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93.1% Hey, I Ruin Stories! / Chapter 27: Embracing Chaos

Chapitre 27: Embracing Chaos

[Evening — Near Witchery]

{Nymphadora Tonks}

Should I tell him?

Will he think that I am weird? It hasn't even been that long since we have known each other?

Don't people usually take time to develop these feelings? Am I confused? 

Maybe, I should take time to think about it.

Yeah, I should.

But for how long do I have to wait?

Even now, that I walked these couple plagued streets, my mind wandered to think if I too would have walked around like them.

Would I too have been walking arm in arm?

My face felt hot, and I had to smack my cheeks to get my mind out of these thoughts.

I should not rush, I should not think about these for so long.

Time mattered a lot in such things and if I rushed too much, he might feel overwhelmed.


But what if he feels the same? Even if not at the same intensity, what if he feels for me even if by a slight amount?

Wouldn't he move on if I don't go to him now? Wouldn't he lose interest if I delay?


This is so annoying. Not even being on midnight scouting duty had felt this bothersome.

Ugh! That's it!

I need to be more brave. I will ask him out, even if he rejects me!

I need to be brave.

But bravery was of different types.

One needed a person to be brave emotionally, ready to face emotional trauma and being honest to their heart.

And the other…

"Aww~" The other was what I needed. "Aren't you the Auror from back at Azkaban?"

My heart dropped.

I could feel her overwhelming magical power radiating from her, sinister and dark.

"And I know you." She spoke, her voice low. "You are a student of Dumbledore. Yes… You are his student."

My hands immediately went to the pocket of my robe.

"Aww, you think you can fight me?"

I knew it was weird. While I came on this walk for some fresh air, the place that was always packed felt emptier than ever, with just a few couples roaming the streets.

And now that I turned around, there was not a soul —just me and her.

"I have no hate for you, honey~" Her voice felt scarier the more she tried to sound nice. "But it is just unfortunate for you that you ended up here, on this road."

No, this was a set up.

"An empty road…" I had my wand in my hand by this point, "In the middle of a work day, and you say this is just unfortunate?"

She smirked, "And you were supposed to be one of them, someone that was not supposed to be here."

What does that mean?

Was it a set up for someone else?

"But that is your misfortune, and sadly you will have to suffer for it."



"Protego Maxima!"

My heart rushed faster than ever hearing the incantation. She was not playing around, she was using spells, dark spells that could kill and break any wizard.

"Oww~" She laughed, an eccentric laugh, "So you know how to defend yourself?"

I did. I had Auror training, but that didn't mean this was easy. 

Crucio was an unforgiving curse and to stop it, the protego barely worked —even my arm was shaking just from stopping a single of her spells.

"But you won't be lucky all the time." 

Oh, fuck.


I could barely dodge the explosion as shards of broken concrete flew towards me. It was bloody dangerous, one hit from the flying pieces and you either faint or fall dead.

None of which were acceptable.

But fuck me.


"Rule one of fighting," She laughed a maniacal laughter. "Analyze your surroundings before you fight." 

I was trapped.

The explosion spell was not to harm me, but to drive me towards a corner with no escape.

And the fire had me trapped there, I could not move.

I had no choice but to counter attack. If I wanted to get out, I had to fight.

"Aguamenti Maxima!"

"Incendio Maxima!"

A massive jet of water and a bold ray of flame crashed against one another.

"You are strong, I must give you that.'

She wasn't using her full strength, she was toying around. But even that felt difficult to handle. I was being pushed back by her with ease, her fire was stronger than my water —but I wasn't giving up.

"Why…" My teeth gritted against one another as I forced my body to move forward, causing the ray of flame to be pushed back. "Are you here…"

Who was she here for? Who was her real target?

And as I pushed forward, both the fire and the water reached their peak and then exploded into a massive fog of steam, hot enough to burn skin if one came in contact.

"Where are you~"

And thick enough to block anyone's vision.


The droplets extinguished the fire around me, and gave me a chance.



I landed a hit, a clean hit.

"That fucking hurts!"

But darn this wench!

The spell that would have made anyone fall on the ground, had her simply whimpering in pain for a while.

She most certainly had some defensive equipment on her!

But the fact that she didn't lose with that was my bad. I should have hit her immediately with another spell instead of falling back —this was seriously bad.

"You will pay… bitch!"

She was fuming, I could sense her magic spiking and as I tried to throw another spell —she decided on something terrifying.


A bone chilling sight.

Fire, chaos filled, unsteady and demonic faced flames erupted around us —melting off the posts, burning through the trees and even burning off the concrete from the floor.

It was one of the scariest forms of fire, formed of dark arts —Fiendfyre, the all devouring, uncontrollable flames.

"Protego Maxima!"

I had no choice.


I had to spam every spell that had even the slightest chance of blocking the flames.

"Incendio Maxima!"

Protego barely prevented the shockwave from the Fiendfyre's dark magic, Diffindo cut a small portion in the flame and the Incendio spun a layer of fire in the exact opposite direction to prevent the fire from reaching me.


Her spell came flying at me, I hadn't even placed my foot on the safe spot yet, but I had to defend it.

No, I couldn't.

I jumped down, on a spot not eroded by the flames and squatted barely on time to prevent the spell from trapping me in an endless cycle of pain.

But she wasn't done throwing spells.

"Die Bitch!" She roared, "Sectumsempra!"

Magic, in the form of translucent waves shot at me, sharp blades like magic and while I had never seen this magic before —I knew exactly what it was.


She kept throwing the same spell. She was furious, uncaring of anything else now.

Me stopping most of her spells and even landing a hit on her had her lose all senses.

She had gone insane, or would've — if she already wasn't.


I knew about this spell.

One hit from it, and you would without a doubt lose a limb or two and if you were unlucky —it could cleave your head off your torso clean.

I threw Protego and Repello's, one after another to stop and deflect the slashes.

It was draining me, it was beyond tiresome but I could not stop now.

And I played it smart by doing so. As she kept throwing the spell, she did not realize that she had walked forward by a lot and that was my turn.

"Repello Inimicum!"

Using the Repello, I deflected the magical slash that came directly to my face. The spell formed on time and flew back towards her —hitting her on her torso and taking off a massive portion of her flesh with the hit.

"Ugh!" She groaned out in pain, falling on her knees as blood poured out of her open wound. "Y-You da-darned bitch!"

She went to pick her wand, but there was no way I was to ever let her do that.

And so I pulled my wand to her face. She needed to be back in Azkaban, even if by one, reducing Voldemort's followers meant a lot.

And her… Bellatrix Lestrange was a key follower of Voldemort.

So, she had to go.



I could never cast my spell.

"Tonks! Duck!"

I heard his voice, Darius' voice and I saw him firing a spell to my right and a yell following it.

"Ugh!" He hit a man with his spell, protecting me from a sneak attack.

"No!" But he cried out, confusing me. I saw Bellatrix on the ground and the man lying unconscious.


I felt something weird.

I felt cold.


Around my stomach.


Darius roared out, as a massive explosion occurred behind me, causing a scream to echo around my ear as pieces of flesh flew around us.

Oh, I see what happened.

There was not just one man hiding.

There was another.


My voice felt weak as he came rushing towards me.

"No…" His voice was what I heard. "Tonks…"

And his face was what I saw before my vision went black and body cold.

I had not noticed before.


But there was a portion of my stomach missing.

And I could not even feel it.

Sadly, now I know I will forever have a regret.

The regret of not telling him how I felt.

[Evening — Hogwarts]

{Draco Abraxas Malfoy}


"You will stay in your dorm for the time being, Draco."

Why was everyone taking Potter's side?

"You have been causing too much trouble lately, Draco." 

Even Professor Snape? 


Why were they taking Potter's side?

"Sir…" That damned Granger… "He threatened and insulted us."

I never threatened them.

I just told them the truth. She was a mudblood, she had no right to comment on my family.

"Sir, she insulted my fat—"


But the headmaster, he—he didn't even let me talk, nor let me defend myself.

"We are in a time of difficulty." Why did he not have the same smile he had talking to Potter? Why the stern expression for me? "Please understand, and please go to your room.


"You will not face any punishment this time, but do not repeat these events."

"Leave now."

Snape and Dumbledore, they both favored Potter.

But why?

Is it because my father is in prison now? Is it because they consider my family weak?

I could see their smiling faces, that darned mocking faces.

They were laughing at me, they were laughing at my family.

They knew my family was weak, they knew we did not have the wealth and power.

I could feel their mocking gazes on my back. I did not let them see my face, I didn't not let them see the tears threatening to fall. And neither did I let them see the lip that I bit till it hurt.


He was right.

Professor Safar was right. Everyone leaves you when you lose, when you become weak. People only support you till you have everything.

And they leave you when you lose your wealth and fame.

But I will have it all back.

My father will be back. I will be lord, I will have the power.

And then we will see.

Then we will see…

My lips drew blood, my nails dug into my palm. 

And you will cry Potter.

Your friends will cry.

And Snape and Dumbledore… you two will lose everything.

I will make sure of it.

Professor Safar… You knew it, didn't you? That everyone will leave me.

You told me to be strong.

`Let them underestimate you, and when they are vulnerable —attack them.`

You always knew everything.

Yes, I will make them pay.

Let them underestimate, let them be blind to me —and soon, I will show them.

And you will be proud, Professor Safar.

And so will… and so will be my dad.


Not a spell. 

But a command. 

A command that held more power than any spell, any unforgivable curse. 

"You… why are you here?" 

I paid no attention to Bellatrix. I paid no attention to the men, the Death Eaters that killed themselves from my command.

I walked forward.

I walked towards the puddle of blood that stained the ground red, the smile that was sad and frozen in place, and the face that showed a look of regret.

"Why did you kill them?"

Again, I paid no attention.

I meant to choke her to death, I meant to burn her alive and make her cry in agony for what she died. 

But I couldn't.

"I am sorry."

I placed the head of the woman on my lap, her eyes to never open again. 

"I couldn't reach any sooner."

"You knew her?" She asked, but my voice was not willing to entertain anyone.

"I know you are tired," My fingers moved through her hair, brushing gently. "You proved yourself, your bravery and your worth. You are strong, much more than the most purebloods."

"What do you mean?" Bellatrix walked forward, her hand stuck to the wound on her torso.

"Rest now, Tonks." She seemed to be at peace, but she seemed to have regretted something. "I just wish… I could have heard what you wanted to say."


"Hush." I didn't look back, I didn't need to. "Voice lower, she is asleep."

Never to wake up again.

"She is dead."

"And I ought to take your life to revive her." I could, I most certainly could.

A life for another. Dark Arts demanded such sacrifice.

"And yet you are not doing it." Bellatrix said, walking closer. "You are not bringing her back."

"Because I shouldn't."

She stood behind, curious. "Why?"

"Because to bring chaos, one has to embrace chaos." Absurdity, extremism. Yes, I knew, but I had to accept those. "For the world to be covered in chaos, my heart has to be covered first."

"I do not understand."

"And you will not." She never will.

"West did not come."

"Minister West never came, so you took another life for it." I truly ought to kill her.

She flinched.

"I will not kill you, Bellatrix." I closed my eyes, calming my mind, yet my heart was filled with chaos. "It is not my job."

I picked up the body of Tonks in my arms.

"Go now." It was not a command, but a suggestion. "Go after Minister West as he asked you to."

Tonks deserves a goodbye. I could not leave her here. 

"Go…" This time, it was a warning. "Go before I change my mind."

As for me…


Nothing about me.

It was about Tonks.

She deserves at least this much.


[[A/N: Read 150+ Advanced Chapters on Patreon (including all stories).

Read 25+ Chapters Ahead of WebNovel for this story on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

Join Discord for queries, pictures and general discussions etc: https://discord.com/invite/yanXvStx7p

P.S.  DxD: The Sorcery System, posted till chapter 16 on Patreon so far (Would have written more but caught viral fever/flu). Will be available on WN soon (When we hit chapter 25).]]

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