I Warren Bellinor, take you, Vida Summerfield, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as we both shall live. This is my solemn vow.
How insincere that vow taken in wedding can be?
Vida experienced it first hand. And just in six months time, Vida broke her vow too when she placed the white sheet with Divorce Agreement written on big, bold letters infront of Warren Bellinor, her husband.
"Let's get divorced, Mr.Bellinor."
It was a rare day.
A rare day where the night sky was clearer than a mirror with a lot of stars than usual twinkling like golden beads spread out on a dark bluish silk blanket.
As a top actress in the nation, It was always impossible for Vida to go out without a mask. It was on those noiseless darkest hours in the night can she freely wander outside and of course, to be able to stargaze is a plus one bonus.
It was always those smallest lights on the dark sky that calms her mind whenever she was stressed out.
However, having been sitting on a bench by the quiet road for hours with her pair of indigo eyes stuck on the starry sky, it was strange that it felt like the rare sight of that many stars were stirring her already chaotic heart.
"What are you doing here all alone?"
A low male voice in the silence, as if it was a stone thrown into a calm lake, Vida got startled as her neck quickly did a turn to look at the source of the voice.
He's atleast 185 cm. With his silky black hair sweeped back revealing his wide forehead and his pink lips highlighting his fair tone, a perfectly carved nose along with his sharp facial features, that guy was indeed a hot one.
Yet, He can't measure upto Warren!
Where can one find a wife who even after divorce couldn't give up on praising her ex-husband in her inner thoughts. Vida is a foolish woman with fluffy dreams even at the age of 32. Her dreams were so fluffy that even after being broken, they still were fluffy in her heart.
"Skykar?!" Vida was bewildered at the sight of someone who wasn't supposed to be in this country, "What are you doin' here?!"
Having been grown up as a rich second generation heir, Vida always had people lining upto make friends with her. But, when looked deeper, that couldn't be mentioned as making friends rather, those people were only trying to make connections with rich girl while counting the chickens in thier heads.
There was no true friendship in her life.
Ah no!
Maybe... there is one!
Skylar Wilson!
"What do you think?" Adjusting the white cotton shirt that's lining up his slender yet built body, Skylar spoke calmly as he took a seat next to Vida. "I have a friend in here who had her one n' only dream got broken. Surely, I have to be here to heal her broken heart."
Giving an eye roll to Skylar, "Then, you've wasted your time. Your friend isn't heartbroken!" said Vida.
Skylar, "Well, that's for me to say."
"Anyways," Vida spoke with a heavy sigh as she got up, "since you're here, let's go for a drink. My treat."
Before she could take a step, "I'm not drinking tonight even if you offer up your whole wealth. Sit back down." Said Skylar.
Vida, "Come on dude... you said you're here to heal my broken heart!"
Skylar, "And you said you're not heartbroken!"
Vida flopped back on the bench in defeat, "Fine, have it your way. I'm too exhausted to bicker with you."
As Vida got back to her stargazing, Skylar silently joined her with a small knowing smile on his lips. Moments rolled slowly. After stargazing for who knows how long, "Just let it out." Skylar let out one sentence without stirring up the silence.
A slight chuckle escaped Vida's mouth, "What do you mean?"
"Vida!" The nor so genuine smile on Vida's lips quickly dissipated. She knew Skylar's being serious when he use her name to call her.
"I know you're strong, V but... it isn't exactly time for you to be strong. Let it all out before you ruin yourself." He said as he pulled her head to lay on his shoulders.
Once again the atmosphere as quiet as a haunted house. When Skylar was about to break the silence again, Vida suddenly beat him to it. "I'm not heartbroken." She said, her voice trembling.
With a 'Mn.' from Skylar as a reply, she continued,"You always said that I'm impulsive... and you're right. But, I didn't ask for a divorce on an impulse."
"One month! I waited a whole one month to rethink my decision. I was about to continue my acting career. I'm not heartbroken at all...~ I- Ididn't really wanted to regret my decision~~"
Skylar's shirt started to become damp with time as Vida's voice quivered more and more.
"But, I really wouldn't have asked for a divorce... j-just~... If only I had known just one day earlier that I'm pregnant~~"
A hand clutching onto her lower abdomen while other clutching onto Skylar's shirt, Vida broke out in to wail. This piece of news was truly an unexpected shock to Skylar yet, he didn't waver as he lightly patted Vida's head.
"I d-don't know what to do anymore!~" In between the sniffling came her muffled voice. Without interrupting, Skylar let her cry as much as she wanted as the night grew.
With time, Vida was already deep asleep on Skylar's lap when the night began to see some light. Her eyes red and puffy because of all the crying were tightly shut that even when Skylar proceeded to lift her up in his arms, she didn't wake up.
'Top actress, Vida Summerfield seen sleeping on one of the international top businessman, Skylar Wilson's laps on a street bench right after her divorce'
It really would be one hell of a breaking news if they were to get photographed. With that in mind, Skylar quickly brought Vida to his car as soon as the day began to break out.
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