What happened to him the other day was a temporary weakness. He did not foresee seeing Sabrina at the studio and when he did, he was not able to control his emotion. He realized that he still loved her and losing her was the biggest mistake he ever did in his life.
It was just hard to accept that he had lost her and there was no getting her back. He supposed it was better that way than to have her in his arms but in harm's way. He would just have to be strong and keep staying away for her protection.
"You will have loved her." He whispered to his sleeping child. Sabrina was everything to him, if only he met her before he married Johanna, then he would not be in this situation. But there was no sense in regret, all he had now was a bleak future unless he managed to change his course.
There are times that it is very hard to write...
Words just won't easily flow...
Inspiration is lacking...