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100% High-school DXD FF. / Chapter 5: 500 years later.

Chapitre 5: 500 years later.

Four people can be seen sitting around a table staring at an intricate metal cube.

"What is it?" A beautiful woman with long black hair and hazel eyes asks while looking at the cube intrigued. The girl looks extreamly sensual with her voluptuous body and clothes that barely cover her breasts, she also has a sleek black tail with cat ears making her look even better.

"I'm not sure but this amount of demonic power is not normal." An extreamly handsome boy with blonde hair and glasses says intrigued by the cube.

"Can you open it, maybe it's a way to increase my strength." A habdsome boy with silver hair and light blue eyes says eagerly.

"Sorry Vali, I don't think I can open it, the seal is really strong." A beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes says regretfully. The girl is wearing a witches outfit complete with the witches hat. The outfit really compliments her looks.

"Wait get back!!!" Arthur suddenly yells as he feels the demonic power within the cube start to rise.

All four jump away from the table just in time as black flames burst out of the cube. "Metatron!!!" A smooth voice yells angrily from within the flames.

Caius looks around the room, not sure where the hell he is, last thing he remembers is seeing a blinding light, then he was in the dark. Unfortunately Caius had to sleep to recover from his wounds, when he woke up again he had to burn away the seal with his flames.

Caius only sees four young people looking at him not that smirking prick Metatron. He can also tell that two of them are demons, though they're not particularly strong.

Wait Caius recognizes them suddenly, the sexy black haired woman is Kuroka, then silver pretty boy is Vali, followed by Arthur and his sister Le Fay Pendragon.

Alright, seems I've been stuck in that box for quite a long time. Caius thinks to himself shocked.

"You weakling devil, why do you have a dragon attached to you?" Caius asks. He can sense Albions presence.

The four frown hearing how this person disses Vali, but they can't even get near those flames, they're way too hot and give all of them a sense of danger.

"Vali, I recognize those flames, do not antagonize him, you'll die before you realize it." Albion says with slight fear in his voice.

"Who is he Albion?" Vali asks curiously, since Albion isn't normally afraid of anyone. The others also look towards Vali wanting to hear more.

"They called him many names but his most famous name is the Wrath Of Hell or Hell's Wrath. He killed many angels in the great war, including three of the ten great seraphs, he's really dangerous don't provoke him." Albion drops a bomb on all of them.

This causes fear to spread throughout all of them, they may be strong but even they know that they wouldn't be able to kill a sepraph let alone three.

Vali feels this person is even more terrifying then his grandfather, the amount of demonic power he has is ridiculous, not to mention those terrifying flames.

"Caius it's me Albion." Albion decides to help his host out.

"Albion, why are you inside that boy?" Caius asks confused.

"We'll explain everyone, please can you turn off your flames."

Caius ponders for a bit. He and Albion were sort of friends back in the day, though they fought many times before getting to a semi decent relationship, but he knows that none of them are actually strong enough to pose a proper threat to him. "Very well." Caius extinguishes his flames revealing himself.

Kuroka and Le Fays eyes instantly widen and they suddenly get a nosebleed.

Turns out Caius is actually completely naked and it's quite the sight for both girls, his body looks as if it was sclupted by the God's themselves, it's absolutely perfect, it also helps that he's probably the most handsome person both girls have laid their eyes on.

"Le Fay don't look." Arthur covers his sisters eyes. Le Fay pouts but doesn't complain.

"So big." Kuroka licks her lips as she looks at Caius's exposed member, she can feel her Nekoshou instincts kick in, Nekoshous look for powerful mates, so they can give birth to powerful offspring, when they see someone powerful they have this strong urge to mate with them. Right now Kuroka really wants to push Caius down, she can tell he's incredibly strong and would be the perfect mate for her.

"Uhmm can you please put some clothes on?" Vali looks away and asks trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Uhmm sure." Caius conjurs up a black robe for him to wear.

"Now explain what happened, what happened with the great war, is it still going on?" Caius asks feigning curiousity.

"The great war ended many years ago, The Angels, Devils and Fallen Angels are at peace, however there were many killed, everyone lost alot of powerful people on their sides, the devils lost the four Satans." Albion explains.

"Alright, anything else?"

"What! you don't care that the Satans died?" Vali asks confused.

"Why should I? They died because they were weak." Caius says with disdain.

"What about the Gremory family what happened to them?" Caius asks.

"Why do you want to know about them?" Kuroka suddenly asks.

"My name is Caius Gremory, younger brother to Zeoticus Gremory, did my family survive the war?"

"They did, your nephew even became the new Lucifer." Albion informs me.

A look of relief spreads across Caius's face. "Thank you for telling me Albion." Caius says gratefully.

"You're welcome."

"Alright, so tell me why two Devils and two humans are squatting in this cave together?"

"No reason, we just have nowhere else to go." Vali answers nonchalantly.

Caius can tell he's not telling the whole truth, but decides not to pursue it.

Suddenly Kuroka jumps towards Caius her arms outstretched. Caius at first puts his guard up and is about to attack her but he realizes that there's no malicious intent behind her attack, so he stands there and observes what she's about to do.

Kuroka couldn't stop herself and tries to push Caius to the ground but it only results in her hanging from Caius like a Koala.

"What are you doing?" Caius looks at her confused.

The others all groan and hold their faces, they understand why Kuroka is doing this, she's tried it with Vali and Arthur, however she wasn't as aggressive as this.

Kuroka looks up at Caius though her eyelashes making her look incredibly seductive, it also doesn't help that her volumptuous body is pressed against Caius. "I want to have your kittens." Kuroka says seductively.

"I'm sorry but I already have a woman." Caius denies her advances.

"Oh that's okay, you know powerful men always have more then one woman." Kuroka says smirking.

Caius can't deny that he is really tempted to accept her offer, she's just to seductive and enticing, it's taking all his will power to say no, though Grayfia might not be against the idea if he asks her. "If my woman consents then I'll accept you." Caius tells her.

"That's good enough for me." Kuroka let's go pleased that she has a chance with Caius.

"Anyway are any of you good at teleporting? I need someone to take me to the underworld." Caius asks.

"Kuroka you've managed to sneak into the underworld, you can take him." Vali tells her.

"Why would you need to sneak in, you're Devils?" Caius asks confused.

"Uhmm..." Kuroka looks at Vali.

"If you don't tell me, I'll kill all of you apart from you cat lady." Caius points at Kuroka.

Huh why not me, aren't I cute enough. Le Fay thinks to herself unhappy.

"I am a stray devil."

"What did you do?" Caius asks intrigued, as long as she didn't harm his family he didn't care what she did.

"I killed my master." Kuroka says a little nervous.

"Was he a member of the Gremory household?"

"No." Kuroka shakes her head.

"Alright then I don't care. You don't seem like a bad person so I'm sure you had your reasons."

Kuroka looks at him in shock, a strange feeling starts spreading within her, she can feel her heart start to beat faster after hearing what Caius said. Everyone always assumes she's a bad person, but she truly did have her reasons for killing her master.

"Anyway I'd like to go home, I want to see my family again." And I'd like to see her again. Caius thinks to himself.

"Alright take my hand." Kuroka holds out her hand.

Caius hesitantly puts his hand in hers, Caius can't help but marvel at how soft her hand is, it reminds him so much of Grayfia's.

A magic circle suddenly appears under their legs and teleports them to the outskirts of Gremory manor.

"Why didn't you teleport us directly into the manor?" Caius asks confused.

"Did you forget I'm a stray devil, I can't exactly show up at the home of a Satan so blatantly, they'd have me killed instantly."

"Hmph! With me by your side, they wouldn't dare to touch you, and if they tried, I'd kill them." Caius says seriously. It's not like Caius is in love with her or anything but she was nice and even teleported him, so the least he can do is save her from dying.

Once again Kuroka's heart starts racing and her body starts to heat up.

"Why did you kill your master?" Caius asks curious.

Kuroka sighs and explains her story to him.

"Wow what pathetic devils they are, but don't worry we'll get this sorted out, you'll be allowed to see your sister again I promise." Caius gently strokes her hair, causing Kuroka to purr, it was actually really sexy, Caius can feel his member getting tight under his clothes.

No, no you love Grayfia remember. Caius chants to calm himself down.

Kuroka sniffles as happy tears fall from her face. "Thank... thank you." She says sincerely.

"Your welcome."

"Anyway let's go." Caius grabs Kuroka's hand and teleports them to Zeoticus's office.

What he sees inside breaks his heart, his beloved Grayfia is kissing another man. Caius can literally feel his heart being torn apart.

"Gra...Grayfia." Caius utters barely able to keep the tears from falling.

"Who?" The man suddenly turns around ready to attack.

Grayfia looks at me in utter disbelief, tears start pooling in her eyes.

My heartbreak starts to turn into anger, I'm using all my willpower to not kill the man in front of me.

How could she marry what I'm assuming is my nephew, he looks so much like my brother it's uncanny. If not for him being stronger then Zeoticus I would've thought he was Zeoticus.

"It's... it's okay Sirzechs-sama this is your uncle Caius." Grayfia barely manages to explain.

Sirzechs thought he looked familiar. He looks exactly like the portrait of his uncle they have hanging in the living room.

Grayfia is in complete shock, she truly thought Caius was dead and for him to catch her and Sirzechs, honeslty she really wants to bury herself in a hole right now. She loved Caius in the past, it took years for her but she finally managed to move on and fell for Sirzechs. She won't deny that part of the reason she fell for Sirzechs is because he sort of reminded her of Caius, but now her love for him is true but she also feels like she's betrayed Caius, he was alive all this time, she should've looked for him harder, why'd she give up so soon but it's too late for regrets, her and Sirzechs already have a child together, a child that she loves dearly.

Caius's face suddenly becomes as cold as ice and a opressing pressure starts to be released from his body, mainly targeting Sirzechs and Grayfia, he made sure Kuroka wouldn't feel it.

Grayfia and Sirzechs feel a heavy pressure descending on them, in fact many beings can feel Caius's terrifying amount of demonic power.

All over the world people are curious about this power, but none more then the other Satans. They've never felt this type of power before, though there are some older devils that remeber this power, they remember the carnage it caused during the great war, just remembering those black flames send shivers of fear down their spines.

Everyone in the underworld looks in awe towards the source.

Somewhere in the Gremory Houshold.

"Zeoticus is that?" Vanelana Gremory asks a little bit of nervousness in her tone.

"It can't be." Zeoticus denies but hurries to the source of the power.

"Caius please calm down." Grayfia tries to defuse the situation.

"Hey it's nice to meet you uncle." Sirzechs gets up and walks over with his hand outstretched.

Caius knows it's no ones fault, he dissapeard for a long time, it's not Grayfia or Sirzechs fault that they got together, even knowing that, doesn't mean that my anger is quelled or the pain doesn't hurt.

"It's nice to meet you too." Caius holds in his anger and shakes Sirzechs hand, doing his best not to rip his smiling head off.

"Where were you all this time?" Grayfia asks a little bitterness in her tone.

"I was sealed away, but that bastard Metatron after I killed Azrael." Caius says through gritted teeth.

Kuroka seeing Caius's obvious anger and pain grabs his hand hoping to give him some support.

Grayfia see's their interaction and immediately jealousy rises within her.

"I just escaped and made my way back with this lovely lady right next to me, her name is Kuroka."

A smile spreads across Kuroka's face as she hears Caius's praise.

Sirzechs frowns. "She's a stray devil uncle, she needs to be killed."

"Anyone that touches her, will have to go through me, she is no longer a stray devil do you understand?" Caius glares at Sirzechs.

Sirzechs remembering the massive amount of demonic energy Caius has, doesn't wish to cause problems. "Alright uncle as a war hero I'll grant this favor." Sirzechs accepts his demand.

"No you're doing yourself a favor boy." Caius sneers. How dare such a weakling say be did me a favor. Caius thinks fuming.

Especially a weakling who's sleeping with his former lover.

Caius would love to kill Sirzechs but he couldn't bring himself to kill his brothers child.

Sirzechs frowns but says nothing. Sirzechs knows he might have sounded abit pretentious earlier, so he won't take his uncles words to heart.

"I'll be going to my room now." Caius storms out of the room no longer able to handle looking at Grayfia and Sirzechs anymore.

Kuroka walks out and follows behind him.

Caius eventually walks into his room and falls onto his bed. "Urghhhh" He groans. He's still struggling to cope with the fact that his lover is married to someone else, it's feels like his heart is being torn out of his chest. Even all the injuries Azrael inflicted on him is nothing compared to what he's going through now.

"Was that her? You're woman." Kuroka asks in a soft sweet voice.

"Ahhh... she was, now she's married to my nephew." Caius sighs heavily.

"I'm sorry." Kuroka says awkwardly.

Caius feels something climb onto his bed, most likely Kuroka.

"What are you doing?" Caius asks without looking up.

Kuroka can't help but feel bad for Caius, she just wants to comfort him, she wants to make him feel better but she doesn't really know what to do, she's never been that good with emotional things, she's only ever tried seducing guys before.

Kuroka lays down slowly next to Caius.

She admires his face from the side, even just seeing that she can tell that he's really handsome. When she first saw him she was shocked by how handsome Caius was, it really caught her off guard, but she's happy she's met him, in just a short time he's given her the chance to reunite with her family and she no longer has to be on the run. So trying to alleviate his sadness is a small price to pay for all he's done for her.

Kuroka doesn't reply to Caius's question, she just lifts his head and lays it on her bountiful chest, she then gently starts to stroke his hair. She can't help but feelca little jealous at how soft his hair is, honestly it feels better then hers.

Caius's eyes widen in shock he never expected Kuroka to do this but it feels nice so Caius closes his eyes enjoying the feeling of her hands stroking his hair.

"Are you excited to see your sister again?" Caius asks trying yo make conversation.

A gentle smile spreads across Kuroka's face.

"Yes, I've missed Shirone, I can't wait to see her again." Memories of the happy time the two of them spent together flash through Kuroka's mind.

"Don't worry we'll go see her soon, after I deal with everything here we'll leave." Caius sighs tiredly, by now he's sure that the other new Satans will arrive and ask to see him.

"It's okay, I can wait." Kuroka says with a gentle smile.

Caius looks up at Kuroka, Beautiful. Caius thinks to himself. Caius didn't really appreciate how beautiful Kuroka was before.

Kuroka notices the admiration in Caius's gaze, there's no lust it's just pure admiration of what he's seeing. Kuroka can feel her heart start racing, she likes the way he's looking at her.

Kuroka leans forward, Caius notices her movements and moves up to meet her, but before their lips can meet, a knock at the door interrupts their moment.

Caius quickly pulls away and gets up.

Why? why now? I was so close. Kuroka can't help but sulk inwardly, she nearly got a taste of those mesmerizing lips.

Caius opens the door revealing a straight faced Grayfia, Caius clenches his jaw. "What do you want?" Caius asks clear annoyance in his voice.

"The Satans have requested your presence." Grayfia answers her voice emotionless.

"I'm not in the mood to speak to anyone at the moment, tell them I'll talk to them another time." Caius sneers at her.

"Caius please they just want to meet you, you're an ultimate class devil, no you're probably higher ranked then that, the devil world has changed since the great war, you nee—" Before Grayfia can continue Caius slams the door in her face.

Grayfia blinks quickly surprised by his actions but Grayfia knows she deserves that. Grayfia sighs and walks away.


Caius walks back over to Kuroka who's laying on his bed looking at him hungrily.

"If you keep looking at me like that dressed like that, I don't think I can hold myself back from attacking you." Caius can't help but let his eyes wonder over her volumptuous figure, her volumptuous breast are all but falling out of her dress, Caius has this strong to walk over and just squeeze them they're so enticing.

"Well what's stopping you." A coy smiles spreads across Kuroka's lips. Kuroka licks her lips sensually making Caius's heart beat faster and his member to get bigger, alot bigger. Damn she's way too sexy, I really don't think I can resist. Caius thinks to himself.

"Nothing's stopping me but are you fine with this, we just met you know."

"Heheh, the moment I laid my eyes on you in the cave, that was the moment I decided you would be the father of my children–Nya." Kuroka says enthusiastically.

Caius was about to ask why, but he doesn't think he can hold himself back so he climbs onto the bed ready to conquer this cat.


Some R18 stuff next chapter, don't worry I'll be adding lemons but I can't guarantee they'll be sour.

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