please call me Yuriko." Marcus hesitantly nods.

Marcus: "Miss Shizuka." Shizuka eats the last piece with a grin.

Shizuka: "Thank you!" She gasps her hands while Yuriko nods giving an unfazed smirk. The two leave while her gaze never left, Marcus.


A bottle shatters on a dusty dresser while Shizuka held a silenced Nambu(Japanese Pistol). Marcus stand-by while Shizuka slowly shatters two others. Marcus smirks.

Marcus: "Great job." He approached her while Shizuka turns back with her pistol dropped. "It's not like that run, but you know."

Shizuka: "I know, I'm not that good, but I'm willing to try." She smiles radiating an innocent aura causing Marcus to smile harder. "But, I have to tell you something..." She frowns.

"And that is?"

"At the ship...where we embark a relic." Marcus looks away only for him to gaze back. "In the engine room." She clenches her pistol losing eye contact.

"You don't have to go there." Shizuka cut him off.

"I never believe in 'Life flashes before your eyes'...even in my line of work...." She gazes at Marcus. " I grew up wanting to be a doctor to help people yet I didn't clarify to be one. So, I became a nurse to expand on my experience...I always help and help yet I'm afraid of those who offered." She grew inches from Marcus: looking eye to eye. "If you didn't shout at me at the school, I could've possibly died in that room."

Marcus: Shi-

"No, Marcus. I always denied my friend's offer like what we're doing now. So many times, I could have died yet I smile it off because I was 'lucky'. I want to be useful." She stared determinedly.

"But, you already-"

"Don't you think I know that?!" She shouts causing Marcus to jump. "I want to help and protect everyone. Just denying it will cause more harm than good."

"I want to help you, I really do, but making this choice will put you in situations you didn't ask for." Shizuka smirks, she kisses his cheek causing him to blush.

"When we're born: the game has already begun." She hands him the Nambu: grasping his hand and exit through a window of the roof while Marcus gazed at the pistol until grasping it.


Marcus walks past a Koi pond through the rocky pathway to a shack/Dojo. He gazes at it head to toe.

Tank: "If Takeo was here he would probably cum his pants by now." He stood by Marcus.

Marcus: 'You make it sound he's dead.' Tanks look to Marcus keeping his gaze forward.

"At the beginning, they were the shit stain on my carpet. But, they are at times we have our laughs. You can say I hated the guy, but now of how silent it is without him cutting in 'You are not honorable' " He slowly disappears. "It's doesn't feel the same." Marcus thinks for a bit until entering the Dojo, noticing Souichiro on a mat on his knees in front of his Katana.

Souichiro: "You came. A little early for that is it?" He mediates while Marcus closes the door.

Marcus: "Yeah, your wife notified me."

"That's fine, sit." Marcus sits on his knees in front of him while Souichiro's eyes peak. "The first my daughter introduced you I thought you were some spineless foreign-looking to get close to her. For our wealth." Marcus mentally wince. "But, you deceived my expectation. While you and you're partner were out. There was this debut with your group. Kohta: the gentlemen that also aided my daughter through the crisis wanted to sneak out with the guns they came in with. Do you know what he told me?"


"His Goal: To scout for the two of you and end you if it's necessary." Marcus's eyes shake. "He went great length to make the others satisfy of your sacrifice. That what a leader does. I want you to have my katana."

"Uh, I don't know...I wouldn't call myself a leader." He avoids eye contact.

"Who's kept them alive?" Marcus looks away. " Since the start, their life was slim. With Abominations: impossible, but you made that impossible-possible. You don't see you're potential yet you capitalized it without second thought. You're free to go." Marcus goes to say something but sighs. He grabs his Katana and opens the door. "You have my permission." Marcus looks back.

Marcus: "And that is?" Souichiro ignores him getting back in mediation form while Marcus sighs once more, exiting.

Saya: "He gave up his Katana." Marcus jumps seeing Saya on the rocky path he took previously. "So, it seems that's not the only influence you have around here."

"W-were you following me?" He pants while Saya crosses her arms.

"Keep answering dumb questions. Sooner or later you're going to reduce my brain's cell to your's remaining." She points while Marcus stood in front of her. " Do you know how to use that thing?"

"No, I could ask Saeko."

"Good, we don't need a brute swinging something useful like a moron." Marcus opens the Katana gazing at his reflection. "And take care of that." He looks up to Saya giving a soft gaze. "It's a family heirloom. My father must've seen something in you."

"Yeah." Marcus sighs walking down the path with Saya by his side returning her annoyed gaze. "He said I have the potential of being Leader." Saya grew quietly yet clears her throat.

"That's fine." They climbed the steps to the front of the mansion, but Marcus stops while Saya gazed back.


"Are you special? Without this." She points to his head. "We could've died. Follow me."

"Where we going?"

"To convince some knuckleheads." He raised a brow as they go to walk down another side of the steps. They heard a door opened.

Samantha: "I'm coming with." She raced to their side while they gazed back.

Marcus: "We're you--"

"I just happened to pass by...please." Marcus gazed at her until sighing.

"Fine." Saya staggered.

Saya: "That's complete--"

"I'll stay shut." Marcus adds.

Marcus: "There's no stopping her. Sometimes she's a pain on my back." He climbed down the steps with Samantha rolling her eyes while Saya rubs the bridge of her nose: following.


They enter a tent with ten others scattered around each other. Fifteen survivors gaze at the three entering. Saya folds her arms while a woman approach her.

Saya: "My father wants to start a training ground because staying with us going to be a hassle. Even in the green zone, you should be prepared."

Women Spokesperson: "Training ground?" She clenched her fist gaining the three noticed. "We will not conduct violence!" Saya grew dumbfounded.

"Have you heard what my father just said? Those things will cause destruction and abominations are no help. " The Spokeswomen glared.

"Since we step foot in you're lawn. Your father keeps shoving his propaganda down our throat!" She shouts. " I had it! We had it!!" The civilians kept quiet yet their stares only confirmed her speech. She claps. " You clear a totem! Why can't we live peacefully?"

Samantha: "Because they're still out there." Marcus goes to grab her hand but shakily does not. "How long will that last? We cleared one and you might see that as good, but what about outside?"

Spokeswoman: "Stay out of this." She glared at Samantha only for Marcus to glare back at her. "And you." Marcus keeps silent. "You're in the center of this. The first you step foot here all I saw was trouble. Who else will you get killed?! That girl?!" She shouts flaring her nasty glare. Saya gave one her own.

Saya: "You need to check you're-"

"You need to SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!" She booms glaring back at Marcus. "You know my boy 'Togi'?" Her voice cracks: flashing her teeth while Marcus keeps silent. "Because of you're crusade. The only family I have left me..WITH HIS LEG TORN FROM HIS TORSO AND BODY CHEW TO PIECES!!!" Her tears hit the dirt while Marcus clenches his fist. "You and... you're goddamn violence." She looks up to Marcus's eyes and A crack feels the silent tent shocking everyone. The Spokeswoman has slapped Marcus. She does it again. Again! AGAIN!! Marcus grabs her wrist while the Spokeswoman grunts pulling back, but didn't budge. "Let me go!"

Marcus: "I'm sorry." He gazes his rosy cheek at the woman.

Spokeswoman: "Sorry?! AGH!!" She goes to choke him, but the other civilians held her back. "LET ME GO!!!"

Civilian: "The kid had enough!" The spokeswoman lunge to be held back once more at Marcus gazing gloomily, but strong. Her cries booms once more.

"YOU KILLED MY BOY!!!! THIS IS THE VIOLENCE YOU WANTED!!! " Marcus felt Saya grab his arm.

Saya: "Come on." Marcus looks at the aggressive lady then followed Saya out with Samantha.


Civilian: "Regina, that's enough!" He shouts trying to keep her down.

The three take a few steps from the tent and onto the pavement. Marcus shoves his hands into his pockets while the clouds covered the day and light rain hits his shoulders.

Samantha: "Marcus, don't."

Marcus: "I know what you gonna say." He looks to Samantha blankly. "I'm fine." Saya and Samantha go to pry, but the heels of someone's dress shoes click. Gaining the three attention, Marcus staggered.

Two men walk past them while the other hovers the umbrella. Mr. Shido's eyes gazed to his for seconds. Until looking away, they climb the steps to the Mansion while Marcus followed him.

Saya: "You got to be kidding me." She follows after Marcus with Samantha behind.

Takagi Men: "For you and you're students to stay. You gonna have to run this by Boss" He shakes the umbrella dry while the three others join them.

Mr.Shido: "That's fine."

Saya: "Hey!" They gaze at Saya, but Mr.Shido kept their gaze from them.

Takagi Men: "Ms. Takagi you're gonna catch a cold!"

"Don't worry about me, you need to worry about-" A door burst with Rei dashing towards Mr.Shido with her student uniform and flashes a kitchen knife on his throat. Mr.Shido sweats.

Rei: "You have to push me." She flashes her teeth while the Kakashi group steps out from the Mansion in a dazed, but grew horrified.

Mr.Shido: "Ms. Miyamoto, I'm glad you're, ok." He smiles nervously while her glare darkens.

"You know. You're glad I don't have my rifle." She presses her knife against his cheek causing a leak. "Do you know why I'm good with spears? My father taught me the ropes and never lose a competition. He was a man never fazed yet he came to me in tears! Saying: I have to repeat a grade. Do you know how I feel?!!!" She shouts.

"Yes. Don't do this you're the policeman's daughter for christ's sake."

Marcus: "This is the end. No law can keep this from us." He stands by Rei's side. "But, he's not worthy." Rei's eyes shake gazing at Marcus.

Rei: "He caused you pain too! You can't let this be!" She shouts while Marcus walks around.

"There's one thing I haven't shared with you all...Why was I on the roof?" His eyes shake lighting a flame while Souichiro and Yuriko exit the Mansion standing on the sidelines. "I attempted to kill myself." Marcus's gaze pours the same deadly aura as Souichiro: shocking everyone, but him. "When I killed someone she'd loved. I cried because that was the kill that I felt so connected with!!! I saw myself taking the same fate as he did because I thought no one cares!!! I was the dumb foreigner!!! With no Brothers!! No Sisters!!! No PARENTS TO CARE FOR ME!!!" He booms: glaring at shaken up Mr.Shido. "You made my life a living hell!!! And the only reason I'm alive is her!!!" He points to Samantha. "She made me care! She gave me purpose!! She was the first I'm glad to called her my family!!!" His lips shake yet he growls through his pouring tears. "So, you're not worth killing." Rei thinks for a bit while Sourichiro steps up.

Sourichiro: "Kill him." She gazed at Sourichiro and back at Mr.Shido. "We don't need him as of now."

Saeko: "Let her choose her fate." She steps up while Rei was in extreme thought.

Mr.Shido: "Go ahead. I waited for a day like this." Rei gazed back at Mr. Shido's unfazed gazed. "You know they're choices when you hit this world. And you only got a taste of it." He gazed at Marcus and Kakashi people. "Marcus would understand it. Am I right?" Marcus kept quiet. "He got a taste of it by that expression alone. What makes you think any different? I wouldn't say I regret it, but wake up." She relieves the knife from his throat while Mr.Shido grabs it.

Rei: "You not even worth killing." She walks away in disgust while Mr.Shido kept his anger in check.

Sourichiro: "Get him out of here. Don't let him and his infected students poison by his evil near again!" His Men took Mr.Shido away while he gazed at everyone. "Don't stay out here too long." He enters the house with Yuriko while the rain was the only sound they heard.

Saya: "Hey, dumbass!" Saya approaches him. He goes to open his mouth only for her to pull his t-shirt causing him to lean at Saya's face. "Why would that make you do something idiotic like something like that?!"

Kakashi: "Saya, he already answered!" He goes to stop this, but Saeko stops him.

"Duh! I wanna hear it from him!" She glared back at Marcus. "As for how long I tutor you, you said ' no one cares.' that's a load of bullshit!!!" Marcus kept quiet while Saya let go. "If you go do something like that again I will personally kick your ass." She fixed herself while Kohta looks away with a glare.

The afternoon sun appears once more while everyone gazed at it.

Marcus: "Sorry about that." He wipes his tears.

Shizuka: "Oh! Oh! I remembered!!! I remembered!" Everyone gazed to Shizuka jumping with Alice.

Alice: "Why are we jumping?" Shizuka gazed at the others.

"Does anyone have a phone?!" Kakashi pulls his phone out.

Kakashi: "I have one here- hey!" She snatches it and dials a few numbers in joy.

Shizuka: "Hello? It's me Shizuka." Her face brightened once more.

Afterlife Finn: 'You think it's probably 'Mis' or the friend?' He questioned Marcus while the remaining four appeared by his side.

Marcus: 'It' could be.'

Edward: "Then hear what she has to--" Shizuka drops the phone that burst into sparks. Smoke hazed.

Kakashi: "What the hell just happened?!" He investigated his phone that refused to cut on. A bright light flashes the skies blinding everyone for a second until revealing the afternoon sun once more.

Nikolai: "What in the hell was that?!" He gazed in horror.

Saya: "No, why now?" She talked to herself.

Saeko: "What do you mean?" Rei raced back out in dazed.

Marcus: "They just used EMP Missile! It stands for Electric magnet pulse: They knock anything required our base of electricity." His eyes never left the sky.

Saya: "Now, you have you're gun. Use the sight." Rei raised a brow.

Rei: "What for?"

"Just do it!" Rei aims her advanced M14 gazing through the sight at Saya that stagger from it.

"Huh, you're right. I see nothing." Saya sighs.

"It looks like we're living in the dark like those freaks." A few of Takagi Men raced from the house with thick candles.

Sourichiro: "Saya." He and Yuriko apporach.


"You seem to know about this phenomenon. Have any takes?"

"Yes-Yes, sir. If you exchanged all the fired parts with new ones without the computer chips it would do fine. Or you scout for other cars since some work perfectly fine without it."

"I'm surprised you're keeping your cool. You passed my expectation, excellent work. Daughter." He lightly smirks surprising everyone.

Saya: "D-Dad." Gunshot echos the afternoon while two of Takagi men slam the gates shut in a panic.

Sourichiro: "What's the meaning of this?" He raised his voice looking out from the concrete railing with the others.

Takagi Men: "Sir, this bad I mean really bad!" The two close the gap to them looking up at him. "There's a Zombie siege heading this way. I don't think we can fight it off."

"Then get the civilians to the bus outback." The men nod and run off while he looks to the other: awaiting orders. "Get every helping hand fortified this place. We can't let the dead get by." The men runoff.

Eddie: "Brutus." This gain Marcus and the remaining expert's attention. "He's threat was not false." He looks up at Marcus. "He wants vengeance Marcus." He gazed in horror.

Nikolai: "Just by few encounters never take him lightly." Marcus in his own world realized everyone gazing at him.

Alice: "Is something wrong, Big Brother Marcus?"

Marcus: "The totem...there looking for blood." He gazed at Sourichiro. "They're being lean by a brute goes by the name Brutus. We all have to go." He gazed, seriously.

Takagi Men: "Sir! Sir!" His men raced to him. "The bus is fired. Our Mechanic is fixing it now." Marcus clicks his tongue while Sourichiro gazes to the gate revealing the long empty road ahead of it.

Sourichiro: "Then we make our stand until the task is done."


Kota Kira & Ziiri- Candlelight (SoundCloud)

The gate was fortified with metal bits and parts. The walls of sandbags block the side of the mansion. The candles lit the pavement towards the front gate while the Kakashi group minus Shizuka, Alice, and Saya, Takagi Men, Marcus wearing his totem run outfit with Sourichiro Katana strap to his back, and Samantha holding Sam(Pistol). They waited: gazing at the front gate, armed to the teeth.

Marcus: "Sam, this is nothing like the runs. Please reconsider."

Samantha: "I'll never leave you. Not like this." Afterlife Finn fazed from Marcus frighting everyone, but Kakashi group and Sourichiro.

Afterlife Finn: "There's no changing her. She's stuck to the hip, my friend." His phantom-like voice breeze past everyone's ears.

Yuriko: "I knew my hunch was correct." Marcus and Finn gazed at Yuriko. "But, there's more you're lending on."

"She sounds like the fuzz." He whispers to Marcus.

"Because I am." Afterlife Finn whistles nonchalantly while they hear zombies moan and stomps from the gate.

Saeko grabs Marcus's hand.

Saeko: "I'm glad I get to fight alongside you." Takeo flashes until returning to Saeko. Rei breaks them up and stood in between them.

Rei: "I'm glad to, but focus." She replied annoyed causing Saeko to chuckle.

Takagi Men: "S-Sir, guns are set." He cocks a heavy machine gun on the left of Rei set on the Concrete railing while the other men on the right of Samantha cock his.

Sourichiro: "Good." The environment glowed while jellyfishes flew by elegantly.

The pavement was covered with skulls designs, the candles gave a dragon logo blowing the blue flames from it, the greens grass, and small bushes on the side were painted too brightly: blinding them just gazing at it for it too long.

Takagi Men: "What's happening?!" The eight of the men aim their guns guarding the steps.

Sourichiro: "Don't lose you're cool. They're trying to scare us."

Marcus: "Yes, don't, but--" A buzzsaw hums the night while Kohta took aim. Sparks flew into the pavement slowly coming down. "Don't. Lose. Your. Cool." He aims his Gali while the others the same, but Saeko and Sourichiro.

The sparks stop only for the Brute Mascot to burst from the gates. He fires a beam forcing the men to take cover behind the fountain. The beam took off taking the lower half of one being too slow. His burnt guts was spilled on the pavement while bloody cries fill everyone's ears.

Brutus points his baton at the Mansion.

Brutus: "Bring me their heads." Sprinters and hellhounds flood through the front gate and passed the Brute Mascot causally following the flood.

Sourichiro: "Open fire!" They raining hell onto the dead stepping on mines, claymores, or any traps to keep them at bay.

The Brute Mascot fires his beam killing a man on the turret by Samantha that took covered and the woman by Kotha sniping. Fire from the candles below spread across the grass and bushes.

Samantha and Kohta: "Marcus/Takashi!" They got on the turret and begin firing down the horde.

Sourichiro: "Boy! The brute!" He shouts to Marcus that begin firing at him while the Mascot Brute grew inches from the fountain. Brutus unleashes another wave of undead like Stoker, Catalyst zombies, and Clowns.

Samantha: "Stay away from the clowns!!! They explode on impact!!" She shouts handing Marcus another belt of bullets while Takagi Men begin to get push back.

Sourichiro: "Fall back! To the Mansion!" Everyone does so while the second wave climbed the steps after them. They closed the door shut while pulling the bar against the wall. Everyone pant leaving five of Takagi men alive. The door bounce, but the door stays in attach.

Brutus: "You think this will hold me?!" The ground shakes, slowly. " You haven't seen nothing yet." The door bounce cracking the ceiling while Saeko and Sourichiro flash their katana.

Sourichiro: "To the kitchen." They entered the dark living room only for the metal shutter blocking the window to crack and a hand burst with yellow electricity slowly pry it open: letting out a deafening scream.

Rei, Marcus, and Kakashi hit the couch that flips over while they roll to the kitchen covering their ears. Sourichiro raced to the window and end the Catalyst's life.

A shovel takes its place while Sourichiro grunts stepping back into the kitchen while the others help their fallen comrades up.

The front door burst open letting the wave in while the survivors held their ground. Saeko pops a few clowns with her colt.

Kohta: "They just keep coming!"

Noami: "Don't give up! We must give them more time!" She dives to the floor dodging the stoke only for it to be lasered by Takagi men: Hitting the floor.

The ceiling from the living room burst to reveal the Slasher in rave mode.

It revs his buzzsaw forcing everyone out of the house. Two of Takagi Men block the back door gaining everyone's attention that in the transit bus or near it. Three of his men held off the Slasher. Dying one by one, getting cut in half, or getting punch taking their jaw off.

Sourichiro: "What are you doing? Open this door!"

Takagi men: "I'm sorry sir, but we can't do that." The Slasher noticed the two. It approach them while they flash their grenades pulling their pins. Sourichiro gains his distances. "We like to say. It's an honor working with you." They exploded taking their Mansion down causing multiple explosions of different elements while wood, concrete, and debris scattered the back lawn. Everyone gazed in horror staring at the debris in flames.

Within it, Brutus stood gazing at everyone and the transit bus getting fix and the MLUV.

Brutus: "How long can you run?" He said sternly while the Rave Mode Slasher flashes his buzzsaw by his side while Mascot Brute rips off his mask from another while more jellyfishes flew by.

Mascot Brute: "RAAAAAAAGH!!!!" His roar wallows while Marcus's tattoo burns bright while Luna stood by his side.

Afterlife Finn: "Can we hold them?!" He questioned while the Mascot brute and Slasher crash from the debris and vault over the stone railing.

Marcus: "We must keep them back!!!" He drops his empty Gali, flashing Sourichiro katana while pulling a desert eagle: dropping his puffy jacket. "No matter how much they push us!!!" He shouts clenching his teeth, Luna growls, and Finn's wind-like hand crackles. Saeko flashes Takeo katana. Rei aims her M14, Kakashi pump his shotgun, Yuriko drops her Ak47 pulling her colts from her ripped dress with Samantha while Sourichiro flashes his Katana. "WE WILL HOLD OUR GROUND!!!" The Slasher and Mascot Brute charged. They opened fire never-ceasing their sprint. The Brute shields his face with his hand while Slasher tanks it.

The slasher hurls his buzz saw breaking their formation. They dodged while Afterlife Finn grabs Samantha taking her from afar.

Samantha: "What are you doing?!" He set her down by the Mechanic and Rex that gazes in shock, by Finn's appearance. "We can't leave them!"

Afterlife Finn: " We're not, Shizuka!" She rolls down the window of the MLUV through the driving window with Saya. Alice rolls the window behind Shizuka with Zeke. "Take her." Samantha held her ground.

"I'm not leaving!!!"

"LISTEN!!!" He booms scaring Samantha and the others with his low-pitch tone. "I'll save all of them with you in the way I can't use my full potential!!" He gazed to the Mechanic. "What's going on?"

Mechanic: "Uh-exchange the fried parts, but the battery doesn't seem to work." Afterlife Finn zapped the battery causing the bus to come to life. It honks gaining the defending survivors' attention.

T.E.D.D: "Ah!~" Alice jumps while Zeke barks. "Nice nap! Shall we get the show on the road?" He gazed back at the Civilians and Spokeswoman.

Afterlife Finn: "Get in!" He took off while Samantha gazing at the fight, but enter the MLUV.

Marcus dodges a swat from the Mascot brute and pops his head, but it tanks it swatting at him once more: forcing Marcus on his back. It goes to crush him, but Kakashi pops his shotgun in its face dazing it.

Kakashi: "Come on!" He shouts while Marcus gets up once more. Kakashi curse under his breath " Empty!"

Marcus: "Then we run! Guys!" He, Kakashi, and Rei sprint to the MLUV while Marcus stops halfway. Saeko, Kohta, and Noami run past him leaving the Slasher on his knees. Sourichiro and Yuriko raced behind.

Brutus crashes shaking the ground once more causing the two to hit the pavement. Dropping his helmet causing flames to surround him while his bloody eyes gazed into there soul.

Brutus: "I WANT MORE!!!" He sprints, but Afterlife Finn cuts him off after fazed through causing him to stagger filling him with electricity. He grabs his head unleashing a full voltage shock causing Brutus to shake and burn to crisp, but he swats at Finn breaking him from it.

The Mascot Brute recovers and goes to crush Tagaki parents, but they split rolling from each other. Yuriko begins firing but swat her from the fray.

Sourichiro slashes its hamstring causing it to roar. Marcus aims his Desert eagle only for it to click.

The Slasher grabs Sourichiro by his collar and hurls him from the Mascot Brute. Its limbs picking up its buzz saw.

Luna stood by his side, but sink to the ground while Marcus gazed at the two-way.

Help Yuriko or Sourichiro.

Saya: "Marcus, Please!!" She cried while he gazed back out. Time slows down once more while he pants gazing at the two.

He grunts running to someone: flashing his Katana.

The Mascot brute goes to crush Yuriko that accepts her fate, but Marcus jumps on its back and stabbing the Katana into his jumble face of bullets and blood. The Mascot Brute stumbles trying to get him off, but Marcus continued stabbing it until it falls on the ground dead.

Yuriko: "You saved me." Marcus grabs her hand and pulled her up.

Sourichiro: "AGH!!" They snapped their head to a scream. Sourichiro grunts gazing at his arm on the pavement holding the Katana. The Slasher approach once more while Sourichiro dropped to his knees losing the strength.

Afterlife Finn fazed from the slasher that staggers while Finn's shoulder tackles it onto its back.

Afterlife Finn: "Damn! Hold still." He zapped his left torso that used to be an arm burning the blood and stopping the bleed. "Come on." He picks up his shoulder and floats to the transit and MLUV.

Yuriko gasps while Marcus stared horrified. They raced after them hearing the cries from Saya.

Saya: "Unlock this door!!" She flicks the handle yet it doesn't open.

Afterlife Finn: "Don't there still alive!" He loads him into the transit bus giving him to the civilians while T.E.D.D winces.

T.E.D.D: "Ouch. I heard he was left-handed." Mechanic and Rex glared. "I wish this was America." He looks away.

Yuriko: "Saya, stay with them." She enters the bus, but her cries continued.

Marcus: "I'm sorry." He looks up at her. Finn fazed back into him while Yuriko's eyes never came to contact with his.

Yuriko: "Just...protect my daughter." The door closes while they slowly took off.

Alice: "Big Brother, Marcus!" She opened the door from the MLUV while Marcus climbs in.

The MLUV followed after the bus, but a Lighting crash behind the bus causing Shizuka to dodge Brutus taking the other road: splitting from the transit bus.

Marcus and everyone gazed back at Brutus giving a small smirk and another burnt to bone Brutus gazing with a glare. Rave mode ceases taking the dark night filled with the Mansion flames while the Slasher revs his buzzsaw at them.

Marcus: "I'm so sorry." Saya sobs with Kohta rubbing her back from behind the seat giving a depressed gazed. "I'm so sorry." The MLUV continued entering the street of darkness.

Kghost2015 Kghost2015

Hello there. Sorry for the silence, I been busy lately and I'm gonna be making volume two.

Gotta work that Creative mind again so I'm contiuning Ben 10 to finish that series. Thanks for reading!

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